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CH06: S [D03|1600] Welcome Assignments


STARDATE 57654.79
APRIL 18, 2381
1600 HRS

[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Cheshirewild [Show/Hide]

Lt. Alana Pierce thus far has had an interesting, strange and action packed time aboard the USS Theurgy. Unfortunately she'd see crazy before, been in on attacks before and there was little that would elicit a small response. But that was prior to her accident into the 24th Century. Now, feelings welled inside and built on the anxiety of it all. Sure she hid it well in public, but secretly she struggled with it all. After her recent interview with the good doctor in the brig, and the animalistic nature of the brute of a Gorn that attacked them there, she was done with the crazy and ready for some good old fashioned infiltration. But she wasn't sure if that was going to take place as of yet. Too much to do here with Fisher being off ship at present.

She sat at one of the nearest LCARS stations kicked back, but attentively scanning for Fisher's whereabouts as others from Intel would come and go accordingly. She like it or not was the ranking officer in the Suite with Fisher MIA. Thoughts of the day went through her mind as she worked, still unable to totally shake it but glad the doctor was able to assist them somewhat when in the brig area.

Taking another sip of her cola on the console, she took in a deep breath and continued to focus on the tasks at hand. At least until the door swished open again and revealed someone she hadn't met before that she can recall. Must have been another of the various onboarding from the Kajunpak't's arrival. Judging by the color of his eyes and hair, he was a Betazoid. Which in Intelligence, could be a valuable asset.

Her hand placed the PADD and the cup down again on the station she was sitting at and she stood up. Carefully straightening her uniform and the wrinkles therein, she walked closer to the individual who looked a bit lost in the shuffle of things. Seemingly taking in the room but she couldn't be certain for sure. She approached him and reached out her hand.

"Welcome Lieutenant. I'm Lt. Pierce. I'm sort of in charge here while Commander Fisher is off ship. What can I do for you?" She paused awaiting the new interaction with the individual wondering if he was here as part of the department or in need of their services.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1600] Welcome Assignments

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Rem Kile | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

The doors swished aside and the Betazoid stepped into a zone of quiet from the buzz of activity out in the corridors. Rem had not been in a position yet to confirm but everyone he heard as he settled in talked in nervous whispers about hostile Klingon ships in pursuit and others between the Theurgy and Qo’noS. The tension in the air pressed on his mental defenses, spurring him unconsciously to waste no time as he traveled from one department to the next to check-in. It seemed to take too long but he finally arrived at Central Intelligence, from where he expected to operate during this assignment. He paused and took in his surroundings as the doors hissed shut behind him.

He stood inside a room large enough to seat eight comfortably. Lighting was subdued to a level to make prolonged work periods more bearable with brighter lights over individual workstations. Speaking of, workstations dominated every wall of the room save for a door in the far left wall opposite and an armory to the immediate right. A few steps ahead and right stood a holographic display table, currently projecting an image of Qo’noS. An officer with lieutenant rank pips manned the stations at present. Rem took a moment to look her over as she stood to meet him.

She appeared to be human, the same relative age as Rem with exotic green eyes and long, flowing hair of reddish hue. She was on the tall side for a female with a physique that looked like she could handle her own in the caves of Elsaria. Rem admired her curves with an inward smile. He imagined she endured too many stuttering, distracted first meetings with young men. He remained calm as he took her hand in greeting.

“Lieutenant Pierce, a pleasure,” he offered a firm handshake, understanding the need to project confidence and professionalism. He released and raised a transfer chit in his opposite hand. “Lieutenant Junior Grade Rem Kile reporting for duty. Director Anderson diverted me from a previous op to join you. I’m to assist with your passenger in the brig but it seems there are more pressing matters. I’m here to help.”
"We are all leaves from the same tree whether green, yellow, red, or brown."

Re: CH06: S [D03|1600] Welcome Assignments

Reply #2
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Cheshirewild [Show/Hide]

Pierce could see some distraction on the face and stance of the man before her. She however could tell that it was likely from the view he was taking in no doubt. As difficult as it'd been in the transition, this was one of those changes she was still getting used to. The borderline ogling of her physique. Not that she could blame the men looking her way. Hell, when she was a man, this was exactly the sort of thing she'd be doing. Transferring attention back to the firm handshake, which by itself was a good sign of the individual before her, she could see he was going to be very professional despite his brief distraction.

