Crew Manifest

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Below are the characters of the writers that participate in our story. In order to view each individual personnel file, just click upon each individual entry. If the character you are looking for is not here, then he or she can either be found in the Non-Crew Listing, or on the NPC pages.


R-o6.png Captain Jien Ives Commanding Officer
jien_ives_3_by_auctor_lucan-d8hhay2.gif jien_ives_by_auctor_lucan-d8gpfpo.gif - Writer: GMs
R-o5.png Cmdr. Natalie Stark Executive Officer
stark_by_auctor_lucan-d8wo53n.gif - Writer: Brutus
R-o1.png Ens. Cameron Henshaw Captain's Yeoman & Mission Ops Asst. (NPC)
henshaw_row_03_by_auctor_lucan-d9i51jc.png - Former Writer: BipSpoon
R-blank.png Theurgy "Thea" NX-79854 Ship A.I. Hologram
thea_by_auctor_lucan-dbq6804.gif - Writer: GMs

R-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Cross Chief Tactical Officer (V1) & 2XO
Cross-Manifest.gif - Writer: Ellen Fitz
R-o3.png Lt. T'Less Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (V2)
R-o3.png Lt. Katherine MacFarlane Asst. Chief Tactical Officer (V3)

R-o1.png Ens. Sylvain Llewellyn-Kth Chief CONN Officer (V1)
Sylvain_Llewellyn-Kth_Manifest.jpg - Writer: TWilkins
R-o1.png Ens. Jaya Thorne Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V2)
jaya_thorne_animated_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dblawif.gif - Writer: Nesota Kynnovan
R-o1.png Ens. Lauren Pierce Asst. Chief CONN Officer (V3)
R-w4.png CWO1 Larrant Navigation Specialist (NPC)
LARRANT-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: jreeves1701
R-e4.png PO3 Lillee t'Jellaieu Chief Support Craft Pilot
LILLEE-MANIFEST.png - Writer: Griff
R-e1.png CM3 Samala Support Craft Pilot
samala_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dcx94fq.gif - Writer: Stegro88

R-o3.png Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen Chief Diplomatic Officer (V1)
ENYD-MANIFEST.gif - Writer: Ellen Fitz
R-o2.png Lt. JG Nysarisiza zh’Eziarath Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer (V2)
Nysari zhEziarath Manifest.jpg - Writer: Rae
R-o2.png Lt. JG Foval Asst. Chief Diplomatic Officer (V3)
FOVAL-MANIFEST.png - Writer: Number6
R-o1.png Ens. Faye Eloi-Danvers Diplomatic Attaché
faye_by_auctor_lucan-dbraunl.png - Writer: Brutus

R-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Alana Pierce Chief Intelligence Officer (V1)
PIERCE-MANFEST.gif - Writer: Pierce
R-e7.png CPO Dominic Lau Intelligence Operative
DOMINIC-MANFEST.gif - Writer: RyeTanker
R-e6.png PO1 Artimis Saugn Intelligence Operative
Artimis_Saugn_Manifest.jpg - Writer: AbsintheDeux
R-e5.png PO2 Francis Lee Knox Combat Engineer
Francis_Lee_KnoxManifest.png - Writer: Hans Applegate


Y-o3.png Lt. ThanIda zh'Wann Deputy Chief Security Officer (NPC)
THANIDA-ZHWANN-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
Y-o3.png Lt. Kestra Pren Rapid Response Field Commander
Kestra_Pren_Manifest.jpg - Writer: P.C. Haring
Y-o2.png Lt. JG Adam Kingston Master-at-Arms
ADAM-KINGSTON-MANIFEST.png - Writer: Sqweloookle
Y-o2.png Lt. JG XamotZark zh’Ptrell Combat Medic
Zark_zhPtrell_Manifest_-_NEW.jpg - Writer: RyeTanker
Y-e7.png CPO Mickayla MacGregor Security Officer
mickayla_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dcmy63w.png - Writer: Stegro88
Y-e5.png PO2 Kythalie Benmual Security Officer
kythalie_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcjr4p2.gif - Writer: Nolan
Y-e5.png PO2 Kino Jeen Security Officer
KINO-TAER-MANFEST.gif - Writer: Dumedion
Y-e4.png PO3 Lorad Security Officer
LORAD-MANIFEST.gif - Writer: Stegro88


