Story Prompts: Difference between revisions

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

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| style="text-align: center;"| '''<font color=orange>Writers'''   
| style="text-align: center;"| '''<font color=orange>Writers'''   
| style="text-align: center;"| '''<font color=orange>Story Tokens'''
| style="text-align: center;"| '''<font color=orange>Story Tokens'''
| style="text-align: center;"| '''<font color=orange>Completed'''
| style="text-align: center;"| '''<font color=orange>Status'''  
| style="text-align: center;"| '''<font color=orange>Available'''  
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Seal Vector 03's Hull'''</font><br>Two writers illustrate the moment when the big hole that ''the Versant'' blew through Vector 03 is finally sealed, and the internal repairs of the affected area begin.
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Seal Vector 03's Hull'''</font><br>Two writers illustrate the moment when the big hole that ''the Versant'' blew through Vector 03 is finally sealed, and the internal repairs of the affected area begin.
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| style="text-align: center;"|[, Complete!]
| style="text-align: center;"|[, Complete!]
| style="text-align: center;"|
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Weaponize the Light!'''</font><br>While [[Heather McMillan]]'s transphasic light-ability can no longer affect the parasite in Doctor Nicander enough to free the host from the link to the nameless darkness, there could be scientific and technological means to augment the emanated light from the Radiant - making it transphasic enough to have actual effect on the Infested. In this process, it could be that the unique phase of the wavelength could be emulated technologically. Perhaps phasers can be fitted with some kind of phase variance add-on in order to target the parasites specifically inside Hosts.  
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Weaponize the Light!'''</font><br>While [[Heather McMillan]]'s transphasic light-ability can no longer affect the parasite in Doctor Nicander enough to free the host from the link to the nameless darkness, there could be scientific and technological means to augment the emanated light from the Radiant - making it transphasic enough to have actual effect on the Infested. In this process, it could be that the unique phase of the wavelength could be emulated technologically. Perhaps phasers can be fitted with some kind of phase variance add-on in order to target the parasites specifically inside Hosts.  
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| style="text-align: center;"|[,2737.0.html Complete!]
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| style="text-align: center;"|
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Unidentified Flying Object in the Beyond'''</font><br><nowiki>Something sneaks by all patrols and sensors, only to be picked up by the Particle Sensors of</nowiki> [[Irnashall ch’Xinya]]'s <nowiki>design aboard the Theurgy. Once the object enters the sandstorms of the Beyond, well outside Aldea Prime, and nowhere close to any ghost city. It appears as if it landed. Since regular sensors show nothing, and at the request of the Aldean Defence Committee, an on-site away-team is deployed to the location via transporter, and two Lone Wolves are sent to provide air support.</nowiki>
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Unidentified Flying Object in the Beyond'''</font><br><nowiki>Something sneaks by all patrols and sensors, only to be picked up by the Particle Sensors of</nowiki> [[Irnashall ch’Xinya]]'s <nowiki>design aboard the Theurgy. Once the object enters the sandstorms of the Beyond, well outside Aldea Prime, and nowhere close to any ghost city. It appears as if it landed. Since regular sensors show nothing, and at the request of the Aldean Defence Committee, an on-site away-team is deployed to the location via transporter, and two Lone Wolves are sent to provide air support.</nowiki>
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| style="text-align: center;"|[,2770.0.html Complete!]
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| style="text-align: center;"|
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Fight in the Klingon Arena'''</font><br>Two or three writers have their characters enter the arena in the Klingon Recreation Complex in the Aldea Prime Shipyards. Fight Klingons or off-planet creatures. Win or loose. Your call.
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Fight in the Klingon Arena'''</font><br>Two or three writers have their characters enter the arena in the Klingon Recreation Complex in the Aldea Prime Shipyards. Fight Klingons or off-planet creatures. Win or loose. Your call.
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| style="text-align: center;"|
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Interrogate Doctor Nicander'''</font><br>The Infested Doctor remains in his cell, and he is willing to divulge anything he knows about the enemy. One priority is to learn if there are any other Infested aboard the ship or at [[Aldea]], so Nicander needs to be convinced to use his far-seeing ability.  
| style="width: 400pt;"|<font color=aqua>'''Interrogate Doctor Nicander'''</font><br>The Infested Doctor remains in his cell, and he is willing to divulge anything he knows about the enemy. One priority is to learn if there are any other Infested aboard the ship or at [[Aldea]], so Nicander needs to be convinced to use his far-seeing ability.  
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Revision as of 07:07, 11 May 2020