After the hands had separated she stood back a few steps and listened to his introduction. Another individual sent by the Admiral. Not that she could blame him sending more recruits this way. With the way the recent battle had gone, she was surprised this crew wasn't dead, but still that Starfleet spirit kept them safe, alive and a singular unit on a mission.

She smiled slightly in the corner of her reddish pink lips. "Welcome aboard lieutenant. I know that this is a rather...different situation than what the majority of us are used to, but we need all hands on deck. Formal introductions can wait until we retreive the Commander, and the Captain for that matter. For now, I have need of your skills. I'd heard there was an officer transferring to Intel but didn't know you were already aboard." She paused briefly and motioned for him to sit at the center table for the holo display of Praxis and Qonos.

"As you can see, we've been a bit...busy with everything going on. I was recently transferred too but I arrived shortly after your transfer from the Klingon vessel. I was aboard the IKS Daqchov retrieving a Klingon Captain loyal to Chancellor Martok. All of that aside, I anticipate that I will be off ship in a few hours to help in the return of Commander Fisher. In that time, there will be a few ops going on."

She paused to take a sip of her drink. The caffeine hitting her senses and veins as she continued to peruse his service record and the tasks at hand. Thankfully a benefit of her current form was that she was not only a distraction but had the strange ability to multitask heavily on various tasks at hand. Something about how the female brain worked she guessed.

The file mentioned some aspects that could be helpful in the situation they were currently in. "So, I see that you're a Betazoid. That is a useful tool for Intel for sure. Not to mention, we need a reliable way to sniff out individuals not of their own sound mind and body. The infested I am guessing you have read about on your journey here. We have one aboard in that of our Dr. Nicander. However with the race that he is, telepathy is useless on him, but you may glean information useful to the cause in the meantime. But that's not what we're focusing on here. At least not yet."

Alana leaned back into the chair, allowing her legs to cross as well as her arms in a relaxed pose while continuing to speak. "I need you to acquire the scent of the infested to help us more or less sniff them out. We have one here but your file mentions that you are adept at finding Klingons too which means you might have the ability to find one that isn't who he or she claims to be. Thoughts might be spastic or have two differentiating thought patterns. Either way the infested usually takes center seat unless hit with a light cannon."

Turning to the PADD nearby she lifted it up. "Read up on the file of Doctor Nicander and when you have time, meet with him. He's very helpful if you drop the whole suspicious behavior of an Intel and Security officer. When he's in control, he's pleasant actually. Still take caution but feel out the situation. In the meantime, get acquainted with the infested and help repel the boarders in other parts of the ship. You'll be our eyes and ears when I have to step out. With any luck, we'll get ahead of this."

She figured all work and no play left Intel a dull place. Not really knowing where to go with this as she wasn't good with being too personable being rather closed off for various reasons, she decided to discuss other things.

"So, other than all of that, what brought you here? What's your story and what do you do to unwind? I don't know about you, but when this over, I'd like to get to know my co-workers a little better here." She left the conversation there for him to react to. Stretching out, Alana attempted to get some more energy with the long day it'd been so far with no end in sight.

Re: CH06: S [D03|1600] Welcome Assignments

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Rem Kile | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Rem offered a nod as he accepted the PADD from Pierce, then sat at the holotable next to her. He thumbed through the contents briefly as she caught him up, taking mental notes as she touched on each point. He waited until she finished and attempted to make small talk. It reminded the Betazoid of a time when he sat with a scientist pinned under a rock in the caves of Elsaria. They could only wait for help to arrive so he kept the woman calm and distracted. Only later did he realize that he needed it as much as the woman.

Waiting is the worst, he acknowledged inwardly before meeting Pierce’s gaze. She is as new as I am, struggling to hold things together while the command staff is away. Things are bad.

“I’m happy to tell you, Lieutenant, but I need help sorting a few details first.” He thought back through everything she told him. “I assume by his absence that the commander you’re talking about is Lieutenant Commander Fisher, head of Intel aboard the ship. What is his status, and what about the captain? Then there is the infested in the brig, Nicander.”

