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Upon entering the [[Federation]], they began disarmament and threw what considerable resources they had behind [[Starfleet]]. Betazoids make up a considerable number of [[Starfleet]] officers, but are spread out across the Galaxy. If Betazed were to come under attack, it would be up to [[Starfleet]] to protect the planet.
Upon entering the [[Federation]], they began disarmament and threw what considerable resources they had behind [[Starfleet]]. Betazoids make up a considerable number of [[Starfleet]] officers, but are spread out across the Galaxy. If Betazed were to come under attack, it would be up to [[Starfleet]] to protect the planet.

==Strategic Importance==
Betazed has significant strategic value to the UFP. Its location close to the [[Vulcan]] home system and many other important regions makes it a strategic lincpin to be strongly defended. For this reason, the defense of Betazed has always received the highest prioroity; normally, the Betazed system falls under the protection of the Twelfth Fleet, and patrol vessels are a common sight in the system. During times of crisis, the fleet usually assigns a detachment of ships specifically to defend Betazed from possible hostile action.

==Present Conflicts==
The Enlightened Mind Movement seeks to convince Betazed to withdraw from the UFP. It sees foreign influences as pollutants which are not only destroying Betazed culture, but which are also cheapening the Betazois' spiritually bestowed telepathic gifts. This dissident group considers members of nontelepathic races to be inferior beings who wish to exploit the mental aptitudes of the Betazoids. They feel that modern Betazoids have forgotten the lessons learend from the Terabian conflict, and in a sense they view the UFP government as a kind of modern-day Terabia. The Movement believes that prior to the initial Terabian contact, Betazed was in the midst of a true golden age, and they hope to recreate the utopia of the past once more by breaking away from the UFP.

Members of the Enlightened Mind Movement work covertly, using their [[telepathy]] indiscriminately on non-Betazoids in a n attempt to undermine ties between the UFP and Betazed. Many of the prejudices held by races against Betazoids (and telepaths in general) are a result of the efforts of the EM. The extremists in EMM have even begun planning terrorist attacks on their own people; [[Starfleet Intelligence]] has already foiled one planned assassination of Ambassador Lwaxana Troi.
==Noted Betazoids==
* Lwaxana Troi
* Talloc Morganth
* The Silent One
[[ Source: Memory Alpha]]
[[ Source: Memory Alpha]]
[[Category:Federation Member Worlds]]
[[Category:Federation Member Worlds]]

Revision as of 22:46, 6 August 2020

The Betazoids were a peaceful humanoid civilization originating from the idyllic, verdant Federation planet Betazed. The world was a valued member of the Federation, and its people could be found across Federation space, including Starfleet. Betazoids appeared almost identical to Humans, but differed in one major way: they were naturally telepathic, developing mental abilities during adolescence. The potency of this ability varied between individuals, but it resulted in a culture where honesty and directness were fundamental. See also Psionic Abilities


Externally, Betazoids were physically indistinguishable from Humans in every aspect but one: the irises of their eyes were completely black. They possessed the same average height, weight, and build as Humans. Most of them have skin tones ranging from pink to olive, and black or brown hair, though darker hues of skin and lighter hair are not unknown. They live roughtly 150 years of age and at 18 they are considered adults. They could cross-breed with Humans, along with other humanoid races like Klingons and Tavnians. Betazoid iris coloration was present in half-Betazoid individuals such as Deanna Troi, but in those with less Betazoid blood such as Devinoni Ral and Walter Pierce (who were only ¼ Betazoid), normal Human eye coloration was possible. (TNG: "The Price") Betazoids had a gestation period of ten months. (TNG: "The Child")

Betazoids reached rapid eye movement (REM) sleep at a different frequency from other humanoids. (TNG: "Night Terrors")

In mid-life, Betazoid females underwent a physiological change known as "The Phase" during which their sex drive increased by a factor of four or more. (TNG: "Manhunt")