Fulfilling Story Objectives lets the writers participating in the thread(s) earn Story Tokens from the GM. A table below the listed Objectives will show how many Story Tokens each writer has earned in total. Remember that new Away Missions and incentives to write stories don't have to have any Tokens attached to them. The Tokens are not meant to be a requirement for story creation. They are just a fun thing created to reward writing of critical (and some non-critical) plot development threads.


  • Find writing partners on the Main OOC board on the forum, or alternatively, support each other on the Discord server's channel #writing-requests.
  • In order to earn Story Tokens, one of the writers will have to PM the GM with a link to the starting post of the thread that is meant to fulfil the Objective. This means that in order to have an Objective marked as "In Progress", the starting post must have been made.
  • The starting post should also show who will be participating in the thread, which is usually done with Mentions (seen as @Auctor Lucan). This means the participants needs to agree on having their characters present for the thread.
  • If the Story Objective plays out in the Aldea Prime Anthology, the one who wrote the starter also needs to add it to the Aldea Prime Calendar
  • The Story Tokens earned by the writers will be handed out once the thread is Completed, which requires another PM to the GM, who will update the list of accumulated Tokens per writer.
  • Only threads that have been written in accordance with the General Rules will qualify. This means both post lengths as well as posting deadlines.
  • You may only earn Story Tokens in one Story Objective at the time. This means that in order to earn Tokens in a new thread, the old one must be finished before the new one is started. The reason this rule is important, and doesn't say one objective per character, is because otherwise writers with more characters might have an unfair advantage.
  • Writers may of course also participate in the Objectives without earning Tokens, which will be clearly specified in the thread in such a case.

If a Theurgist earns enough Story Tokens, they can cash in a Reward as listed at the bottom of this page.

Episode 01: Advent of War Objectives

The below table shows finished and unfinished Objectives for the Episode 01: Advent of War. These objectives are meant as inspiration towards the progression of the Episode's plot, and sub-plots that happen concurrently with the major story.

Episode 01: Advent of War Availability
Objective Description Writers Story Tokens Status
Story Objective 1
Objective Description.

In-Character Time: Day XX-YY
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • Parameter 1
  • Parameter 2
  • Parameter 3
  • X posts minimum per writer
X X Status
Story Objective 2
Objective Description.

In-Character Time: Day XX-YY
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • Parameter 1
  • Parameter 2
  • Parameter 3
  • X posts minimum per writer
X X Status

Anthology Objectives

The below table shows finished and unfinished Objectives for the Aldea Prime Anthology, the Director's Cut board, as well as the Parallel Universes "What If?" board. These objectives are meant as inspiration towards:

  • Completion of Star Trek: Theurgy story elements between Seasons 01 and 02
  • Scenes in the past of the story (ranging from Academy years to unseen events during Season 01), as well as...
  • Events that might have happened if things had turned out differently (these are not canon, though).
Aldea Prime Anthology Availability
Objective Description Writers Story Tokens Status
Lab About to Blow!
A couple of characters discovers that a few eccentric Aldean scientists have been hiding away kidnapped gestalt men and women in a mountain lab in the Beyond. This is not sanctioned by the Aldean government, even if the scientists are trying to find the problem in the Gestalt Program that makes the gestalts randomly die off. When the imprisoned gestalts are no longer happy with their captivity, they stage a revolt. Since Klingons are not known for their delicate diplomatic touch, First Appointee Radue call the Theurgy to help. The fighting in the lab has been severe, and the safety of the mountain lab has been compromised. The Theurgy crew must cease the hostilities at the site and then evacuate the scientists and the gestalts, before the structure collapses and explodes.

In-Character Time: Undecided, but before "Investigate Gestalt Deaths".
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer
  • The first post should be in a transporter room or a shuttle
  • Captain Ives authorises the mission off-screen, depending on if he is on the Theurgy
  • NPC First Appointee Radue in the briefing on a PADD
  • NPC the scientists and gestalts
3 writers 4 Available!
Castaway II
Again, a Theurgy shuttle ends up crashing on one of the Epsilon Mynos System's planets, and the occupants have to bide the time until a search is mounted. This iteration of the Objective has 3 writers instead of two. Very free-form.

