Klingon Great Houses

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"The Great Houses and their games dominate our Empire... Alliances of blood and blades, these organizations define the political state of Qo'noS."

-- Loresinger B'Alea.

The Great Houses are major political institutions in the Klingon Empire and consist of influential families, most of them of noble descent. Some of the Houses are descendants of Kahless.

When Kahless united the Klingon people, he did so under the banner of Klingons being warriors who would lead the charge into the glory of battle and combat. But in his wisdom, Kahless also recognized two important truths: that not every Klingon is suited to be a warrior, and that no society can survive long if everyone is a warrior.

To that end, he and his mate, the Lady Lukara, codified the Klingon caste system that still provides the structure of the Empire in the 24th century.


At the top of the Klingon caste system are the warriors of the Empire. All members of the warrior caste are part of a House, which includes their entire family. The House is generally named after the current House head or epetai, though some are named after historical figures who have been part of the House in the past. (As an example, the House of Kor was, for a time, named the House of Mur'Eq, as he was a great and noble emperor.)

Great Houses are united by bloodline and led by a male Klingon. Upon the death of the head of the House and his heir, the Mistress will take over control until a new male is found to take this position. The Mistress, usually titled Lady, is the highest-ranking woman in the House, either the mother or wife of the House leader. A House is named for its current leader but he also has the option of continuing the use of his father's name.

A House's status and holdings shift and change regularly. If a House has many warriors who succeed in battle, their status can increase. Altercations between Houses are very common and can last for centuries. Often battles between Houses can result in one House taking over another. And if a House falls, due to too many losses in battle, or dishonorable behavior, or simply dying out naturally, then its holdings will be granted by the High Council to another House that is worthy of them. There has rarely been a time when there were a set number of major Houses, and those times have been fleeting.

House Emblems

Each Great House possesed a unique house emblem. These emblems could be found adorning the baldrics of the house's epetai, branded upon house assets, or displayed upon house banners.

Examples of Famous House Banners

Political Influence

On Qo'noS the political life is defined by the alliance of Great Houses. The most powerful Houses even possess their own fleets. Thus, to govern the Empire the Klingon High Council relies on the support of the families.

Once, all the major Houses were represented on the High Council, but there are far more major Houses than there are Council seats - and, in truth, not every major House wishes to involve themselves in politics. The Council consists of members representing the twenty-four most influential Houses and is headed by a single Chancellor. The Chancellor doesn't have to be of noble descent or a member of a Great House however he needs to be backed by at least one influential House. The Chancellor is understood to b the face of the Empire, not only to the Klingon people but to other interstellar powers.

A leader is judged not by the length of his reign but by the decisions he makes.

--Kahless The Unforgettable
Known Chancellors of the Klingon Empire
2069-???? Mow'ga House of Mow'ga
????-2073 Karvan House of Karvan
2073-2073 Kagga House of Havrk
2073-2098 25 Years of Weak Chancellors
2098-2109 Kapok
2109-2152 Keth House of Rivaki
Chancellor Keth in 2151
2152-2165 M'Rek House of M'Rek
Chancellor M'Rek in 2153
2165-2204 Khorkal
2204-2234 Kadyra
2234-2256 Karhammur House of Karhammur
2256-2256 Kassa, son of Karhammur House of Kassa
2256-2256 Kol, son of Kol-Sha House of Kor
Chancellor Kol in 2256
2257-???? L'Rell House of T'Kuvma

House of Mo'Kai

Chancellor L'Rell in 2257
????-2270 Sturka House of
Chancellor Sturka in 2259
2270-2287 Kesh House of
2287-2292 Lorak House of
2292-2293 Gorkon, son of Toq House of Mokok
Chancellor Gorkon in 2293
2293-2311 Azetbur, daughter of Gorkon House of Gorkon
Chancellor Azetbur in 2293
2311-2323 Kaarg House of
2323-2334 Ditagh House of
2334-2346 Kravokh, son of J'Doq House of
2345-2367 K'mpec House of K'mpec
Chancellor K'mpec in 2367
2367-2375 Gowron, son of M'Rel House of Gowron
Chancellor Gowron in 2375
2375-2375 Worf, son of Mogh House of Martok
Chancellor Worf in 2375
2375-Present Martok, son of Urthog House of Martok
Chancellor Martok in 2375

Battle of the Houses (April, 2381)

"Klingons do not want to hear about the failures and wrongdoings of the past unless there is a hero

to set them right."
-- Chancellor Martok

Early in 2381 Gorka, son of Margon of House Mo'Kai made a bid to challenge Chancellor Martok for control of the High Council resulting in the Battle of the Houses. Assembling allied fleets from among houses opposed to Martok's leadership of the Empire, Gorka positioned himself to take the chancellorship by force. Martok, a veteran of the Dominion War, was no toothless targ and had an equal-sized armada of allied house fleets to defend his office.