Mature Betazoids could also suffer from Zanthi fever, which caused them to lose control over the projective aspect of their empathy. That could result in people around them acting as if they had experienced the same general emotional state as the affected Betazoid, though they were directed by their own subconscious desires, fears, and other emotions. (DS9: "Fascination")

Telepathic Abilities

Betazoids were natural telepaths, an ability centered in their paracortex, with psilosynine being a main neurotransmitter. (TNG: "Dark Page") Most developed their telepathic skill in adolescence, but a few were born with their telepathic abilities already active, such as Tam Elbrun. (TNG: "Tin Man") These individuals were almost always extremely talented and powerful in telepathic terms, but also unable to screen out the noise of other people's minds, so they generally suffered mental problems of varying severity depending mostly on when the problem was diagnosed. On the other end of the scale were a few individuals who developed psionic abilities which were far below average for the species (for example, Lon Suder). Those Betazoids were barely able to sense even strong emotions (empaths) of other people, much less thoughts.

The common psionic abilities of Betazoids extended from sensing thoughts and/or emotions, over projecting thoughts and/or emotions, to manipulating the minds of others. (TNG: "The Price"; DS9: "Fascination") How capable they were in performing any of those feats depended somewhat on their genetically-defined psionic strength, their psionic training, (TNG: "Haven") their familiarity with the scanned being, their general mental and physical condition, and the species of the subject race. Betazoids also felt the emotions of animals, and thus were wary of getting too involved in the "passion of the beast" in situations in which they had to rely on an animal, like when riding a horse. (TNG: "Pen Pals") Betazoids also were able to read the emotions and thoughts of non-corporeal beings such as Nagilum, the energy vortex, or to gauge the mental prowess of beings such as Q. Other times they were totally unable to read corporeal creature's minds, such as Ferengi and Changelings. Data theorized that the reason they may not have been able to read Ferengi was the structure of their brains. Data himself was able to be read by Deanna Troi when his brother Lore used the emotion chip to transfer powerful emotions to him. At one point, when Troi lost her empathy temporarily she commented that Will Riker was like a holodeck character to her, completely devoid of emotion, as if she had never experienced a lack of empathy from any sentient before. The Traveler was also not able to be read by Troi.

Inter-species reproduction involving Betazoids often affected the psionic abilities of the offspring – most commonly the children of such a union developed empathic abilities as their primary psionic talent, while their telepathic abilities, though existing, were rather below average for Betazoids. Usually the telepathy of these half-breeds, without extensive training, was limited to communication with other empaths or telepaths and full telepathic contact with emotionally very close persons (for example, an imzadi). All full Betazoids were unable to read the thoughts of Ferengi, Breen, Ullians, and Dopterians, but some half-Betazoids were occasionally successful in sensing the emotions of some of these species. Additionally, full Betazoids seemed to even be able to psionically influence some of these species. (TNG: "The Price", "Ménage à Troi"; DS9: "The Forsaken", "Fascination")


Outgoing and friendly, the typical Betazoid is calm, quiet, peaceful, gregarious, and amicable. Betazoid altruism and compassion are renowned throughout the galaxy. Betazoids generally feel a genuine sense of satisfaction in helping others. Using their telepathic abilities, some Betazoids attempt to foster understanding between alien cultures or those with differing points of view. Many combine their telepathy with a study of psychology, to help others understand their feelings, anxieties, or phobias. Those Betazoids who join Starfleet often combine these two impulses into one, signing on as ship's counselor, where they can help fellow crewmates and advise on diplomatic matters.

Because they could sense the turmoil in the minds of those around them caused by discord, Betazoids had a strong predilection toward harmony. They preferred to resolve conflicts through non-violent means, and their dedication to peace and cooperation was well-known throughout the quadrant. Event the typical man on the street or shopkeeper worked to resolve their disputes with a minimum of fuss. Many people regard Betazoids as pacifistic, and while many of them are, this is no means a universal trait, as the Jem'Hadar learned to their dismay during the occupation of Betazed.