In-Character Time: Undecided
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer
3 writers 2 Available!
Establish Jhoza Deserting
Since the Lone Wolf Jhoza deserts the ship and leaves Aldea on Day 10, we need this to be established in a thread. This can be done any which way. Very free-form, but the point is to establish in-story that the total number of deserters is quite low. Far lower than expected, with just a handful gone as of Day 10.

In-Character Time: Day 10 or 11
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 3 posts minimum per writer
2 writers 2 Available!
Building a Quantum Slipstream Drive
As a part of the tenuous Savi alliance formed between the Theurgy and their former enemies, the Theurgy has been given schematics and construction guides for a benamite quantum slipstream drive. It is unknown how well it might preform with just a regular Starfleet warp core instead of a Savi ZPE reactor, but the attempt is made to fit the technology on the Theurgy. Please consult the write-up about the quantum slipstream drive on the Versant, which can be found here. This effort should involve more characters and divided between collecting materials and actually building the thing. I will write Thea, Ectand and/or Ives as required, but it's the other writers that drive the completion of this objective. Remember that any trials or tests of the technology may have to wait until after the Aldea Prime Anthology, and the Theurgy will only have a limited beyond-warp capability given the difficulties to make Savi and Federation tech cooperate.

In-Character Time: Day 21
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 10 posts minimum per writer, spread over 1 or 2 threads
  • Material that can't be replicated needs to be collected
  • Keep the construction secret from both the Aldeans and the Klingons, NPC nosy ones
4 Writers 5 Available!
Investigate the Gestalt Deaths
As a special request from the Aldean Defence Committee, the Theurgy Medical and Science officers have been asked to investigate why the Aldean gestalts (clones) are randomly dying off at 14 years or older. Form more information, see page Aldean. The reason is found to be a genetic defect generated by the Gestalt Program. The writers decide if this is caused by accident, or if it is a sabotage done by the political opposition of the Gestalt Program. Either way, a treatment is found, but the Theurgy crew can't take credit because they are incognito. The Theurgy crew earns access to another off-planet refinery to expedite repairs. All Theurgy crew members earn the double amount of Aldean stars (currency) that they started out with upon arrival, which is uploaded to their Aldean communicators.

In-Character Time: Before Day 10
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 7 posts minimum per writer, spread over 1 or 2 threads.
  • First Appointee Radue of the Aldean Defence Committee is NPCed by the writers in the beginning and the end of the thread
4 Writers 3 Available!
Aldean Kaijus Rising!
After the Custodian was deactivated, and the ozone layer began to repair itself over the past 17 years, the Aldean surface wildlife remains more or less extinct. In the depths of the sea, however, Aldean marine biologists believe that the sealife adapted to the higher pressure of lower depths, and they expect the creatures long forgotten to surface. Already, smaller oceanic creatures have been sighted. To accelerate the process, the Aldeans have begun to launch deep sea probes that are meant to compel the creatures to return to the surface... only they got a bit more than they bargained for... The Aldean Defence Committee with First Appointee Radue ask the Theurgy to address the threat, with warp fighters and scientists as needed.

In-Character Time: Sometime between Day 04 and 06
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 7 posts minimum per writer, spread over 1 or 2 threads.
  • Illustrate the crisis and the manner of beastly threat that has resurfaced
  • Deactivate the "noise" of the deep sea probes
  • Either make the creature return to the depths, or if that's impossible, save the Aldean coastline by killing the creature
  • First Appointee Radue of the Aldean Defence Committee is NPCed by the writers in the beginning and the end of the thread
4 Writers 3 Available!
Death of a Scientist
Since Lt. JG Hieronimus Smith can't be inherited, this objective is about establishing how he dies in the story. It could either be by accident on the Theurgy or down on Aldea.

In-Character Time: Anytime after Day 02
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 3 posts minimum per writer
2 In Progress...
A Theurgy shuttle ends up crashing on one of the Epsilon Mynos System's planets, and the occupants have to bide the time until a search is mounted. Communications and beacon destroyed, perhaps? Very free-form. They do observe, however, that a small Klingon ship first moves to aid the shuttle, but then ends up abandoning the shuttle where it is, suggesting that whoever was on the Klingon ship didn't support Martok's decision to aid the Theurgy.

