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Topic: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite... (Read 14674 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder  | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: Any and All!!

April 21, 2381
Stardate: 57662.91

It was unlike Reggie to run late.  She’d fought during the war and the need be punctual was paramount, especially when her unit could be ordered to launch on a moments notice.  Even being a minute late might mean the difference between life and death.  It was a pattern she had been forced to learn and by the time the treaty had been signed, it had become habit.

Which was why, as she was running late for the concert the concert she was to host an uncharacteristic frazzled feeling set in.  She wanted to make a good impression, she knew.  The crew of the Theurgy had been through the ringer in the battle to avert a Klingon Civil war, to say nothing about all they had been through before she had come aboard the mission logs from which she had not yet had the opportunity to catch up on.  She had hoped to put the program together on the holodeck but with the hour almost upon her, she couldn’t wait that long to set it up.  Getting her hair and makeup sorted had taken far longer than she had anticipated.

“Computer,” she said as she moved from the bathroom to her closet to pull clothes.  “Load holodeck program Suder Jukebox from removable memory and load configuration file.”

The computer beeped at her.  “Configuration file loaded.  Ready to accept input.”

“Ohhhkay,” she muttered to herself as she started rifling through her limited wardrobe.  She had not been aboard long, had brought barely a duffel with her, but in the time since she’d settled in, she had taken some time to replicate a few options for herself.

“Load genre; Terran Classic Rock circa late 20th century.  Select ten artists and generate playlist.  Sort play list by artist and shuffle within each artist stack. ”

“Playlist generated.”

The leather pants were the obvious choice, so she pulled them from the drawer.  They were not the easiest to put on since like most party clothes, they sacrificed convenience for ascetics.  She was fine with that.  The clothing was comfortable, gave her the look she wanted and a sense of confidence to boot, then the inconvenience of actually dressing was a minor one at that.  The leather creaked and stretched ever so slightly as she worked her legs in and adjusted them.  They fit perfectly, offering just enough compression to give her the shape she wanted without constricting her movement and Reggie was glad to have asked the computer to replicate them already broken in.

“Set venue; Terran, Earth, Congress Theater circa 2020.”

“Venue Set.”

She didn’t have many tops that she liked for this and she ended up rejecting more than she’d expected.  Eventually she gave up on finding a full top, instead opting for a black mesh crop top she could wear with just her bra.  If she hadn’t known better, she might have thought the mesh was designed to be worn with the bra.  She slipped it over her head and pushed her arms through the sleeves.  She clipped a chain to the loop under her bra’s left cup, crossed to the right, over her stomach, and wrapped it around the back of her waist, before clipping the other to a loop under her right bra cup, the result forming a loose “X” across her otherwise bare stomach.

“Reset balcony and configure for private party.  Set staff- two bouncers- nausican, male and four wait staff- orion, female.”

“Balcony reset.”

She stole another look at herself in the mirror and decided the overall look met with her approval.  It was a new approach, but one she thought would grow on her. 

“Insert randomizer subroutine, and custom welcome message Suder Gamma.”

“Protocols inserted.”

“Compile and save to removable storage.”


Reggie took a seat at her desk, to slip on her knee high stiletto boots.  They closed with ease around her legs.  Carefully she put her feet down on the deck and took an extra moment to ensure she had her weight centered before she tried to stand.  She didn’t immediately fall down again, a victory in her book given that she hadn’t worn these kind of heels in a few months.

Just like riding the proverbial bicycle.

“Compile complete.  Program saved.”

She pulled the isolenear chip from her terminal, checked her hair and make up one last time in the mirror and brushed a stray hair back behind her ear.

She exited her quarters, her long slender fingers dragging along her desk and wrapping around her combadge

“Suder to Ms. Foster.  I’m heading to the holodeck now.  I’ll meet you up there, Katie.”

She closed the line and slipped the combadge into her pants pocket.

[Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02]

Her boots clacked on the holodeck grid, a stark contrast to the dull thuds she had gotten used to as she walked the corridors of the ship.  She had earned herself more than a couple of looks from random crew as they almost gawked at her look and she sensed their admiration and appreciation for what they saw.


“Computer,” she said as she loaded the isolenear chip into the Holodeck interface.  “Load program Suder Jukebox.  Access configuration file and render.”

The computer beeped and after a moment the balcony of the venue hall appeared around her.  Gone were the rows of seating that the historical venue had, replaced instead by various tables, chairs, and couches laid out for a private event.  Even a smaller dance floor had been set out for their use.  Small lights were set out on the tables and in strategic locations providing enough light to socialize, but not so much as to ruin the mood of the show.  Two bars rendered next, one on either side of the balcony, each manned by two female Orions who would serve a bartenders and waitresses.  Unlike the Orion slave girls of the 24th century, these characters were appropriately dressed for the event.

Next to each bar, a spiral staircase allowed access to the main floor and it’s much larger dance floor.  Reggie doubted anyone would go down there, but if they wanted to, the option existed.  At the base of each staircase, a Nausican bouncer stood sentinel, preventing any holographic patron from coming up.  Sure, she could have programmed the holograhic audience to not try to come up, but this was a bit closer to realism.

With everything in order there were two things left to do.

“Computer, load pre-show preparation cycle and run program.”

Immediately, the static scene jumped to life as tech crews went to work setting up instruments and test mics and speakers, bartenders set out organizing their bottles and setting up the glassware, and holograhic concert goers started to slowly file in.

With nothing left to do, Reggie took a seat and waited to see who from the Theurgy crew would attend.

They were in for one hell of a show.

Reggie's Look:
Upper Body  [Show/Hide]
Lower Body [Show/Hide]
Hair [Show/Hide]
Makeup [Show/Hide]

The Venue:
The Congress Theater - Chicago, IL, USA

General look of the Orion Bartenders/Waitstaff:

OOC - Okay everyone!  Here it is!    To be clear, ALL characters who are Both 1) Ranked no higher than Lieutenant and 2) Are not department heads are welcome to participate.  All characters can freely assume to have received an invitation from Reggie and/or Kate Foster on their personal terminals to this event.  If you write multiple characters who could attend, feel free to bring them.    Once people start gathering, I'll kick off the play list.  There's no major objective in this thread other than to mingle, chat, kick back, eat, drink, and be merry and this is a perfect opportunity for new characters to the ship to have an opportunity to meet some of their crewmates.  With that in mind, there is no set or assigned posting order. Enjoy!

Re: Day 03 [19:30] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #1
Lt. Arven Leux |Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] attn: @P.C. Haring

Arven had struggled with ether or not he'd wanted to attend this party. There was so much that the Trill didn't want to risk, closeness, affection, bonding. But to heal, these were things that he needed to face sooner or later. And mingling at a Rock concert might be the thing. Since the venue was 20th/21st Century, Arven had looked up some pictures of outfits from San Francisco back then, and he'd seen a group of performers that well, he did like the look of some of the period attire. Very nearly going with a Cowboy look, no. He'd instead gone with his own choice in clothing.

And so it was that Arven found himself walking the halls of the Theurgy in large chunky leather boots, with zippers and studs placed excessively around them nearly up to his knees. Tight leather pants hugged his Powerful legs, fitting almost like a second skin in places when he walked the tight leather making creaking noises against his thick thighs. The chafing form tonight would be worth it, though. He thought they looked good on him. A black denim vest with silver studs along the seams, open revealing a torso clad in a white t-shirt that had to be three sizes too small that said, in what looked like permanent marker, "Fuck the music! Where's the beer?" This particular statement stretched to near unreadability over dense pectoral muscles. The profane nature of the words on his shirt is not helped by the fact that it hugged his muscular build to the point where the fabric would have torn if it weren't an athletic material with elastic properties akin to lycra or spandex. The tight elasticity led to the shirt being nearly translucent as it faintly revealed the series of spots that ran down his torso.

And so, Arven had become encouraged by some of the looks he'd gotten from his walk into the holodeck, a polite wink to some of the crew he'd passed. Arven enters the holodeck and looks around, noting the presence of the holograms and Reggie. The Doctor gave an almost bashful wave and smiles, unsure of what to say. His emotional state was one of mixed emotions, wary and nearly fearful of connecting with anyone, knowing he needed to. So he put himself on 'display' to try and strike up a conversation even if he failed at it. And so, Arven spoke up, taking a look at the Hostess for the evening, the words possibly 'heard' by her before he could even say them.  "Thank you for the invite, I'm Doctor Leux, but you can call me Arven."

CPO Victor vanVinter |Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02]

Victor knew that he was going to attend tonight's concert. The chance to catch up with some old faces, meet some new people., It wasn't one that he was going to miss. Hopefully, he'd run into Enyd there but wasn't sure if she'd come to this event. Maybe it was too much chaos? No, she'd be there if there was chaos afoot. Either way, Enyd or not, he needed to unwind. And he'd be relaxed while doing so. Victor had needed to replicate new clothes for this and had delighted in choosing his attire for tonight. He'd gone with 'grunge' for this concert, a flannel shirt in blue and brown, paired with a grey shirt underneath, both hanging loosely off of his lanky frame. A pair of jeans that were distressed and torn strategically, all set atop a pair of black Chuck Taylors. Some minor accessorizing in the form of a bracelet with metal studs in rows of Purple, white, grey, and black, a 21st-century callback to his sexuality when 'pride' had needed to be shown in one's sexuality for visibility reasons. That personal touch he liked and might keep for other off-duty attire. A few simple necklaces he put on, simple black braids that hung asymmetrically around his neck. And he'd made sure to mess up his hair a little and run it through with some gel to get the look to stick.

With a casual Ease, the tall half-Bajoran makes his way through the corridors and enters the holodeck. Looking around expectantly, it seemed he was one of the first few here. She spotted Reggie, whom he'd wave to, an eyebrow-raising at her clothing, she looked good, and that hair, The Betazed made for a stunning hostess. Seeing that A trill he didn't know was chatting her up, Victor felt his gentlemanly instincts kick in, and he headed to the bar, raising three fingers to the holographic bartender.