W-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Jaru Rel Wolf-01 [Janus] Wolf Leader
Janus Manifest.jpg - Writer: Rae
W-o2.png Lt. JG Tessa May Lance Wolf-03 [Goldeneye]
tessa_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6mx6.png - Writer: Pierce
W-o1.png Ens. Talia Al-Ibrahim Wolf-04 [Shadow]
Talia_Al-Ibrahim_Manifest.jpg - Writer: Dumedion

W-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Thomas Ravon Wolf-05 [Razor] (NPC)
Thomas_Ravon_Manifest_-_NEW.jpg - Former Writer: Nolan
W-o2.png Lt. JG Donna Petterson Wolf-06 [Chance]
chance_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dcc0o1u.png - Writer: Stegro88
W-o3.png Lt. Daniel Havenborn Wolf-07 [Salvo]
havenborn_01_by_auctor_lucan-d9mrgkv.png - Writer: Havenborn

W-o2.png Lt. JG Callax Valin Wolf-09 [Archon]
CALLAX-MANFEST.gif - Writer: Eden
W-o2.png Lt. JG Dominic Winters Wolf-10 [Atlas]
Dominic_Winters_Manifest.png - Writer: Krajin
W-o1.png Ens. Victor vanVinter Wolf-11 [Corsair]
VICTOR_MANIFEST.gif - Writer: Tae
W-o2.png Lt. JG Amissa Wolf-12 [Emerald] (NPC)
AMISSA_MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: SaraKnight

W-o3.png Lt. Regiene Suder Wolf-13 [Gemini]
REGGIE-SUDER-MANIFEST.gif - Writer: P.C. Haring
W-o2.png Lt. JG Logan Hale Wolf-14 [Wraith] (NPC)
LOGAN-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Nero
W-o2.png Lt. JG Sorek Morgan Wolf-15 [Chaos] (NPC)
SOREK-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Lathaniel
W-o1.png Ens. Via Wix Wolf-16 [DixieBee]
DIXIEBEE-MANIFEST.png - Writer: ob2lander961

W-o1.png Ens. Sashenka Kreshkova Fighter Pilot Trainee
Sashenka_Kreshkova_Manifest.jpg - Writer: Dree


T-o3.png Lt. Elro Kobol Chief Medical Officer (V2)
ayden_tyre_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dc9abvx.png - Writer: Sqweloookle
T-o3.png Lt. Amelya Rez Asst. Chief Medical Officer (V1) (NPC)
rez_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcd33la.gif - Former Writer: BipSpoon
T-o3.png Lt. Arven Leux Asst. Chief Medical Officer (V3)
ARVEN-MANIFEST.gif - Writer: Dumedion
T-o3.png Lt. Verena Pax Chief Surgeon
Verena_Pax_Manifest.jpg - Writer: Galaxymind
T-blank.png V-Nine Surgeon (NPC)
V9-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
T-o2.png Lt. JG V'lana Nurse Practitioner (NPC)
Vlana_Manifest.jpg - Former Writer: EnigmaTales
T-o4.png Dr. Lucan cin Nicander Infested Informant
nicander_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dck5hbz.gif - Writer: GMs

T-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Hathev Chief Counselor (V2)
HATHEV-MANFEST.gif - Writer: P.C. Haring
T-o2.png Lt. JG Amanda Ashby Psychiatrist & Morale Officer
AMANDA-MANIFEST.png - Writer: Nesota Kynnovan


Y-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Frank Arnold Chief Engineer (V2)
FRANK-ARNOLD-MANIFEST.png - Writer: RyeTanker
Y-o3.png Lt. Azrin Ryn Asst. Chief Engineer (V3)
Azrin Ryn Manifest.jpg - Writer: Rae
Y-o2.png Lt. JG Kala Marika Engineering Officer (NPC)
kala_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dcmi8f8.gif - Former Writer: SummerDawn
Y-o1.png Ens. Caitlyn Murphy Engineering Officer
Caitlyn_Murphy_Manifest.jpg - Writer: Relatively Insane
Y-e6.png PO1 Scruffy Leblanc Systems & Maintenance Engineer (NPC)
LEBLANC-MANIFEST.gif - Writer: Griffinsummoner
Y-e4.png PO3 Valerii Anhel Arkhipiv Propulsion Chief (V1)
Valerii_Arkhipiv_Manifest.jpg - Writer: Tae