In-Character Time: Undecided
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer
2 In Progress...
Flag Bridge Repairs
After the Savi took Thea's positronic brain from the Main Computer Core - which also serves as the Flag Bridge on the Theurgy - her brain might have been reinstalled, but the area still suffered a firefight involving both phasers and graviton rifles. Upon the repairs of the area being concluded, the idea to re purpose the area for a future Diplomatic Council might form, and the suggestion is passed along to the Senior Staff.

In-Character Time: Anytime after Day 15
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 3 posts minimum per writer
  • End the thread with the suggestion being sent along
2 In progress...
Oceanside Dress Party
First Appointee Radue of the Aldean Defence Committee, leader of the Aldeans, have invited the Theurgy crew to a closed off, seaside dress party down on Aldea, in the outskirts of Aldea Prime city. The futuristic and luxurious palace is guarded by Klingons to keep out any unwanted guests that doesn't have the security clearence to know the true identities of the Theurgy crew, meaning that those attending from the Theurgy will be able to be themselves and also wear the Starfleet dress uniform. The occasion celebrated is how the Aldeans managed to isolate the bug in the Gestalt Program with the help of the Theurgy crew (see other Story Objective below). The thread itself does not have to detail how the Theurgy crew managed to help the Aldeans, allowing this to be started before the other one is.

In-Character Time: Evening, Day 11 (Before Savi contact)
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer
  • NPC Radue holding a very short speech in the starting post
  • Keep the thread open for new writers
  • As an exception to the rules, Story Tokens may be earned after each writer's 5th post
Auctor Lucan
Open for more!
3 In Progress...
Anyon Emission Protocol Failure
After the interrogation of Doctor Nicander in Scrying Through the Storm Front, Commander Ducote ordered the implementation of anyon particle sweeps every time someone comes aboard the Theurgy. The subatomic particles were meant to dephase any parasites and kill Infested when either entering through an airlock or being transported into one of the Transporter Rooms. This objective is about a freely chosen accident in relation to these emissions, where one or more characters are either affected or they have to save/help those that were affected.

In-Character Time: Anytime after Day 07
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 3 posts minimum per writer
  • End the thread with safeguards being made to prevent another accident
Auctor Lucan
+2 Writers (Vacant)
2 In progress...
Find Trent's Murderer!
Location: Deck 09 corridor. Time of death: Day 11, 1047 hrs. The volunteering writers should consist of at least 1 Security Officer, and the starter should end with an examination of the body in the corridor, whereupon I will post the first batch of clues. The perpetrator masked his life-sign using a standard tricorder, which will be found dumped in a busy corridor. Worth mentioning also is that the perpetrator timed the deed with Thea's maintenance cycle, so that she didn't catch it directly happening, there only being logs of the events on internal sensors. I will also write Thea in this thead, but before you post the starter, you should read

Day 11 (1258 hrs.) With Malice Aforethought.
In-Character Time: Day 11, ca 1100.
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer
3 In Progress...
Klingon Distress Call!
Location: One light year out from Epsilon Mynos VIII - Phaldos - a subspace relay station needs help desperately. NPCs and setting freely picked by the writers. This is very free-form, and could lead to any kind of development you want to write. It could be anything that's amiss, but the Klingon General Chu'vok that's posted in the system would be grateful for an investgation.

In-Character Time: Undecided
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer
  • Take charge of the development and decide outcome
  • NPC General Chu'vok.
3 In Progress...
Yacht Party!
With the opinions of the Theurgy crew improving, the Aldeans have allowed the crew the use of a large ocean yacht for a day and night of relaxation and frivolities. The offer could be answered by any (group) in the crew who has shoreleave and/or a reason to celebrate something. It could be a wedding, a birthday or a Department Head taking some of their officers on a pleasure cruise. The yacht is crewed by Aldeans with the right security clearance that allows the crew not having to pose as Aldeans. Details surrounding the ship and the accommodations aboard is up to the writers, but it could be a good idea to have the yacht fitted with UV shield tech since they are outside of Aldea Prime. The party ends, whenever the writers want, with a deep sea creature threatening the yacht. This Objective should foreshadow the Objective named "Aldean Kaijus Rising!".