Victor approaches the duo with a trio of bottles of a Bajoran ale, something smelling strongly of spices. One of his favorites from back 'home'. Handing one first to Reggie and then the second to Arven, he smiles politely, taking up position in what would have been known as 'forming a circle' more of a triangle since there were only three of them for now. He wasn't speaking just yet, not sure if he'd interrupted a conversation or if Arven had just come in. Not that he'd heard him say anything, Victor had been focused on being polite, getting the drinks and all.

After a moment, Figuring 'the hell with it, it's a party,' Victor does speak up politely, fully intending to be polite. "Hope you like the beer, I think the bartender needs work, and they gave me three of my preferences, not the 'house' beer. I hope you all don't mind a bit of spice to your drink." The towering man offers his hand to Arven, smiling at the Trill. "Good to meet you; I'm Victor, Fighter bay ops, for now." He winked at Reggie at that last bit, feeling hopeful about a career change in his future.

Re: Day 03 [19:30] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #2
  Lt JG Sorek Morgan, Callsign “Chaos”  | Junior Officer's Quarters | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring  @Tae


"Nah, I think you should go for the black leather pants." Ensign Clarksdale, acting as Sorek's fashion advisor at the moment, approached his team mate and friend and landed a well aimed, loud slap on the hybrid's behind. "They definitely highlight your butt way more than those denims." He added and could not help but grin. He knew very well that Sorek needed more time to get out of the proverbial closet. But he could not help himself; he loved to tease this man.

"Owen! Stop that!" Sorek replied with a giggle. He kept his eyes focused on his mirror image, trying hard not to blush. But to no avail. It seemed as if his RIO had a hand for teasing him just enough so that Sorek did not feel too uncomfortable. But he had to stay reserved. He was new on this ship. He did not want anyone to know about his secret fantasies. It was bad enough that Owen knew. But he trusted his RIO. He would never tell.

"Make me..." Owen replied with a purr in his voice. His lips were so close to Sorek's ear that he could feel his hot breath on his skin. He stayed there for a moment before turning and handing Sorek the leather pants. "No, seriously. Take those. And the leather jacket. You'll look perfect for the occasion!" He stated matter of factly. Of course, Owen himself had chosen black leather pants as well. But he went with a bordeux colored net shirt and a black leather collar to go with them, instead of the very clichee jacket.

"Yes, I guess you're right." Sorek replied and took off his jeans. He knew that Owen was starting to stare at his butt, once it was only concealed by tight, black boxers. But he did not mind. He actually liked that, a bit at least. "It's a great idea, this party. I only hope enough people come to make it a success. Lieutenant Suder probably has put a lot of thought into it."

Owen chuckled, still transfixed on the Lieutenant's features. "I bet she has. You like her, don't you?" It was a risky question, he knew that. He had learned quickly about Sorek's insecurities, especially regarding his own sexuality and women of the beautiful kind, when they met at the Tactical CONN Training Center Omega. Owen was not telepathic, far from it, but he was well versed in reading people's facial expressions and analyzing things that were said between the lines. And once he had a gut feeling, he approached the topics that he thought interesting. At least if the people themselves sparked his interest. And Sorek had sparked his interest on the first day of their training course.

"Yes, she's a great pilot." Sorek replied, oblivious of the fact that this was exactly not what Owen was interested in. He pulled up his pants and turned towards his RIO. His eyes, highlighted by a faint stroke of eye liner, focused on his friend's physique. Damn, he looks hot! He thought to himself, only to force the thought to get back into it's cage instantly. "Ready to go?" He asked and gestured towards the door. Owen - slightly amused by his friend's inability to confess to being attracted to someone - nodded and followed him. This he thought was going to be interesting.
Lt JG Sorek Morgan
PO2 Kino Taer

Re: Day 03 [19:30] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #3
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] attn: @P.C. Haring  @Tae  @Lathaniel

As a playful song depicting the story of some bloke named Johnny B. Goode played, Enyd danced around her quarters as she readied herself for the evening’s festivities. It had been quite some time since she’d had the opportunity or the inclination to join such an event. And the invitation from two lieutenants she had yet to meet had been too tempting to ignore once she read it would be themed from old Earth. Truthfully, she’d spent an inordinate amount of time researching the clothing and hairstyles of the rock’n’roll era and felt the get-up she’d procured would suffice for the dress code indicated in the invitation.

Lowering one leg from the stool after fastening the garter belt, Enyd turned in front of the mirror to check the seams of her stockings. She smiled when she saw two straight lines traveling down the length of her legs, starting at the top of the stocking, attached to hips with a lacy black garter belt. It was most thrilling wearing such archaic fashion items, and Enyd blushed at the unsolicited thrill she felt as she stared at her own reflection in the mirror. Nude, except for a simple pair of black underclothes, the stockings, and red high heels, her hair gathered in a deep side part, with pinned curls framing her face and a rose tucked behind one ear, Enyd almost didn’t recognize herself.

This new thrill didn’t go away as she retrieved the red petticoat and pulled it up over her hips. If anything, the layered combination only deepened the charge running in her veins. This wasn’t the first time wearing clothing from another era or another culture influenced her emotions or sense of self; over the years, she’d had to wear more than a few outfits that had challenged her sense of modesty but had worn them for a mission’s sake. Yet the context of this outfit was different, and it had been such a very, long time since she’d felt this type of emotional response.

A song about some sort of lace, was it Chantilly?, came on next as Enyd broke her self-study and resumed her preparations. After tucking her white collared, deep v-neck, sleeveless shirt into a high-waisted petticoat, Enyd plucked up the black “poodle skirt” that would lay over the fluffy layers of the petticoat. Next, she fastened a thick white belt over the top. Her lips, shoes, and petticoat all matched the red of the rose, while the belt was just a subtle hue different from her white shirt. Her hair pulled back the way it was, there would be no mistaking the curve of her ears leading into a not-so-subtle point. She placed simple pearl studs in each ear, though she refrained from a necklace or bracelets.

Spritzing a mist of her favorite perfume, a blend of wildflowers from Montana, Enyd took one last turn in front of the mirror before leaving her quarters and heading towards the deck eight holodeck area. Despite the earlier jolt to her personal sense of allure as she’d stood in front of her mirror, Enyd fought a blush when she met people in the corridors on her way to the intended venue. She still wasn’t certain what the lieutenants’ meant when they instructed partygoers to “come on down to paradise city,” and while a certain diplomat colleague might think Enyd conducted the “crazy train,” Enyd had no concept what that meant either. All she thought herself certain of was that the evening’s theme was centered around classic rock and roll and she’d dressed according to that them.

Only, as Enyd stepped over the threshold into the Holodeck 02, she realized how the definition of “classic” could have some bearing on clothing style. After only a few seconds of study of those who had already arrived, it was evident that her definition differed greatly from the hosts. Enyd tipped her head up and moved confidently into the room instead of beating a quick retreat for a wardrobe change. The invitation had said rock-and-roll, and she was dressed for an era that started the trend of such music and cultural aspirations of non-conformity. Beyond that, she still felt good in her outfit, and since that personal satisfaction had been missing for so long, Enyd was uninterested in making a change.

Spying Victor, dressed more for the “appropriate” era, standing with a few others, Enyd smiled in greeting as she approached.

“Evening,” her eyes hastened over the others in acknowledgment before she shifted on her heels to take in the larger context of their surroundings, “this is quite a feat accomplished already.” Enyd tipped her head to the side, “Is this what was meant by ‘paradise city’ or is this the ‘crazy train’?” She looked around, a slight frown tugging at her lips when she saw nothing remotely train-themed.

Invitation references in post supplied by P.C. Haring.

Re: Day 03 [19:30] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Personal Quarters | Deck 13 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Ellen Fitz @Lathaniel @Tae @Griffinsummoner @Pierce @Aharon @Auctor Lucan

OOC: Kate's look for the evening...[Show/Hide]

Finally a real chance to just cut loose.

Kate had been desperate for something like this, as her life had seemed to endlessly revolve around her career in the wake of very nearly ending it with a finality some three years earlier. There had been a spell here and there, where she’d fit in some rest and relaxation, sure, but nothing akin to what had been planned by Lieutenant Suder, or Reggie, as she seemed to prefer. Tonight would be one to remember, and Kate had every intention of living it to it’s fullest. She, and Reggie had just about invited everyone they knew on board, and Kate had even gone as far to hint that those invited could bring friends of their own, so long as they weren’t anyone who might cramp down on the potential fun. Basically, that meant anyone who’s collar carried more than two pips, or who oversaw the running of one of the ship’s departments. The kids had made sure their parents wouldn’t be around to interfere in the party. Besides, they were always having their little cocktail parties and get togethers in some secretive part of the ship without the common rabble around to judge them or their outfits. It was only fair now that they had found themselves left out of the evening’s activities.

Stopping a moment as she slung a leather coat over her shoulders, Kate imagined the kind of get together that might have included the Captain, and his Senior Staff, and knew it would’ve probably put her into a comatose state.

“Oh... oh, hey, Reg-- erm, Lieutenant Suder... umm, whatever.” Standing on protocol was one of those things Kate still struggled with, even all these years into her career as a Starfleet Officer. She was always unsure of when it was kosher to use nicknames, or first names, especially with regard to superior officers, of which Reggie technically was by rank. Peering about her new quarters, situated a safe distance from her brother, she wondered a moment if there was anything else she’d need for the night, spotting the pair of sunglasses she’d replicated to complete her look, resting on a nearby table. “I’m just about to roll out of my place, and head over there. I’m just running a bit late, as usual.” She snatched up the glasses in one of her delicate hands, feeling a little more confident about having had everything she needed after. “Got stuck taking care of Ensign Maier’s tennis elbow... again. I swear, if that girl throws out her arm one more time, I’m going to staplegun it back into place.” The disregard for patient confidentiality wasn’t deliberate, nor was it accidental, as it had become something of a meme among the Theurgy Medical Staff how often they’d had to take care of Kaylee’s sports related injuries, and Kate was pretty certain that a good portion of the rest of the crew were just as aware of her perpetual injured status.

