House of B'Elarra

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Never a large House, what started out as the House of Krota in the time of Kahless fell into greater and greater dishonor as time went on, due to lack of distinction in combat and lack of acumen in management of holdings. After the head of the House, also named Krota after the founder, died in a duel when he was caught with another warrior’s mate, his widowed mate B’Elarra petitioned Emperor Reclaw to be made House head. Before her, no woman had ever officially been named head of a House, though many had done so without official standing, starting with the Lady Lukara, who ran the House of Kahless after the Unforgettable One’s ascension. To this day, women must petition the High Council for special dispensation to become a House head, though there are rumors that Chancellor Martok is looking to end that step.