In-Character Time: Free (Before Aldean Kaijus Rising!)
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • Start the thread on the yacht, and detail what it offers.
  • 5 posts minimum per writer
  • Keep the thread open for new writers
  • As an exception to the rules, Story Tokens may be earned after each writer's 5th post
  • End it with the appearance of the deep sea creature and beaming up to the Theurgy.
3 In Progress...
Arctic Pole Discovery
Where did the Custodian come from, this ancient technology that the Aldeans depended on for so long? The keen-eyed scientists on the Theurgy might detect a sensor anomaly in the coldest reaches of the the Aldean north pole, and they end up finding derelict high-technological ruins of the Aldean people's ancestors, or perhaps even an alien race that lived on the planet before the Aldeans. The conditions of the pole might prevent a beam-down, so going down by shuttle would be required. First Appointee Radue is NPCd as required by the participants, the Defence Council monitoring the investigation from Aldea Prime. Given the lack of other lifesigns, there is no need for Aldean clothing and equipment. The Klingons are on alert to keep away visitors. Mission Ops on the Theurgy is the point of contact on the ship, with an NPC there unless Ducote or Cameron is available.

In-Character Time: After Day 17
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 7 posts minimum per writer
  • Start the thread on the shuttle, giving details to the events leading up to the away mission
  • Between the four writers participating, at least one have to be in Security, and one has to be some kind of pilot.
5 In Progress...
Director's Cut Availability
Objective Description Writers Story Tokens Status
Revisit the Niga Pollination
If there are characters aboard the Theurgy that are of the original crew, and they were not in stasis during the Niga Incident of Episode 01, this Objective would allow a Director's Cut scene to be written, where characters either manage to avoid infection or not.

Objective Parameters to earn Token:

  • 1 thread with a minimum of 5 posts each.
2 Writers 1 Available!
Revisit the Ishtar Entity's visit
If there are characters aboard the Theurgy that are of the original crew, and they were not in stasis during the Ishtar visit of Episode 02, this Objective would allow a Director's Cut scene to be written, where characters are exposed to the entity's omnipotent shenanigans. Objective Parameters to earn Token:
  • 1 thread with a minimum of 5 posts each.
2 Writers 1 Available!
Parallel Universes - "What If?" Availability
Objective Description Writers Story Tokens Status
What if the USS Theurgy was Destroyed in the Battle of the Apertures?
Write a almost post-apocalyptic thread where random crew of the Theurgy escaped the ship aboard the USS Tigris Runabout.

Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 2 threads with a minimum of 5 posts each.
4 Writers 3 Available!
What if the Niga Virus spread over the whole Galaxy?
Write a post-apocalyptic thread where random crew of the Theurgy escaped the Niga Incident and see the Federation collapse.

Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 2 threads with a minimum of 5 posts each.
3 Writers 3 Available!

If you have an idea for a new Objective, PM the GM and pitch it!

Story Tokens

Below are the Story Tokens earned by completing Objectives above. Only Theurgists who have earned Tokens are listed.

Story Tokens
Theurgist Earned Spent Available
Nolan 5 - 5
Doc M. 6 - 6
Steelphoenix 4 2 2
Stegro88 10 10 -
trevorvw 2 - 2
Revan 2 - 2
Top Hat 5 - 5
Fiendfall 3 - 3
TWilkins 3 - 3
Kinvarus 3 - 3
Havenborn 3 - 3
Patches 3 - 3
Brutus 3 - 3
DaValle 3 - 3
Griff 3 - 3
BZ 3 - 3
Triage 3 - 3
Numen 3 - 3
Fife 6 - 6

Token Rewards

Below are the Rewards earned by spending your Story Tokens. Only Theurgists who have earned Tokens may cash in a reward by sending a PM with the request to the GM.