“She’s coming tonight too now that I think about it. She can buy me a drink for making me late.” Digressing back to the point of conversation, Kate cleared her throat and started toward her cabin door. “Anyways... I’ll see--” it suddenly dawned on her, that Reggie had already closed the line, and that Kate was rambling on to no one.  “Great, now I’m talking to myself again. I’m turning into Commander Fisher. Wouldn't Hathev find that funny. Ugh...” She sighed as she exited her quarters, immediately stepping into a mercifully empty turbolift and inputting her destination which wasn’t all that far. Still, the privacy afforded her a moment to remember a few things she had yet to do in advance of being able to just have fun. She’d already reminded Vinata of the concert when she’d left sickbay at the end of her shift; similarly she’d said something to the members of her surgical team, whom she genuinely hoped might be able to attend. There were two people though, she’d initially invited, but hadn’t had a moment to remind, and they were arguably the two she’d most wanted to get a chance to hang with. “Thea, can you forward on a message to both Lieutenant Lance and Petty Officer LeBlanc, reminding them of the concert in Holodeck 02.” In truth, she wasn’t too worried that they’d forgotten, as both Tessa and Scruffy seemed to be better at remembering things than she was, but all the same, she figured it didn’t hurt.

[Message sent.] Thea replied simply.

“Thank you, Thea!” Kate smiled, a thought crossing her mind. “I hope you can make an appearance too, Thea.” She winked in no particular direction, though she assumed the ship’s AI would’ve picked up on it with some kind of visual sensor or other means. Reggie and Kate had felt it only appropriate that Thea be invited, since they had relied on her for so much, and it seemed like a good opportunity to get to know her some.

[ Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Once the doors parted, Kate stepped in to the already running program and spotted a number of people standing around Reggie near the bar; of course they had beaten her to the punch. Mildly frustrated, and very apologetic, Kate jogged across the momentarily empty concert hall which was in the throes of staging in advance of the actual concert start time. Catching in the light breeze as she neared them, the long mesh hem of her skirt flittered about her slender legs; a minor departure for her, she’d decided against dressing in a more risque fashion so as not to scare away anyone. Upon laying eyes on the others, Reggie especially so, Kate realized she probably could’ve gotten away with way more than she was attempting. A minor regret, she was still confident enough that her comfortable choice would allow her the mobility and freedom she wanted so that she could enjoy a night of dancing, and her choice of black and white patterned Chuck Taylors doubled that promise. Additionally, Kate had figured she wore modestly uncomfortable shoes all day at work, she had more than earned the right to wear something that didn’t kill her feet.

“Hey!” She announced herself, holding up her right hand in a peace-sign as greeting to Reggie, Arven, Victor, Sorek, and Enyd. Of them, she’d only known Reggie and Arven, though she’d seen Victor at some point earlier and had recognized him. “Umm... I’m Kate... erm, Lieutenant Foster. Kate’s fine though.” She held out a hand to more formally greet the three she was least familiar with. “Thanks for coming. It should be a great turn out.” She smiled to each of them, slipping her sunglasses up to rest atop her blonde locks as she eyed each of them up and down in an obvious display. “...and damn! You all look great!” she smiled, winking to Reggie as means of hinting the success of the event so far.

“I reminded Thea that she was welcome while riding the turbolift. I’m hoping she’ll get a chance to stop by too.” Kate explained, stepping round to approach the bar. “Can I get one of whatever they’re drinking?” she waited a moment and accepted a cold bottle of Bajoran Ale before turning back.

“Hope you guys are ready to rock tonight!” she sipped her beer after raising it in salute to them.

Re: Day 03 [19:30] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #5
  Lt JG Sorek Morgan, Callsign “Chaos”  | Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring  @Tae  @Swift  @Ellen Fitz 


Sorek had followed Owen to the turbolift and further on his way to the holodeck. This guy was making him crazy in so many ways, Sorek could not even point out every single aspect of the madness Owen caused inside his mind. Was it the fact that his RIO assorted a weird type of attraction on him? Was it that he constantly pushed his buttons about Lieutenant Suder? Or his questionable comments about hidden desires and the proverbial closet, Sorek allegedly spent his life in? Sorek was sure that it was a combination of all those aspects and still, this list was surely not complete.

And to Sorek's discomfort, Owen was right. The moments in which he was capable of allowing himself to openly and honestly think about his desires were scarce but intense. Was he really interested in men? Why was that so hard to accept? Why even try accepting it in the first place? And what in the universe was his damn problem when it came to interactions with the opposite sex?

"You ready, handsome? Or would you like us to stand outside the holodeck so all those superior officers can see how yummy you look?" Owen had forced Sorek's attention to shift from his busy mind to his friend. Followed by an affirming nod, both men had entered the holodeck.

"I'll go see the restroom and get us some drinks. See you in a moment."

Sorek had made his way over to the other guests and the hostess. Upon his arrival, Lieutenant Suder had already been joined by a few other crew members of whom he only knew one. That cute Lieutenant from the Oneida... He had thought and immediately scolded himself once more. Cute? That's a crew member. A doctor. Not some cute holo novel character. Get your shit together, man! His thoughts had barely shown in his face when he had joined Lieutenant Suder and the others.

"Hello everyone. I'm Lieutenant Morgan." He had greeted everyone and had instantly felt goofy. Was this right? Did they all call each other by their ranks or was this occasion one of those few events where one could drop protocol? He did not know and he was too insecure to deviate from a once set course in mid-flight. "And thank you, Lieutenant, for the invitation." He had spoken into the direction of his superior officer. He had not been able to but look her up and down. His cheeks had started blushing slightly, caused by both; his insecurity and his admiration for Suder.

When he heard the voice of another woman behind him, he did not hesitate and turned on his heel. He did not know er, but the arrival of this blonde beauty was perfect. Just in time to distract everyone from his awkward behavior, or so he hoped.
Lt JG Sorek Morgan
PO2 Kino Taer

Re: Day 03 [19:30] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #6
[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder  | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn:  @Tae  @Lathaniel  @Ellen Fitz  @Swift  @Stegro88  @Griffinsummoner  @Pierce  @Aharon  @Auctor Lucan  @BipSpoon 

The night was early still, but already the party was getting started.  Arven and Victor had arrived almost simultaneously together.  

“Glad to meet you, Arven.  I’m Regeine Suder, but I insist you call me Reggie.  Thanks for coming.  Should be a fun time."

Victor, ever the gentleman bought the first round and Reggie wondered if, on some level, he was trying to make up for the poor first impression he had made with her in the flight simulator.  She nodded in thanks as she took the bottle.  The beer was a little heavier than she might have expected, but it seemed appropriate for the occasion and she didn’t mind if the first hit her a little harder.  Great way to kick off the night.

“Thanks for the drink,” she said.  “I..uh…actually didn’t designate a ‘house’ brew.  I can still do that if you’d like?”

The next arrival struck Reggie as somewhat of an enigma.  While she was picturesque herself, the woman's style was about three decades, give or take, behind the times of the music they’d be experiencing tonight.  She shrugged it off almost as quickly as it hit her.  If rock was about non conformity, then this woman was rocking that mindset perfectly.  But then she asked about Paradise City and the Crazy Train.  Oohhhh it seemed like someone was going to get her classic rock cherry popped tonight.  She’d have quite the experience and Reggie decided she couldn’t wait to see her reaction.  Then she realized that the newcomer had not introduced herself.

“Oh I think you’re in for one hell of a night.  I’m Reggie Suder.  Nice to meet you,” she said by way of introduction, her voice trailing off, prompting for a reciprocation.

The group of them chatted for a few minutes before the doors opened again, granting Kate her entry.  The surgeon and the first person outside of the squadron, Reggie had met on the ship, commented on all of their choices of wardrobe and it gave Reggie a moment to take them all in herself.  Indeed they all looked fucking fantastic, each one of them showing their own style, their own expression of who they were in this moment.  She caught Kate’s wink, empathicly feeling her excitement.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, Katie,” she replied curious to see how Kate would react.  “I didn’t take you for the long skirt kind of girl, but you're rocking it.”

Sorek arrived next, introducing himself by rank.  Typical for she knew of him.  He’d been her student at TacCONN training, and now assigned to her wing.  The invitation had said to leave rank at the door, but if people wanted to refer to each other by their rank as a way of salutation, what did she care?

“Glad you could make it, Sorek.  Come on in, make yourself comfortable.”

She took a look around the group.  The program had been running barely five minutes and already the party was getting started.  Down on the main floor the holographic audience was starting to gather and given her experience with this program, Reggie suspected it was about five to ten minutes before the published show time.  Still plenty of time for more people to arrive, even if the music started on time which… it rarely ever did.

Oh yes… this was going to be one hell of a night.

Re: Day 03 [19:30] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #7
Lt. Arven Leux |Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] @P.C. Haring @Ellen Fitz @Lathaniel  @Swift

Arven took the Bajoran ale from Victor with a smile given to the man. He just thought that Victor had style at the moment before the ale touched his lips. The moment it did, the heaviness of the drink, combined with the array of spices in it, and to him, the spiciness of the beverage made it entirely and wholly unpalatable.  It was all Arven could do not violently to expel the noxious fluid from his mouth. And yet Reggie and Victor were sipping it? How was that possible? Arven was quite nearly offended that anyone could drink such a thing, the waves of offense and disgust rolling off him like thick heavy waves in a roiling storm. Arven discreetly spits the sip back into the bottle instead of any showy actions that could give a wrong impression.

Before he can do anything about it, Kate and Enyd walk in. The two dressed so drastically different than it was amusing to him. Enyd looked dressed for a wholly different event, and that was puzzling to him.  His distraction is palpable as he shakes Kate's hand. "Good to finally see you outside of a work setting. I've been meaning to say hello to you and chat. However, if you'll excuse me..." He smiles politely, nodding to the growing group.

With a trained doctor's consummate professionalism, he smiles and bows his head to Arven and Reggie. "Love the clothing. And thank you for the drink, but It's not quite what I prefer. You'll understand if I get something else." That being said, Arven makes his way to the bar, with an urgent need to get the overpowering flavors out of his mouth. He gets something more suited to his sensibilities, something light and bubbly, fruity. Something that wasn't quite a Seltzer, but a human might consider as such.

Arven stands at the bar watching the others slowly trickle in, sipping his seltzer to get the taste of the Bajoran ale out of his mouth.  He gave a cheery wave to everyone that made their way in, spotting Sorek come in with his RIO, which made him smile. And he calls out to the man. "Hey, I see that you haven't gotten your ass shot off Chaos! Come have a drink, and bring your back seat too!"  A cheerful smile is given to the pair.