Y-po3.png PLT Selena Ravenholm Chief Operations Officer (V1)
ravenholm_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dbqjerw.gif - Writer: chXinya
Y-o3.png Lt. Alistair Leavitt Asst. Chief Operations Officer (V2)
ALISTAIR-MANIFEST.png - Writer: Griff
Y-o3.png Lt. Reika Sh'laan Asst. Chief Operations Officer (V3)
REIKA_MANIFEST.png - Writer: Dree
Y-o1.png Ens. Zinnia Shu Software Engineer
Zinnia_Shu_Manifest.jpg - Writer: SomeBunny
Y-o1.png Ens. Joseph Adams Transporter Officer
JOSEPH-ADAMS-MANFEST.png - Writer: Tongieboi
Y-e7.png CPO Avandar Lok Head of Fighter Power & Propulsion & Asst. COD
Avandar_Lok_Manifest.png - Writer: joshs1000


T-o3.png Lt. Vanya Chief Science Officer (V1)
vanya_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dc70p0a.png - Writer: Number6
T-o2.png Lt. JG Sarresh Morali Temporal Affairs Officer
sarresh_human_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d832xzu.png - Writer: Brutus
T-o2.png Lt. JG Ashley Kerina Science Officer (Cybernetics)
Ashley_Kerina_Manifest.jpg - Writer: Pierce
T-o1.png Ens. Irnashall ch’Xinya Science Officer (Stellar Cartography)
shall_by_auctor_lucan-d9x3nsj.png - Writer: chXinya
T-o1.png Ens. Cir'Cie Science Officer (Botany) (NPC)
CIR%27CIE-ROW-01.png - Former Writer: UltimaImperatrixia
T-o1.png Ens. Mia Dunne Science Officer (Xenoanthropology)
MIA-DUNNE-MANIFEST.png - Writer: Eirual
T-e3.png CM1 Nara Nueva Lab Technician (High Energy Physics) (NPC)
NARA-NUEVAT-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Tae
T-blank.png Hirek tr’Aimne Bioengineering Specialist
HIREK_MANIFEST.png - Writer: Ellen Fitz


Civ-blank.png Sera vers Aldnoah Explorer/Scavenger
sera_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d9enrgr.png - Writer: Auctor Lucan
Civ-blank.png Kelistina (Kel) Kavot Droda Zaroodian Refugee
KEL_MANIFEST.png - Writer: Eirual
Civ-blank.png Ehfva Feynri Civilian
Ehfva_Feynri_Manifest.jpg - Writer: Ellen Fitz
Civ-blank.png Hassar al-Zaheer Arosan Marine Officer
Hassar_al-Zaheer.jpg - Writer: joshs1000

Missing Characters

These are characters that vanished from the story, fate unknown. Either they deserted, their departure was sanctioned, or they are just missing in action. Time will tell what their fate was. Should the players return to write in the sim, they have to contact the GM.