Generally, Betazoids valued candor and integrity (though they were capable of lying). Sometimes this rose to the level of brutal honesty, and those unaccustomed to this characteristic could find Betazoids arrogant, rude, or off-putting. They do not like liars; once lied to, it could be very difficult to regain a Betazoids trust.

Languages & Names


Betazoids speak Betzed, and learn Federation Standard. They place their given name first, family name second.

Family Names

Elbrun, Grax, Hagen, Morganth, Stadi, Suder

Male Names

Andrus, Lon, Reittan, Tam, Talloc

Female Names

Azuma, Deanna, Jemma, Kestra, Lwaxana, Yaxara

Culture & Tradition

Due to their telepathy, Betazoid culture embraced honesty almost to a point considered rude by other cultures. Lwaxana Troi, on numerous occasions, commented on her befuddlement at the Human practice of fibbing to spare others' feelings or for politeness' sake. (TNG: "Haven", "Dark Page")

While eating, Betazoids expressed thanks for their food by ringing a gong at intervals. (TNG: "Haven")

Betazoids were likely polytheistic, as evidenced by an exclamation used by Lwaxana Troi, "Thank the four deities you're here". (TNG: "Manhunt")

Betazoids had a complex hereditary nobility; prominent Betazoid diplomat Lwaxana Troi, for example, was "Daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, and Heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed." Betazoid tradition had children genetically bonded to a future spouse. (TNG: "Haven")

The Betazoid wedding ceremony was seen as a celebration of love, therefore all participants (bridegroom and guests) were traditionally nude. (TNG: "Haven", "Cost of Living"; Star Trek Nemesis)

At one time, it was fashionable for Betazoid women to wear elaborate wigs that caged small animals. The practice, which was cruel to the animals, was stopped when one (unknown) woman stood up against it. (TNG: "Half a Life")

Marriage Customs To cement ties between households, the ancient Betazoids practiced a tradition of arranged marriages, in which the betrothed are genetically bonded to each other at birth. In those days, Betazoids distinguished between these marriages of convenience and their imzadi, or beloved (and the term continues to have overtones of "true love" or "soul mate" in the modern day). Weddings customarily required the bride, groom, and guests to go without clothes, to honor the act of love being celebrated and symbolize that all parties entered the agreement openly. Only the most tradition-minded Betazoids hold to these customs in the modern day.


Solar System

Betazed lies in a system of eight planets orbiting a single Type G2V yellow star called Hainara-Cyndriel (Beta Zeta Veldonna). An abundant source of deuterium, as well as the system's close proximity to other Federation core worlds such as Earth, Tellar, and Vulcan, makes Betazed strategically important.

Hainara-Cyndriel I (Hynozad) The innermost planet, Hynozad, appears as one of the brightest objects in Betazed's sky. Hynozad is geologically inactive and has a smooth, light-colored surface, making it one of the most highly reflective planets ever discovered. Its close proximity to its sun means it gathers a great deal of light. Hynozad is little explored, for the Betazoids have long attributed a religious significance to it and do not wish to treat it as just another planet to be explored and cataloged.

Hainara-Cyndriel II

Hainara-Cyndriel III

Hainara-Cyndriel IV

Hainara-Cyndriel V (Betazed) Betazed is the fifth planet from the sun. It is a Class M planet with gravity and atmospheric pressure approximating those of Earth. It has three small moons (Avandar, Merandar, and Keylandar). the moons all have distinct orbits and rarely appear in the same section of the sky. When all three moons cluster together it is considered a time of great significance.

Hainara-Cyndriel VI - VIII The three outer planets are gas giants with rings and several icy moons each. Explorations of these planets and their satellites have yielded little of interest. Proxon, the closest planet to Betazed, has a small research station in orbit for testing equipment used to measure gaseous anomalies. The remaining two are called Avandar and Khrysaros.