CPO Victor vanVinter |Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02]

Victor was about to say something to add to the conversation, immensely enjoying the aroma and flavor of his beer. While he was being polite and was certainly regretful of the poor impression they'd started training off with, this was just Victor being Victor.  The very least he could do as one of the first arrivals was to get a drink for the hostess of the evening.

And then in walks Enyd, dressed like it was the 1950's almost. The poodle skirt really set off her whole ensemble, and her being so anachronistically old-fashioned... no, there was amusement there. It seemed that no one had gotten the same interpretation of the unstated dress code. Prominent in Victor's mind was amusement with the varied attire and a deep-seated sense of love and admiration directed towards Enyd. There was something else mixed in with that, a sense of loss and regret, maybe?

He favors the diminutive woman with a loving smile and chuckles. "I think those are song names, my dearest Enyd. Though I'm not quite sure." he looks to Reggie for confirmation, hoping that he'd get it. He wasn't quite sure about much of the period's music, and it had taken some database searches to come up with an outfit. So most of this was new to Victor as well, but he'd seen Poodle skirts and had imagined that Enyd would have worn something so adorable. If they had coordinated, then he might've gone with 'Greaser,' but they hadn't, so he didn't.

"Anything I can I can get you to drink Enyd?" His tone of voice is light and cheerful then, and he looks to the others; spotting Kate, he waves with the freshly replaced new Cybernetic hand.

"Good to see you, Miss foster. Sorry that you had to replace this thing twice in as many weeks. Sorry, I wasn't awake for the first time, but whatever you had to do to bring me back was no doubt a heroic story all of its own. Still, I do apologize for trashing the arm on Qo'nos. I tried to keep it intact, but that sniper had other ideas." He had a cheerful tone to his voice, but it was clear that he was trying to make light of a far more severe situation with his humor. There was apparent emotional pain, but he'd been given a new lease on life and wasn't going to argue against that.

He Nods politely to Sorek and chuckles at the man. "Mister Morgan, this is a party; let's not hear any ranks here, yeah? Call me Victor, if you want. You're one of the wolves right, pretty sure I've seen you around. and This lovely woman in the Poodle skirt is Enyd Madsen." Victor seemed about to say more, very nearly adding 'my fiancee' to the end there, but he caught himself just in time. They hadn't worked that particular issue out just yet.

To Reggie, he smiles and chuckles. "Might not be a bad idea. This stuff is pretty potent, with lots of spices and herbs. Bajoran cuisine isn't for everyone, but you seem to enjoy yours, though yes?"

Re: Day 03 [19:30] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #8
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] attn: @P.C. Haring @Tae @Lathaniel @Swift

Enyd turned to greet the newcomer, Kate, and noted that her outfit looked more akin to most of the others already in the holodeck. When Kate raised her beer in salute, Enyd grinned and nodded in return, her hands presently empty of any beverage. A lieutenant Morgan came in next, his body language and vocal tones all over the place, reminding Enyd of a younger Victor when she’d first met him on Vulcan. Her thoughts straying to her former fiance, Enyd glanced over in time to catch his explanation of the lack of railcar memorabilia. Enyd laughed at her own silliness. She still had no intention of changing her outfit to fit with the correct time period as she felt comfortable and confident in her present outfit, but it was good to note the difference in case there was a repeat concert in the future.

“Heavens me, they would be song titles, wouldn’t they?” Still chuckling, she added, “I’ll take one of those Bajoran ales, actually. I like the heavy spices. Thank you, Victor.” Enyd returned her attention to the jovial host. “Pleased to meet you all. I am only previously acquainted with Victor, so thank you for sharing names, though I agree that rank should stay at the door. I am Enyd, diplomatic corps and recent transfer to the ship.” Enyd looked around the holodeck again, letting out another husky chuckle. “And poor interpreter of the definition of ‘rock’n’roll’ apparently.” She gestured to her outfit when her roaming eyes returned to the small group. “I wrongfully assumed a few decades prior, when the term was first coined, and obviously the style was quite different. But, I’m excited to experience the music and styles of this evening’s program.”

When Victor returned with her drink, Enyd thanked him by way of lightly squeezing his forearm with her other hand, dropping it back to her side immediately after. After taking a tentative first sip, her eyes widened in delight, and she took an almost unladylike gulp.

“Very refreshing,” Enyd added as she raised the glass in Kate’s direction, a belated return salute. “Will there be dancing here as well, or purely concert-style?”

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #9
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Personal Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn:  @P.C. Haring

“Stupid meetings,” Mickayla groused as she did up her shoes. “I would have been ready an hour ago if they hadn’t wanted my opinion on Martok’s ruling about Gorka’s former supporters. And then trying to get me to intercede on their behalf to try and get them clemency. Fuck that, they and their friends tried to kill me multiple times.” Absently, Mickayla noted that she hadn’t even thought about what shoes she was going to wear tonight. She had just replicated the heels to go with the skirt and top ensemble she had picked out. Standing, she looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the deep cut in the top that exposed her. There was a necklace that had been in the research, but the Klingon hadn’t liked it. Now though, she admitted that she should have gotten something to fill in the gap.

“A problem for another time,” she told herself before striding out into the common room. She had been quite busy the last 3 days and hadn’t really seen her Gorn roommate except in passing. Even then, Sithick had seemed off and Mickayla decided to make a point of catching up with the giant. With that done, she left her quarters and headed for the turbolift.

[ Lt. T'Less | Passageway | Deck 08 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ]

She almost hadn’t come. Had almost decided against it. Several times since reading the invitation and who it was from. During her day, when she had been focusing on her project for the new defensive weapons system she was developing. Even as she had been getting ready to attend. It was illogical. And yet, the only response to that concept was that it was Reggie. The one time that they had met during their mutual time at Starfleet Academy had almost been enough for T’Less to want to release herself and embrace her emotions. And that had been when she had been in control and not emotionally compromised as she was now. Could she afford to risk that now?”

And yet, she found herself walking down the passageway towards the holodeck, her newly braided hair swaying behind her. It was another thing that she had decided to do that morning. Instead of the loose hair that she had had, it was now tightly braided against her scalp and then the ends were left to hang down her back. It would require a little more maintenance but that was why the Theurgy had hair specialists.

Ahead, a turbolift opened and out walked a Klingon that T’Less recognised as Chief MacGregor. Given the chief’s attire, T’Less surmised that the Klingon had the same destination at the Vulcan.

“Good evening, Chief,” T’Less greeted politely, as the Klingon fell into step beside her.

“And to you, Lieutenant,” Mickayla replied. “Excuse me for saying so but I didn’t think a rock concert would be your kind of thing.”

“Perhaps it isn’t,” T’Less noted calmly. “But I was invited, and it would be rude of me to refuse without due cause.” It sounded reasonable and logical as she said it but she was not completely sure that it was the truth. Further consideration on the matter was forestalled by the pair’s arrival at Holodeck 02. The doors opened at their approach and granted them entry into the program.

“Nice,” Mickayla remarked as she took in their holographic surroundings. “I’m going to check out the bar. Would like to accompany me, ma'am?”

“Ah yes,” T’Less replied after a moment. Her eyes, much to her consternation, had automatically begun searching for their host’s location. She found her talking to other members of the crew, apparently welcoming them. “That would be nice.”

T'Less' New Hair:[Show/Hide]
T'Less' Outfit:[Show/Hide]
Mickayla's Outfit:[Show/Hide]

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #10
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Personal Quarters | Deck 8 | Vector 2] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Tae @Ellen Fitz @Stegro88

It had been a couple of days into the mandated shore leave for the crew and Lt. Zark hadn’t caught a single wink of any of it.  The previous couple of days had been an exercise in administration and recovery as far as she’d known.  The first day really didn’t count as after making it back to the ship, she’d pretty much almost collapsed until Marcaida had caught her and helped her to sickbay.  After helping her out of her armour and carting it off, Dr.Hernandez had engaged in some routine but serious surgery to fix the various concussions and contusions that had been afflicted on her in her last misadventure.  This had also incidentally involved fixing her nearly broken nose after it’s unfortunate encounter with a Klingon forehead armour.  After that had come a day of sedation as Dr.Hernandez had insisted she rest whether she wanted it or not.

With her wounds mostly healed, Dr.Hernandez had discharged her with a stern injuntion to go to her quarters and not do anything strenuous.  Upon more mature consideration, it wasn’t a bad idea, especially having been on what amounted to extended combat operations for several days.  It was a welcome change as she entered her quarters.  There had been a hostile hiss when she’d first entered. Saucer, her cat, was not happy.  It had taken several minutes of cooing to the cat and tempting him with treats before the cat had come out and promptly settled into snuggling Lt. Zark to make up for lost time.  The rest of the day had been rather anti-climactic by comparison.  It mainly involved remotley pulling the tac logs from her armour as she settled into writing the After Action Reports for the missions to Breen and Qo’nos.  This sort of work hadn’t been physically strenuous, but had exacted it’s toll mentally as she’d found herself gripping the table and breathing hard at one point when reviewing the portion where she’d been shot by Ambassador Visser.  She didn’t know how long she’d been staring at the terminal  while Saucer had looked at her worriedly.  She’d managed a wan smile before going back to comforting the cat.  The cat wasn’t really convicnced, but had given into the rubbing happily.

The second day had passed and she woke to the third with her sheets twisted into knots and Saucer  sitting on the sofa keeping an eye on her. I totally need to do something else. Seeing the general invite to a music event on Holodeck 2, she quickly resolved to go.  The general inventory of damaged, destroyed, and used equipment from the missions took up most of the rest of the day and by the time Lt.Zark had to get ready, she’d had enough of all the admin work.  Choosing an outfit had taken some time, but then applying makeup took a little longer.  Applying a darker blush to her cheeks, sparkle gloss to her lips, and eye liner, she figured she was good for a night on the town so to speak.

Making her way to the holodeck, she didn’t draw as many looks as she thought she would and wondered what about the calibre of style that was headed to the event.  Taking a steadying breath as this was really her first social occasion on the ship, she stepped through the threshold and was immediately impressed.  It wasn’t what she preferred in music, but it sounded  fun and that’s what counted.  Seeing a familiar mangled yet irreverent Bajoran at the bar talking to a very attractive dark haired woman, a small wave of relief washed over the Andorian.  She wasn’t going to the event a total stranger.  Though the Klingon did look a lot like MacGregor.

