USS Armstrong

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The USS Armstrong was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet.

During the brief Federation-Klingon War, the Armstrong and the USS Drake were ambushed by a Klingon battle group in early 2373 and both ships suffered heavy casualties before escaping to Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Apocalypse Rising")

Kaylon Jeen served aboard the Armstrong as an Engineering Officer from for four years, beginning in 2375 as a junior diagnostic engineer with the rank of ensign. The following year in 2376 he was promoted to lieutenant (junior grade) and made the lead diagnostic engineer. He left the ship in 2379 when he was transferred to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards to work on the Powhatan project.

(It has not yet been revealed what class of starship the Armstrong was. The USS Armstrong should not be confused with the USS Neil Armstrong that was assigned a planetary exploration mission in Sector 142 in 2365.)