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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4200
Welcome!  I am also new, and playing a spy!  This should be fun.  :)
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4202
Seeing all these long open positions getting filled its surreal. Buty I like it. Welcome aboard :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4206
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

I'm very happy to be here and looking forward to writing with everyone :)

And thanks Auctor for the amazing artwork!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4207
Just a heads up guys, I'm catching up today, but I will not be posting for an entire week or so.  I'm going on vacation with my family and intend to spend as much of that time with my family and kids making memories.  We all need this release, so I'm going to catch up today fully and then probably not reply until I get home.  I hope you all understand, and no rush on replies!  @uytrereee @Number6 @Revan @fiendfall @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @UltimaImperatrixia  and any I missed!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4208
No worries @BZ, have a great time!
Lt Cmdr Hathev - Counselling - Chief Counsellor
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4209
Understood @BZ. In these trying times, we need all the relief we can get. Keep your family safe and hold them close <3.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4210
Enjoy the time off @BZ see you when you get back :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4211
Have an amazing time!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4212
Just a heads up guys, I'm catching up today, but I will not be posting for an entire week or so.  I'm going on vacation with my family and intend to spend as much of that time with my family and kids making memories.  We all need this release, so I'm going to catch up today fully and then probably not reply until I get home.  I hope you all understand, and no rush on replies!  @uytrereee @Number6 @Revan @fiendfall @Auctor Lucan @Nolan @UltimaImperatrixia  and any I missed!

Have a great time!  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4213


@jreeves1701 and I have been working on the updated starchart for the sim, which will be the basis for Season 2 and the events to come. Instead of the old map, this one is based on CBS's starcharts which have been used for many canon and licensed stuff. Check it out!

>> Click For Full Resolution

I have also updated the recruitment map to replace the one seen on the Wanted Positions page.

>> Click For Full Resolution

Most importantly, however, this is the missing piece for the Chapter 2 starter, which will show where the Theurgy and the Allegiant will jump in different directions, and where they will be ending up. In the Chapter 2 starter the specs for the Slipstream drive on the Theurgy will be revealed as well, with all the detriments that comes with a warp core instead of the Savi reactors on their ships.

Again, a shout out to @jreeves1701 for the awesome work on this project so far!

The starchart is permanently available here on the wiki (so that you don't have to go to this announcement to find it):

- Starchart
- Story Archive
- Star Trek: Theurgy Canon

Stay tuned for Chapter 2 in Advent of War!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4214


Chapter ended!

Chapter 01: Incendiary Prospects [ Day 01 | 1130 hrs. ]

It's still open to post more Supplemental threads for Chapter 01, though, where your characters carry out orders in one-on-one threads of even group threads with other writers. :)

Furthermore, the limitation of the IC time-span for these Supplemental threads will not only span to 1300 hrs. on Day 01, where Martok comes aboard and the Theurgy will depart from Aldea. You can also post threads leading up to the Allegiant leaving the the Theurgy, which will be at 1900 hrs.. The naming convention for these one-on-one Supplemental threads that belonging to Chapter 01 is: CH01: S [D01|YYYY] Insert Title (YYYY marking the time before 1900 hrs.).

Chapter 02 starter coming up, in which the Allegiant departs to dock on the Erudite and the Theurgy tries its slipstream engines for the first time! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4215
The Allegiant leaves at 1900? Uh right then, excuse me for a moment...

Zaryn runs off to pack his bags.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4217
Hi Everyone, I had an Idea a while ago for the start of Chapter 2.


Its open to anyone and won't be very long. 2-3 posts tops really. It will be set on the outer hull of the Theurgy during the Ships reintegration.

Please let me know either via PM, Discord DM or replying in the thread above that you would like to participate. I will be writing the starter in about 36 hours.
And yes @Sqweloookle I have noted Kingston's attendence.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4218


As we're starting up Episode 01 of the new season, and with the Allegiant mission running simultaneously as the main plot where we help Martok unite the Klingon Empire, the need for a Calendar has become paramount, and I have taken the time today to put it together in a way that should help everyone keep track of the space-time continuum. Check it out!

Advent of War Calendar

As you can see, it is colour-coded by Chapter and the three columns represent the Theurgy, the Allegiant and the Erudite. Please also notice the specs for the Quantum Slipstream Drives of the Theurgy and the Erudite, which should help you all understand the amount of cooldown and regular warp speeds will be taking place.

Episode 01: Advent of War begins on the 16th of April 2381 (known below as Day 01). The Theurgy´s QSD needs 36 hours of cool-down, and can only be used for 1 hours, granting them 60 LY of travel. The Erudite only requires 24 hours cool-down to travel 300 LY in 1 hour. It would need 36 hours if travelling for the maximum duration of QSD flight-time, 3 hours.

As you may notice, we're running a classic Plot A and Plot B set-up, which could oft be seen in many Star Trek episodes, and I hope you like that little homage. As you can surely guess, the calendar view at the moment will be prone to change depending on what happens, so consider this a mere template for how it might theoretically play out.

