Alessia Garcia, callsign "Angel" (KIA)

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Personnel FileW-o2.png
Name:Alessia García
Rank:Lieutenant Junior Grade
Position:Flight Leader, White Wolves Squadron
Birthplace:Barcelona, Spain. Earth
Weight:132 lbs.
Eye color:Brown
Piloting (old and new)
Drinking Socially
Cardio and light weight lift exercises
20th/21st Century Earth Music
Rock/mountain climbing
Wingsuit Flying
Hand-to-hand Combat
2372-2376: Starfleet Academy, CONN as a major with Security/Tactical as minors
2376-2377: Tactical CONN Academy. Selected for the Valkyrie program
Service Record
2377-2378: Rank of Ensign aboard the USS Hiroshima, deployment of Peregrine-class fighters
2378-2380: Assigned aboard the USS Kusanagi as a fighter pilot, piloting Valkyrie Fighters. Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
2380-2381: Chosen to test-pilot a new class of fighters in a classified project called the Valravn Project, based at Luna Shipyards
2381-Present: Valravn Project commissioned to the USS Orcus, became a Flight Leader in the White Wolves Squadron.

Alessia Garcia was a Fighter Pilot on the USS Orcus. As of the Battle of Starbase 84, it was yet to be seen if Garcia aided in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th century.


Early life

Alessia García was born in 2354, to Alberto García, a Starfleet fighter pilot based at Starbase 34 and Anna Marie García, a security officer aboard the USS Roanoke, a Nebula-class starship. Her parents had long been dating before getting more romantically involved despite the long-distance situation that often found themselves in. They first met when the Roanoke was docked at Starbase 34 for routine re-supply and their friendship and an eventual relationship grew from there and eventually would marry. When Anna Marie was announced with her first pregnancy, the pair was overjoyed at the prospect of a family but was also concerned. She was allowed to be transferred to Starbase 34. Alessia was not the first-born child of the two. The first child was a boy, both parents decided they would call him Jonas who was born at Starbase 34.

The family remained at Starbase 34 for another six years before they both made the collective decision to move back to earth to take teaching roles. Life in Starfleet and on a starbase took its toll over that amount of time and once their decision was approved by Starfleet. The family made the long trip home to Earth, taking up residence in Barcelona, Spain. By the time, Jonas was eight years old and a handful at that, it was over a year after moving back to Earth also that Anna Marie announced she was pregnant once more and this time they found out down the line they were to have a daughter. They decided at the birth to name her Alessia.

At a young age, Alessia was unintentionally getting into trouble. Despite being under the watchful eye of her older protective brother Jonas, she took a 'tough girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers or bullies at a safe distance. It was actually quite funny and cute sight to behold, but it didn't totally work for her. It was not like she was getting trouble on purpose, but her playful, random and careless behaviour made it easier for other kids to blame the girl for things whether she did them or not. At that young age, Alessia just had this unquenchable thirst for fun. Of course, as she was growing up the girl did kerb her behaviour. By the time, she was reaching to secondary school education. Her older brother Jonas entered Starfleet Academy, telling Alessia to always follow her heart in what she wanted to do.

Starfleet Academy - Dominion War


When she graduated from secondary school, Alessia applied and successfully joined Starfleet Academy. The first year was a little tough adapting to a new environment, but her coursework was good. Alessia did struggle with some technical and medical things, holding her back a little. She did well in her physicality tests though and in her heart, Alessia knew where she wanted to be. To follow in her father's and brother's footsteps and was determined to become a pilot. She decided that she would take CONN as a major with Security/Tactical as minors, hoping to show much better potential.

During the second year of her Academy years, the Dominion War broke out. She remembered hearing of rising tension on the frontier, but like many others there, it was a shock and often an initial distraction from her studies and training to hear of a war. The problem was being on Earth and at the Academy. It was easy to forget there was actually a war going on out there considering how peaceful things were at home unless you watched the news and vids from the front lines. Alessia could not really forget about it. Her brother was out there fighting, flying for his life and the protection of the Federation and its values. It affected her a little but she was determined to improve and get through the courses.

