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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 379128 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5125
Hey everyone, so I'm back again. For good this time, hopefully. I'm not planning any more trips down the mental health rabbit hole, and I'm looking forward to writing again!

Sorry to everyone I ended up bailing on threads with the last time I left. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5128
Afternoon folks,
I wanted to give a heads up that I will be on a trip starting tomorrow and won't be back/posting until Monday. I had planned to get some posting done today before I left but due to reasons [Show/Hide]
I have not been in a place where I could focus on writing. I apologize for any delays, and I will work Monday to play catch up on any urgent posts if I have caused a backlog in any of my threads.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5130


Part 1 of my reply in the Story Workshop has been posted, so take a look at the skeleton synopsis of Episode 02!


I will post again with PART 2: QUESTIONS, ANSWERS & COMMENTS, which I will address questions and ideas specifically brought up in the Story Workshop. If you have any intermediate comments or questions to bring up prior to Part 2, feel free to post them and I will deal with them as well! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5131
Hey friends, just wanted to give you a heads up. I'm moving this weekend and starting a new job the week after. Probably couch surfing for a bit until I find a place. Hopefully it all goes smoothly and I will have plenty of time for replies (let a girl dream), but if it all goes to shit I might vanish for a bit. I'm going to try to get my last few replies out today. I'm really sorry in advance if things end up a few days late. Writing here calms my anxiety, so I will make time if possible.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5132


It is my pleasure to announce our newest member, @Elyria ! They will write the Chemistry Science Officer Kizra Tos!

Ens. Kizra Tos                  Science Officer (Chemistry) 

  - Writer: @Elyria

Ensign Tos was a part of the original crew of the Theurgy, but she was hurt during the flight from Earth in 2380. She will be thawed on Day 6 after having undergone complicated surgery that allowed both the Trill host and her symbiont to survive the injury they sustained when the Theurgy fled Earth.

Welcome aboard! :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5135
Thank you!  I look forwarding to writing with everyone!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5137
Welcome on board @Elyria ! Have fun writing!

To all waiting for me to post next, I have to apologise to you. Vacation time is kicking hard in our company and I have to work over hours. I am working on the posts but I'll need some extra time at the moment. Sorry!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5138
Hi good morning!

I'm going to have to take an LOA for a bit to get my mental health, work, and family life in order. We are struggling a bit to make things work on one income and it's pulling all the strings kinda tight. I am sorry for the long wait, and I thank ya'll for being so patient with me.
Ensign Sarah Bjørge, Nurse


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5139
I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to really get to know you, but I wish you the best SarahBerry!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5140


Hi there! :)

With Andrew Fisher being KIA on Day 09 of the Interregnum (see below), Captain Ives will approach Alana Pierce on Day 11 and ask if she wishes to take up the position of Chief Intelligence Officer after Fisher's passing. With Alana having held the position of Lieutenant Commander before, she will be field-promoted to her old rank, and serve in the Theurgy's Senior Staff.

Lt Cmdr. Alana Pierce              Chief Intelligence Officer

  - Writer: @Pierce

Looking at the Intelligence Department, it would make best sense rank-wise if the NPC Lieutenant Jonathan Byrne is promoted to Asst. Chief Intelligence Officer in order to replace Pierce's former position for the time being, and if Byrne isn't inherited, he will end up KIA or MIA eventually to open up the position for a new Applicant or a new character creation. So, one of Pierce's first tasks would be to get that sorted so that all Vectors have a ranking Intelligence Officer aboard before Episode 2.

I will send you the link to the upcoming Ives and Alana thread, @Pierce , and congrats! :)


Today, @SummerDawn and @SarahBerry has asked to step away for a bit due to RL stuff, but with hopes of returning eventually. They have made specific requests in regard to their characters, and I take the opportunity to detail the fate of all the recent characters that are abandoned in the list below:

Lt Cmdr. Andrew Fisher
In accordance with the writer's wishes about the fate of his characters, Andrew Fisher will be KIA during the thread Day 09 [1400 hrs.] Starlight, and Alana Pierce is approached by Ives on Day 11 and asked if she wants to take up Andrew's position as Chief Intelligence Officer.

Kate Foster
Unless I am missing a thread somewhere, Kate Foster's latest appearance in the story is in the thread Day 08 [0200 hrs.] Operation Remnant Vengeance, during which she will be KIA, and the position of Chief Surgeon will be made available to new Applicants. If there are no interested writers for this position, I will have V-Nine take up the role before Episode 02.

Andram Obair
This Lone Wolf is, as teddyg123 stated on his profile in regard to his wishes, made available for inheritance by a new or old writer. This Lone Wolf can be NPC:ed as needed in any relevant threads for the time being, and if there is no one adopting him, he will be KIA during Episode 02 in some way.

Rylan Sil
This FNN reporter is not available for Inheritance, as per the writer's request, so with his latest appearance being in Day 09 [1830 hrs.] Perspective, Rylan Sil goes MIA down on Qo'noS on Day 10. Reason unknown. If there is some other thread he was meant to be in and where he is crucial, he can be NPC:ed for it.

Jaya Thorne
This character is available for inheritance by a new or old writer, and if there is no one interested in her, she will be KIA or MIA eventually to open up the position of Asst. Chief CONN Officer. For the time being, she can be NPC:ed as needed.

SummerDawn requested that this Lone Wolf survives, but that she goes AWOL. So, she will vanish in the streets of Qo'noS on Day 07 - her latest in-character appearance being on Day 1 of the Interregnum. She will be searched for in the week following Day 7, but with her fate unknown, she is stated MIA on Day 14.

Kala Marika
This character is available for inheritance by a new or old writer, as per SummerDawn's request, but if there is no one interested in her, she will be KIA or MIA eventually. For the time being, she can be NPC:ed as needed.

Sarah Bjørge
As SarahBerry has asked that her characters are KIA rather than being inherited, she will not be made available for inheritance. She will be marked as "To Be KIA" for the time being, in the hopes that SarahBerry can return to us eventually. She is not to be NPC:ed in new threads unless explicitly approved by the GM, but that latitude is given for old threads in order to resolve unfinished scenes wherein Nurse Sarah Bjørge is featured.

Overall, for any threads in where these characters are featured and wherein the other writers are waiting for replies, the next one in the posting order may NPC the writer-less character in order to progress the scene to its conclusion! I may be able to help in one or two threads, but I can't NPC these characters in all of them at once, so PM me if you have extraordinary needs for me to step in and NPC some character.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5142
My internet has been installed! I'm working on my backlog of replies now. As expected, a few of them are going to be late.

Congrats Pierce! Hope things get better for you soon SarahBerry!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5143
Apologies for not posting these past couple of days, was moving back home to Boulder.  Also having some nasty computer crash issues ("unexpected kernel mode trap") that have repeatedly caused me to lose in-progress post drafts.  Will catch up asap, sorry! 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5144
We're heading out of town tomorrow and I have to pack for 3.5 people, plus all the stuff that entails which is a lot.  So I'll reply asap!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5145
Will be spending most of the next couple weeks in the woods cutting firewood...winter is coming. :) Think I'm good on replies tho and will check in when time/energy allows.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5146
Still having computer issues but I think I have a workaround for tonight.  Will update. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5147
OK, FINALLY got the damn thing halfway functional.  Will catch up on everything ASAP. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #5148
I mentioned this yesterday in chat but for those that aren't on there or didn't see it, I tested positive for covid yesterday. Feeling like other crap I tried to write and failed. I'm hoping a few more days on medication will help clear the symptoms enough for me to actually be able to focus on the idea of creating a plot. Cheers

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