Adam Kingston

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Revision as of 08:54, 6 September 2018 by Auctor Lucan (talk | contribs)
Personnel FileY-o2.png
Name:Adam Kingston
Rank:Lieutenant Junior Grade
Position:Security Officer
Orientation:  Heterosexual
Birthplace:Athens, New York, Earth
Height:6ft 2in / 1.88m
Weight:250lbs / 114kg
Eye color:Blue
Played by:Jason Statham
Martial arts
Bo Staff
Free climbing
Starfleet Academy, class of 2378.
Service Record
2378: Assigned to USS Crazy Horse.
2380: Assigned to USS Theurgy.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Adam Kingston was a Security Officer of the USS Theurgy. He was wounded by an attack on the Theurgy by the Calamity in 2381. He was placed into stasis, pending treatment.


Adam was born on Earth in the small town of Utica, New York. Like many aspiring youth he dreamed of life in the Federation armed forces, drawn toward the illusions offered by recruitment campaigns and the drama of movies and books portraying deep space as an adventure waiting to be discovered for those with the itch and urge to see where life would take them, and when he turned eighteen he joined Starfleet Academy.

At the academy, Cadet Kingston showed himself friendly with his fellow cadets, and superiors, especially those in the Security field. By taking the time to be interested in the field, he showed considerable potential for security, seeming to read certain situations far better then his peers, and a decent memory. After graduation he served in the Security Department aboard the USS Crazy Horse and was promoted shortly before his transfer to the Theurgy.

He has had a rather successful military career though it has been noted on his file that there have been a number of accusations of borderline behavior, especially toward enemies in the field. This has resulted in a number of citations against him in recent years up till coming aboard the USS Theurgy. Aboard the Theurgy he has had a fresh start so to speak, and he has used the opportunity to its fullest, showing that he can be a model officer. He has shown a subtle bent toward bulldog behavior but has kept his thoughts to himself and kept his mouth shut for the most part.

Then, they were sent to Besus to negotiate for peace with the Ikuli Empire. Throughout the mission Adam thought something was off about the situation, and urged caution to his superiors although nothing came of it. He has harbored a buried resentment toward Starfleet Command since that incident.

After the voyage to Besus, when the Theurgy had returned to Earth and subsequently had to leave, Adam was slightly shocked about the revelation concerning Starfleet Command. Part of him questioned how such an occurrence could have remained hidden for so long, while another part wondered if fleeing from the fleet and fighting was the right choice. He chose to follow orders as previously, but no longer trusted Captain Jien Ives or the senior staff as he once did. He was beginning to see that difficult situations required difficult decisions. His concerns eased a bit, he decided to continue service in Starfleet.

When the ship reached Niga, Adam was infected by ThanIda zh'Wann, and while he couldn’t remember his own actions, he ended up infecting a lot of other crewmembers. Among them, Cadet Ester Hamburg, fighter pilot Hannah Slaverton, engineer Nicole Howard and the First Officer at the time, Commander Nerina. Since he couldn’t remember his own actions, it didn’t affect him much, beyond noticing how some of the crew kept their distance. He has since tried to conduct himself in a manner worthy of at least the Captain's goodwill. The rest of the crew might not have any respect for him...hell, he didn't even respect himself much, but since he was alive by some miracle, he'd make the best of it.

When the Ishtar Entity visited upon the Theurgy, Adam was unaffected by her antiques, serving as usual in Security and remaining oblivious to the events that unfolded on the bridge and in some parts of the ship. His single-mindedness was what may have saved him.

He was, however, almost killed by the A.I. hologram of the USS Calamity. After the severe trauma he suffered to his head, it remained unknown if he could be resuscitated, and if he was, if he would remain the same man as he used to be. Now that he has awakened, he's found that the trauma he suffered has erased some aspects of his former personality. He is now a dedicated, personable officer instead of a gruff loner.

Personality Profile

Adam is a confident young man, with an intense sense of focus. He likes to think things through rather than being impulsive, unless his gut intervenes and he has to make a split-second decision. Conversely, when given a problem to solve, he may take some time to think it through. He isn't given to rash decisions on anything. He knows the history of the mission. However, he has reserved judgement until the Captain shows his/her hand.

Physical Profile

Adam enjoys performing martial arts exercises on the holodeck and he frequents the holobays to practice archery and hunting with archaic firearms, and to free climb in peace. He has become more comfortable with the fact that the person he once was will never be again. The metal skull implant used to repair the head injury has been encased in newskin, and the prosthetic shoulder hurts him, but he still has to live with the memories of how he received them and uses the pain as a reminder. The scar from his surgeries, though faint, is visible under close scrutiny.
