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Topic: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair (Read 6606 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

“Flag Bridge Repair”

STARDATE 57596.55
MARCH 26, 2381
1100 HRS.

[PO2 T’Kolla | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @jreeves1701 

With the PADD in his hand stepped the Devore out of the Turbolift to make his way through the hallway to the next point on his list. He marked some older tasks as done and added the small note “incapable of working on lethal weapons” to file of one of the crewmembers. A shame the Federation isn’t allowing public whippings to discipline their crews. As he scrolled down on the task list a small smirk appeared on his lips and almost as fast as it has appeared it vanished. On the display appeared the words repairing the Flag Bridge. Normally nothing funny but the fact that they had to waste personal and resources for a bridge designed for an Admiral to command the fleet was more than ironic considering their temporary situation. Nevertheless it was on his task list and there had to be some reason why this room is important enough to get really repaired and not just sealed.

Taa’gur went wordless in the room that looked more like the debris of a battlefield than a tactical bridge any longer. Some of the consoles were completely riddled with holes others had “only” middle to massive burn marks on them. In fact the only thing in this room that wasn’t destroyed or heavily damaged was the “brain”, as they called it, of Thea. At least from what T’Kolla understood Thea and her brain were repaired again. Well, if getting your brain ripped apart from your body and then get it installed again count as totally fine. Unfortunately the area around Theas positronic brain wasn’t as high on the list of important tasks thus far. Probably after it was fixed again the captain has decided to not leave the most important part of the AI in an area like this.

The Devore laid his PADD on one of the few not completely destroyed consoles and opened a small chamber at the side of the door to pull a tool box out of it. The first thing he used from the tools was the simple tricorder. In front of the first console recognized the Petty Officer with a mix of annoyance and relief that this console was nothing more than trash. Replacing it would spare them a lot of time and it wouldn’t cost them even more resources than repairing it. As the Devore turned back to the tool box he realized that the rest of the repair team should arrive here soon. He checked the time on the PADD and advanced to the tool box to get an ODN recoupler. Taa’gur decided to crawl beneath the console to get a better access to the OPN connections between the console and the OPN cables. As he laid on his back and opened the major plates of the console the door opened and someone came in the room. He pushed the plate aside and without checking who came into the room he gave the person already a short instructions.

“Hi, whoever you are, I would start to salute if your Rank’s higher, but since both of my hands are occupied already... well... I will not. Anyhow if you want to help you can take one of the OPN recouplers and start to disconnect the next worst looking console here from the main computer system.”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #1
CPO Sithick |Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy

While many of the crew opted to enjoy Aldea and some planetside R&R, Sithick opted to volunteer for additional duty shifts. His promotion came with additional responsibilities among which included supervising the enlisted ranks beneath him. His personal goal was not to be a slave driver like those he had served under before.

As he lumbered through the corridors, Sithick looked down at the PADD in his clawed hand. He reviewed the maintenance list and noticed that PO T'Kolla had started work on repairing the flag bridge. Turning to the nearest turbolift, Sithick decided to check in on him and see if assistance would be needed.

During the journey to the flag bridge, Sithick looked over the schematics and repair needs. The room was designed for an Admiral to command a fleet. What a waste of space for a function that could be managed from the main bridge, he thought. What would happen if the ship was destroyed? Are their similar facilities on other vessels in the fleet?

Sithick was in the process of pondering more about the utility of the flag bridge when the doors swooshed open and words were spoken to him. Sithick flicked his tongue tasting/smelling the atmosphere. Mixed with the taste/smell of the battle that took place here and the weird sensation of what must have been positronic circuitry, Sithick could distinctly make out the presence of the musk of a mammalian male.

"Atsss eassse crewmansss." Sithick's universal translator vocalized the hisses of Gorn. Not trusting his ability to speak standard fully, Sithick relied on his translator to insure he was understood to those he was supervising. "Worksss more importanssse thansss formalitsssesss." Picking up one of the OPN recouplers, Sithick crosses over to a console that resembled an egg whose occupant wasted no time bursting forth from.

"Tsss'Kollasss correctsssss?"
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #2
[PO2 T’Kolla | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @jreeves1701 

The Devore raised his head slightly as he heard the Gorn talking. “Sir, it’s only Taa’gur or Kolla. If you don’t want to talk to me in the third person at least.” Some of the cable fell off from the console  and with another annoyed moan Taa’gur recognized that this work could go on for some time. “Sir, are the cables in your console scorched through too?” He could only speculate what has happened in this room, but from what he saw at the consoles and now the cables he was pretty much convinced that at least this console here got hit by some sort of graviton based weapon. The last time he saw this kind of weapon traces was back in the Delta Quadrant, but what he hasn’t forgotten till then how extreme the destructive power of those weapons was. The consoles were made, as the rest of the ship too, of Duranium a normal Phaser wouldn’t even be able to damage the surface, but this graviton weapons had simply punched through it like it was nothing more than wood.

I should maybe ask those Savis if they can borrow me one of those weapons. The Devore tore the wiring a little bit further out of the console just to find out that the most of it was melted down to one big indefinable object. “It seams like we can also replace this whole unit here...” He glanced around in the room to see if there were some other console that have been damaged by this graviton rifles too. He spotted at least three other consoles with obvious graviton weapon damage. “Well and beside yours there are three more that have been hit too. I guess we could continue to repair them but it would be easier to make them loose and replace them with new ones.”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #3
[CPO Sithick |Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @DaValle

"Taa'gurrrsssorrrKollasss" the Gorn attempted to say, not certain if the universal translator interpreted what the crewman had said. In response to the question, "Yesss, ssscorchesssed. Muchesss damagesssed. Entirrresss sssyssstemsss mussstsss beesss rrreplasssed." Sithick could tell that the entire room would need to be refitted to be of any function. This would be more than a simple repair job. This would be a full-on remodel.

Having disconnected the whole console from the bulkhead, Sithick hooks his talons into the destroyed metal and pulls the entire console off the floor. "Letsss rrremovesss thessse dessstrrroyed unitsss. Theysss arrre beyondsss rrrepairrrsss." Glancing around the room for a place to set the discarded console, Sithick begins to wonder again about the purpose of this room.

"Taa'gurrrsssorrrKollasss, what'sss purrrposssesss of thisss rrroom? Flagsss brrridgesss? Whatsss purrrposssesss itsss havesss nowsss?" Sithick thought the space would serve better in some other function than as an admiral's bridge to coordinate a fleet that Theurgy was no longer a part of.

CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #4
[PO2 T’Kolla | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @jreeves1701

The sound that the Gorn made as he attempted to repeat the name of the Petty Officer reminded Taa’gur unfortunately of the sound of a broken phaser rifle. A briefly smirk appeared on his face for a split second till he composed himself again. Even though those moments were rare he hated it when he recognized that he was going to lose his former attitude more and more every day. It’s clear that he was no longer the same person that had left the academy once.

Sithick replied positive to the suggestion of the petty Officer that they should replace the units and Taa’gur started to climb up from below the console. Back in a more vertical position he grabbed his PADD to mark down the numbers and kind of consoles they needed now. As he searched through the ships list of backup consoles the Devore noticed that the Chief was glancing around.  Taa’gur thought that the Gorn was wondering about something, but, since he couldn’t tell the difference between a wondering Gorn and one that wanted to kill him, he decided to let his superior decide if he wanted to tell him which was right. After some moments T’Kolla found the console type that was used in this room and additionally he realised how stupid he was to assume that he could simply use the backup consoles for the repairs. Consoles for a Flag Bridge were some of the most advanced consoles aboard a Starfleet vessel and therefore they were the first place someone would use to find some rare resources. At least this was what the Devore assumed as he saw that almost all consoles were already in use. Well, so much for that. Let’s hope Blue isn’t caring about this room either.

Another broken phaser rifle brought the Petty Officers mind back to the Flag Bridge. The Chief asked him what purpose this room had, especially in their situation. “Sir, even though this room may has no real use as a Flag Bridge any time soon, it’s still the place where Theas positronic ‘brain’ is installed in.” Taa’gur nodded toward the round object in the middle of the room. “So I guess the room still has a strategic value for the Theurgy and therefore should get repaired, but real the question is now more how we’re going to repair this place than why. There are not so many of those consoles left in the storage.” He opened the blueprint of the Flag Bridge on his PADD to check how the consoles were connected to the main processing unit of Thea and after some seconds appeared a schematic picture of the room on his PADD.
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #5
The Gorn dropped the damaged console on the floor in the corner with a loud thud. A refuse pile had to begin somewhere. Standing at his full height, Sithick surveyed the room, flicking his tongue out periodically to taste/smell the air. Besides the crewman and the tell-tale sensation of combat, there was nothing else for the Gorn to sense.

The positronic brain in the center of the room emitted nothing to indicate its presence. An invisible prey, yet a dangerously exposed heart of the Theurgy. It would be easy for the Gorn to toss the console at his feet at the center station destroying the contents of it. Those lacking his strength could just fire a weapon. Such a vital ship system should not be so exposed. Like an egg in a nest, it should be better protected. Yet here it was, empty, stolen by the Savi.

"Grrr, poorrr ssstrrrategy. Theasss brrrainsss esssposssed. Ssshould notsss beesss in opensss." Sithick walked toward the center object. "Brrrainsss ssshould beesss heavvvily sssheilded in rrreinforrrsssed vaultsss. Deepsss in ssship, notsss onsss Decksss twosss. Asssksss anysss Gorrrnsss. Eggsss wellsss prrrotectesss in sssecurrresss nessstsss."

The Gorn looked around the room again.

"Remindsss meesss of tacticalsss sssituasssion rrroomsss on oldsss Akyasssi Perrrimeterrr Defenssse Vessselsss." As a con specialist and ship mechanic, Sithick had studied as many starship specs that he could get his claws on. The older ones being some of his favorites. "Evensss sssingle vesssel hadsss conssstantsss monitorrringsss and ssstrrrategiesss of sssurrroundingsss. Eyesss evensss hearrrdsss of thossse rrroomsss usssed for diplomaticsss."

Sithick snapped his jaws with a few loud clicks. "Betterrrsss ussse forrrsss ssspassse thansss computerrrsss brrainsss. Thea'sss brrrainsss ssshould beesss sssecurrred deeperrrsss in the ssship."
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #6
[PO2 T’Kolla | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @jreeves1701

Taa’gur tried to listen as careful as possible to the words of the Gorn while he checked if the cabling of the room would in any way prevented them to replace the console units here with standard ones. Let’s just hope the next Admiral or whoever would use this room didn’t cared to much about the consoles. Well it could probably be enough if there is going to be someone who could used them in the near future.

The Gorn on the other side of the room obviously didn’t shared the Petty Officers opinion about the value of the Flag Bridge or at least Taa’gur thought that Sithick referred to the strategic value of the room and his universal translator simply messed it up. Taa’gur got disabused by the Gorn as he mentioned Theas brain. The statements of Sithick were slightly confusing for Taa’gur, but nonetheless he tried to continue his search. At least till the Chief stepped closer to the brain and meant that Thea should be less exposed and more protected.

T’Kolla was definitely aware of the fact that the most other Crewmembers didn’t knew the ships they worked on completely, but before he could have said the Gorn that this room was definitely more than a better office with a computer core in its middle Sithick continued to talk. Now he spoke about about some old ship classes the Devore has never before even heard about and compared them to the room they were in now. Before Sithick offered the Devore a possibility to say something the Gorn made a weird noise with his jaws and meant again that they should use this room in a better way and move Thea deeper in the ship. The first point was actually something Taa’gur would agree to, but the second part was why he had to say now something to his superior. “Sir, I hope you know that this room is one of if not the most secure place aboard this ship, but if you’re still thinking about changing the location of Theas brain you should also know that you’re right now standing on it. This little thing there is more or less just the tip of the iceberg, under our feet are six more decks only of Theas ‘brain’ core.” He gave the Chief some time to answer and went toward the door. Before he reached his goal he agreed nonetheless to the first part of Sithicks suggestion. “Anyhow, Sir, you’re definitely right about the use of this particular room. I would also rather replace this room with an extremely heavy armed access point to Thea than simply repairing it, but I guess both of us couldn’t simply propose a full redesign of critical system like this to the senior staff.” Taa’gur gave the Gorn again some time for one or two answers. Well maybe not for answers since he expected the Chief to be a little bit annoyed of a Petty Officer who tried to teach him. At least he would be.

It wasn’t actually right that the Person Taa’gur was going to call now was also in charge of doing such a thing, but nevertheless she had definitely more to say in that matter than a Petty Officer or a Chief. The Devore pushed a button at the door console. “Here’s Petty Officer second class Kolla to Lieutenant Junior Grade Marika.” He waited for her response till he added the reason why he called her. “Ma’am, during the repairs of the Flag Bridge on deck two Chief Petty Officer Sithick and I faced a critical problem and would like to hear your thoughts about a redesign of the room. I guess it would be easier to tell and show you the reasons why a redesign would probably be the best option if you would come here, Ma’am.”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #7
[CPO Sithick |Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn  @DaValle 

Sithick listened to the response of the crewman. He spoke of the security of the room, it's superior nature, yet here they were in the damaged remains. In the center the remains of Thea's now empty positronic brain. Without it, the core beneath their feet was no different than the computer cores of decades and centuries-old vessels. The Gorn had listened to the voice of those old computer interfaces, modeled after voice patterns of some long-deceased Starfleet officer. Some vessels still used them today. Sithick tapped a claw of his right foot on the floor at the thought of the deck after deck of computer core beneath them.

The crewman was correct. They could not move the entire core but the positronic brain should be better protected. Without it, there would be no Thea. Was their anyone on board who knew how to repair or replace it. The space needed to be retrofitted with more security features. Both of them were in agreement there. Reaching down at the hollow egg of Thea's positronic brain, his endo-thermic taloned hand searching for a heat source, a sign of life from the inorganic being.

Sithick licked the air and turned back to face the crewman. The pheromones in the air had changed. The crewman's mood had shifted but why. Possibly a failure in the universal translator to accurately translate his speech. A constant frustration since it never picked up on the pheromones that the Gorn body produced as part of their communication. It was one of the reasons Sithick tried to be an officer of a few words, something made more difficult now that he was in charge of subordinates.

Letting out of huff of air through his snout, he responded, "We'sss arrre in agrrresssmentsss."

Turning back to continue the cleanup, Sithick awaited the response of Lieutenant Marika.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #8
[ Lt. Kala Marika | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @DaValle @jreeves1701

Kala had just finished slipping on a new uniform after a rather messy repair when the call from PO2 T'Kolla. She'd glanced over the work list for the day, and noted he was assigned to work with Sithick on the flag bridge. From what she understood, the room had been trashed in one of the battles before she'd come aboard, and as a relatively low priority room, it'd been left till more important systems were back online. "On my way Petty Officer."

A few minutes later she strode into the flag bridge, glancing around at the mess that'd been made of the place. "My apologies Petty Officer. Chief," she said to Sithick. "There was an technical incident down in waste reclamation that required a uniform change post repair." She knew Sithick would smell the pungent odour of the reclamation tanks, she hoped T'Kolla at least wouldn't. "I'm just glad I'm not a Cait right now, that stuff does not wash out easy."

Looking around, she set eyes on the two enlisted, "You wanted to speak with me about the space? Critical issue that's blocking the repair?"

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #9
[PO2 T’Kolla | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @jreeves1701

Till the Lieutenant would arrive Taa’gur decided to continue some more or less basic repairs in this room that have to be done anyhow. He didn’t know how long the officer would need to arrive at their deck, but this time he didn’t want to greet his superior in the same inappropriate way he has greeted Sithick before. Even though the difference in their rank was not as high as the difference between a Petty Officer and a Lieutenant, there’s a difference nonetheless and it still annoyed the Devore that he hasn’t simply crawled out and saluted when Sithick had entered the room.

A few minutes later the Lieutenant arrived. After putting his current work aside the Devore snapped to attention as fast as possible and started to salute when the door opened. A quick “Ma’am!” came across his lips and in his upright posture the Petty Officer waited for the Lieutenant to give him the proper order to stay at ease. He knew that the most Starfleet Officers had their issues with military attitude and nonetheless he did it for the last couple of years.

The Lieutenant started to explain her delay and requested after that an explanation about the problem the enlisted had faced earlier. Still in a straightened pose the Devore began to explain the situation. Again he was more than a little bit disappointed of his Federation like attitude. Even though the Lieutenant has clearly ask both of them, it would be the task of Sithick as the rank higher officer to take care of the Lieutenants questions.

“Ma’am, it would be easier to show you the main problem.” The Devore stepped towards one of the consoles and opened the side plates of it. Where normally isolinear circuits and ODN cables would be was now a more or less indefinable amalgamated chunk of alloy and some other elements. “As you can see, Ma’am, those consoles are definitely beyond any kind of repair, which wouldn’t be a Problem under normal circumstances, but in our current situation, and even despite the help of the Klingons, our storage has already ran out of those special consoles.” He waited some moments to give the Lieutenant some time to check the console herself, after that he continued. “The Chief and I have considered the fact that a replacement of those consoles would request a whole replacement of the ODN cabling in this room and probably even in the level beneath us, since those Flag Bridge consoles are working on a different frequent than our normal ship consoles do. We booth think it would be more reasonable to repurpose this room.”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #10
[CPO Sithick |Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn  @DaValle

Sithick dropped another massive and destroyed console with a loud thud on the pile of heavily damaged equipment.

"Agrrresss. Lieutenantsss sssirrrsss thisss ssspace wouldsss beesss betterrrsss asss a ssstrrrategicsss operrrationalsss centerrrsss orsss a diplomaticsss centerrrsss."

Sithick didn't favor one over the other. Work was work and work kept his mind off Lahkesis. Unfortunately the idea that work distracted him from the loss of his Lahkesis drove him to be a bit more aggressive in cleaning up the Fleet Bridge. Reaching down he grabbed a severed and disconnected EPS conduit and drug it over to the pile of refuse destined to be dematerialized and recycled.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #11
[ Lt. Kala Marika | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @DaValle @jreeves1701
Kala glanced over at the Gorn when he dropped more debris into a pile off in one corner. She'd never met one, there were few in Starfleet, and she wasn't sure how to interact with him. She glanced around, sizing up the space. "Given our current mission, and given that Strategic Operations works closely with Intel, who have their own space, I'm more inclined to think that a diplomatic space is the best option." She paused, "That said, the decision for the space is more something best answered by the Captain or XO."

Going towards the center of the room, she knew from diagrams, the positronic core of the ship's AI resided in this space, or given the relative destruction, resided, past tense. "The bigger question on my mind is what to do about Thea's core. I'm not sure who's qualified to asses the damage, or even begin to make repairs. First ships we installed these one, a team from Daystrom came in to boot up the core and do final checks."

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #12
[PO2 T’Kolla | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @jreeves1701 

With his hands holding behind his back, the Devore listened to what the Lieutenant junior grader said about the flag bridge. Of course he knew that this kind of suggestion wasn't something Marika could simply approve. So beside her suggestion of redesigning the room to a diplomatic arselicker room. In no way Taa'gur would say this loud, but diplomacy was pretty much the last way conflicts got solved in the Delta Quadrant. Strength provides peace, no old idiots that are negotiating about trade deals and alliances. It was a simple and effective strategy and therefore unchanged since the first day a Devore encountered an alien. But now Taa'gur was no longer aboard of any battle cruiser. He was in the Federation, well at least had been. But still he was defending those ideals and if only therefore he would accept the idea of wasting this rooms potential strategic value. He briefly replied to the woman while forcing his voice and face to indicate not the slightest sign of his true feelings about the matter. "Yes, Ma'am. The idea of changing it into a diplomatic chamber could be easier than my proposal." He would be surprised if anyone of the others had even recognized how much he hated this idea. It wasn't his first time to hide any kind of his own emotions and it wasn't the toughest time too.

While he said this the Lieutenant menawhile had moved toward the center of the room. Towards Theas brain or in a less literal way, the main positronic processing unit, but Taa'gur understood why people gave objects like this more handy names. Then the young officer mentioned the other problem the petty officer has already thought about if they would use this room for something else and the question did definitely not come out of nowhere. What should they do with Theas brain? Even though the object in this room wasn't much larger than a standard mess hall table, they would need to move the lower processors too. A task that, even if it would be logistically possible, could easily need one or at least one and a half weeks and of course a lot of engineers and maintenance workers. Both resources were not available in the amount they needed it. The ship could need to jumpstart any second and this room, no matter what it finally got used for, was definitely not higher on the list of requirements than a working phaser array or the damn Warp Core.

Anyway the situation wasn't that though to solve since the Lieutenant was only suggesting to change it into this diplomatic chamber and not in some hot tubes or a phaser range. Even though Taa'gur considered this diplomats to be nothing more than unnecessary, he didn't thought they would threw some grenades at the other negotiators if the dialogues would go nowhere. "Well, Ma'am, I doubt any kind of replacement would be necessary. We probably need to remove the damaged consoles and obviously the debris, but the positronic unit itself can surly stay here." He glanced around to figure out which parts of the room were in need for some repairs too. After some moments he concluded that there were the one or other loose plate, but all in all it shouldn’t need too much time replacing them. He straightened himself a little bit before he said the next. “The remaining repairs of the flag bridge can be finished in some hours, but since we are already agreeing on the reasonableness of the re purposing of this room and an actual repairing isn’t really possible anyhow, it would be the most efficient conclusion that you, Ma’am, as the most superior of us, submit this idea to either Blue or one of her assistants.”
[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #13
[CPO Sithick |Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn  @DaValle

Sithick listened to the debate as he continued to provide the muscle in clearing the debris. "Thea's cores shoulds nots bees exposed regardless ofs ifs this space is useds fors strategics ops ors fors diplomatics." The Gorn was still concerned with the damage a firefight in this central location had caused. Sure the ship could function without Thea but at what cost.

"Eyes a weapons specialists. Whats woulds eyes knows." Sithick continued to remove debris. "Eyes wills follows yours leads."

Sithick would follow orders regardless of whichever function they chose for this space. His greatest concern would be the protection of Thea's positronic core. If the decision was to keep it here, he would propose increased protections. Already he was thinking up recessed phaser turrets in the walls, redundant shield emitters surrounding the core, and a thicker core housing casing.
CPO Sithick [Show/Hide]
CWO1 Larrant [Show/Hide]
BG Natauna

Re: Day 16 [1100 hrs.] Flag Bridge Repair

Reply #14
[PO2 T’Kolla | Flag Bridge | Vector 1 | Deck 02  | USS Theurgy] @SummerDawn @jreeves1701

Taa’gur raised an eyebrow as he heard how the CPO mentioned the low security of the room again. Sithick also said he would nonetheless do whatever the Lieutenant ordered him to, which was an attitude Taa’gur completely supported. There was no reason for the most crewmembers to know why thy were doing what they were doing. The most Starfleet Officers apparently had their problems with this concept of chain of command, but it was good to know there was one other person aboard the Theurgy that would follow orders and didn’t cared much about the obvious reason for doing it.

Anyhow Taa’gur decided to inform the Chief why this particular place would still be in fact the most securest place of the Theurgy regarding Theas brain. “Sir, I also have my problems with the idea of reusing this room for something like a diplomatic chamber, but even if the purpose itself changes, the remaining technical data doesn’t.” he stopped shortly and opened the schematics on his PADD. “The Falg Bridge has it own shield emitter, power generator and a special Tritanium layer that separate it from the Theurgy. It’s designed to work even if the remaining ship is literally nothing more than dust.” Maybe Sithick was an excellent weapon specialist, but seemingly he had little idea about the kind of weapon that were necessary to ruin this place. The Savi were better equipped than anyone Taa’gur has ever seen in his life, very much including the Dominion and Borg. It wouldn’t have mattered if this room had the best defence systems of the whole Federation, if they would have wanted it they would have got Thea.

But in the end the decision would be up to the Lieutenant. Taa’gur would simply let her decide which kind of room the former Flag Bridge is going to be and if the senior staff would decide to repurpose it into a ball pit, he wouldn’t complain.

[PO2 T’Kolla]

Oh and if there's anything fundamentally wrong with the text above, then please don't hesitate to point it out to me.

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