House of K'mpec

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Another House whose fortunes changed, the House of Korrd was a major House in the Empire for centuries, until General Korrd fell into drink and disgrace. Korrd’s nephew, K’mpec, was a strong warrior, unparalleled in close-quarters fighting with a d’k tahg. He eschewed a career as a knife fighter to join the Defense Force, and became a mighty ship captain in short order, fighting many battles against the Tholians and Cardassians before being elevated to the Council to take Chancellor Kravokh’s seat when he ascended – then he challenged Kravokh for the leadership thirteen years later. He would go on to rule the High Council longer than anyone in the Empire’s history. Though he had no children, his nephews and nieces continue to serve the Empire with distinction, many of them as warriors in the Defense Force who fought and died in the Dominion War. The House has retained his name a decade after his death.