USS Archeron

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

USS Archeron.jpg
Vessel Name: USS Archeron
Registry: NCC-74700
Starship Class: Odyssey class
Starship Type: Explorer/Tac Cruiser
Status: Unknown
Purpose: Exploration & Scientific Research
Constructed: San Francisco Fleet Yards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned: January 29th, 2380
Dedication: TBD
  • Length: 1028 m
  • Height: 375 m
  • Width: 135 m
Mass: 4,800,000 metric tons
Decks: 32
Standard Crew Complement 1200
Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp Factor 9.9
Warp Factor 9.995 for 36hrs

Standard Cruising Speed Warp Factor 8
  • (x9) Type XI Phaser Arrays
  • (x4) Torpedo Launchers (2 front & 2 aft)
  • Standard Deflector Shield
  • Regenerative Shielding
  • Ablative Hull Armour
Auxiliary Craft
  • Type 9 Shuttles: 4
  • Type 9A Cargo Shuttles: 4
  • Argo Shuttle: 1
  • Workbees: 5
  • Aquarius Escort: 1

The USS Archeron (NCC-74700) was a Federation Odyssey class starship operated by Starfleet in 2381. It was the flagship of Task Force Archeron under the command of Admiral Sankolov before it was disabled in 2381. Before catching up with the USS Theurgy and the USS Harbinger in March of 2381 the officers aboard her recovered the comatose body of Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn. Lieutenant Commander Carrigan Trent disabled the Archeron with a program he called “Operation Soup Sandwich”. Operation Soup Sandwich was a program that would disable any starship by shutting down all systems one by one including artificial gravity. Both the Theurgy and the Harbinger were able to escape.

Over a week later Captain Ian Hawthorne reported to Captain Tristan Kendrick and Lieutenant Keval ch'Rayya that the Archeron and the rest of the task force was forcibly powered down and left adrift. All bays and hangars were de-pressurized, shedding personnel, fighters and shuttles into space. Life support systems were restored with auxiliary systems, they had propulsion, but it was only the day Hawthorne met with Kendrick and ch'Rayya that they managed to re-establish communication with the rest of Starfleet - having spent over a week in silence. Admiral Sankolov managed to get his ships working in time to participate in the Battle of Starbase 84.

After the Battle of Starbase 84, Task Force Archeron began its search for the Therugy in the Azure Nebula. Since the USS Orcus was all but destroyed, Admiral Sankolov saw it fit to make Marcus Alexander Slayton his new Executive Officer aboard the Archeron.

Known Crew of the USS Archeron