R-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Jennifer Dewitt Former Mission Liaison Officer
dewitt_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcol19z.gif - Writer: Auctor Lucan
R-o1.png Ens. L'Nari Former Diplomatic Attaché
L%27NARI-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: Nesota Kynnovan
W-o2.png Lt. JG Jhozahosh sh'Avhennes Formerly Wolf-16 [Blizzard]
jhoza_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcs0a69.gif - Writer: The Ostrich
W-o1.png Ens. Krystal Tancredi Formerly Wolf-11 [Meony]
krystal_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-da22tg4.png - Writer: Triage
W-o1.png Ens. Zrinka Agaixot Formerly Wolf-08 [Honey Badger]
honey_badger_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dbjl73h.gif - Former Writer: Josie
W-o1.png Ens. K'Ren Formerly Wolf-06 [Neko]
k_ren_by_auctor_lucan-d9w3z06.png - Former Writer: SummerDawn
W-o1.png Ens. Isel Nix Former Fighter Pilot (Medical Leave)
nix_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dccjdlf.png - Former Writer: Fife
T-o2.png Lt. JG Maya Former Chief Surgeon
maya_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n3n.png - Former Writer: Doc M.
T-o2.png Lt. JG Hylota Vojona Former Head Nurse
hylota_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d9bf7ji.png - Former Writer: Zenozine
T-o3.png Lt. Rhys Williams Former Asst. Chief Counselor (V3)
RHYS-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: Juzzie
Y-o3.png Lt. Suq-Reylin-Efreya Xan Former Asst. Chief Engineer
suq_01_by_auctor_lucan-d9nvu3u.png - Writer: FollowTomorrow
Y-o3.png Lt. Nick Chambers Former Asst. Chief Operations Officer
NICK-CHAMBERS-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Pierce
Y-o2.png Lt. JG Sinead O'Riley Former Holo-Systems Engineer
sinead_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dbirttf.gif - Writer: Triage
Y-o2.png Lt. JG Kelleshar sh'Zenne Former Asst. Chief of Operations
shar_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dc75qdx.gif - Writer: Numen
T-pw1.png PWO Heather McMillan Former Science Officer (Xenobiology)
heather_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dctc9f5.gif - Former Writer: Triage
M_civ_collar.png Dr. Silim Parnak Exobiologist/Academic
parnak_by_auctor_lucan-d9v3uh8.png - Former Writer: Arista
M_civ_collar.png Y'Lev Syndicate Dominus
Y%27LEV-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: TWilkins
M_civ_collar.png Drauc T'Laus Mercenary
drauc_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dcomhgq.gif - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
M_civ_collar.png Brigadier Zyrao Natauna Klingon Empire Liaison
ZY.png - Former Writer: jreeves1701

Crewmates in Stasis

In-Character, these characters have been injured to the degree that their Medical condition requires surgery at a starbase infirmary, and have been placed in stasis for the time being. Should the players return to write in the sim, they have to contact the GM.

R-o3.png Lt Cmdr. Samantha Rutherford Former Chief Diplomatic Officer
SAMANTHA-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: Stardust
R-o3.png Lt. Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan Former Intelligence Officer
EREV-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Hastata-Nerada
Y-o3.png Lt. RraHnam Former Investigation Officer
RRA-MANFEST.gif - Writer: Nero
Y-o2.png Lt. JG Khorin Douglas Former Security Officer
khorin_douglas_by_auctor_lucan-dcccdiu.png - Former Writer: Numen
W-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Taylor Lucas Former Squadron SCO [Wolf-01]
taylor_01.png - Former Writer: FallenRanger
T-o3.png Lt. R'Rori Former Chief Counselor
r_rori_manfest2_by_auctor_lucan-dcbjpz7.gif - Former Writer: Patches
T-o3.png Lt. Stellan Foster Former Asst. Chief Counselor
STELLAN-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Stardust
T-o1.png Ens. Seren Former Counselor
SEREN-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Numen
T-o1.png Ens. Sarah Bjørge Former Nurse
SARAH-B-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: SarahBerry
Y-o3.png Lt. Alexander Rosek Former Chief Engineer
rosek_01.png rosek_02.png - Former Writer: AronGarrow
Y-o2.png Lt. JG Nator 159 Former Asst. Chief of Operations
nator_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dblpisb.gif - Former Writer: Top Hat
Y-e7.png CPO Sithick Former Head of Fighter Weapons & Ordnance
sithick_row_by_auctor_lucan-dalkz7a.png - Former Writer: jreeves1701
T-o4.png Lt Cmdr. Vivian Martin Former Science Officer
vivan_martin_by_auctor_lucan-daqgcob.png - Former Writer: Kinvarus
T-o3.png Lt. Izar Bila Former Science Officer (Chemistry)
izar_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcge4e9.gif - Former Writer: Numen

Dead Crewmates

These are the characters that have not survived, K.I.A. throughout our long story. If you are looking for a complete listing of dead shipmates of the USS Theurgy, you should check out our Memorial Wall, where you might even find links that leads to the scenes in which these characters died.