Betazed Environment

Betazed has five continents and hundreds of islands grouped in archipelagos. Along the tropical latitudes, the planet is ringed with a band of lush rainforest. The temperate bands alternate between vast wetlands, grasslands, and forests. Betazed's numerous islands mainly consist of rocky, steep mountains wreathed with lush vegetation and tropical canopies. Long rainy seasons typify spring weather on Betazed, but the summers remain fairly temperate and comfortable. Autumns and winters also tend to be mild in comparison to weather patterns on other planets.

The Betazoids do not use weather-control technology, as they believe it involves unnecessary tampering with nature. As a result, settlements on Betazed occasionally suffer from typhoons and other natural disasters that are uncommon on most civilized worlds. The world's three moons cause significant tidal forces, and, without weather-control technology in place, such storms are permitted to rage unchecked.

Places of Interest

  • Medara-Rixx

Medara-Rixx, the twin city capital of Betazed, is located on the largest continent. The Ruling Council of Ministers holds sessions in the city, and each of the Great Houses of Betazed maintains a residence near the cities' center. Most of these residences border the vast Plaza of Contemplation, which rests in the center of the cities and serves as the focal point of the citizens' spiritual lives. While a plethora of smaller temples and sacred sites dot Medara's landscape, most large celebrations and holy days are celebrated in the great Plaza.

Medara-Rixx is a large, sprawling place, made all the more beautiful because of its wholesale integration into its surroundings. Gardens abound, and many structures rise from the floor of the great swamp which cradles the city. The layout of Medara-Rixx appears intuitive to the casual observer, and it is - the cities' districts radiate outward from the central Plaza like the spokes of a great wheel, with religious and government quarters (including the residences of the great houses) giving way to business areas and finally to residences.

Medara-Rixx is also a holy city, and as such contains many temples, tombs, and sacred monuments throughout its precincts. The Betazoids are careful to maintain their sacred sites; many members of the noble houses of Betazed have religious duties as well as temporal ones.

  • Lake Cataria

Lake Cataria is a scenic resort on Betazed. The shoreline of the lake twists and turns, creating many quiet private coves where people can enjoy themselves. The waters are crystal clear, and boating, swimming, and fishing are favorite pastimes in different sections of the lake. Once someone's day on the lake has ended several fine hotels and restaurants stand near the shores ready to shower patrons with attention.

  • Dalaria City

The city of Dalaria has the largest spaceport on Betazed. Thousands of shuttlecraft arrive and depart from Dalaria daily. The spaceport is also equipped with large cargo transporters to handle commerce. Dalaria is most famous as the site of the biennial Trade Agreements Conference. During this important economic summit, Betazoid arbitrators help determine the value of different goods and planetary currencies across the Federation. Although the negotiations are difficult, the delegates trust the Betazoids to be honest and fair in their dealings. The Trade Agreements Conferences have earned the Betazoids many admirers across the UFP.

  • The University of Betazed

The University of Betazed is recognized throughout the Federation as one of the leading centers of psychological study in the galaxy. Students from many different member worlds seek admission to the university; members of races with telepathic powers are often particularly eager to take advantage of the university's advanced courses for such students. In addition to education, the university conducts psychological research on every member race of the UFP and several nonmember races.

Because of the spirituality of the Betazoids, there are many standing stones, quiet shrines, and other religious monuments dotting the surface of Betazed. Unlike many other modern cultures, the Betazoids are slow to give up their mythical traditions, preferring to mesh them with the advanced technology of the UFP rather than forsake the spirits.

  • Pillars of Rixx
  • Temple of the Great Houses
  • Glowing Spires of Bren'Dunn


The ancient history of Betazed remains shrouded in myth and legend, and the Betazoids seem to prefer it that way. Many tales speak of the gift of telepathy which the Betazoids earned from the spirits through their stewardship of the natural world. Other stories tell of great wars fought with an evil race possessing similar telepathic skills.

All Betazoids know the legend of Khrysaros. This mystical hero used his great mental powers to defeat shadowy enemies from the stars and usher in a golden age. His teachings lived on through his followers, especially the acolyte Rixx, who was granted a set of Holy Rings which are said to have the power to summon Khrysaros again during Betazed's time of greatest need. These same rings are now in the possession of Lwaxana Troi, Betazed's ambassador to the Federation; they are the ancestral property of the Fifth House.