As for contents in the main plotline, I have a lot of ideas for how the Theurgy can help Martok as he makes his way through the Klingon Empire aboard the Theurgy. It's about rallying support, defending against Gorka's fleet, perhaps even an assassin among the Klingon aboard the Theurgy. There will of course be opportunity for Supplemental one-on-one threads that doesn't have anything directly to do with the Klingon plotline, for all those who wants to devote time to regular character building even after the Aldea Prime Anthology is coming to an end.

There will also be new Story Objectives coming up continually through the Episode. Oh, one of those will likely revolve around the need to obtain new Benamite crystals, since the new QSD that the Theurgy has installed runs on too little power (the three warp cores insufficient compared to the reactor on a Savi dreadnought) so it makes the crystals of the drive deteriorate a lot. That's why the Theurgy will only dare fly one hour at the time (I'll spare you the technobabble for now).

The ambition is to take the story development to the larger political arena, and away from Season 01:s theme of a single ship on the brink of survival and with the crew being more and more harrowed by loses. Also, by allowing the plot development to include factions surrounding the Federation, and working through contacts and assets on Earth via communication, we can set Supplemental threads off the ship as well, writing NPCs on Earth, for example. Food for thought!

Worth keeping in mind, however, is that during Advent of War, the Romulan Civil War is still raging, more so now that Tal'aura has implemented thalaron weaponry in her fleets and thus drive Donatra out of her trenches. Task Force Archeron was last reported close to Starbase 234, where the gutted USS Cayuga was towed for repairs, so Admiral Sankolov is not likely to be directly involved in Episode 01 as it stands now. Oh, and as for the Savi, and the fighting that Echtand's rebels are doing in the Flotilla of theirs, that's something that can rage off-screen for the time being, with Nicander not even knowing that he's helping the good Savi in their battle (aside from the psionic espionage he's doing on other Infested).

I hope it is plain now that the Prologue for Episode 01 isn't just a setting for this Episode alone, but for the entirety of Season 2, with the theme being that the Theurgy tries to prevent a new galactic war.

If you guys have any questions about the Calendar in it's current and very empty state, just PM me! :)


In case you missed it, we have a Story Development Poll posted for Plot B, the Allegiant mission, where we can decide where the Infested have placed the next Thalaron bomb. You have three days to vote! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

PS. The Advent of War Calendar has a link at the top of the Episode 01 board, in the board description, so it's readily at hand when you want to post starters etc.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4219
Slight update from my end. As time remains to be ample for me to get any writing done, there does seem to be light on the horizon. My next posting will take me much closer to home which will (hopefully) free up writing time. Starts in July so I might be playing catch up till that time before I can actively push threads forward again.

Sorry for any inconvenience to all writers I'm involved with.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4220


As I sit here, after a sleepless night of going over logs, IPs and correspondence, and having learned the truth of it all - much in thanks to the invaluable help from @Brutus - I realise I am not entirely sure where to start this disappointing story. I might as well just lead up with what we've learned, and then piece together the full scope:

@Revan was the same writer as all these other writers:
- Kinvarus
- CorruptedCookie
- Bastila
- LostInTheForest
- Lorelai
- Alyfox
- Jesaya
- TheSithChicken
- Rayne
- AmberStarfyre
- SilverShadow
- Vox
- Tavion
- Malkavian
- Dark Wolf (Applicant)

Inactive Accounts:
- Lady Nyx
- Carden

Yes, I used the past tense for the obvious reason, this Theurgist now having been banned from the site. To tell you how I could learn this would be a long tale indeed, and I will happily tell anyone who's interested in it over Voice Chat on Discord. I will host a session today, June the 22nd, 1500-1630 hrs. (3 - 4.30 pm) CET, and if nothing else I'd love some help to sort out this mess that Revan has left us in. The continuity of the story's characters is something that is dear to us, and given the long list of characters that have now become Available below, we have an untold number of character-based sub-plots and positions that we need to sort out.

When confronted and asked to tell the truth, he wasn't ready to tell me everything, instead just confessing to six of these accounts, suggesting that a couple of more writers here were given access to his VPN account, which is quite unlikely, and the IP-searches and comparisons tell the full story. In the unlikely case that any other writers above are real, there is unfortunately no way of telling if they are Revan or not since they are using the same VPN. Therefore, in the interest of keeping Revan off the sim, these writers will have to make contact with me, and barring help from you guys who actually know that these people are not Revan, I may have to use the same method I have to use to make age-verification on writers, and this is by carding them across vid-link. Yes, that's how bad this is. If Revan has allegedly been giving out login to his VPN, then I must verify the existence of any writer above that's actually not him.