Banner of the House of Martok
Banner of the House of Mo'Kai
Houses Aligned with Martok Houses Aligned with Gorka
House of Martok House of Mo'Kai
House of B'Vat House of Chang
House of DachoH House of D'Ghor
House of Delagh House of Gordek
House of Gorv* House of Gorv*
House of Grunnil House of Hurgas
House of Kahnrah House of J'mpok
House of Kang House of Kruge
House of K'Gor House of Kular
House of Kolloth House of Kultan
House of K'Tal House of Napos
House of Lorgh House of Sanar
House of Noggra House of SepIch
House of Targesh House of Terrath
House of Torlek House of Torg
House of Vrag House of Varnak

* The House of Gorv. It was a House divided with the brothers fighting to lead the house. The two older sided with Gorka and the youngest, favourite of the House head and been chosen by their father to lead the House, sided with Martok.

Undecided Houses (Battle of the Houses | Start of Chapter 06)

These were the Houses with present fleets in the sectors surrounding Qo'noS but whom had yet to decide which House to side with at the onset of the battle.

Undecided Houses w. Present Fleets
Great House Names


Emblem of the Klingon Empire

Great Houses

The greatest of the Houses are the ones with the noblest warriors, the greatest records of battle, the most foes defeated, and the most profound influence on the history of the Empire. These are the Houses whose scions crew the finest vessels in the Klingon Defense Force, and also serve on the High Council. They are the generals, the captains, the Dahar Masters, the chancellors. They are the force behind the Empire.

Klingon High Council Chamber

Great Houses in the High Council (2381)

  • Providing the Chancellor: House of Martok: Martok, son of Urthog
  • House of J'mpok: Councilor J'mpok, son of Q'thoq
  • House of Kopek: Councilor Kopek, son of Nargor
  • House of Kryan: Councilor Kryan, son of Panich
  • House of Qolka: Councilor Qolka
  • House of Cha'lak: Councilor Cha'lak
  • House of Ganbral: Councilor Ganbral
  • House of K'lek: Councilor Kolen, son of K'lek
  • House of Kriton: Councilor Gogh, son of Kriton
  • House of S'kopa: Councilor Ja'rut son of S'kopa
  • House of Terrath: Councilor B'retal, daughter of Terrath
  • House of Woldan: Councilor Woldan
  • House of Konjah: Councilor Konjah, son of Ja'mal
  • House of Marab: Councilor Marab
  • House of Torg: Councilor Torg, son of Kormog
  • House of K'Tal: Councilor K'Tal, son of Machi

Vacant Seats

Leadership Priority One (1) of the Klingon High Council under Chancellor Martok upon taking office in 2375 was to purge the High Council and Great Houses of corruption and dishonorable practices. He did not have to wait long to act upon this priority. A year after taking office, Martok's leadership was challenged by Gothmara, Daughter of Kultan and leader the House of Kultan, who had secretly conceived a child with Martok named Morjod. Gothmara and Morjod staged a coup against Martok, briefly deposing him from office. Destroying the Great Hall, the two managed to kill most of the High Council members. In the initial attack, Martok's wife Sirella died, as did Martok's daughters Shen and Lazhna.

Martok swore revenge against both Morjod and Gothmara for the deaths of his wife and children, and began gathering forces loyal to him. Rallying a large force to his cause, Martok's forces engaged the coup's forces in a large battle on Boreth. Morjod and Martok fought each other, and Morjod was soon defeated. Heading into the monastery, Martok confronted Gothmara. She tried to use a projection of Sirella to distract Martok long enough to stab him, but Martok decapitated Gothmara with the Sword of Kahless. (DS9 - The Left Hand of Destiny, Book One, DS9 - The Left Hand of Destiny, Book Two)

Following the death, Martok was restored as Chancellor of the High Council and began working to repair all the damage done by the coup. However, as of 2381 nine (9) seats on the High Council remain vacant, their former occupants either dying as part of Gothmara and Morjod's coup d'etat or by being removed with dishonor for allying with them.

Houses formally in the High Council

The following houses were honored at one time to have a councilor from their house on the High Council. However, due to retirement, resignation, death, or dishonor, they no longer maintain a seat on the council.

  • House of D'Ghor
  • House of Duras
  • House of Dorak
  • House of Gorkon
  • House of Kahnrah
  • House of K'mpec
  • House of Kor
  • House of Mogh

Disscommendated Houses

"The dishonor of the father dishonors his sons and their sons for three generations."