He pondered the next, and potentially most troubling detail. “I’m here specifically to help identify the infested. You say the one in the brig is immune to telepathy? What is a ‘light cannon’ and how does it help? Oh, and the matter with the Klingon.”

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “What do you know about this Klingon? Might he be infested? How did you learn about him? That’s all I can think of for now, so, to your last question.”

He sat back in the chair and took a deep breath. “It’s difficult to relax with hostile ships in pursuit and more ahead of us. We’re certainly going to field boarding actions once the battle picks up, so I’ll meet with the Security Chief about a team assignment. That makes relaxation more important, doesn’t it?”

He broke into a reflective smile. “It’s no different than when I’m in deep cover. I have to do something to keep my sanity. If I have the luxury, I like to take out stress in the gym. I apprenticed for the Cave Rescue Corps on Elsaria. I keep my skills sharp with weight training, free climbing, parkour, tumbling, and gymnastics. Oh, and working with rope: tying knots, macrame, things like that. On my first assignment, an Andorian Security Chief insisted that I learn how to escape from bonds and bypass security. It came in handy more than once. If I’m stuck in my quarters, I take care of a small garden of potted plants, listen to music, meditate. It really depends on what is in my environment. If you’re familiar with covert ops then you know how we have to improvise in the field. Group activities are…difficult…but I try. I’ve developed an interest in Parrises Squares. If there is a team on board, I’d like to try out.”

He studied Pierce’s gaze attentively. “What about you? How are you holding up? What do you do to keep from yanking out your hair?” 
"We are all leaves from the same tree whether green, yellow, red, or brown."

Re: CH06: S [D03|1600] Welcome Assignments

Reply #4
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Cheshirewild [Show/Hide]

Alana watched as the other intel officer sat nearby at the holotable. She had attempted to size up the individual. No doubt he too had seen some serious shit happen while they were on various Starfleet Intelligence missions. Granted, hers predated him by almost a hundred years. The galaxy seemed much smaller back then. What with before the knowledge of the Borg, the Dominion, the Breen, and other races they'd not yet encountered at that time.

Reacting to the mission at hand, she was jostled from her reverie when Lt. Kile inquired about their immediate CO in the department. "Yes. I am referring to Commander Fisher. He's off ship on a mission that from what I've heard he was captured in. As for the Captain, well he was with Chancellor Martok and a few others attempting to get to Qo'nos capital before Gorka and his men. Their ship was shot down. At this time, we're unsure if there were any survivors." She paused which allowed for this to sink in.

Without missing a beat she explained their doctor situation and the light cannon. "The individual that is immune is a Câroon. I don't know much about them, but Doctor Nicander is one of the infested. He has with the help of mental discipline and the light cannon been effectively rendered back in control over the creature." She took a deep breath in before exhaling it. Proceeding to drink, she sat back again in a relaxed stat recalling her briefing from memory about him. "It's tricky with this one. He's not to be trusted in everything having been compromised years ago. However, he has a bit of self preservation for some goal yet unseen. I've gained his confidence and he in mine during the events of the day. He has been very helpful however. Just be cautious."

As she turned from the Lieutenant, her hands pecked at the digital buttons on the control panel. A view of the light cannon appeared. "The transphasic light cannon allows us to send particular rays at the doctor that will not harm him, yet renders the control the symbiotic parasite has over him. At this time, we've no way of separating an individual from these parasites without killing them unless the creature leaves willingly."

Pierce changed the display once more bringing up a display of the Klingon High Council with the heads of the various Houses that makeup the Empire. She tapped a few controls until a few individuals were left standing. "As you can see, we have the Klingon Council Members broken down to these three. The information Nicander gave us helped to narrow the individuals who might be of risk and infested. Our goal is to find that Klingon, and either capture or expose them and kill them. I'd prefer capture and expose but that's easier said than done. We have reason to believe they're allowing this shakeup of the Empire to create dissolution within as the infested plant bombs and Genesis devices on various worlds creating interstellar chaos."

She laughed wryly, "Relax. Hmph. Yeah I've not seen one lick of that today. I do enjoy it when it happens. To be fair, I haven't had much downtime since coming aboard with being on duty this whole time." Alana listened to the man explain how he keeps his sanity whether off duty or in deep cover. Made her think of how she used to enjoy that sort of time before arriving in the 24th Century. She could relate to the whole group activities scenario.