R-o5.png † Cmdr. Nerina Former Executive Officer
XO_00.png XO_04.png XO_01.png - Former Writer: Ascornfilm
R-o5.png † Cmdr. Edena Rez Former First Officer
rez_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d90ybx6.png - Former Writer: Kurohigi
R-o5.png † Cmdr. Ranaan Ducote Former Executive Officer
ranaan_ducote_by_auctor_lucan-dc3ak2q.gif - Former Writer: Top Hat
R-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. Leon Marquez Former Chief Tactical Officer
marquez_by_auctor_lucan-db0js8q.png - Former Writer: Triton
R-o3.png † Lt. Rennan Cooper Former Chief Tactical Officer
rennan_cooper_01_by_auctor_lucan-d78nql1.png - Former Writer: Gentleman_and_a_Scholar
R-o3.png † Lt. Sjaandin Fedd Former Chief Tactical Officer
sjaandin_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d8bd4um.png - Former Writer: Leonal
R-o2.png † Lt. JG Salem Martin Former Asst. Chief Tactical Officer
salemmartin_by_auctor_lucan-dc3ng4p.gif - Former Writer: Scratchrat
R-o2.png † Lt. JG Gideon Drake Former Tactical Officer, USS Endeavour
gideon_drake_by_auctor_lucan-dcn8hod.gif - Former Writer: Multificionado
R-o2.png † Lt. JG Annika Van den Berg Former Tactical Officer
annika_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dcjz29h.gif - Former Writer: Trevorvw
R-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. Andrew Fisher Former Chief Intelligence Officer
ANDREW-FISHER-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: Swift
R-o3.png † Lt. Keval ch'Rayya Former Chief Intelligence Officer
keval_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d96ydoo.png - Former Writer: DocReno
R-o3.png † Lt. Zaryn Arn Former Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer
ZARYN-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: Revan
R-o3.png † Lt. Valyn Amarik Former Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer
VALYN-MANIFEST.gif - Writer: BipSpoon
R-o3.png † Lt. Jonathan Byrne Former Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer
BYRNE-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Nolan
R-o3.png † Lt. Carrigan Trent Former Intelligence Officer
TRENT3.gif - Former Writer: CanadianVet
R-o2.png † Lt. JG Rem Kile Former Field Operative
REM-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Cheshirewild
R-o3.png † Lt. Aisha S'Iti Former Chief CONN Officer
aisha_row_02_by_auctor_lucan-dc5mn4k.png - Former Writer: Iron Ferrox
R-o3.png † Lt. Lawrence O. Lance Former Chief CONN Officer
jack_01.png jack_04.png jack_05.png - Former Writer: MasterRat
R-o2.png † Lt. JG Derik Veradin Former Act. Chief CONN Officer (V1) (NPC)
derik_veradin_by_auctor_lucan-dahz7la.png - Former Writer: Argyros
R-o1.png † Ens. Mektari Dumral Former Asst. Chief CONN Officer
MEKTARI-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: SilverShadow
R-o1.png † Ens. Laurel Okhala Former CONN Officer, USS Endeavour
LAUREL-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: YasyraTrill
R-o1.png † Ens. Cale Winterbourne Former Helmsman
winterbourne_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6muk.png - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
Y-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. Wenn Cinn Former Chief Security Officer
wenn_cinn_row_02_by_auctor_lucan-da8i2by.png - Former Writer: chXinya
Y-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. David Grayson Former Chief Security Officer
david_grayson_by_auctor_lucan-daddyuf.png - Former Writer: WyteKnyte
Y-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. Kai Akoni Former Chief Security Officer
KAI-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Trevorvw
Y-o3.png † Lt. Ben Vessery Former Chief Security Officer
Vessery_05.png Vessery_01.png Vessery_06.png - Former Writer: Escapis
Y-o3.png † Lt. Diadeniera Drovo Former Chief Security Officer, USS Harbinger
dee_01.png dee_02.png dee_04.png - Former Writer: Arielle