-- Klingon Proverb
The discommendation of Starfleet Officer Worf by Chancellor K'mpek and 14 members of the High Council

The most severe punishment for inappropriate actions (such as treason, gross dishonorable conduct, etc) in the empire is discommendation, or exile. most commonly applied only to individuals, it can dishonor an entire house, and has frequently been the cause of a great house's fall to minor house status. There have been times however that the actions of the whole house have been so problematic, that an entire house has been discommendated. These houses have their assets seized and find themselves with no formal allies in the empire. However, if the house was powerful enough, or devious enough, and anticipated their fall, they could often escape with many of their more mobile assets intact. These rogue houses often turn pirate, using their fleet and resources to support the house, or turn mercenary, for much the same result. A few however have chosen to travel into the unexplored regions, turning conquistador. If their conquests or actions prove of great benefit to the Empire, they may regain their place. some of these rogue houses attempt to manipulate the Empire and Great Houses, in attempts to have their discommendation lifted and their positions restored without risking all in wars of conquest.

The following houses have experienced disscommendation by the High Council.
To associate with any member of these houses is a dishonor until their disscommendation be lifted should such an event ever come to pass.

  • House of D'Ghor (2371): Led by D'Ghor
  • House of Durn
  • House of G'Iogh (2291): Led by G'Iogh, son of Kalnor
  • House of Gordek (2372): Led by Gordek
  • House of Kamato (2253): Led by Kamato

Dissolved Houses

Typically a Klingon House is dissolved when there is no living heirs to lead the house. Houses could also be dissolved by the Chancellor and High Council. On rare occasions, dissolved houses have been reinstated upon the discovery of an unknown heir or by the decision of the Chancellor and High Council.

The following is a list of known dissolved houses:

  • House of Girjah (2250s): Dissolved to become the House of T'Kuvma.
  • House of Gowron (2375): Dissolved with the death of Gowron, son of M'Rel.
  • House of Kor (2375): Dissolved with the death of Kor, son of Rynar.
  • House of Korpi (2269): Dissolved after siding with Admiral Loski during a brief civil war circa 2269
  • House of Kultan (2376): Dissolved by Chancellor Martok after Gothmara's attempted coup.
  • House of Mogh (2372): Dissolved by Chancellor Gowron after Worf, son of Mogh refused to support war with Cardassians.
  • House of Varnak (2376): Dissolved by Chancellor Martok for supporting Gothmara's attempted coup.

List of Known Great Houses in History

Klingon Great Houses
Great House Names AjaqBoralB'VatBudleshCha'lakChangDaa'maqDachoHDelaghD'GhorDok'MarrDurasDurnGanbralGannikG'IoghGirjahGordekGorkonGormGorthasGorvGowronGrafGrunnilHaaralHurgasHurgohIngkaJornJ'mpokKahlessKahnrahKamatoKamrilKamaragKangKazagKenekKenranK'GorKhemaraKlagKlaratK'lekK'mpecK'NeraKolothKonjahKopekKorKorathKorpiKotzherKozakKritonKroltKrugeKryanK'TalKularKultanLorghMaangMakokMarabMartokMi'QoghMoghMo'KaiMongMortranMow'gaM'RekMur'EqNgojOzhpriPalkarPallara"Pegh"Prel'VoqqabSanQeH'a'QolkaRiskadhRumaiySepIchSimparriS'KopaSompekSubaieshTargeshTerrathTignarT'KuvmaTorgTorlekUrussigVarnakVarrinVragWoldan Emblem of the Klingon Empire

List of Known Minor Houses in History

Not every House can be a great one, or even an influential one. But there are those high-born Klingons who do have a few battles to their name, a few holdings to call their own, and while they do not get selected to serve on the High Council, they still play an important role in Klingon society.

In addition, status remains ever changeable. Brave warriors can raise the status of their House from minor to major – and, by the same token, ignominy and dishonor can bring down a noble House, reducing it to a lowly status.

Klingon Minor Houses
Minor House Names AdionAmarAntaakBa'VaghBirok'kenB'ElarraBronalBurChakChorothCh'vakDev'tasD'KarivDorakDrexaFrel'KarGankGensaGhamzalGhoS'aGorakGrilkaGrokanHoronHurricIniganJoHgelJurissKaargKarumKassaKelgKeshKessecKinzanKoghimaKoraghKorgathKorpiKozakKradKrellKuritaKurvadLimmrilLokakMerghMokMolorMoltakMonakNakobNamalNaposNoggraPachPagaxQuarkQulekghRazgRekanReshtarcRozajRustazhRutarkSabajeshSanarSolazarnStauraStradaTIQaTivanaztVokWakrasWarrokhYorghZulorZu'ud Emblem of the Klingon Empire