Tragedy struck in the later end of the Dominion War. Months before the war ended, Alessia got word from her family that Jonas has died in battle. Another number added to the countless lives that were lost in the conflict. It hit her hard though because only days before his next deployment they had spoken, he was talking about how he was looking forward to coming home and seeing the family with his Bajoran wife and daughter. He spoke of how much he missed them, that the war was taking its toll on him mentally and physically. He spoke of the family he was with while away, the squadron he was in, they always had each other's backs. The conversation was cut short from alarms going off in his last goodbye to Alessia. His last words being 'It's time to dance with the angel’s kid, speak soon.' That was the last time she heard from him until she got the news.

Alessia had turned to drink in order to deal with her loss and often ended up in fights with fellow Cadets. It angered her more that the war came to an end before she could even get a set of wings of her own to get payback. This affected her courses and training which in turn added to her missing out on being selected for the Tactical CONN's Valkyrie fighter project. She would receive counselling for quite some time to deal with the terms of her brother’s loss including taking part in group sessions where others also lost loved ones. She never though a shrink would help but it enabled her to clear her head enough to remember what her brother had always told her: 'Follow your heart in what you believe in’. This helped Alessia on her road to recovery and to get back on track with a new level of determination, it eventually showed in her final Academy year with significant improvements in her training courses. After graduating in the Academy. She was selected for Tactical CONN’s Valkyrie fighter project.

Active Service

Alessia's first assignment came in the wake of the USS Hiroshima, an ageing modified Ambassador-class carrier that saw extensive use during the Dominion War. Considering she was selected to be part of the fighter project to pilot the new generation of Valkyrie warp fighters, it was to Alessia's surprise when she found out that she would be piloting Peregrine-fighters instead. This did disappointed her no end, especially considering it was this very class of fighter that her brother died in during the war and thus struggled initially to get on with the fighter.

The tour on the ship did not bring up anything out of the ordinary. The vessel was mostly patrolling near the Cardassian borders. Alessia spent most of her time on patrol's and dealing with the odd raiders causing trouble or taking advantage of anything in they could get their hands on. During her short time on the Hiroshima, the young Spanish woman came to respect the ageing fighter, understanding how the small craft was pivotal to the war. To her, they were not as fancy as a Valkyrie but they were robust and reliable fighters. After spending a year aboard, news came from Starfleet that the Hiroshima was slated for decommissioning and for many of the pilots and crew, it meant reassignment to a new posting.


That new posting came in the form of an Akira-class warship, the USS Kusanagi. The Akira-class ship was renowned for its performance as a frontline warship and as a carrier for fleet operations and Alessia was excited at the prospect of serving on such as vessel. Especially after seeing that she would be piloting one of the Mark II Valkyries. The Kusanagi was tasked with operating within and around areas of interest along the Cardassian border. Where tensions and attacks were more common than what the pilot has seen while serving aboard the Hiroshima. Again, as time would pass, the Kusanagi mostly dealt with patrols, raider attacks, escort duties and dealing with some dissidents of Cardassian warships. It appeared not everyone liked the agreement that ended the war at the battle of Cardassia.

During the latter half of her two-year tenure aboard the Kusanagi was the time of when Alessia would come of age. In the early part of 2380. The Kusanagi would receive a distress call from a Federation freighter that was under attack. However, it was not clear of whom was really attacking the vessel in question. With no time to lose, the vessel set an intercept course. The captain of the ship had the right idea. En-route, as the Valkyrie fighters were ready and prepped for launch with bay doors open. This would cut down launch times the moment the ship dropped out of warp, and upon arrival, the plan was set straight in motion, only to be ambushed by a group of Cardassian warships. It was quite the surprise as the fighters left the bay and found themselves immediately fired upon by a plethora of weapons fire aimed at slowing them down enough for an enemy warship to finish of the freighter.

During the fighting, Alessia came up with an idea to break through the Cardassian line and make a break for the freighter and was probably in one of her random moments of thinking out of the box. Hell, even she was not sure of it herself but felt she had to try and flew towards the Cardassian ships. At the last moment, Alessia initiated her manoeuvre and prayed it would work or watch as the freighter would be destroyed. A moment later and for surprising many on both sides, she confused the sensors of practically everyone for a moment as she performed the 'Picard maneuver' in her warp fighter and to even her surprise, it worked.