"I'm holding up well considering.... What I'm concerned about isn't an issue I can get help with anyhow. I am not one for major social interactions. That being said, I will attend them if needed or the feeling arises to go. I'm not sure if there is a team for Parrises Squares. I'm more of a hockey player, although, I am interested in learning at some point. The idea of a game like that sounds...oddly relieving. I personally enjoy regular exercise in the ship's gym, historical holonovels, an authentic pizza, things related to my job such as combat and hacking. Another I enjoy is swimming, however, the fun of it is more when I am alone. I don't like the looks I received despite being really good. I don't like the attention."

She tapped the controls and watched the holo display fizzle out before them. Leaned forward now, her hair hung over her shoulders, chest and face before she swiped the hair from her view behind her again. Pierce sat up straight which only accentuated her curvy nature. "Let's just say that I had an accident on multiple levels. It left me with some irreperable life issues that I have to learn to deal with." As Alana paused once more exhaling and refocusing on the tasks at hand, she took another drink staring into the distance of the medium sized room. "I am unsure what this life holds in store for us. But I do know the mission. Something I hope we can help with."

Her thoughts were sporadic at this point. The multitasking mind of a female was taxing at times. She would persevere but it wasn't easy. Not wanting to make things awkward she thought she'd pose a question not pertaining to one's duty. "So lieutenant. I hope I've answered everything. If you have an further questions, please feel free to ask. On another note, there is a Junior Officers social gathering I've heard whispering about lately. If you want to meet some others, this might be a good opportunity. I hear it's happening sometime in the next day or two. I haven't decided if I'm going or not."[/b]

Re: CH06: S [D03|1600] Welcome Assignments

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Rem Kile | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 05 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Pierce

Chief of Intelligence, Lieutenant Commander Fisher had been captured during the course of a mission. Rem pinched his brow at the news, the implications were dire. Someone in Fisher’s position undoubtedly possessed critical and sensitive information. All departments certainly scrambled any access codes Fisher might have compromised but what about information outside of Theurgy? Their situation already danced on the edge of a knife, Fisher’s loss could cost Theurgy any progress gained but losing the captain risked everything. Rem turned his black gaze to the holodisplay. More Intel crew filed in to take up the task of filtering and decoding signals. The display updated to match their progress.

Now I know why they are scanning every centimeter of Qo’noS, attempting to bypass planetary signal scramblers and defensive shields. He thought.

“Damn,” he muttered with frustration. “I might have been able to track Fisher and the captain had I the chance to read their signature.”

Once again, he had not been fast enough.

The Betazoid lieutenant took a deep breath and ordered his thoughts. “What do we know about the parasites, the infested, and Nicander in specific? He might be Câroon but the thing inside him isn’t. I might be able to work with that.”

The Betazoid sat back and flipped long black hair back from his shoulder as he pondered more relaxing thoughts. “Hockey,” he weighed the alien syllables with an arched eyebrow. “I’m not familiar with it. It sounds painful and messy.” He broke into a smile. “What can you tell me about it?”

His eyes lit at the lieutenant’s next revelation. “I need to find the gym. My muscles have grown stiff after spending so much time under a dermal regenerator. Perhaps we can go together sometime?”

Sadly, Pierce’s next words spurred the Betazoid to stiffen in his seat. “Holonovels,” he bit back the urge to shudder with revulsion. “I’ve never enjoyed them. Holograms possess no minds so to me they feel…dead.” He grimaced. “That spoils the fun. I’ve taken in the rare live performance and my mother used to read to me as a child. I developed a preference for audiobooks since. I enjoy using my imagination.” He broke into a little smile. It felt good to talk freely after so many years of maintaining cover identities and covering his tracks. Pierce’s next revelation lit Rem’s eyes with delight.

“I love pizza! One of my friends back on the Shirkahr used to make it from scratch. She said her family owned a pizzeria in Chicago. I understand there are regional varieties.”

Rem nodded with approval. “I never got to swim as much as I liked while in the field. I saw a public bath on the deck plan but Lieutenant Madsen attempted to steer me clear of it. Something about ‘extracurricular activities.’ I think she meant sex. Human behavior is puzzling sometimes, no offense, Lieutenant.”