Besides how Revan has been collecting characters, stealing them from truthful writers, and having made me do artwork for his creations during this time here - which is pretty shitty all on its own - I was also contacted by one of the Admin on Starbase 118, another writing site in a matter of character theft:

So, to me it's clear in how Revan has been stealing one of his character creations - unless Malkavian is a friend of his that share his VPN as well - so if you all could help me, I would love some help to make sure Logan Hale, T'Leia, K'Lara Halliwell and Zaryn Kolari/Arn are not stolen as well. Those four are the only ones, between all the above writers, that are original creations instead of Inherited characters.

The tipping point, after many months of having felt that something was off (with how all the above writers never replied to PMs and missed replying to threads because Revan never checked the email accounts) was when a new Applicant, Dark Wolf, knew far too much about the joining process than he should, and even supplied a fully character form in wiki markup even if he didn't have any access to that page yet. He happened to log in at the exact same time as Revan, and when I asked Revan, he suggested that it might have been someone that he - for some reason - would send the character form to even before he'd registered on the site....

Long story short.... I feel a bit drained, not having slept tonight as I had to protect the site from this person before he did any damage to the wiki (him understanding I was on to him). I have also closed down recruitment for obvious reasons, since at this point I am not 100% sure how many in the above list are actually real writers, and I don't know how many characters we are left with in the end that needs to be replaced. The Wanted Positions will have to be updated in any case.


- Revan
    Alessia Garcia
    Zaryn Kolari (Due to be KIA)

- Kinvarus
    Vivian Martin

- CorruptedCookie
    Dyan Cardamone

- Bastila
    Marija Ferik

- LostInTheForest
    Zelosa Ejek

- Lorelai
    Devyrie Okhala

- Alyfox
    K'Lara Halliwell (Due to be KIA)

- Jesaya
    T'Leia (Character Deleted)

- TheSithChicken
    Nathaniel Isley

- Rayne
    Kino Taer

- AmberStarfyre
    Liliana Walton

- SilverShadow
    Mektari Dumral

- Vox
    Zrinka Agaixot

- Tavion
    Tessa May Lance

- Malkavian
    Sara Quinn (Character Deleted)


Well, for one thing I will be vary of Applicants that have IPs anywhere close to the VPN Revan used. I will find a way to trust people again, knowing that this above isn't a normal occurence, but a result of some kind of strange obsession. Do I still have your trust when letting new Applicants through the joining process? I don't know, that's for you guys to tell me, but I do know what to look for now so I will not likely let something like this happen again, that's for sure.

In a way, I feel both relieved that all these hunches and gut feelings I've had actually meant something, and that I wasn't paranoid for thinking something strange was going on. I did the census at the turn of the year because I felt something was strange, and looking at the writers that turned up non-replying in the census were actually one person not checking all his different email accounts.

Have I lost the committment to running a community like this, since it's not the first time I've been played for a fool?

No, I am invested in the Theurgy sim, and I won't let you guys down. You who have come here in earnest intetion of telling a story and not breaking the rules, I still trust you, and I look forward to continuing Episode 01 in the new Season. Let me just do some damage control first, and we'll be back at it asap?

Thank you everyone for your time,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4221
Good grief. The cookiemeister, a thief. Not cool. And what a tangled web of characters to create for the love of the writing, only to abandon half of them unwritten!

I won't be able to make that voice chat today as I have a work call scheduled for that time. But I'm glad this is mostly sorted.
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4222
I can only imagine the level of anger and stress you are under about this @Auctor Lucan and while there are many out there that do this kind of thing for some unknown reason that unless one has a similar mindset is hard to understand, I believe closing recruitment is a good idea.

I'm not sure how we can secure the joining process against this.

Yes, I myself will wait for the damage control to be done. I'm not sure I can help as I only interacted with Revan on Discord but then how often had those accounts been online at the same time? He'd had to have multiple Discord websites open at the same time logged into each one. I wish Discord could have that information and email addresses and IP records for server admins?

I would like to apply for Nathaniel Isley but under a probationary period to prove I can sustain 2 characters.

Doing this multiple accounts thing seemed to require a lot of energy which peaked when you noted an applicant being knowledgeable about the joining process, as Revan couldn't keep up with the organisation of it all. I'm not sure where I'm going with this but it does seem like eventually the truth would have leaked out as Revan lacked determination to keep up the lies.

I'm glad Emma from Starbase 118 had contacted you and that helped you with this "Revan Debacle".

Let me know if I can help with anything. I'm not sure I can make the voice call.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4223
Wow.  That's a serious and upsetting revelation.  I can see how it would be very upsetting and you were wise to secure the site from attempted retaliation by him.  I'm especially shocked he just stole characters wholesale from other sites. 

Get some rest when you can.  Don't let one person have too much negative impact on your day.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4224
Wow!  That's a lot of work on you boss, I'm so sorry that this came about.  This sim can be amazing and I can see the lure of finding ways to write more characters and yet still... this is so much!  I'm glad that it was found out, but I'm more upset about character stealing.  That would be so hard for me, to find someone else writing one of my girls.  Carefully cultivated over years to be who they are.  i'm glad it was found out and she was able to reach out to you.

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