Y-o3.png † Lt. Winter Bannin Former Chief Security Officer, USS Cayuga
wintermanifest_by_auctor_lucan-dc4hufq.gif - Former Writer: DocReno
Y-o2.png † Lt. JG Zaraq Former Master-at-Arms
zaraq_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6mu3.png - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
Y-o1.png † Ens. Ryuan Sel Former Mistress-at-Arms
sel_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-dcc0vxo.png - Former Writer: Absinthe
Y-o1.png † Ens. Inej Avirim Former Investigations Officer
INEJ-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Fiendfall
Y-o1.png † Ens. Connor Matthews Former Brig Officer
connor_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d8b8lxr.png - Former Writer: Endeavour
Y-o1.png † Ens. Six Former Forensic Science Officer
Six_Manifest.png - Former Writer: Multificionado
Y-o1.png † Ens. Marija Ferik Former Security Officer
MARIJA-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Bastila
Y-c1.png † Cdt. Scosche Bellde'side Former Asst. Security Officer
Scosche_01.png Scosche_03.png Scosche_05.png - Former Writer: Taguiera
Y-e6.png † PO1 Varder Ridun Former Security Officer
varder_ridun_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dbkio7v.gif - Former Writer: bajor1763
Y-e6.png † PO1 Dyan Cardamone Former Security Officer
sar_unga_new_by_auctor_lucan-d9shqx2.png - Former Writer: CorruptedCookie
Y-e5.png † PO2 Eliska Bremmer Former Security Officer
ELISKA-BREMMER-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: CanadianVet
W-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. Miles Renard Formerly Wolf-03 [Iron-Fox]
renard_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d8vwoti.png - Former Writer: Cleric_Kyan
W-o2.png † Lt. JG Alessia Garcia Formerly Wolf-08 [Angel]
ALESSIA-GARCIA-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: Shandala
W-o2.png † Lt. JG Devyrie Okhala Formerly Wolf-15 [Dragon]
DEV.png - Former Writer: Lorelai
W-o2.png † Lt. JG Fasha Formerly Wolf-03 [Morrigan]
fasha_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-d8uoov7.gif - Former Writer: RosariaRosette
W-o2.png † Lt. JG Sephiria Arn Formerly Wolf-14 [Scylla]
scylla_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcpy3lb.gif - Former Writer: Firefox013
W-o2.png † Lt. JG Andram Obair Formerly Wolf-08 [Javert]
OBAIR-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: teddyg123
W-o2.png † Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley Formerly Wolf-02 [Ghost]
d8yqgdd-176e02d0-ace6-432d-a661-045d630e822c.png - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
W-o1.png † Ens. Nathaniel Isley Formerly Wolf-04 [Icarus]
isley_romulan_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dcb0dpz.gif - Former Writer: TheSithChicken
W-o1.png † Ens. Hannah Slaverton Formerly Wolf-10 [Nightmare]
slaverton_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6myf.png - Former NPC
W-o1.png † Ens. Kanti MacTavish Formerly Wolf-02 [Gun-Shy]
kanti_by_auctor_lucan-d9qlbxa.png - Former Writer: Drana
W-o1.png † Ens. Minjae Soh Formerly Wolf-14 [Shinigami]
minjae_by_auctor_lucan-dbt0ryq.png - Former Writer: Esyel
W-o1.png † Ens. Skye Carver Formerly Wolf-02 [Kestrel]
skye_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6mzi.png skye_row_02_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6mz4.png - Former Writer: Searcher
W-o1.png † Ens. Christopher Slayton Formerly Wolf-06 [Husker]
cj_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-dbt0rfa.png - Former Writer: DocReno
W-w2.png † CWO3 Liliana Walton Formerly Wolf-13 [Meerkat]
meerkat_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcp4gzt.gif - Former Writer: AmberStarfyre
W-e9.png † MCPO Axius vel Onea Formerly Wolf-04 [Quake]
Axius_row_by_auctor_lucan-d8crmif.png - Former Writer: Axius
W-e9.png † MCPO Soo Young Seung Formerly Wolf-05 [Oracle]