Token Rewards
Reward Description Token Cost
Custom Forum Title
No profanities please! lol
Replace your visible Theurgist forum title with a custom title. 2
Small NPC Character Image
Est. Time Spent: 20 minutes
Small NPC image made for the NPC pages, illustrating someone important to a main character. 2
Surprise Character Image
Est. Time Spent: 1 hour
GM choose all image elements with full artistic license 5
Character Image (Basic)
Est. Time Spent: 2 hours
One basic character image with clothing/uniform. 10
Character Image (Advanced)
Est. Time Spent: 3 hours
One advanced character image with clothing/uniform (Cardassians, Klingons, Andorians, etc.) 15
Gym Image (Basic)
Est. Time Spent: 2 hours
One basic character image with gym clothing. 10
Gym Image (Advanced)
Est. Time Spent: 3 hours
One advanced character image with gym clothing (Cardassians, Klingons, Andorians, etc.) 15
Boudoir Image (Basic)
Est. Time Spent: 2 hours
One basic character nude study. 10
Boudoir Image (Advanced)
Est. Time Spent: 3 hours
One advanced character nude study (Cardassians, Klingons, Andorians, etc.) 15
Change Faceclaim (Basic)
Est. Time Spent: 6 hours
Actor/Actress leaves Star Trek: Theurgy and is replaced. All images updated, including avatar etc. 30
Change Faceclaim (Advanced)
Est. Time Spent: 9 hours
Actor/Actress leaves Star Trek: Theurgy and is replaced. All images updated, including avatar etc. (Cardassians, Klingons, Andorians, etc.) 45
More to be added! - -

Reward Rules

  • Art requests may only be made for Theurgy characters for usage in the Star Trek: Theurgy sim.
  • Highly specific requests may cost +2 Tokens extra. Examples being armament, certain poses, or backgrounds.
  • Depending on time availability, the delivery of finished artwork might vary.
  • The artist has the prerogative to decline an image due to time, challenge, etc. Other options (pics, poses, etc) might be proposed in those rare cases.

Old & Completed Objectives

Here is the archive of old and already completed Story Objectives:

Aldea Prime Anthology Availability
Objective Description Writers Story Tokens Status
Seal Vector 03's Hull
Two writers illustrate the moment when the big hole that the Versant blew through Vector 03 is finally sealed, and the internal repairs of the affected area begin.

In-Character Time: Sometime after Day 10
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 4 posts minimum per writer
Top Hat
2 Complete!
Weaponize the Light!
While Heather McMillan's transphasic light-ability can no longer affect the parasite in Doctor Nicander enough to free the host from the link to the nameless darkness, there could be scientific and technological means to augment the emanated light from the Radiant - making it transphasic enough to have actual effect on the Infested. In this process, it could be that the unique phase of the wavelength could be emulated technologically. Perhaps phasers can be fitted with some kind of phase variance add-on in order to target the parasites specifically inside Hosts.

In-Character Time: Undecided
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 1 thread minimum
  • 5 posts minimum per thread and per writer
  • Engineering work is started to find a way to make phasers able to target parasites
3 Complete!
Unidentified Flying Object in the Beyond
Something sneaks by all patrols and sensors, only to be picked up by the Particle Sensors of Irnashall ch’Xinya's design aboard the Theurgy. Once the object enters the sandstorms of the Beyond, well outside Aldea Prime, and nowhere close to any ghost city. It appears as if it landed. Since regular sensors show nothing, and at the request of the Aldean Defence Committee, an on-site away-team is deployed to the location via transporter, and two Lone Wolves are sent to provide air support.

In-Character Time: Sometime after Day 12
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer, spread over 1 or 2 threads.
  • Approach the cloaked object and try to make contact
  • Survive the encounter
  • First Appointee Radue of the Aldean Defence Committee is NPCed by the writers in the beginning and the end of the thread
3 Complete!
Fight in the Klingon Arena
Two or three writers have their characters enter the arena in the Klingon Recreation Complex in the Aldea Prime Shipyards. Fight Klingons or off-planet creatures. Win or loose. Your call.

In-Character Time: Undecided
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer
  • A minimum of 2 matches are fought
2 Complete!
Interrogate Doctor Nicander
The Infested Doctor remains in his cell, and he is willing to divulge anything he knows about the enemy. One priority is to learn if there are any other Infested aboard the ship or at Aldea, so Nicander needs to be convinced to use his far-seeing ability.

In-Character Time: Undecided
Objective Parameters to earn Tokens:

  • 5 posts minimum per writer
  • Nicander uses his ability
  • All characters survive the encounter
Top Hat
3 Complete!