Alana Pierce

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Revision as of 17:46, 29 July 2024 by Pierce (talk | contribs)

rewrite more detailed: Pierce was a highly intelligent, tactically minded Starfleet Intelligence officer. She learned surprisingly quickly how to conclude on particular situations, so she could be slightly arrogant. Due to her perceived intelligence, and knowledge of the past, she held a fierce distrust of Klingons due to the time period she came from. With her newfound appearance, she used it to her advantage. While she used to be a ladies’ man, it's left her with a conundrum of re-evaluating her personal interests due to her present condition.

Personality Profile


Pierce was a highly intelligent, tactically minded Starfleet Intelligence officer. She learned surprisingly quickly how to conclude on particular situations, so she could be slightly arrogant. Due to her perceived intelligence, and knowledge of the past, she held a fierce distrust of Klingons due to the time period she came from. With her newfound appearance, she used it to her advantage. While she used to be a ladies’ man, it's left her with a conundrum of re-evaluating her personal interests due to her present condition.

While she was originally male, it created a situation where she had to deal with learning the ins and outs of not only the 24th Century but being female instead. With knowing things of the past that could help in the modern-day, and the frustration she had with her current situation, she had to just come to terms with it. Overcome with the loss of her era, her old body, and the state of the once-proud Starfleet in this era, she adopted a mission-first attitude. Everyone she knew being dead now left her a loner of sorts, but trust in the structure of Command and camaraderie.

Due to her time period, and before Kirk's epic standoff at Camp Khitomer, Pierce had a difficult time trusting and wanted to be even near Klingons because of the events that landed her in the 24th Century. She would essentially be suspicious of any interactions with the Klingons despite some good workings with them. Not trusting the Klingons led her to investigate them more thoroughly whenever they're part of the strategy or mission at hand.

Physical Profile

After Pierce gained her female form, she had a decidedly beautiful body from the accident. She had flowing red hair and a strong athletic build bordering on model-like. She had a remarkable bust at 34E, and a swimsuit body to die for. Pierce’s situation allowed her to dress up, and play multiple parts in espionage missions due to her good looks and sultry displays. Her voice was sexy and slightly southern in tone. She had no tattoos or body piercings.

Special Notes

Although capable of Commanding a Starship, she preferred to follow in the steps of Spock and Riker in learning as much as possible with capable leaders, hence either being sidestepped for command opportunities or not accepting them unless as a temporary status. Her status of being from the 23rd century would be either shrouded in secrecy per Anderson or due to herself not wanting it disclosed unless to a trusted friend. Her records of events have been sealed up and fabricated for recent events for the official record.

Also, due to her recent change, she tended to inadvertently watch her figure more and eat more of a plant-based meal plan. Although she was more than capable of devouring a nice steak dinner on occasion too.


Active Theurgy Writers Only


Quarters Location

Pierce's Quarters | Department Head Officer’s Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 2


Personal Logs

Parallel Universes - "What if?"

Director's Cut

Season 02, Episode 01: Advent of War

Season 02, Interregnum 01-02

Season 02, Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative