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Topic: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point (Read 7101 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Stardate: 57582.09
March 20, 2381

[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @CanadianVet @Revan

If there was one thing that Lorad was grateful for the Klingons for, it was that they didn’t need to waste energy making it as bright as the noon day sun. Here, he was able to walk around without needing his visor to shield his eyes from the light with only a large hood up to conceal his features. He had come here from the Theurgy in search of real alcohol to drink as the Federation vessel was poorly stocked in that regard and Samala was still not speaking to him and had locked him out of the Apache and the Reman whiskey stored within.

The crowd and the sound of blade meeting blade had instinctively drawn him to this area, and being careful to keep his hood up, Lorad made his way through the crowd to where he could see two Klingons engaged in a duel with Bat’leths, secluded in a walled arena on a lower level. They appeared evenly matched until the older of the two passed up finesse in favour of brutality and barged his opponent up against the arena wall, battering his weapon aside and using his own to threaten a neck attack. Beaten, his opponent submitted, and the crowd roared as the two Klingons shook hands and climbed out of the pit.

Having seen enough, Lorad turned away but was bumped by a Klingon male, stumbling from too much drink. Unbalanced, the Klingon tumbled forward, knocking Lorad over and carrying him down the stairs. Somewhere along the way, Lorad’s cloak was hooked and pulled away from him and when the Reman finally stopped rolling, he found himself in the arena with the drunk Klingon climbing to his own feet opposite him.

“A Reman! Here!” the drunk roared, tossing his empty cup away. “I CHALLENGE!!!”


Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #1
[ PO1 Eliska Bremmer  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Revan

When she had heard here was somewhere where she could face live opponents in sparring matches, Eliska Bremmer simply could not resist.  Oh, Starfleet was chock-full with martial arts practitioners, but some who studied armed styles?  Few and far between all right.  Rumour had it the Captain liked swinging a sword, but like such an exalted personage would make time to have a few passes with a mere Petty Officer.  Of course, the hologrids in the gyms could simulate opponents with a variety of styles, weapons and ability levels, but it was never quite the same as going at it with a real person.

And being within the Klingon area, it would mean live blades.  Which she could not obtain on board without running afoul of the shipboard weapons policies.  But what she could replicate was the right clothing for the job.  And while she kept to many of the traditions of Nova Kosice for a number of things, this was one aspect of her life where she was glad for Federation technology. Instead of hot, bulky padding she was wearing close-fitting pants and a jacket patterned after an early Earth fifteenth century arming coat that were only a little thicker and heavier than the originals made of linen, with panels of non-Newtonian polymer sewn in between the layers that were normally flexible but would harden to dissipate the incoming force under heavy impacts, and in her belt was tucked a pair of gloves featuring hard plates to supplement the advanced polymer, a non-trivial consideration where it came to something as fragile as hands and fingers;  and to the eye, or even the touch, the gloves felt like doeskin, the pants and jacket like linen, but all were made of the latest in synthetic cut- and stab-resistant fabrics.  Oh, they certainly would not stand off a Klingon warrior using all of their might for long, but should be enough to turn a lethal, fully-committed strike from being immediately lethal. 

When she had arrived, she had been laughed at.  Especially so when she fed the on-site replicator the characteristics of a weapon she could not manufacture on board.  A scrawny little blade for a scrawny little girl...  Well, they did not know her...

While she was waiting, she made her way ringside to watch the fight.  Typical Klingon fighting, so far as she could tell.  There was technique and finesse, but only up to a point.   Seemed it was common practice someone would grow impatient and it would turn into a brute-force match.  But while she was not fully versed in the philosophies and intricacies of Klingon fighting styles, the switch from technique to brute force seemed to have some subtleties of its own; done too soon, the more technically-minded opponent would still be fresh enough to see it coming; done too late, one would not have enough energy to maintain the degree of savagery required to overwhelm the other. 

As the bout ended, Eliska spied a commotion at the far end, and a pair of burly men fell and rolled into the arena... only to reveal one of them was Reman.  And not just any Reman at that; it was their Reman.  Lorad, Samala's brother.  And he was being openly challenged by some drunk. 

As the challenge was issued, a clamour started.  Of course, the crowd wanted to see a fight, and quickly the betting started, heavily favouring the Klingon.  Which would be a terrible mistake on their part.  Lorad, she knew, had survived assimilation; Bremmer was tough, and she damn well knew it.  But that ugly bastard was the toughest she'd ever seen.  So, before long, she grabbed a bookkeeper's attention.  "Hey!  Fifty on the Reman!"

And only then did she turn back to the arena, and she shouted, hoping she would be heard and seen by the Reman, and hopefully recognized.  "Hey!  You!  Lorad!?  I got fifty on you!   Don't you let me down!"

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #2
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn:

Having just finished a rather boring 8 hour patrol shift in her Valravn where absolutely nothing had happened, Alessia was starting to feel the monotony of their current situation starting to set in and it had only been ten days. While she was a big fan of downtime as much as anybody else, given their last few action packed, albeit stressful weeks the lack of action was taking some adjusting.

That was when, as she wandered through the Drydocks she remembered the fighting arena the Klingons had set up around here somewhere and smirked. While she was indeed a fighter pilot, Alessia knew how to throw down and fight hand to hand as well and a little friendly fighting would certainly provide some action not to burn off some of the stuff that been building up due to a lack of action in other areas of her life that she didn't really want to think about too much right now.

Entering the arena, she of course wasn't surprised that they were using live blades, it was a Klingon arena after all. Due to the shipboard weapon policies she couldn't bring her own with her, which was a shame but not something that would be a problem. All Starfleet officers had been through basic hand to hand training, Alessia had spent years doing Kickboxing, Capoeira fighting not to mention a few other alien fighting styles, including how to handle a Bat'leth thanks to a Klingon she served with once, not to mention of course that all the Wolves carried a combat knife with them and knew how to use it so the Spaniard knew she could handle herself no matter who she was going to end up squaring off against.

Needless to say she got a few looks from some Klingon's and other aliens because heaven forbid a woman could fight, she just smiled as she made her way over and grabbed a Bat'leth, ready for her turn in the arena.

As one fight ended there were sounds of commotion coming from another end drawing many people's attention, including Alessia's. At first all she saw were two men tumbling down into the area, from what the Wolf could see one was a Klingon and the other a Reman.

It took the pilot a few seconds to realise that she recognised that specific Reman around the Theurgy once or twice. That was good. Not that she didn't think the Reman couldn't handle himself but she didn't know if he was here simply to watch the fights or participate, like herself.

A challenge was issued and accepted which answered her wondered question as well as fired up the crowd in attendance. Making her way through the crowds to the front row, she of course was going to support her crew mate, cheering him on as the fight neared it's start.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #3
[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @Revan

Being in the ring that Klingons used for duelling, standing opposite a drunk Klingon challenging him to a duel while more Klingons surrounded them, roaring out their approval of his challenge, was not where Lorad wanted to be. He had come to the station to get drunk himself, not to get involved in these Klingon contests; even if his fellow Remans had done similar things in the past. His father had always told him that a real warrior didn’t need to show off in front of others. His honour and deeds on the battlefield would speak for themselves.

“I not wish fight,” Lorad offered calmly in Standard, climbing to his knees. He had no desire to beat the Klingon senseless, which he felt was the likely outcome given the level of intoxication he was witnessing.

“I challenged,” the Klingon retorted eagerly. “This is the Ha´ batlh, the Ring of Honour. Once challenged, you can either fight with honour or suffer the dishonour of cowardly surrendering. Which will it be Reman? Are you a coward?”

“I,” Lorad growled, feeling insulted at the insinuation that he was a coward. Lunging forward from his kneeled position, Lorad crossed the ring easily and shoved the drunk into the wall. As the Klingon bounced off it dazed, Lorad followed up with an uppercut that pushed the Klingon back into the wall again. As the drunk rebounded once again, Lorad picked him up across his shoulders, stood up to his full height and then fell backwards, cushioning his fall with the Klingon, while slamming him into the floor of the ring. Climbing to his feet, he looked around at the rather more subdued audience. “Am no coward.”

That got a response as the Klingons all roared; some in celebration, others with their own challenges before three younger, more sober and more importantly, armed Klingons dropped into the ring. Two older males followed but only stayed long enough to lift the drunk Klingon to his feet and drag him from the ring. Lorad eyed off the three Klingons, idly wondering how outnumbering an unarmed opponent 3 to 1 was honourable when a disruptor shot into the ceiling halted all movement.

“You all know me!” bellowed an older but seemingly still virile Klingon male from the top of the stairs Lorad had tumbled down. “I taught and trained many of you aboard the Kut’luch. Do not dishonour the Ha’batlh by challenging an unarmed opponent while you hold blades of your own. Drop them or the next shot betters the Reman’s odds.” His threat made, Lorad watched as the three Klingons immediately and without argument, handed their weapons to comrades outside the ring before turning back to him. “Better. I wager 50 on the Reman!”

Feeling boxed into a corner, Lorad regarded his three, now unarmed, opponents before another voice, this one decidedly more female, called out for them to wait.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #4
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn:

Alessia watched the scene start playing out in front of them all, the roar of the crowd of excited, riled up and most likely drunk Klingons and other aliens almost deafening. She could barely make out the words being said below, but she was sure she heard the Reman say that he didn't want to fight, to which the Klingon, as usual countered proclaiming a challenge and explaining that one either accepted said challenge or suffer the dishonour of surrendering, causing Alessia to roll her eyes, typical Klingon bullshit whenever they didn't get their way. I want to do this, I don't want to, then you're an honourless coward blah blah blah the Spaniard thought. On the other hand though, it usually worked.

As if to prove her point, the Reman lunged forward and shoved the drunk Klingon into the wall, then caught him on the rebound and gave the guy a mean looking Samoan Drop slam, declaring that he was no coward. The move was impressive but still Alessia shook her head, typical man. Clearly the drunken Klingon said it to goad the Reman into a fight and the the Reman had feel for it, evidently the male ego was the same regardless of species. At least he'd come out on top in the brief exchange.

However things took a turn when three noticeably younger, less drunk and armed Klingon's dropped into the ring, along with two other older men, they however simply retrieved the drunk one who'd started the whole thing and dragged him out of the arena. Before anything else could happen however, there was a disruptor shot from somewhere above her and she followed it to see an older Klingon standing at the top of some stairs, giving a speech about the weapons and threatening to shoot whoever didn't drop them.

Luckily the three Klingon's listened and dropped their blades, still that didn't change the fact that the Reman was still outnumbered 3 to 1 and no matter how good a fighter you were, those were never good odds.

"WAIT!" she called out before leaping over the rail and down into the arena, Bat'leth in hand as she marched over to join her fellow crew member, the Lone Wolf taking a moment to look up at him with a grin before turning to face the three young Klingon's. "I thought you Klingon's valued honour? You march in here with blades against an unarmed opponent and then want to take him on 3 on 1? Where's the honour in that?" she asked.

The three Klingon's laughed at her and pointed "HA! One tiny human female doesn't even the odds." One of them said, causing more laughter from the trio and some in the crowd.

Alessia pointed the sharp end of her Bat'leth at the one who had addressed her "Only a coward who knows he can't win, brings friends into a fight you honourless PetaQ." she countered with a smirk, knowing full well what the end result would be before tossing her Bat'leth to the ground, not particularly want to get shot by that older Klingon either.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #5
[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Revan

Lorad could honestly say he was surprised when the Human female descended into the ring and moved to stand beside him. He did not know her and couldn’t even be sure that she was a member of the Theurgy’s crew; although he assumed she was as she was on the station. She spoke to the three Klingons before tossing her bat’leth to the ground. Three versus two was better odds, and given she had come to the ring, armed, Lorad hoped she would be able to handle herself. If not, then things were about to get very interesting.

Looking around the audience members, Lorad wondered if there were any other crew sitting up there that might decide to aid them; if not for his own, then for this woman’s sake. But it seemed that no one was interested and a bellowing call to begin from the old Klingon ended his opportunities of looking to even the odds and forced him to confront those in front of him.

“Ladies first,” Lorad offered. He assumed that he had the greater advantage in his Reman physiology and cybernetic augmentation versus what he believed was pure Human. It was best for her to pick an opponent first and he would deal with the others.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #6
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88

Alessia could tell that the Reman was surprised that she had jumped into the ring with him based on the look on his face, it was almost funny if it wasn't for the fact they were in the situation that they were. Normally she wasn't comfortable jumping into a fight with someone without at least knowing them a little first, after all you needed to trust whoever you were fighting with to have your back, but that couldn't be the case now, she would just have to hope that he would.

She watched as he started looking around the audience members and did the same, wondering if somebody else would jump into the fight to even the odds on their side, or at the very least that nobody would jump in and add to the Klingon's numbers. Three on two was better odds than three on one but four on two was pretty much the same as three on one. Both lucky and unlucky for them, nobody dropped down so that was something. Then the old Klingon bellowed for the fight to begin.

The Lone Wolf heard the Reman next to her said ladies first and looked up at him with a grin "Such a gentleman." she said before looking over at the Klingon who had run his mouth to her. "No it doesn't but this woman is going to kick your ass." she said before charging towards him.

The Klingon let out a battle cry and rushed towards the smaller woman, taking a swing at her only for her to duck under it and before he could react watched as she twirled on one foot, spinning around on it as her other came up, her heel catching him across the jaw, causing him to growl and spit out some blood as he rubbed his jaw.

Alessia smiled as she felt the back of her heel connect with the Klingon's jaw with a satisfying crack, watching him spit some blood out onto the floor. With both her feet planted in the ground and her fists raised she was ready to go. "Well come on ugly, let's see what you've got." she grinned.

Sure enough the Klingon took his own stance, the two starting to slowly circle the other, their eyes locked, each one waiting for the other to make the first move. Alessia knew several forms of martial arts so she was pretty sure she'd be able to handle the Klingon, just like she knew that it was always better to make your opponent make the first move and that the Klingon was more than likely going to do just...

Before she could even finish the thought, the Klingon moved in and took another swing at her, which she ducked and quickly followed it up with a right hook, which narrowly avoided her head. Rolling forward she got back to her feet and turned, facing him again just in time to see him charge at her and take another swing. This time she managed to grab his arm and, using his own momentum turned slightly and tossed him over her hip to the ground.

Grunting as he hit the ground, the Klingon snarled, then gasped as the small Human's foot came down towards him and rolled to the side narrowly avoiding getting stomped in the face and quickly staggered to his feet. Letting out an angry yell he charged at her and ducked his head, driving his shoulder into her stomach and tackling her to the ground. Grinning he started raining blows down on her, hearing the sounds of flesh hitting flesh as some of his blows connected with her face.

Alessia felt the wind get knocked out of her as she was tackled and just about managed to get her arms up in time to block some of the blows being rained down on her, although not all of them as his fists connected with her cheek and forehead. Lifting her legs up, she wrapped them around his waist and shifted her upper body weight slightly to the right before throwing it to her left, forcing them to roll, giving her the advantage now that she was on top and started raining blows down on him, hearing and feeling her own fists connecting with him.

Eventually however the Klingon would do the same thing that she had and rolled himself, causing the two of them to start rolling around the area floor exchanging punches with the other.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #7
[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Revan @trevorvw

Lorad didn’t have time to wait after woman, whose name he didn’t even know, picked the Klingon that had spoken out against her, challenged him and, when he predictably reacted to her verbal jibe, swiftly kicked him in the head. Lorad wanted to take the time to enjoy what she did next to the Klingon but he had his own opponents to worry about. Two of them.

They were much more disciplined than their companion and more respectful of what he was capable of as the two of them advance on him cautiously, keeping out of arms reach of each other to given themselves room to react to what he might do. Not that he planned to do anything just yet. He had had enough sparring sessions with his father to know that rushing into a fight tended to not end well. He’d earnt enough bruises to know that.

Unfortunately, being in a walled arena didn’t leave him much room, or time, to avoid a confrontation and soon enough he felt his back against the enclosure and knew that it was now or never. Flexing both his real and cybernetic hand, Lorad braced himself before throwing himself forward in a flying shoulder tackle that dropped the Klingon on the right and bounced Lorad into the warrior on the left.

Pushed back, Lorad attempted an uppercut but his strike was blocked, and he took a punch to his abdomen for his trouble. His attempt at retaliation was prevented when the Klingon that he had taken down grabbed his cybernetic limb and pinned it behind his back in an arm lock.

“Oh, I could really use some help now,” Lorad thought to himself.

OOC: Hi Revan, I asked Trev if he would like to take CV's place and he has accepted. If you could wait for him to post next, that would be awesome.

Trev, feel free to interject yourself and take on one of the two Klingons that are currently restraining Lorad.

If you could both end your posts with your disabling of your opponents, that would be awesome and I will move us onto our 2nd round.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #8
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @Revan

Kai had been keen to take some personal time and visit the Orbital Drydocks, instead of being on duty all the time. Since their arrival to Aldea, Kai had done too much paperwork and had been on a sketchy away mission. Now was finally time to relax and take in the sights and sounds the locals had to offer.

Kai wandered around, aimlessly, with no specific objective in mind. For this, he was thankful as he thought he could truly relax. He had even bought a mug of blood wine, which despite the taste, wasn't as truly bad as he remembered.

As he was walking along, drinking his mug of wine, he heard yelling which was occasionally punctuated by cheering. Kai was intrigued so he made his way over to the source of the sound, unsure of what he would find.

As the large man pushed through the crowd to see what all the commotion was, he saw an open area. In the area were three Klingons, what looked like a human and one, very large, Reman. The female was taking on one Klingon while, the Reman was taking on two, and it had appeared that the Klingons had the upper hand on him.

Kai found it odd that there'd be a lone Reman here, but if there was one thing Aldea had taught him so far, was to expect the unexpected. Kai downed the rest of his blood wine and kept watching the fight unfold. The punches and throws continued to fly between the two Klingons and the Reman, along with the female and the other Klingon doing some ground fighting, something had caught Kai's eye. He noticed the one Klingon had grabbed the Reman's one arm and pinned it behind the Reman's back.

I guess these Klingons don't care about honour, he thought to himself as he found himself without any other choice. 

The large man hopped down into the walled arena and ran straight for the Klingon holding the Reman's arm. He threw his right arm around the Klingon's neck and squeezed hard while shifting his weight backwards in an attempt to free the Reman.

"How about we make this a fair fight" Kai said into the Klingon's ear as he succeeded in freeing the Reman from the arm lock he had just been in.

Both Kai and the Klingon toppled to the ground and Kai had lost leverage on the Klingon who had freed his neck from Kai's arm. The two scrambled back to their feet as the Klingon took a swing at Kai's face with his left hand, which Kai managed to block. However, Kai wasn't as quick to try and block the right hand of his opponent. 

The punch landed squarely on the left side of Kai's jaw, which had caused him to stumble back a step or two. The Klingon looked at Kai, growling and showing his jagged teeth. The Klingon started to rush towards Kai, when Kai took one step to his left and just as the Klingon arrived, he delivered a knee right to the midsection of his opponent, who was seemingly caught off guard by the knee. The impact caused the Klingon's body to buckle forward, lining his face up to receive a knee.

Kai delivered a strong knee strike to the face of the Klingon, which had caused some pain in his knee and a tingling sensation to go down his leg. This paled in comparison to what happened to the Klingon. His face exploded in blood as his head jerked back, causing his whole body to go backwards and crumple to the floor. The now unconscious Klingon was laying supine on the ground, with blood trickling from his face. Kai stood over his opponent, panting while trying to catch his breath. He raised his eyes to see how the others were fairing against their opponents. He was quick to notice that the other Klingons had been taken care of.

Kai looked at the Reman and while still breathing hard, managed to spit out a genuine statement, albeit a little sarcastic.

"You're welcome"

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #9
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @trevorvw

Alessia and the Klingon continued rolling around the floor trading blows, streaks of blood being splatters around them as each bloodied the other. Currently the Klingon was on top with the advantage, raining blow after blow down on the Spaniard, with Alessia managing to block a few blows, but she could feel the blood trickling down her face from several lacerations.

Grunting she rolled them over again, gaining the advantage and took a swing at the Klingon who caught her fist in his hand and swung at her as hard as he could, the force of the blow throwing her to the side, smiling to himself when he heard her grunt and watched her spit out some blood onto the ground along with a tooth. Grinning he pounced on her and rained down several more blows, the woman just barely managing to get her arms up to block then shots as they came.

Knowing she was on the losing end right now and dreading the trip the sickbay to get another tooth fitted, the Wolf wiggled a bit to free her leg before quickly lifting it up, grinned as she heard the Klingon let out a strained whimper, his eyes widening as her knee connected hard between his legs in the one place no man regardless of species wanted to be hit.

With a growl of her own she threw her head forward and headbutted the Klingon, staggering him before clenching her fist and swinging as hard as she could, hearing a crack as her fist connected with his jaw, the force of the hit rolling them both. With Alessia back on top, she threw one last punch down on the Klingon's head, watching it connect. The Klingon's head snapped to the side and lolled from side to side briefly from the knockout blow.

Panting Alessia pushed herself to her feet and spat some blood on the ground before wiping the rest off of her lip with the back of her hand. Glancing around she noticed the the other two Klingon's had been taken care of as well as the fact that another person had joined them.

"Well...that was fun." she muttered as she made her way over to them, wincing slightly as she pressed her fingers against her forehead, just above her right eye where another cut was lightly bleeding.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #10
[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Revan @trevorvw

He’d felt the arena floor shake as someone else entered the ring but his restrained position didn’t allow him to see who or what it was. But when he heard the question in Standard, quickly followed by his arm being released, he knew that help had arrived. Shoving the other Klingon away, Lorad turned to glimpse a large bald man, as big as he himself was, struggling with a Klingon of his own. Trusting that the man could handle himself, Lorad refocused on his own opponent.

The warrior had regained his footing and was now squaring off against the Reman with a wary eye, realising that he no longer enjoyed a numerical advantage, nor a physical one, as Lorad was both taller and larger. Lorad knew that it wouldn’t stop the fight though; if the Klingon defeated him then it would bring him great honour, or so Lorad understood. Steadying himself, Lorad raised his hands into a defensive position, ready to protect himself.

What followed was not the frenzied assault that he had experienced from the exhausted Bajoran Sel that he had fought when he first came aboard; nor was it the mechanical response from the Borg drones that he had engaged during the Theurgy’s battle against the cube. No, this as a practiced, confident attack from a wary opponent that was unsure what to do. Unfortunately for Lorad, he knew it would be bad if he killed the Klingon, having had to pass up two different openings that he could have used for kill shots. He may not be a part of their crew but he didn’t wish to complicate the dreadnaught’s much needed repairs by inadvertently killing a Klingon warrior. He would have to be more patient, wait for the Klingon to get flustered by the Reman’s constant block and parry tactic and the strike quickly when the Klingon’s control broke.

“Come on, just a little bit more,” Lorad thought to himself as the Klingon’s strikes grew wilder, a clear sign of slipping control. “There!” The gap appeared and Lorad seized it. Batting away a wild punch, the Reman shock trooper used his left arm to deliver a savage uppercut to the Klingon, stunning him. Not giving him a chance to recover, Lorad stepped into a raised knee strike that doubled over the warrior. Looking to finish their melee, Lorad stepped forward again and tucked the dazed warrior’s head between his legs, to the raucous reaction from the crowd, before flipping the warrior up onto his shoulders. Pausing to steady himself for moment, Lorad then used all his strength to hoist the Klingon up even higher before slamming him into the ring floor with a tremendous thud. To increase the force used, Lorad had sat down as he delivered the slam, and now checked that the Klingon was still breathing. Satisfied with the signs of life he could see, Lorad climbed back to his feet and looked around to see that his two companions had also defeated their opponents.

“Indeed,” was all Lorad chose to say to the bald man as they unconsciously sized each other up. But anything they might have said or done was cut off by a raised voice from above and Lorad looked up to see old Klingon standing at the top lip of the arena.

“Perhaps a little brash but very impressive my Reman friend. And to you both as well. My name is Ruaxo,” he introduced himself before turning back to face the crowd. “They have won their fights fairly. But perhaps they would grace us with a second demonstration of their skill,” he proposed, turning back to face the ring. “If you are willing, a second match, this time with blades. We can supply them or a replicator to fashion your own. And have no fear, no deaths will be laid at your feet. These bouts are volunteer only. All accept the risk.”

“Now choose.”

OOC: Prep for round two. If everyone wants to obtain a bladed weapon and return to the ring, we can begin the 2nd match.

Lorad's Finisher

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #11
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | The Ring of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbitial Drydocks | Aldea ] @Stegro88 @Revan

The Reman hadn't surprised Kai even in the slightest. The man that stood before him was of an impressive size and apparently strength. That coupled with the straight to the point way of talking was Reman through and through. 

Now, some man named Ruaxo had said the trio had just won their first round fights and that he wanted a second round, just this time, with bladed weapons.

Kai arched his right eyebrow and had turned his head towards the other two in the ring when he heard about this.

What the hell have I gotten myself into? Kai thought to himself as he thought about his best course of action.

Based on what he had just seen, there's no way the Klingons would fight fair, even though that'd be the honourable thing to do. He couldn't leave the other two to fight by themselves, because he wouldn't want their deaths on his conscience. To Kai, there was no other choice.

"Then we shall fight" he said to no one in particular.

Kai thought about the fact that he wasn't very adept at handling a Bat'leth, so he'd have to take them up on the option to use a replicator. He knew exactly what he wanted to fashion, something from his Hawaiian heritage. Just this time, instead of wood and shark teeth, he'd have the replicator fashion it out of tritanium. Kai was escorted to the replicator in order to fashion his weapon. He input the specifications into the replicator as best he could. 

Not perfect, but it'll do, he thought as the replicator materialized his chosen weapon.

He picked it up with his right hand and lifted it towards himself, examining it. The weapon was about a metre long, made of solid tritanium with a padded handle. Above the hilt of the weapon, were jagged points surrounding the blade portion. This was where the shark teeth would be embedded in the wood traditionally.

After inspecting it, he found the weapon suitable and returned to the ring, ready for whatever were to come next.

Kai removed his shirt as he stood there because he wanted to be able to move freely, ready to defend himself against the oncoming attack. After he did, he felt a cool breeze waft across his skin, cooling him off as he looked towards the other two in the ring.


Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #12
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @trevorvw

The pilot had moved over to join her fellow crew-mates, standing beside the head of security, taking the brief reprieve to apply pressure to the cut above her eye, hoping to slow the bleeding a bit while she gathered her breath.

However despite the trio having defeated their opponents, the Klingon Ruaxo said that he wished for them to fight a second round, this time with bladed weapons. "Of course the Klingon wants to see some fighting with weapons." Alessia said aloud with a roll of her eyes, hearing the chief of security say something she nodded and looked up at him "Well it's not like we have a choice, not that I'm complaining." she added.

As they were given the opportunity to gather a weapon before the fight started, Alessia made her way over to her discarded Bat'leth from earlier that been kicked across the area during the first fight and checked it over. Not surprised that the weapon was still in tact, the Klingons did make those things to last, a few kicks woudn't have done any damage.

Running her finger along the blades lightly, she could still feel how sharp the edges were. As she made her way back to the others, she twirled the blade around, getting a feel for the weapon. it's weight and balance perfect. "Well this is going to be interesting." she muttered as she looked across at their opponents, waiting for the fight to start.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #13
[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Revan @trevorvw

Lorad was at a loss. Fighting in an arena hand to hand was one thing. Fighting in that same arena with weapons was another. Besides disruptors, his expertise resided in clubs and knives; weapons that were unsuited to the predictable mix of Bat’leths and Mek’leths that his opponents would be wielding. Both would have greater reach than his knife which would prevent him from closing the distance and the knife wouldn’t have the bulk to block or deflect a strike to allow him an opening.

“Perhaps Samala is right,” Lorad considered absently as he mulled the problem over in his mind. “Perhaps a sword is not a terrible idea after all. It would give me greater reach and striking ability. As well as defensive flexibility against larger weapons. But what to do now? It would not be a good idea to use an unfamiliar weapon in this situation. I must stick with what I know, or can adapt to quickly.”

Thinking carefully, Lorad went through all the weapons he knew about and discarded them each in turn until he had settled on two. Using both would be preferred but if the Klingons objected, he could make do with either of them alone. After the large man had replicated his own club/sword weapon, Lorad stepped up to the replicator and created his own weapons out of Tritanium. 

The Kukri, with a blade of almost 40cm in length, could almost be considered a short sword and was his offensive weapon while the Tonfa that he had created would be put to use protected his arm as he blocked attacks. Its secondary utility of being able to incapacitate his opponents without killing them was also a consideration. Dropping back into the ring, Lorad looked up at the old Klingon with a challenging look.

“Problem?” the Reman called out in stunted Standard.

“None,” Ruzaxo responded calmly. “Each of you has procured a weapon and accepted the challenge. Your opponents will now enter the ring,” he called out and from the crowd, 5 Klingons emerged and dropped into the ring, brandishing a variety of weapons. 3 had Bat’leths while another had a Mek’leth. The last was unexpectedly armed with a spear like weapon; something Lorad thought would be more suited to open combat rather than the confines of the arena.

“We work together,” Lorad said to his companions. Five against three were not good odds and it seemed the Klingons were objecting to their previous victory by increasing the difficulty this time around. “Together or lose.”

“BEGIN!” came the shouted called from Ruzaxo as the 5 Klingon warriors began to circle them like the prey they appeared to be.

OOC: Reckon we could make this match last two responses each? Leaves a finishing response at the end and gives Trev the 5 he needs.
First round, reduce the odds down to 3v3 so that the second set can be 1v1 battles. Any objections?

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #14
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] @Stegro88 @Revan

5 of them...really? Kai thought as the 5 Klingons descended towards their group of three.

The Reman had mention working together, which Kai had to admit, was the best idea he'd heard since he had arrived at the ring, rather unexpectedly.

Their five opponents began to encircle the trio, causing the three to all have their backs to each other, which helped to hopefully ensure that no one could sneak up behind them. As the Klingons circled the group slowly, they also began slowly closing the distance. Presumably looking for any weaknesses that would show themselves.

The Klingon, with the spear like weapon, jabbed it towards Kai, which Kai had easily deflected with an efficient move of his weapon. The Klingon chuckled and smiled as Kai did it.

They're toying with us, Kai thought to himself, becoming frustrated being treated like prey.

"You have no honour! Coward!" Kai said to the nearest Klingon to him, in an attempt to throw off the Klingon's plan of attack and just get it started already. His plan had succeeded as the Klingon, this one armed with a Bat'leth came rushing towards Kai and swung his weapon in downward trajectory from overhead to which Kai had managed to block with his own weapon just in the nick of time. The man managed to have the Bat'leth slide off to his left, which gave Kai enough room to attempt his own strike.

The Klingon managed to do an almost majestic spin before Kai could finish the swing of his weapon, which the Klingon had blocked. Kai noticed that he was a metre or two farther from the rest of his group than he would have liked. He then broke off the attack and backed up to maintain the integrity of the trio.

The Klingon took a few seconds to analyze things, but then came in to attack again. This time he swung his Bat'leth from Kai's left side, which he had blocked. The sweat dripped into his eyes, as he analyzed his opponent while holding the block of the Bat'leth.

He had noticed the Klingon was standing in a very stable position, he left knee forward and locked and his right leg back. After years of fighting, Kai was sure the Klingon had done this countless times before.

It's about winning at all costs though... Kai convinced himself as he planned his next course of action.

The large man picked up his right foot and promptly drove the heel of his boot into the front and outer side of the Klingon's knee. Before the Klingon even reacted, Kai heard the telltale sound of bones breaking. Shortly after the sound registered, the Klingon promptly dropped to the ground, writhing in pain and surprise. Kai moved over to the downed Klingon and promptly disarmed him, grabbing the Bat'leth. 

Realizing that if the Klingon were still conscious, he would still continue to try and fight, Kai figured he'd have to do something about that. He didn't want to kill the man, but he did want to render him unconscious. He once again lifted his right foot, and drove the heel into the side of the man's skull. From what he remembered from the academy, Klingon's had much thicker skulls than humans, so the impact wouldn't likely kill him, but mostly achieve his desired goal of some forced unconsciousness.

The impact caused the man's head to snap to the right and he saw that he was unconscious. Kai didn't have time to check to see if he was still alive though, as there were still four other fighters to deal with.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #15
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @trevorvw

"Five on three? Where's the honour in that?" Alessia asked as the five Klingons entered the area. Not only was the Reman's suggestion of working together the most obvious one, given their situation but even if they didn't know each other they were crewmates, very much a one for all, all for one situation.

As the group of five Klingons closed in on them, the three Theurgists formed a small circle, back to back. At the very least the formation would prevent them from being flanked from behind as well as ensuring that all their angles were covered.

Bat'leth at the ready, Alessia's eyes narrowed as she watched the Klingon's circling them, her eyes settled on one wielding two Mek'leth's who closed in on her, taking several swings at her which she easily swatted away with her Bat'leth. Clearly the group were testing them for now, trying to find a weakness to exploit.

Alessia felt like a gazelle surrounded by a pack of Lions toying with their food. It took every instinct to not launch into an attack first, to do so would not only encourage several of the Klingons to attack her but would also leave her two companions with a hole in their defence, something she would not allow.

Keeping her gaze on the duel wielding Mek'leth owner, she sized him up. While he was bigger than her, she was sure she could take him. "What are you waiting for you fangless Targ? Too afraid to take on a woman?" she asked, smirking when he let out a battle cry and rushed her. Klingons and their sense of honour, while a good thing in many situations, also made them very easy to provoke in others, such as this one.

Rushing towards her, both blades swinging for her head, the pilot thrust out her Bat'leth, the two smaller blades clanging against the middle slightly curved part of her blade. Planting her feet she pushed forward, driving the Klingon back several feet. Pulling her Bat'leth back she swung it around in a small arch, aiming to take out the Klingon's legs, who had to make a small hop to avoid the sharp blades.

Taking several more swings, the Spaniard forced the Klingon to back up and remain on the defence from her flurry of strikes. Noticing that she was getting a little to far from the group, however, she backed up and retook her formation, her pilot instincts keeping her aware of that fact. The Klingon she had been fighting however, simple opted to try and rush her, swinging wildly with one Mek'leth, forcing her to swat it away with her Bat'leth, however in doing so, left her left side open to attack, and hissed in pain as the tip of the Klingon's second blade managed to cut into her midriff.

Cursing she twirled around and swung at the Klingon's head. The Klingon just barely managed to pull his upper body back enough to avoid being decapitated but Alessia followed it up an overhead slash again the Klingon narrowly avoided. Opting for another swinging twirl, Alessia spun on the balls of her left foot and made the motion of another sweep with the Bat'leth, seeing the Klingon, raise one Mek'leth to block it while positioning the other for a thrust to stab her with and grinned as she lowered her blade and instead extended her right leg out, catching the Klingon in the hand with the heel of her foot, forcing him to drop the weapon.

Taking another swing of her Bat'leth and now armed with only one blade, the Klingon took a hop back to avoid the larger blade. Twirling the blade in front of her, she healed it out to one side and taunted him with the other, a smirk on her face. With a growl, the Klingon rushed towards her and took a swipe at her with the mek'leth. Blocking the blade with her own, catching it's blade against the bottom part of one of own she turned her body into his and used the hooked blade as well as her their combined momentum to hip toss the Klingon to the ground.

Taking a huge overhead swing down towards him, the Klingon rolled out of the way and started pushing himself up, only to see the dark haired woman running towards him seconds before her foot launched towards his head.

A loud crack echoed around the arena as the Wolf's boot connected with the Klingon's jaw. Looking down at the man, Alessia knew that he was out cold, most likely with a broken jaw and a few missing teeth but she could see his upper body moving up and down with each breath, so she hadn't killed him, that was good.

Positioning herself back in formation, she just managed to see Lt.Cmdr Akoni finish off his opponent. "Two down, three to go boys!" she said aloud to her companions as she eyed up the next Klingon closest to her, this one a female.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #16
[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @trevorvw @Revan

Five versus three. Not good odds for a seasoned trio who were familiar with each other. For a trio who knew nothing of each other, those odds were terrible. Their only advantage was the Klingon’s own numbers. The ring was not large enough for their opponents to swing widely with their chosen weapons, preventing large strength attacks. They would have to resort to jabs and feints, try and break up their defensive formation, and those styles of attack were easier to counter. They just needed to hold their formation.

Unlike his comrades, who felt the need to goad the Klingons, to try and make them commit to a rash action, Lorad said nothing as he fended off a pair of Klingons armed with Bat’leths. His father had taught him that, when possible, use patience to win a battle. Patience, along with time, his father had said, were the two strongest warriors in existence. Master them and you could defeat anyone he had said; though he had agreed with Lorad’s own objection that to defeat time was the more difficult of the two.

So, with tonfa in his left hand, braced against his arm, and kukri in his right, Lorad blocked and parried his opponents, buying time for his companions to hopefully finish off their own opponents. Between them, they had 3 to contend with while the Reman held the remaining two at bay. Time flowed, as it does when a fighter focuses only on their opponent until a shouted call from the female Terran drew his attention back to his surroundings. She was right, there were only three Klingons remaining in the ring with them. It was now an even fight, something the Klingons themselves had realised as they realigned themselves into a line opposite them.

OOC: Part 2 of Round Two. Take'em down.

Trev - Male Klingon With Gintak Spear
Revan - Female Klingon with Bat'leth
Stegro - Male Klingon with Bat'leth

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #17
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ]
@Stegro88 @Revan

Kai had finally caught his breath a bit before the three Klingons lined up opposite of the three defenders. It was finally a fair fight, even though Kai thought that their side had the advantage. 

I'd never bet against a Reman, he thought to himself as he looked towards the Reman.

It was looking like Kai's opponent would be the male Klingon with the spear. For Kai, this was both good news and bad news. Good news being it'd be easier to parry the attack, the bad news being that the Klingon could attack from a further distance.  Either way, Kai would find out shortly as the Klingons approached them.

Kai's opponent was the first one to attack, just due to the reach of his spear. The Klingon jabbed the spear towards Kai, which Kai was just able to deflect. The other two Klingons approached their opponents quicker and now Kai's two compatriots were busy dealing with other Klingons. Kai turned his eye towards his opponent just as the man jabbed his spear again, this time Kai was able to dodge out of the way while simultaneously deflected it harmlessly away.

The large man quickly realized he was at a personal disadvantage as his weapon was for close quarters combat rather than the distance of a spear. He realized he'd have to close that distance to give himself an advantage. If he could close to the range of his own weapon, there wouldn't be enough space for the Klingon to use the spear to it's full usefulness.

Just as Kai had come to that conclusion, the Klingon had changed his tactic slightly and instead tried to use the spear to trip him. Unfortunately, the large man couldn't block it or deflect it in time and the spear had successfully tripped him and he landed on his back. As he quickly came to terms with what had just happened, he felt a searing pain in his left leg just above the ankle. Just about where the spear had made contact to trip him, he noticed that his pants were torn and he noticed it was wet and felt the warm liquid, presumably blood, oozing from the new opening on his body.

Kai jumped up to his feet just as the Klingon was approaching and ran towards his advancing opponent. He had successfully closed the distance to render the spear essentially useless. Kai dove at the man, who had seemingly not expected that as he was caught off guard. Kai impacted the man and they both tumbled to the ground, the Klingon on his back and the large human on top of him. The human made sure to try and pin the Klingon down as best he could while he rained down punch after punch into the Klingon's face. Kai's fists burned with each punch but he didn't stop because he could feel the Klingon struggling beneath him.

Each punch that landed on the Klingon's face sprayed a bit of blood, whether it was Human or Klingon, Kai didn't really care much. He kept punching and punching with all of his might until he felt the body he was pinning to the ground, relax with all the tension releasing from its muscles. Kai stopped punching and looked at the man laying unconscious beneath him.

He was happy it was finally over. He looked towards the other two and saw that they had taken care of their opponents as well. Kai rolled off the Klingon and laid on the floor, exhausted and sore...but alive.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #18
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @trevorvw

It was times like this when Alessia was glad she kept a healthy fitness routine and her fighting skills sharp. Managing to get some of her breath back as the trio lined up, their eyes locked on the opposing Klingons. Each facing their opponent, for Alessia, she stared down the female Klingon.

There was something poetic about the match up, woman against woman. Bat'leth against Bat'leth. Tilting her head from side to side, the pilot felt the pops of her neck and shoulders when she rolled those, loosening herself up a little. The Klingon female was the first to take a step towards her, which the Spaniard mirrored, the two females edging closer and closer to the other, before starting to circle each other, their eyes never leaving the others.

After sizing each other up, both women slashed towards the other with their Bat'leth's, the two blades clashing together with a loud clang and the screeching whine of metal grinding against metal until they broke apart. Although there was no active aggression between the two yet, the blows clearly another scout as they assessed the other.

The Klingon smiled and gave a slight not of approval before taking a far more aggressive swing, which Alessia countered, only to find herself having to twist and turn her blade in several angles to parry the flurry of blows her opponent rained against her. The clashing of metal echoing around them, until the blades locked together, drawing the women to a standstill.

Gritting their teeth, Alessia and the Klingon pushed against the other, both women closing the distance between them as their Bat'leth's remained locked together, the metal grinding along each other's blades. The two women were clearly of equal strength and skill, matching each other perfectly. Each woman tried to push back against the other and drive them back, only to be countered, leaving both women's feet digging into the ground.

After several moments of this, Alessia shifted her weight and thrust her arms up, driving both their weapons up, taking the opening to lift her leg and deliver a hard kick to the woman's chest, hearing a grunt and wheeze as she drove the air out of her opponents lungs. Breaking the contact with their blades, she spun on her heel and swept the Klingon's legs out from under her with her own leg, dropping the woman to the ground. Following up in a fluid motion with an overhead slash down towards the fallen woman, who barely managed to roll out of the way as the tip of Alessia's end blade embedded itself in the ground.

The moment it took Alessia to yank it back out was enough for the female Klingon to get back to her feet. The two launching into a series of flurried slashes and swipes with their Bat'leth's each gaining and losing position in a punch, counter-punch exchange with neither woman gaining the advantage over the other. Eventually the two found themselves blade locked again, only this time it was the Klingon who shifted her way, driving her hands up with such force that it sent Alessia's Bat'leth flying out of her hands, the blade landing a few paces away with a clanging thud.

 Before she could do anything the Klingon shoulder tackled her, driving her to the ground and had to do her own rolls to avoid the descending Bat'leth upon her. First a roll to the left and the to the right, her eyes widening when she saw the blades coming down towards her again, barely managing to grab the grip of the blade without getting sliced in half or losing an arm in the process.

Raising her foot and pressing it into the Klingon's stomach she raised her hips and flipped the woman over her head, both women holding onto the grip of the Bat'leth tightly as they started rolling on the floor, each one stretched out as they tried to shake the other loose and gain the advantage. However they would happen to roll close enough to where Alessia's Bat'leth had landed for the Angel to release her grip and retrieve her weapon.

Both scrambling to their feet, the two charged the other, going for an overhead slash, only for Alessia to drop into a slide as the Klingon twisted slightly to avoid being collided. Alessia's foot connected with the Klingon's knee, causing her to collapse before her own attack could finish the fighter pilot off, it was a dangerous risk but one Alessia knew she had to take.

The kick must have done some damage as the Klingon female couldn't seem to get back to her feet. Taking a few steps closer Alessia swung her blade down towards the female's head, seeing the woman's eyes widen in shock as the tip of Alessia's blade stopped inches from her eye.

Panting the pilot looked down at the woman "You fought well, do you yield?" she asked.

Staring up the blade at the Human woman, the Klingon too panted before nodding. "As did you. I yield." she replied, loud enough for all to hear.

With a nod Alessia raised her blade and took a few steps back, the Klingon's knee too badly injured for her to stand and separated the distance. Resting the tip of her Bat'leth on the ground, Alessia leaned heavily against it as she continued panting, trying to get her breath back. Looking around she could see that the Lt Cmdr had beaten his opponent and was laying on the floor clearly as exhausted as she was and Lorad too had beaten his opponent, it would seem that the Starfleeters had won. She just hoped there wouldn't be a round three because the Wolf knew she didn't have the energy in her for that. Hell the only reason that she wasn't on the ground like Kai was because her Bat'leth was holding her up.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #19
[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @trevorvw @Revan

Klingon versus Reman. Male versus Male. Warrior versus Shock Trooper. Bat’leth versus Kukri and Tonfa. Looking at the two combatants, an individual would see all this and more as they eyed each other off, looking for weaknesses and judging the effectiveness of their opponent’s weaponry against their own. In the end though, they both knew that it would be the blows they traded, the feints they perceived and the cunning that they fought with that would be the ultimate decider of who would be victorious. It was simply a question of who would strike first.

A bellow from his opponent signalled the end of their standoff and Lorad brought his tonfa up to block a wide swing from the Klingon. The impact was jarring but Lorad didn’t have time to shake it off as the Klingon shifted his weight to the other end of the Bat’leth and, using his Tonfa as a pivot, jabbed at his right side. Lorad barely managed to bring his kukri up to catch the strike before it reached his torso. With both ends of his weapon block, the Klingon re-entered his weight and pushed hard, hoping to knock his Reman opponent off balance.

Lorad’s reaction to that was to drop back slightly, change his position and brace against the renewed shove from the Klingon. As the Klingon roared at him over their joined weapons, Lorad heaved, pushing the Klingon back using his superior strength. As their weapons broke contact, Lorad swung wildly, seeking to create space between them. Unable to counter both of the Reman’s weapons without trapping his, the Klingon gave ground, looking to rally himself and press the attack again. But he would be too late.

Finding his opening, Lorad reversed his hold on the tonfa and strode forward, weapons continuing to swing wildly as he pushed the Klingon back. He had wanted the advantage in this fight, where he could control the pace and distance of the engagement, and now he had it. As the Klingon’s back hit the wall, Lorad dashed forward. Batting the Bat’leth down with his kukri, Lorad struck repeatedly with his tonfa, hammering the Klingon in the torso with all his strength.

But the Klingon didn’t capitulate easily; reefing his weapon up, he felt one of the ends bite into the Reman’s leg. But where he had half expected a pained retreat from his opponent, instead he received an angry roar and renewed strength from the stick hitting him. Unable to keep up with the volley of strikes, the Klingon’s knees gave out and faster than he could blink, he felt the Reman’s blade resting against his throat, a trickle of his blood running down the blade. Staring into the Reman’s eyes, the Klingon warrior saw his death before him; it would only take a twitch from the shock trooper and his life would spill out upon the floor of the arena.

But it never came. With a simple blink, the anger in the Reman’s face bled away and he straightened up; all without removing his blade from the Klingon’s throat. His intent was quite clear. Yield or die. And as much as he wanted a glorious death to herald his way into Sto-vo-kor, this was not the place or the time.

“I yield,” the warrior declared, releasing his hold on his Bat’leth, the blade still buried in the Reman’s thigh. He considered removing it but feared that it would be taken as an aggressive move so he decided that he would just release it and allow the Reman to deal with it. “It was a good fight.”

“It was,” Lorad agreed, stepping back and dropping his weapons to clatter to the floor. Reaching down, he pulled the end of the bat’leth from his leg and released it to join his own weapons. Looking around, he saw the human male laying on the ground next to his unconscious opponent. Turning his gaze to the woman, he was just in time to see her swing her own weapon down in what would have been a killing blow had she not restrained herself.

“Songs will be sung of this day,” Ruzaxo announced, as the crowd stood silent behind him. “Where two Humans and a Reman stood against five and emerged victorious. Keep your weapons as tokens of your victory but first, what are your names?” Lorad wasn’t sure if he should answer them or not and it seemed as if Ruzaxo was thinking the same thing. “Fear not, everyone here knows what ship you are from. Your names can do no further harm.”

“I,” Lorad called out as he hobbled over to the Human male and extended a clawed hand to help him to his feet. “Am Lorad.”

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #20
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @Stegro88 @trevorvw

Still panting slightly as she leaned against her Bat'leth, the Wolf raised a hand to her head, patting gently at the places on her face that were throbbing, not surprised when she saw a few specks of blood on her fingertips. It was an interesting and fun fight, albeit one that was a little unfair in the matchup. Still though, they had won and that was the main thing.

She glanced up when the older Klingon spoke, declaring that songs would be sung of this day, typical Klingon. Still she couldn't help but smile slightly at the acknowledgement that the three of them had indeed stood against five opponents and kicked their asses, that did feel good. The Klingon said that they could keep their weapons as tokens of their victory, although Alessia wasn't sure what she would do with it. Perhaps mount it on the wall in her quarters as a trophy or something.

At the request of their names, no doubt for the songs they Klingons would sing about this day, Alessia mused. She wasn't really surprised that people knew what ship they were from given everything that had happened the last few days. She pulled her Bat'leth out of the ground and made her way over to her two compratriots, noticing that the Reman was limping, guess they were all banged up in one way or another.

"Alessia Garcia." she called out, just a slight hint of pride in her voice and why not, she'd just kicked the asses of two Klingon warriors, it was safe to say she had earned a little pride for that.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #21
[ Lt. Cmdr. Kai Akoni | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] @Stegro88  @Revan

Kai was laying on the ground supine when the older Klingon announced that songs would be sung of the day. Kai inwardly chuckled at the fact that Klingons have songs for nearly everything.

Probably have songs for wiping their own ass, Kai thought,  which caused a smile to spread across his fact just as the Reman hobbled over to him to help him up.

Kai was grateful for the assistance up, not because he couldn't have done it, but because it showed the Reman's character. This had impressed Kai and after he was back on his feet, Kai nodded at the Reman. This gave the large man time to do a quick once over checking for injuries. Other than the injury to his leg, which had stopped bleeding, Kai thankfully noticed he only had superficial lacerations and other spots that will turn to bruises in short order. Nothing broken and no major injuries were a welcome thing to find after a fight that demanding.

The young woman to their right announced her name to the Klingon with what seemed like a lot of pride. Kai found that pride well earned, based on what they had just experienced.

It came time for Kai's turn.

"Kai Akoni." Kai announced loudly to the Klingon known as Ruzaxo. He looked around the ring and noticed how all the spectators weren't making a peep. Kai found it slightly unnerving as Klingons were never this quiet.

They must just be in awe of our superiority..., Kai pondered to himself, causing the smile to streak back on to his face.

Re: Day 10 [1900 hrs.] Proving A Point

Reply #22
[ Tesserarius Lorad | The Ring Of Honour | Klingon Recreation Complex | Aldea Prime Orbital Drydocks | Aldea ] Attn: @trevorvw @Revan @Auctor Lucan

"Lorad. Alessia Garcia. Kai Akoni,” Ruzaxo announced, repeating the name of each of the victors below him so that all could hear. “Your names will be remembered with honour for what you have accomplished tonight. Please, join us for a toast and allow us to treat your injuries. Or you may return to your ship to see about them yourselves. I will be the first to admit that some of our doctors are not as accomplished as others.” Ruzaxo’s words brought up a wave of bellowing laughter and Lorad could only assume that, much like many Reman doctors, Klingon ones were better at causing injuries rather than healing them.

Lorad considered his options and decided that he had had enough of the station for this evening. He had only come aboard to do some exploring and instead had been drawn into a pair of bouts against Klingons. No, he was done for the night. He would return to the ship, have his leg treated without too many questions hopefully and then sleep.

“I will return to the ship,” Lorad announced as he hobbled back over to where he had dropped his weapons. He had considered not taking them back, figuring he would have to lock them up with his other weapons but in the end chose to take them. If others felt the need to take weapons from him to feel safer, so be it. It wasn’t like he really needed them.

Climbing out of the ring proved to be the biggest challenged but Lorad accomplished it without injuring himself further. As he began to climb the steps, he felt eyes locked on him. A warrior’s sense honed from combat. Looking around, he saw his sister, Samala, staring at him from across the ring. Her face was stern but her eyes were different, softer than they had been in recent days. Before he could do or say anything though, Samala turned away and disappeared from sight. Clearly, she didn’t want to talk.

Sighing, Lorad resumed his trek towards the Theurgy, his body protesting at the abuse it had received recently.


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