Heading to the bar where vanVinter was regailing several others on the merits of Bajoran cuisine, she turned to the bartender first for a drink. ”Talisker Dark Storm, neat and chilled.”  The bartender didn’t even bat an eye as she brought the drink over.  Taking a sip of cold Skye smoke, caramel, fruit, and sea salt; she was about to say hello to Victor when her eye caught the host, and made her way over to greet her.  ”Hello, my name’s generally too long to pronounce, so you can call me Zark and thank you for setting this all up.”

Zark's outfit:

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #11
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Junior officer's quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @P.C. Haring @RyeTanker @Tae @Ellen Fitz @Stegro88

Rhys was restless. His shift had finished a while ago, he had gone through his appointments and done all the paperwork. Once it had been all done and he had returned to his quarters the restless feelings at hit him. He had only started working again the day before. Returned to duty by Hathev. He had been excited to get back to work, and now that he was done for the day it was frustrating because he just wanted to do more.

It occurred to Rhys he was perhaps overcompensating for having been relieved of duty, but this was at least a less destructive side of himself than had been in evidence before. So, there he was sat in his quarters practically vibrating with uncertainty on how to best spend his time. First, he had tried reading, there was an excellent book on the Three Kingdoms era of China he had been eager to read. However, his eyes kept slipping off the page. He eventually cast aside that option. Next up was model making, there was a model of a Constitution Class he had been eager to make for some time… No, his concentration shifted again. He eyed his guitar on its stand, he picked it up and strummed a few cords. Perhaps there was that song he had been meaning to learn. That lasted a bit longer, about 10 minutes before the guitar to was discarded.

Rhys was soon pacing around his quarters, trying to think of something to do that did not involve just heading back to his office and inventing work for himself. No that wasn’t healthy, it was then his eye caught the PADD by his bed. There had been that invite.

[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02]

So, Rhys found himself stepping through the doors of the holodeck. Time for more stomach knotting relaxation. Rhys had dressed in a non-descript way, tight black jeans, a simple red T-shirt under a leather coat. Looking at some of the other people present, he had a feeling he might be a little underdressed. Rhys was not really good at being off duty and it showed. There was a group that had gathered close to the bar. The only person he recognised at all was Lt. Zark. She had been a patient of his at one time. He did not greet her however, as he wasn’t sure if she would want reminding of their sessions or not. Everyone else was very much new to him. He hovered awkwardly at the edge of the group not really sure what to say or even if he should interject at all. He looked at the barman, oh dear choices… “Gin?” He said with an uncertain voice. The barman grunted and poured him a drink.

Rhys sipped grateful and took in the room. It was certainly well created, and the music was not bad either. He looked at the group around them talking and couldn’t help thinking what an attractive bunch they were. Rhys contrived to look as much a part of the group as possible but did not have the courage to interact yet.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #12
[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn:  @Tae  @Lathaniel  @Ellen Fitz  @Swift  @Stegro88  @Griffinsummoner  @Pierce  @Aharon  @Auctor Lucan  @RyeTanker  @Juzzie

Reggie took another sip of her drink as she considered Victor’s question. 

“I do,” she said.  “After the war, I did a tour in the Bajoran Sector.  Had plenty of opportunity to sample Bajoran cuisine.  Still haven’t found a good place for Hasperat since I left though.” 

At this point, Enyd introdued herself and Victor headed off to the bar “Pleased to meet you, Enyd.  I’m also fairly new around here.  Don’t worry about the look.  It’s a few decades early, yes and if you want some pointers I can offer some.  But it looks amazing on you, it’s fun, and that’s what tonight is about.”

Victor returned and after Enyd took her sip they returned to the conversation at hand.  “Really whatever you want to make of the night.  There is a dance floor over there,” she pointed behind her where a floor had been set down, and a floor sized decal of the Theurgy Logo had been applied.  “But if you’d rather sit and listen to the music or socialize while the concert’s going on,” she motioned to the seating in it’s various configurations, “feel free as well.  Only one rule… have fun tonight!”

As the conversation continued, Reggie glanced over to the clock hanging on the wall at the bar.  It ready 20:15.  Yup… fashionably late starting as any good show ought to be.  She took a look around the balcony.  A good number of the crew had shown up and she suspected that more would trickle in as the night drew on with itself.  The advantage of not requiring an RSVP was that neither she nor Kate had to take the time to sort out a guest list.  The disadvantage of not requiring an RSVP was that neither of them really had any clue as to who to expect.  Reggie had hoped T’Less would have been here by now but she could not hold the show up for one person, especially given the possibility that T’Less had changed her mind over the past day or so.

“Computer,” she said, as she turned away from the group for a moment.  “Curtain.”

Reggie turned back to the group that had gathered but the closing of the holodeck door caught her eye once again.  She could not see the two new arrivals as they were back lit by the lights of the corridor.  But when the doors closed, she saw a Klingon woman she didn’t know yet, walking in with…

“T’Less,” she muttered under her breath.

“Um… excuse me a moment,” she said turning back to the assembled group.  She stepped away, eying T’Less and her companion only to be stopped by an Andorian who had introduced herself as Zark. 

“A pleasure, Zark!  I’m Reggie,” she said, her voice sounding a bit more rushed than she’d intended. “I’m glad you were able to make it.  How are you doing this evening?”

Over Zark’s shoulder she watched T’Less cross to the bar and with her back turned to her, Reggie noticed the change in her hair.  Normally she didn’t go in for cornrows, but they looked good on her.  A moment of indecision took the Betazoid as the desire to extricate herself from this conversation and see the Vulcan fought with her desire to not be rude to  Zark.  She settled on social nicety, knowing there would be plenty of time to catch up with T’Less later.

[On The Stage | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Part 1 - Ozzy Osbourne
  • Crazy Train
  • No More Tears
  • Bark at the Moon
  • Mama, I’m coming Home
  • I don’t wanna stop.

As the crowds grew restless over the hour ticking past 20:00 with no start to the show, the entire house goes dark, lit only by the red emergency exit signs, useless for a holodeck program, but accurate to the era, and the small table lights scattered through out the VIP balcony where the Theurgy crew are congregating.  Even the private bars have gone dark.  Silence holds the auditorium for the briefest of moments, and then as if a single collective thought has entered the consciousness of the attendees, the crowd starts to cheer… to roar in anticipation for what is to come next.

Despite the cacophony a single voice rises above all the others, a booming voice amplified by the auditorium speakers fills the room.


The voice dissolves into laughter as the bass sounds, strumming  two notes followed by another, and another,

“Ay Ay Ay Ay Ay”

The Vibraslap cuts off the voice again and the bass gives one more hit of the two note beat before the main guitar riff begin and the lights come up on the stage revealing Ozzy, his hair long down to his shoulders, longer than many of the women aboard the Theurgy.  Despite the darkness, he wears his trademark sun glasses. Behind him his band dives in, letting the music take them away.

“Crazy, but that’s how it goes….”

The show had started.

OOC - Okay all we’re in it now!  The set at the top is for your knowledge and for helping to organize the pacing of everyone’s posting.  Not sure how long we’ll keep Ozzy on stage, but at some point, either @Swift  or I will advance the show to the next artist.  Enjoy and have fun!!!

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #13
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] attn: @P.C. Haring  @Tae  @Lathaniel  @Swift  @Stegro88  @RyeTanker @Juzzie

Enyd grinned at Reggie and shook her head, "Thank you, Reggie. I’m perfectly happy to maintain the look, but if you do this again, I’ll be sure to dress to the era. Unless,” she smirked, “you were born under a mischievous moon and your next ‘rock-n-roll’ evening IS in fact from the 1950s, and we have now begun a playful game of mismatched eras between us.” She added a wink to ensure that the attractive young woman understood her comment had been made in mirthful teasing. “In which case, I also look forward to the wardrobe mayhem.”

Her eyes had been traveling over to the aforementioned dance floor when she spotted Chief coming in with a Vulcan woman she’d not become acquainted with yet. They were both dressed brilliantly for the theme, and Enyd hoped she’d be able to seek Chief out to thank her again for the fighting tips in the holodeck and introduce herself to her Vulcan companion. Enyd knew it would take time, and events such as this, before she grew more aware of the faces and names of her crewmates, and she made a mental note to thank Reggie again for helping make that happen by arranging this event.

A fair-haired man she’d also not met before also wandered into the room then and sidled up to the bar not far from them. He was dressed smartly in black and red and was thus far giving off a similar aura of equal parts social anxiety and interest, as Sorek had been at his first approach to the group. Reggie left to greet others, momentarily speaking to Zark, the beautiful Andorian newcomer. Enyd gave Victor a head nod, indicating her intention to engage the solo man by their side.

Enyd opened her mouth to introduce herself to him when suddenly a loud yell erupted from the stage, startling her. Thankfully, only a few sloshes of liquid escaped her glass, and none of it coated her clothing, or, from what she could tell, that of the man she’d been about to speak to. After shifting closer still, so he would understand her intention to engage and hear her over the din of the music, Enyd paused to take in the audacious laughter of the holoprogrammed singer of yore before an addictive two-note line took up after the laughter finished. Though her clothing bespoke of an era of completely different music, Enyd wasn’t wholly unaware of this kind of rock-and-roll. That being said, however, she’d never heard this song before and had to stand still until the intro was finished and the singer launched in the song proper before she could come back to herself enough to have a proper conversation.

“Wow,” she looked at the fair-haired man with wide eyes filled with a fascination for the music and the ambiance of the room now that the concert had started, “that was quite the intro, wasn’t it?” She reached past him to snap a napkin from the bar and quickly cleaned up the side of her glass and her fingers. The mess cleaned up, for now, Enyd returned her smiling gaze to the man and held out her hand for a traditional Earth greeting. “Enyd Isolde Madsen, diplomatic corps. And you are?”

