House of Mogh

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

A House with a long and noble history, including several of the warriors who fought against the Federation in the initial skirmishes of the war that was curtailed by the Organians. In the 23rd century, one member of this House, General Worf, distinguished himself as an advocate, and he played a small but critical role in the aftermath of Chancellor Gorkon’s assassination, and later was involved in the Betreka Nebula Incident, during which he was killed. His son Mogh, for whom the House was named, was a decorated ship captain who won many campaigns, and was killed during the Khitomer massacre. Mogh’s son Worf was raised in the Federation, becoming the first Klingon to join Starfleet. However, the House was dissolved by Chancellor Gowron when Worf opposed the invasion of Cardassia.