soo_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6my5.png soo_row_02_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6mxx.png - Former Writer: RosariaRosette
T-o3.png † Lt. T’Panu Former Asst. Chief Medical Officer
t_panu_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dc6ayxi.gif - Former Writer: Lisavw
T-o3.png † Lt. Talera Emlott Former Medical Officer
TALERA_MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: EnigmaTales
T-o3.png † Lt. Eve Jenkins Former Head Nurse
jenkins_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n4a.png jenkins_row_02_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n46.png - Former Writer: Searcher
T-o2.png † Lt. JG Miko Dauntless Former Chief Surgeon
miko_dauntless_by_auctor_lucan-daqc99f.png - Former Writer: AkiraRevile
T-o2.png † Lt. JG Kate Foster Former Chief Surgeon
KATE-FOSTER-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: Swift
T-o2.png † Lt. JG Jovela Former Head Nurse
jovela_by_auctor_lucan-db3jh92.png - Former Writer: AlyFox
T-o1.png † Ens. Lahkesis Saugn Former Medical Officer
Lahkesis_banner.png - Former Writer: Absinthe
T-o1.png † Ens. Vinata Vojona Former Head Nurse
vinata_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dbfh67u.gif - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
T-c4.png † Cdt. Amikris Neotin Former Asst. Medical Officer
amikris_01_by_auctor_lucan-d78nxjl.png - Former Writer: KittyKat
T-blank.png † EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656 Former LMH (Deactivated)
eve_lmh_by_auctor_lucan-dbi5g75.png - Former Writer: TrexelCat
T-o3.png † Lt. Hayden Quinn O'Connor Former Chief Counselor
hayden_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n56.png - Former Writer: The Counselor
T-o3.png † Lt. Garen Nelis Former Chief Counselor
garen_01.png garen_02.png garen_04.png - Former Writer: WyteKnyte
T-o2.png † Lt. JG Zelosa Ejek Former Asst. Chief Counselor
ejek_by_auctor_lucan-d9xt453.png - Former Writer: LostInTheForrest
T-o1.png † Ens. B'Nila Former Asst. Chief Counselor
b_nila_2_by_auctor_lucan-dblqw4e.png - Former Writer: Absinthe
Y-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. Nicole Howard Former Chief Engineer
nicole_howard_by_auctor_lucan-dbc6wav.png - Former Writer: Absinthe
Y-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. Blue Tiran Former Chief Engineer
blue_row_1_by_auctor_lucan-dc1vfi0.gif - Former Writer: BZ
Y-o3.png † Lt. Tatiana Marlowe Former Chief Engineer
tia_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6mw7.png - Former Writer: TheBanshee
Y-o3.png † Lt. Kaylon Jeen Former Asst. Chief Engineer
kaylon_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dc9x2dh.gif - Former Writer: DaValle
Y-o2.png † Lt. JG Arcorn Neotin Former Engineering Officer
arcorn_01.png arcorn_02.png - Former Writer: KittyKat
Y-o1.png † Ens. Lin Kae Former Holographic Specialist
lin_kae_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n3z.png - Former Writer: Kurohigi
Y-c4.png † Cdt. Ester Hamburg Former Asst. Engineering Officer
Ester_01.png Ester_02.png Ester_03.png - Former NPC
Y-pw1.png † PWO Rihen Neyah Former Engineering Specialist
rihen_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n1a.png - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
Y-e9.png † MCPO Nolak Kalmil Former Chief Engineer
nolak_kalmil_row_1_by_auctor_lucan-dalcpei.png - Former Writer: MasterRat
Y-e9.png † MCPO "Billy Bob" O’Connell Former Chief Engineer
oconnel_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-dapoiwa.png - Former Writer: Doc M.
Y-e7.png † CPO Morgan Song Former Maintenance Chief
morgan_song_animated_manifest_by_auctor_lucan-dblawhz.gif - Former Writer: Jmjs7125
Y-e6.png † PO1 Melissa Wright Former Weapons Maintenance Officer, SB84
melissa_wright_by_auctor_lucan-d9pccyd.png - Former Writer: Drana
Y-e5.png † PO2 Taa'gur Kolla Former Weapons Technican
