House of Budlesh

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Another House that traced its ancestry to the time just after Kahless’s ascension, the House of Budlesh included many fine warriors who fought bravely. In honor of his House’s accomplishments, as well as his own in fighting the Kinshaya when they tried to take over the Lokka system, Budlesh was crowned emperor. But his own House was disgraced by the actions of his mate, the Lady Vilik, who poisoned the emperor when he would not name her son from a previous mate to be heir. Budlesh instead named his nephew Yorq, who ascended to the throne and condemned Vilik for her actions. Still, the stain of Budlesh dying in so ignominious a manner tainted the House. Yorq’s reign ended when he was challenged for the throne by Gharkh, who became emperor. The House of Budlesh died out soon thereafter.