The young Betazoid studied Pierce with attentive black eyes. She seemed to want to talk about something but danced about the subject in much the same manner as when Enyd twisted her words in knots to avoid saying sex. He cast his gaze down as he pondered what many women confided in him, what Lieutenant Pierce might have endured.

“Attracting attention goes against our training. I imagine that alone is uncomfortable, but gawking and stares from strangers can feel demeaning and invasive, worse when it happens between friends. It is a sad fact of life for some females. I assure you, I won’t stare. You are a beautiful woman but one of my human female shipmates once called me ‘safe.’ I’d like it if you thought that way about me. I prefer the company of my own sex.”

The invitation brought Rem to a place of familiar internal conflict. He craved company and enjoyed gatherings but his demons pushed him away, leaving him with a sense that he was unworthy of joy or happiness. His smile faltered and the light in his eyes dimmed as he averted his gaze.

Isolation makes things worse, he remembered his therapy. It’s just a party. I don’t have to stay long.

“I–” His words caught in his throat. He took a strengthening breath and forced a smile. “Yes, I would like to go. Just let me know when and where.”


OOC: Snippets involving Lieutenant Enyd Madsen used with permission by @Ellen Fitz
"We are all leaves from the same tree whether green, yellow, red, or brown."

Re: CH06: S [D03|1600] Welcome Assignments

Reply #6
[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Central Intelligence Suite | Deck 5 | Vector 1 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Cheshirewild [Show/Hide]

Pierce could feel the pressure hit Lt. Kile and his frustration. Despite her not being a Betazoid, she knew what he felt. She felt the feeling of irritation too. "Don't beat yourself up Lieutenant. You couldn't have known. I didn't realize the status of things until just recently either. But rest assured. We're going to bring him home."

She sighed as she brought up the specs on the parasites. Her dainty fingers pointed at the visuals presented. "As you can see, we know very little about them and their abilities to commandeer the infested."

After Alana finished her statement on the infested. she heard his inquiry about hockey and smiled. "Oh, it can be messy for sure. Usually fights are part of the game as one slaps the puck at the opposing goals. Ice hockey is a contact team sport played on ice, usually in an indoor or outdoor rink, in which two teams of skaters use their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber puck into their opponent's net to score goals. The sport is known to be fast-paced and physical, with teams usually fielding six players at a time: one goaltender to stop the puck from going into their own net, two defensemen, and three forwards who skate the span of the ice trying to control the puck and score goals against the opposing team."

Her cheekbones had risen as she smiled. "It's a rather fun game to be honest. I think you'd like it. It can be rather...exhilarating."

At the mention of going to the gym for some much needed exercise, she thought about the fact she'd had to endure some new sensations since her transformation. Some she didn't mind with the added flexibility and some she didn't like, which was the added weight in specified areas and the stares of the males she served with. The feeling of ease hit her when Rem mentioned his preferred company with his own gender. "Going to the gymnasium would be nice actually. I could use a sparring partner that isn't interested in my body. I appreciate your saying that by the way."

She almost laughed then caught herself. "From what I've heard, those activities in the pool can get a bit steamy..." A shiver went down her spine almost tickling her as she caught herself. "In any case, I enjoy swimming just not with an audience."

Returning to the thoughts of the party, she wasn't even sure what she would wear. A concept that was foreign to her as typically she wore a Starfleet uniform rather than leisure or dressup clothing not wanting to draw attention. "I would appreciate and enjoy your company at the gathering. We can meet there and if nothing else keep each other company there. I haven't done as well in social gatherings since my accident."

Surprised at the overwhelming emotions welling within her, she started to tear up and rubbed her hands into her face before taking a deep breath to regather her emotional state. The concern clearly showed on her new co-worker's face despite everything. After placing her hands on her knees, she spoke up. "So, I have not told many about this aside from Starfleet counselors that forced me to, so please don't let this leave this room but, I'm originally from the 23rd Century..." She paused before exhaling and resuming. "And I used to be a male but due to the accident of a particular mission, I was changed on transport. Suffice it to say, I've had this ever since."

Her brain realized she purged for no reason before she continued on her thoughts. "I'm sorry Lieutenant. I'm just dealing with a lot. Anyhow, let's be sure to stay on task. I certainly look forward to some break in the action for some R&R despite only being on board for a day."


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