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #14
CPO Victor vanVinter |Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] @P.C. Haring @Ellen Fitz @Lathaniel @RyeTanker @Stegro88 @Swift

Victor kept an eye out, watching all of the newcomers to the party, smiling as others talked around him, and he stood there next to Enyd, feeling quite happy with his lot in life right now. And speaking of life, there was zark, walking dressed in an exciting outfit. He waves to her but doesn't call out since the music had just started out with the blasting tones of Ozzy Osbourne. he taps Enyd on the shoulder and points over to Zark. "That's Zark, and she wound up being the acting CO on the mission I was on the other day. She managed to save my ass, and then I repaid her by saving hers. It looks like she's gotten all of the bloodwine and gagh out of her hair, so that's nice."

Victor gives a mysterious smile to Enyd and looks over to the slightly shorter blonde man, and extends a hand to the man. "Good to meet you. I'm Victor vanVinter, deck crew. Not sure I saw you before I got put on ice; I'm guessing you're one of the strays we've picked up?" His tone of voice was cheerful and friendly, paired with a warm smile. However, Victor, contrary to Rhys's first impression, might have been was not so much an attractive man. While he might once have been called handsome and still carried a rogueish charm, it was pretty clear that the left side of his face was practically melted, and his cybernetic eye glowed with an almost creepy light in the holographic club. All in all, if it weren't for the friendly smile on Victor's deformed face, he'd make for a reasonably decent specter of dread.

Meeting Kate, she shook her hand with his cybernetic one, and winks. "You do wonderful work, I have to give you a hand. I mean, you've given me two already." Yep, the pun was absolutely terrible but it wasn't like he cared, he had fun making it. All in all, Victor approved of the music so far, tapping his foot along with the beat and idly humming along while not talking.

Lt. Arven Leux

Arven was at the bar, starting the process of getting drunk for the night. As if he could get drunk on synthahol, it kind of prevented that in most people. And sadly for Arven, he was indeed most people. spotting T'Less and Mackayla heading to the bar, he moved over and spoke to the bartender, grinning at the hologram. "A trio of Four horsemen, please."

The hologram poured the trio of shots consisting of the four whiskeys, Bourbon, Tennessee, Scotch, and Irish, which Arven presents to the Vulcan and Klingon with relish.

"Drink up, ladies, Doctor's orders!" The music started then, and Arven jumped, almost spilling the shots. Even though he'd grown up on Earth, the archaic human music still startled him sometimes. Couldn't they play something more soothing? Ah well, it was a party and a new experience. He saw Reggie talking to Zark and just minded his own business there, and he might as well try to be a little flirty with the Klingon; she looked kind of cute to him. It would be a fun night regardless, though he hoped the music would get better.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #15
  Lt JG Sorek Morgan, Callsign “Chaos”  | Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring  @Tae  @Swift  @Ellen Fitz  @RyeTanker  @Stegro88


The young Lieutenant sent an awkward smile to everyone in the group. He felt out of place, but he knew that it was not only a social but also a career-related imperative to attend such events. And at least internally he had to admit that being out and around people was something he enjoyed after his strange in-between position aboard the Oneida.

He turned to Arven upon being adressed by him. The Doctor sure had his own, unique way of expressing relief about his potential patients well-being. But he smiled and nodded. "Yes, I seem to have had a guardian angel out there. But it was a damn close call and a lesson learned." He looked around for his "backseat" and saw him talking to one of the holographic bouncers. Then he joined Arven at the bar and ordered a stiff Gin Tonic. As stiff at least as sythahol could be.

"Of course, you are right." He replied to Victor after being told to leave rank outside. He had expected his social skills to not be refined enough to differentiate between formal and informal. But this would not stop him to try and have a good time. "I'm Sorek and my backseat goes by the name Owen. And he is obviously trying hard to convince this bouncer over there of something." He chuckled and for once it seemed completely natural.

Sorek was not stupid, of course. He knew what his RIO was up to. He had urged Sorek to tag along, has helped him choose a outfit and prepared him by playing just the right music. And now he was held up talking to a hologram in order to subtly force Sorek to find his way into the crowd on his own. And his plan seemed to work.

Listening to some of the conversations, he held on to his glass and slowly emptied it. The awkward feeling of not belonging here was slowly disapating and when Arven jumped to the first sounds of Crazy Train, he smirked.

"Not your type of music, Arven?" He asked, taking up the rhythm with his fingers. "I think that's the guy who ate a living bat once. I don't really know what to make of that. Earth must have been a weird place back then."

Owen meanwhile seemed to have assessed that Sorek was getting into his own variant of a party mood and nodded towards the bouncer, leaving him alone. He had pondered the thought of trying to get him to leave his post and follow him to the restroom but decided against it. Real meat would definitely sate him more than a hologram. So he slowly made his way to the dance floor, already on the look-out for other enthusiasts.
Lt JG Sorek Morgan
PO2 Kino Taer

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #16
[ Lt. Asra Tek | Holodeck 02 | Vector 2 Deck 08| USS Theurgy ]

It was a safe bet that at any point Asra's quater's would be a mess however in the build up to the party it would be more accurate to describe it as a bomb site. What few clothes Asra had brought with her were scattered around, discarded, while she stalked around in her underwear, hair still damp from showering. As she paced Asra was talking to herself and the computer various outfits appearing on the display before being quickly passed over. "Ummm, classic rock, classic rock, sooo 20-21st century, come on think outfits, uhhhhhhhh Leather. Computer bring up Leather outfits from the database" Being honest with herself she had not expected this upon arrival to the Theurgy, no sooner had she been allocated logins for the central network when a new message appeared inviting her to a classic terran rock and roll concert of all things. Various designs began appearing on the screen eliciting a range of reactions from blanching to blushing, "Computer stop, stop." Asra paced over sitting on the edge of the bed with a thump head hitting her hands, "Dammit Tobiar why couldn't you have been slightly more interested in this era. ummmmm, come on Asra think......... Computer, pull up designs for Leather jacket and trousers, tag with classic rock and roll" As the screen filled with much more appropriate clothing Asra stood up quickly digging through the discarded clothes before pulling out a plain black T-shirt. She walked over to the computer, pulling the tshirt over her head, before selecting a pair of loosish looking leather trousers and a leather jacket with only a few studs, "Computer, Fabricate selected designs". Getting into the outfit was easier than she expected and soon Asra was attired for this party though forgoing any new footwear for the sturdy boots that she arrived in.


The route to the holodeck was supprisingly quiet for Asra, but not in a good way. Any crew that she saw kept eyes on her suspicion rampant in their gaze, voices hushed as she passed by. This crew had clearly been through a lot, Asra knew the barely restrained enthusiasm and curiosity that ran rampant on most Federation starships and for that to have curdled into this warieness and suspicion said more than any briefing about the situation. Arriving at the holodeck she took a moment to check her shirt was tucked in before proceeding through the door and into a grand hall of some kind.

As the door opened Asra was hit with a wall of sound, despite the volume it took only moments for her to identify the music as Ozzy osbourne an a few more to quell the instinctive reaction to leave. She really did not belong at this sort of party but a chance to meet with a new crew was too valuable to simply pass up due to a slight discomfort. The big advantage of arriving slightly later however was already evident as she slipped her way towards the bar, with everyone distracted by the music and each other already passing through was suprisingly easy. She came up to a less crowded portion of the bar already fighting the urge to find a corner and loose hersefl in her pad, " A Lime and soda water please" Asra asked the bartender taking the drink and holding in up to her face, shielding herself, as she scanned the room.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #17
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Personal Quarters of Lt. (jg) Morali | Deck 11 | Vector 02|  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Scavenger01 @P.C. Haring   @Tae   @Swift   @Ellen Fitz   @RyeTanker   @Stegro88 @Lathaniel @Griffinsummoner @Pierce @Auctor Lucan @Juzzie   

Not for the first time since finally being persuaded to move away from the quarters he had shared with the Neotin family (given that they were all quite dead, and he was no longer Ash'reem, but human, genetically) Sarresh found himself pacing around the much smaller room, missing the in ground tub that the previous accommodations had held. Yes, he agreed that this change was healthy. That didn't make it easy. It made it something he had to adjust to. Yet another adjustment, in a series of them that dated back to the moment he set foot in this misbegotten time frame.

Never mind adjusting to that mess which was Azurite Station. But we are not thinking about Azurite Station. No, no we are not. Repressing a shudder, he ran his hands over his hair and looked and the invitation currently displayed on the general purpose interface across the room. He tried to remember if he had encountered either of the Lieutenants that had sent the invite to him, and wondered just how many people had received it. Quite a few, I wager.

"This is a bad idea, he said to no one in particular as zipped the jacket mostly shut. Not for the first time, the scruffy looking former amphibian wondered if the ships' computer was having a laugh at his expense, looking at the outfit that had been replicated for him. It was supposedly 'period appropriate.' And he couldn't argue with that. He had memories of Earth in the pre-Third World War era, sketchy, but there, slipped loose from the Memory Engram Programming he'd endured. Probably not something that would threaten the Temporal Prime Directive, but at this point it was so hard to tell.

"You can explore that later, Morali. With the proper help." A friendly face, with a welcoming smile and concern behind her eyes flashed in his own mind before he set those thoughts aside, and rubbed the well-worn stubble across his cheeks and chin. Unlike the quarters, he'd just about gotten used to the facial hair. And having hair that was so dry. Bones had become almost second nature now.

Scowling at that thought, he tugged the sleeves of the brown leather jacket he wore, over top a  black button up shirt, and set above a deep grey, almost but not quite black pair of denim pants - called 'jeans' according to the historical write up Thea had provided for him when prompted with the question, "Computer, what the hell do I wear to a Rock and Roll concert? And what is Rock and Roll?"

An illuminating hour and a half later, the still slightly twitchy Temporal Affairs officer had decided to wear what was suggested, and attend the concert. With one final irreverent thought that perhaps he had been invited by accident, he shoved his hands into his pockets (along with a replicated pair of sonic earbuds designed to dampen the effects of egregiously loud decibel abuse) and made his way to the designated holodeck.

[ Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

In the end, Sarresh didn't even have to leave the vector he was quartered on. A short trip up a few levels, and then across the vector a ways, and soon enough he was walking toward the holodeck doors. They slid open and he winced, getting a second hand bout of someone wailing about getting aboard before the doors shut behind a short haired woman that looked passingly familiar. He was sure he had seen her somewhere, probably at a briefing. Maybe.