T%27KOLLA-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: DaValle
Y-o2.png † Lt. JG A’vura Zeshryr Former Asst. Chief of Operations
a_vura_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d9tc55i.png - Former Writer: Vystori
Y-o2.png † Lt. JG Akel Isavid Former Asst. Chief of Operations
AKEL-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: JediMaster
Y-o1.png † Ens. K'Lara Halliwell Former Operations Officer
K%27LARA_MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: AlyFox
Y-o1.png † Ens. Vereyn Kiiz Former Transporter Specialist
kiiz_by_auctor_lucan-dblff5q.png - Former Writer: Jfiddle
Y-o1.png † Ens. Liam Herrold Former Chief of the Deck
herrold_by_auctor_lucan-db8vx62.png - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
Y-w4.png † CWO1 Sten Covington Former Chief of the Deck
sten_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-dc1ts6j.png - Former Writer: CanadianVet
Y-e7.png † CPO Eun Sae Ji Former Head of Fighter Power & Propulsion
eun_sae_new_by_auctor_lucan-dbkqnr6.png - Former Writer: BZ
Y-e7.png † CPO Ekon Okotie-Eboh Former Operations Officer
ekon_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dc8z0ks.gif - Former Writer: Fife
T-o4.png † Lt Cmdr. Vael Kaeris Former Chief Science Officer
VAEL-KAERIS-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Steelphoenix
T-o3.png † Lt. Amatras Neotin Former Chief Science Officer
amatras_02.png amatras_02.png amatras_03.png - Former Writer: KittyKat
T-o3.png † Lt. Simon Tovarek Former Asst. Chief Science Officer
tovarek_row01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6mvu.png tovarek_row02_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6mvp.png - Former Writer: Nolan
T-o3.png † Lt. Tyreke Okafor Former Asst. Chief Science Officer
okafor_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dc7rnq9.gif - Former Writer: Elaurianpaladin
T-o3.png † Lt. Zephyr Praise Former Science Officer
zephyr_praise_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcd89y0.gif - Former Writer: BZ
T-o3.png † Lt. Asra Tek Former Science Officer (Warp Theory)
TEK-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Scavenger01
T-o2.png † Lt. JG Hieronimus Smith Former Science Officer
HATS-MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: CanadianVet
T-o1.png † Ens. Kyle Jensen Former Science Officer
HI%27JAK_JENSEN_MANIFEST.png - Former Writer: brett620
T-o1.png † Ens. Kizra Tos Former Science Officer (Chemistry)
TOS_MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Elyria
M_civ_collar.png † Deacon Former Lounge Proprietor for Below Decks
deacon_manfest_by_auctor_lucan-dcaj9qd.gif - Former Writer: Steelphoenix
M_civ_collar.png † William Bill Regal Former Lounge Proprietor for Below Decks
william_regal_01.png - Former Writer: Ascornfilm
M_civ_collar.png † Rory Callahan Former Lounge Proprietor for Below Decks
rory_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n10.png rory_row_02_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n0u.png - Former Writer: Searcher
M_civ_collar.png † Lt. Valkra Former Combat Engineer
VALKRA-MANIFEST.gif - Former Writer: Top hat
M_civ_collar.png † Narik Cinsaj Former Engineering Consultant
cinsaj_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u6n63.png - Former Writer: PapillonBeryl
M_civ_collar.png † F'Rell Former Warp Field Specialist
f_rell_by_auctor_lucan-d91l8fv.gif - Former Writer: Absinthe
M_civ_collar.png † Xelia Former Software Engineer
ADISIA-MANIFEST.gif- Former Writer: Solena
M_civ_collar.png † Otheusz Formerly Enlisting in Fighter Bay Ops
Otheusz-MANIFEST.gif Former Writer: TWilkins
M_civ_collar.png † Sonja Acreth Former Infested Prisoner
acreth_row_01_by_auctor_lucan-d7u82tq.png acreth_row_02_by_auctor_lucan-d7u82u1.png - Former Writer: Auctor Lucan
M_civ_collar.png † Rylan Sil Former FNN Correspondent
RYLAN-SIL-MANFEST.gif - Former Writer: Oberonfrost