In the confusion, Alessia broke through and was the only fighter to do so, and she did not wait before going after the warship that was pounding the freighter. During a daring effort to get the warship's attention, which didn't seem too hard as her cockpit was already lighting up from the weapons fire, Alessia worked her ass off to get within the shields of the vessel and targeted the weapons array of the vessel. It felt like it took forever playing cat and mouse with the larger ship before her efforts paid off, forcing the ship to break off its attack and retreat. Saving the freighter in the process, it appeared the other ships started to retreat and limp away as another Federation ship arrived during the combat; the Defiant-class vessel USS Chester.

Due to her efforts, Alessia was commended for her actions and promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade. During the latter part of 2380, Alessia was assigned to Luna Shipyards to partake in the Valravn Project. A highly-classified, secret fighter project. Although sceptical, and not overly keen on leaving her Kusanagi family, the Spanish woman took to the project with an open mind and excitement in getting the opportunity to play with, test and operate an experimental new warp fighter.

When news came through that the USS Theurgy had supposedly defected, it sunk her heart and made her think of what could possibly make a whole ship and crew to do such an act. Then orders came to Luna Shipyards that the twenty prototype Valravn fighters were needed to be put into field duty since the Theurgy's Mk III Valkyries were better than what the rest of Task Force Archeron had in terms of superiority fighters. So, the White Wolves Squadron ceased to be test pilots and were instead commissioned to the USS Orcus, which was supposed to join Task Force Archeron and hunt down the Theurgy. In late February of 2381, the USS Orcus found the task force adrift, orbiting Theta Eridani IV without means of communication or propulsion. They had been affected by a computer virus, and it was only with the help of the USS Orcus "clean" software that the entire task force could exit orbit and take up the hunt again. Task Force Archeron immediately set a course towards Starbase 84 - meaning to intercept the Theurgy.

Personality profile


Alessia was an exceedingly spirited woman who was considered quite resourceful when in the cockpit, being able to think not only on the go but also able to think “outside of the box”. Although at times she was seen as extremely loud, especially if having one too many to drink. Alessia was generally outgoing and approachable and loved the freedom of the pilot's life. Her brother was a major factor in her career choice, following her family’s tradition of being pilots within Starfleet in one way or another.

She was once told she was as stubborn as a Telarite and sometimes allowed her emotions to get the better of her, often having her temperament and frustration more times than one causing the woman to unknowingly mix English and Spanish. Quite the vicious thing when pushed too far, Alessia was widely known for being a tough cookie. She was a strong-willed individual, rarely ever changing her stance on something once she had set her mind to it. She had made her fair share of mistakes, although her conscience did sometimes tend to get in the way, along with her own emotions (when running high), at times causing her to be both foolish and irrational and leading her into situations that she would rarely ever think about first.

A brave and selfless woman at heart, Alessia was unafraid to jump into action- willing to do whatever it took to get the job done or keep those closest to her safe. Even if it meant she put her own life on the line. She was known to be a major risk-taker, unfortunately getting hooked on the rush of adrenaline. Alessia enjoyed trying to get some free time to self-care. If time permitted she could train at least 2-3 times per week, doing cardio and light weight lift exercises. The pilot, who was the fan of skating, could easily forget about her work-out and go skating. This activity made her legs stronger and slimmer while she enjoyed doing other activities in the holodeck. She ate healthy food to remain slim. She loved meat and that’s why her favourite dish was grilled chicken or turkey. She included veg's in her menu and tries not to eat sweet things, although she liked them. Alessia also enjoyed the time she could get to speak with her six-year-old niece, Nylah.

Physical Profile

Alessia had an impressive athletic body from where she worked out. She stood at 5'5" and weighed 132 lbs. She was toned to the point of being lightly muscled but had some curves. She had long black wavy hair which fell to shoulder length, draping over her shoulders. Sometimes she would tie it up but preferred to have her hair free. She had easy-to-get-lost-into chocolatey brown eyes and an olive skin complexion.