In any event, the noise that had escaped the holodeck was enough warning for him to remove the small ear buds, and fit them in, adjusting the devices so that, when he entered he would still be able to hear those around him, as well as the music, without any negative impact. Ash'reem had relied partially on echo location. Though he was now fully human, he took his hearing seriously. Squaring off his shoulders he walked in, feeling the sound smack into his body, but able to focus on the conversations around him as he took in his bearings as the archaic rock washed over him, the base seeming to thrum across his body in a surprisingly pleasing fashion.

The concert hall was certainly impressive, in a classical sort of manner, if Sarresh understood the time period right (and of all people he, by all rights, aught to. He was sure he'd been to Earth in the 21st century at some point, a surety he had not had a few months ago).  Hunching his shoulders he followed short haired figure from earlier, just catching a glimpse. There was a lot of leather on display in the area that he pegged to be full of 'crew' and not holograms, though he did turn his head to follow an orion waitress as she sauntered about. He gave a sniff, and shook his head.

That is a hologram he muttered. The medical assistant robot V-Nine had helped him regain a few of his previous, Ash'reem abilities, through cosmetic surgery and a few well chosen implants. His olfactory capacity was much closer to his original state. Detecting no scent at all from the green screen woman allowed him to discern the photonic nature of her existence. In short, he cheated and chuckled to himself over it, as he approached the bar in the private balcony clearly set aside for the 'real' patrons of the night.

Placing his hands on the bar (the fingers of the left clearly tapping in time with the music), the former Ash'reem looked at the collected rack of bottles, and then the reflections of the crew in the mirrored walls of the balcony. He arched an eyebrow, recognizing a few faces from various missions. No fast friends. But then, most of his friends were dead. "Melancholy much?

Rolling his eyes at himself in the mirror, and smiling at how they seemed to swirl in a kaleidoscope of colors, as they had once before his transformation, Sarresh glanced to either side of him, seeing no one he knew terribly well and simply ordered one of the myriad of drinks his late drinking partner had introduced him to, on a variety of drunken evenings in the immediate wake of the Battle of the Azure Nebula.

"Maraltian Seev-ale," he asked, watching as one of the green skinned holograms pulled a bottle off the shelf and poured the light blue beverage into a squared off, medium sized glass with no handle. Nodding, he took a sip, sighing softly as the mint flavored elixer coated his tongue and made the back of his throat tingle. "To absent friends," he whispered, toasting his own reflection before turning to brace against the back of the bar and glancing over at the others, inadvertently mimicking the Trill woman he'd followed into the bar, save that he held his drink in both hands in front of his chest, and not his face.

OOC: Sarresh's current attire: [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #18
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 2 | Deck 8 | Vector 2]

Attn: @Scavenger01 @P.C. Haring @Tae @Swift @Ellen Fitz @Stegro88 @Lathaniel @Griffinsummoner @Pierce @Auctor Lucan @Juzzie @Brutus

Zark’s flashed Reggie a toothy smile.  ”This is amazing!  I never imagined an even like this!” The crazy singer from a bygone era welcomed everyone to the show and Zark’s smile got a little wider as her antennae began to circle more rapidly.  Her fingers also began unconsciously tapping her glass and her head began moving from side to side in sync with the beat laid out by the drummer. Picking up where her thoughts had been interrupted, Zark continued, raising her voice to be heard over the music.  ”Closest I got to a concert was a date in the academy years ago!  Only thing was all the stuff they played was way to moody! This is way more exciting and damn happier too!” 

Taking a sip of her Scotch, Zark was able to see another person enter the Holodeck and realized Reggie was probably going to be busy as hostess really soon. ”You must quite new on the ship, though I’m quite new myself and I’m sure you’re going to be more busy meeting and greeting soon. Come on.” Casually linking her arm in Reggie’s, Zark guided her new ship mate towards vanVinter, while generally pointing out her newness by showing where Lt. Rhys, her counselor, was standing at the bar and telling that they had come over together from the Cayuga. ”Pretty much only other person I really know.”

Stopping next to the casually tapping Chief, she unlinked herself from Reggie and placed a hand on vanVinter’s shoulder and leaned on him slightly. ”Don’t know if you’ve met this irreverent maniac, but this gentleman here is one of the best people to have your back when the shelat hits the fan.”  Zark soon began regaling the tale of Victor’s driving through the First City on Qo’nos, going on about crazy hair pin turns while driving, and screaming a war cry of some sort while driving a buggy they were in off a bridge, barely pausing to take drink before ending with  ”And in the end, even after being shot and leaking all over the place, he still comes out and pulled my ass out of the fire after some jerk had the nerve to shoot me!  Damn if this man isn’t as brave as he is crazy!”

For a much clearer description of the shenanigans Zark is referring to, refer here

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #19
CPO Victor vanVinter |Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] @RyeTanker @Ellen Fitz @Lathaniel and @Scavenger01

Victor had his head on a swivel, his eyes practically buzzing in their sockets as he looked about. He was content to stand and listen to the music. But he was enjoying it. And then zark comes over and slaps a hand on his shoulder. His cheeks rather quickly turned red then. With Enyd at his side, she'd get to see the blush slowly growing on his face then. It was terribly awkward for him to have his heroics recounted, though there was a first time for everything, and try as he might, the man could not find a way to argue any of it.

"Prophets take you Zark, you make it sound like I am the sole reason that mission succeeded." He sighs and raises his Ale in a toast.

"To Rivard and Keyah ,who cannot be here tonight. And To you, the one that took command and made the toughest of calls." Victor takes a hefty swig of his ale and swishes it about his mouth before speaking again.

"All I did was drive and shower us all in bloodwine and wistan-gagh. Which reminds me Zark, it looks like you got all of the Targs blood out of your hair." He winks at that and looks down to Enyd, smiling at the diminutive woman.

"Zark here was the combat medic as originally assigned, and she wound up taking command after Arisaka bought the farm rather early on. Though Zark did far more than I would have to save that medal chasing prick." His words filled with a vitriol that Enyd would have never seen in him before. Clearly, there were some strong feelings regarding the fallen Lieutenant.

"So, what are you thinking about the music anyway, Enyd? This is a bit before my time, but not bad. My father listened to old stuff like this. I will never understand how a cultural anthropologist goes from university work to running a freighter. And dad never gave me an answer." He rolls his eyes and sips more of his beer then, enjoying the flow of conversation and the amusing company.

Victor glanced over to Owen, Arven, and Sorek, giving the trio a polite nod. "Good to meet you both. We might wind up flying together in the near future. However, I'm not a Valravn pilot. I love the look of them, though I have concerns about their structural integrity if I'm honest. That hull design they have is beautiful, but one good hit, and you've lost a whole engine and half your ship." Victor seemed about to go off on a rant about starship design when the muscular Trill in the profane shirt seems to spot a newcomer waving her over. Victor turns is scarred visage to Asra, giving her a ghastly yet friendly smile. truth to tell, Victor was far more friendly than his horrific appearance would let on.

Arven Leux

Arven was happily sipping on his Ale and looked pretty impressed at victor when Zark was recounting the tale. So that was how he'd gotten the disruptor burns on his back and gotten his cybernetic hand nearly shot off. It looked like whatever gods he prayed to had forgotten to put in any quit when they made him.

He leans into Sorek with a smirk and gestures to Zark, keeping his voice low. "How much of that do you actually believe? Because that's a hell of a story. The fact they did all of that without any real air support can't be true, can it?" He shrugs a little and speaks in a more normal voice.

"Nope, not my type of scene, and I grew up on Earth, I'm actually 'from' San Francisco pretty much, well USS Rutledge if you want to get technical, but same thing." Arven seemed about to say more when he spotted more spots. The slender, short-haired woman walking in all in leather, now that was a new sight for him.

Arven raises his Ale to Asra in greeting and smiles broadly at her. "Evening, come join the circle. This is Victor, Enyd, Zark, Sorek, and Owen. From what I gather, Victor here is some kind of action hero, and Zark has got to be a Bard in disguise. Sorek and Morgan are both two of our Fighter jockeys and..." Arven looks over to Enyd, lifting an eyebrow. "I'm afraid I have no idea what you do. My apologies. I'm new to the ship as well."

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #20
[CPO 1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Corridor | Deck 08 | Vector 2] @Swift @Stegro88 @Pierce

Scruffy was late.  There was no other way to describe it.  He had gotten caught in Engineering with some “priority” repair that naturally fell on one of the lowest seniority engineers to fix.  Still, it was done and he was officially off-shift.  After quickly stopping by his quarters to freshen up and put on some appropriate clothing for the event, he had rushed right out.

He was very appreciative to get the invite from Kate to the concert.  It sounded like fun, and he knew they definitely needed the chance to relax.  Relaxing together sounded even better.  Still, his tall frame made an interesting sight thudding down the corridor toward the holodeck.  He had decided to go with a bit of a mixed bag this evening: Polished pointed-toe boots with a lifted heel under black denim pants that fit the lines of his legs, and a black shirt (button-clasp, open to reveal a fair bit of chest); the whole thing perhaps just a size too tight for what would be “decent” in any other setting.  His hair was swept back but still wild enough for his nickname.

When he arrived at the holodeck, he had a bit of a flush from the haste with which he had arrived. But he stopped just inside the entrance, took a breath, and looked around for Kate.  He was soaking in the environment, letting the music from the stage set the rhythm of his movements.  Spotting her bright hair in the dim light, he sauntered over to the bar with a little spring in his step.  Seeing her already engaged in conversation, he simply took a seat, hummed to the music, and gave her his trademark smirk when their eyes eventually met.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #21
[ Lt. Asra Tek | Holodeck 02 | Vector 2 Deck 08| USS Theurgy ]

Asra's slow scan of the room was interrupted by the sight of another trill staring at her glass raised, a quick nervous glance to either side confirmed that he must be talking to her so with a swallow for courage Asra dropped her glass back down to chest height and shuffles over to join the circle. As she moves closer she scans the person to invited her forward, looking him up an down. Clearly the man worked out if the tightness of his shirt was anything to go by, probably in security or maybe a pilot.  Asra's scan also revealed the answer to her unasked question, of why he was inviting her over,  as it revealed his own spots trailing down his neck. Joining in the circle, Asra's eyes moved on to the other humanoids around the circle preparing for the barrage of names that was surely about to begin.

Fortunately Arven began to introduce everyone, easily labeling all of the faces around the circle;
First up was the scarred Bajoran, clearly the man had seen some action if the severe facial scarring and missing eye where anything to go by but the friendly smile definitely softened any shock of his appearance and earnt him a shy smile in return even as Asra's eyes moved over to the next one.

Eyes tracking downwards Asra was blessed with a complete juxtaposition, where Victor was hard lines and Scarring Enyd was smooth lines and casual beauty accentuated by just a hint of make up. The very different design choice in clothing also stood out and even as she moved on asra squinted slightly trying to recall what era Enyd was wearing fashion from.

Even as she came over she had heard the end of the very energetic explanation of something by the Andorian that was leaning on Victor. While not taking a step away from Zark Asra moved her shoulders back slightly shuffling a bit closer to Arven and back to get some distance from the boistrous and animated andorian.

Finally Asra's eyes landed on the most normal one of the party, the human seemed to be hanging back a bit enjoying the atmosphere as he sipped his drink, Asra tried to send him a smile, as a fellow introvert forced out, but it came out as some grimace, smile hybrid.

Now somewhat introduced Asra let the conversation lull before remembering that now she was supposed to introduce herself "Hi, I'm Tek, Asra Tek" fortunately any remaining conversation was quickly swept up again as Arven began explaining the roles of everyone around the circle. Asra stared up at him, suddenly realising quite how much taller than her he was, face slowly morphed into curiosity, he'd been very keen to introduce everyone else but somehow had forgotten himself, oh well , he probably would do soon. Asra's attention returned to the circle frown still on her face even as her eyes kept flicking back and forth trying to track the conversation.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #22
  Lt JG Sorek Morgan, Callsign “Chaos”  | Holodeck 02 | Deck 8 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring  @Tae  @Swift  @Ellen Fitz  @RyeTanker  @Stegro88


Still more and more crew members were joining the party. Sorek's concerns that this event might flop were completely unrealistic, as it seemed. All the chatter around him forced Sorek to focus on the few people adressing him directly, mainly Victor and Arven, who seemed to be the heart of this part of the event.

Turned to Victor, he nodded. "Pleased to meet ya. And even though I can understand your concerns, I think the design looks hot as fuck. When I was told that I was assigned to one of them, I had a hard time not to faint from happiness." Of course he was completely exaggerating, but the joy he felt was indeed quite high. "In addition, the sleak design might make our enemies out there think that we are toothless. At least until they get their butts roasted, that is."

Just after he had finished his response, Arven leaned in and adressed him. The breath of the doctor made Sorek feel a tingle in his stomach. He sincerely hoped that the man did not notice. He turned his head, subconsciously hoping for a second to face Arven close up before he turned away again. But the Trill had already moved back. "Well, I don't know, doc." He replied. "Miracles happen. If you and I were to go back to the times on earth in which this here" he gestured around the room with both hands "was real and en vogue and told tell the Terrans of those times that only a few hundreds years later mankind would be travelling to all quadrants of the galaxy, they would never believe us. And yet, this miracle is true." He giggled, well aware of the fact that this was complete bogus. But in a way he was getting into the mood to party.

While the focus of Arven and the others shifted, he noticed that Owen had returned for good. He turned towards him and smiled. It was a short smile, not revealing much to an outsider. Owen on the other hand knew Sorek well enough to interpret it. My friend, it was a good idea to come here. Thank you!
Lt JG Sorek Morgan
PO2 Kino Taer

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #23
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] attn: @Tae  @Lathaniel  @Brutus  @Stegro88  @RyeTanker  @Juzzie  @Scavenger01

Enyd’s eyes darted back and forth over the newcomers as well as those who had already been within their huddled group near the bar. It was enlightening watching how everyone subconsciously adjusted their body language or vocal tones depending upon whether they spoke with someone they knew or someone knew. Enyd was content to watch and listen for the time, deciphering the subtle cues people gave off often without realizing it in their body language. It was curious how many within the holodeck appeared to be either the socially awkward type, here to stretch their “wings” so to speak, or they were the socially domineering type, on their A-game whenever surrounded by others. From the way they stood to their choice of drink, Enyd took note of the little things and filed them away for later perusal if the opportunity ever arose. When Morali came in and immediately ordered a drink from the bar, Enyd nodded towards him, still thankful for his work at the Great Hall. Though it was yet to be decided whether he had appreciated her work in particular, likely he’d at least not been bored.

The banter between Zark and Victor brought her attention back to the closer group, and a single eyebrow rose at the sudden shift in Victor’s tone of voice. She knew she was not the only one who had changed because of life and circumstances, so it would be foolish of her to assume Victor was the ever-happy bloke she’d known years ago.

“It sounds like quite the adventure nonetheless.” Enyd nodded towards the effervescent Zark, a smile playing at her lips.

When Arven introduced the group to yet another newcomer, the attractive Asra with short-cropped hair, his pause on her position had Enyd smiling.

“Chaos wrangler, or instigator, depending upon the situation. But truth be told, Arven,” after a quick sip of her drink, Enyd’s smile grew, “I’m in the diplomatic corps. And I’m just as green around the gills as you in many ways, been here a matter of days, and still learning the ropes.

The music caught her attention again, and Enyd shrugged at Victor’s question, “I’m rarely disappointed with music as usually there’s always something to be appreciated. Even if the appreciation is when it’s over.” She threw a playful wink towards Asra with her comment before looking towards the stage again. “I don’t know how you’d go about dancing to this kind of music, though unless you consider bouncing up and down to a beat dancing, in which case this is perfect.”

She went to take another sip but frowned. Her earlier unladylike guzzling and subsequent sips had rendered her glass empty. Holding it up with a sigh, Enyd gestured toward the bar.

“I’m going for something heavier. Anyone else need a top off? Happy to help” Waiting for their replies, Enyd nodded then moved to the bar and placed the orders, including her own request for an Andorian mule.  While she waited, Enyd smiled at the Chief. “Nice to see you again, Chief, and may I say again how spectacular you were back in the Great Hall. Even with the threat of the Infested bearing down on us, I wanted to give a standing ovation to your performance.”

The drinks placed before her one at a time, Enyd immediately seized her mule glass and took a sip. Her eyes closed as a wave of nostalgic delight washed over her. Even with the near-death experience that had rendered her looking almost zombie-like for a time from exposure to extreme temperatures, Enyd had adored her time on Andoria and dearly missed the friends she’d made while training there. Opening her eyes again, Enyd looked to the others standing nearby. Again she knew some while others were still a mystery to her.

“Good evening to you all,” she raised her glass, “I’m Enyd, diplomatic corps. How are you finding the music?”

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #24
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Junior officer's quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy] attn: @Tae @Lathaniel @Brutus @Stegro88 @RyeTanker @Scavenger01 @Ellen Fitz

Rhys took a sip of the clear liquid with its accompanying slice of lime and sighed happily. Not as good as the real stuff but not bad. When the intro to Crazy Train began. There was a slight jump but then the corners of his mouth turned up. Ah someone clearly appreciated the classics. A bit of Pink Floyd would not go amiss but this was a good start as far as he was concerned.

Looking ahead he saw not everyone took the sudden call from Ozzy as well as he had. She seemed to be dressed in an even more archaic fashion than some of the others. It suited her though. Though she seemed to spill a little of her drink. However soon it was his turn to have a little start, as the stranger seemed to approach him. He gripped his glass firmer, his other hand plunged into his pocket to distract from the overwhelming desire to fiddle with something. She made a comment and Rhys knew he would have to respond. He tried to calm himself. “Oh.. um yes. Definitely.” His mind prodded him to say something a little more intelligent. “Um, the musical equivalent of a gut punch.” He wasn’t sure if that was quite the phrase he had meant but he’d said it now it was too late.

She introduced herself, no rank was indicated but then this was an informal greeting, so perhaps he should drop that to. He took her hand trying to keep his hand from shaking. “Oh, I am Rhys Williams, Counselling department.” He said the sing-song nature of his accent making it clear he was a native of Wales. This was going well, he had made a comment and introduced himself without humiliation, maybe he should quit while he was ahead.

However, while he was wondering if he should slink off another stranger appeared. Rhys was above average height but the man, who introduced himself as Victor, seemed to tower over everyone around him. His face was heavily scarred, and he had a cybernetic hand of some description. Many people might have been intimidated by his scarred face and cybernetic hand, in truth Rhys was intimidated far more by the social interaction. Rhys was a counsellor; he had interacted with Starfleet Personnel who had suffered life altering injuries on a regular basis.

“Um Yes I suppose I am” He responded weakly to Victor’s comment about him being a stray. Feeling he had to contribute something else for completeness’ sake. He nodded in Zark’s direction. “I was Chief Counsellor aboard the Cayuga.” Victor then seemed to address someone else he did not know.

It was not long before Zark appeared and began excitedly regaling them with tales of Victor’s exploits. Interestingly it seemed like Victor was uncomfortable with attention being called to his role in the mission. There also seemed to be a great deal of anger and pain to some of his words. Rhys had to mentally slap himself not to go into work mode when he was meant to be relaxing. Still, he was a compassionate soul and he hated seeing others suffer. Soon Victor’s attention shifted again, and Rhys felt himself drifting to the edge of the conversation. He stood observed smiled and commented where appropriate. Though now he was wondering if Victor at some point would need to speak to someone. Though it would be rude to ask about that in this kind of situation.

Then there was a trill called Avren. A striking looking young man, with Eynd, Zark and Avren around him he felt a little like he was an outsider at a supermodel’s convention. So many attractive people. Finally, another person caught his eye. A Trill and simply by her demeanour he could tell that here was another introvert. She gave him an awkward smile which he returned no less awkwardly. Before she introduced herself as Asra Tek. No one else seemed to have greeted her directly, Eynd threw a wink in her direction. Rhys raised his hand and waved then looked faintly embarrassed at having done this. Why did he wave to her? “Hi Asra, I am Rhys.” He tried to say in as friendly and confident a voice as possible.

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