Scholars credit the teachings of Khrysaros with the unification of Betazed. Before him, Betazoids organized into various kingdoms and city-states often fought each other. Eventually, a theocratic oligarchy gained control of the planet and brought most of the fighting to a halt. Only nobles were allowed to enter the priesthood, and the priests dictated life on Betazed.

As Betazoid technology continued to advance, the need for a more secular government became apparent. While the priesthood had succeeded in bringing feuding houses and nation-states together into a unified world governing body, their resistance to social freedoms and technological progress remained a hindrance. Betazed was still primarily a spiritual society, ruled by its beliefs, its ancient faiths, and its strong ethical nature. As the world prepared for its first spaceflight, conflict was inevitable.

The linchpin of the coming troubles appeared in the form of a progressive priest named Dainara. Dainara was a scion of the Third House, and he argued that Betazed had finally grown beyond its ancient spiritual roots. He thought that the priesthood was no longer able to govern the world effectively, and he advocated a radical separation of the secular and the spiritual. He spoke of the new responsibilities inherent in Betazoid technology, of the casual acceptance and potential misuse of Betazoid telepathy. Dainara was a charismatic leader and his message found many willing ears; unfortunately, none of them belonged to his fellow priests or nobles. In the end, his eloquence mattered little.

The maiden flight of the Avandar took place the following year. Although the priesthood did not like the perceived spiritual ramifications of spaceflight, they accepted progress on their own terms - as a way to spread Betazoid teachings beyond their world, possibly to other sentient species among the stars. As it turned out, they wouldn't have to wait long.

The Terabian First contact with the Terabian occurred several years later, during the flight of the first Betazoid warp-capable vessel. The Terabian were a humanoid species inhabingtin a world slightly more than four light years from Betazed, and contact was greeted with enthusiasm on both worlds. Both species had reached approximately the same point in their development; however, Betazoid agrarian technology was superior to the Terabian versions of the same, while the Terabian excelled at materials engineering and electronics. The cultures began to trade, sharing their resources and technology. The Betazoids were initially startled to learn that their Terabian neighbors did not possess telepathic abilities. While they adjusted quickly to their nontelepathic neighbors, there were those among the priesthood who thought the Terabian flawed or inferior as a result. Such beliefs would be the seeds of conflict in the years to come.

As the years passed, settlers also traveled between the two worlds and a degree of intermarriage began. All was not well on Terabia, however. While Betazoid telepathic ability was initially viewed as a curiosity, more to be marveled at than feared, the Terabian slowly began to distrust their new allies. This was partly a result of the Betazoid priesthood's assertions that telepathy was a gift and should be used widely and freely. Although there were those who recognized the dangers in this view, especially when dealing with a relatively unknown species, their voices were largely ignored. As a result, the Terabian perceived a decidedly superior attitude among the Betazoids; it was a perception that would ultimately lead to open resentment.

This resentment initially took hold in the mercantile sector, with Terabian traders accusing their Betazoid counterparts of unfair practices and advantages. Since the Betazoid predilection for honesty is now well known, it is doubtful that such accusations were true. However, they were just the fuel needed to fan the growing flames of suspicion on Terabia. Fear grows most quickly when it is accompanied by misunderstanding, and in this case that adage held true.

The Betazoid settlers living on Terabia were quickly rounded up and thrown into makeshift internment camps. Fearing a retributive strike by the "mind-readers," Terabia launched a preemptive strike against Betazed itself. While neither side had amassed much of a military arsenal, the ensuing war was protracted and brutal, with the Terabian offering no quarter. After nearly seven years of fighting, with neither side gaining the upper hand, the Terabian finally agreed to enter into negotiations with Betazed. Speculation continues among historians regarding the Terabian change of heart; many feel that it reflects the increased knowledge and understanding the Terabian gained from the Betazoid prisoners in their own internment camps.

The ruling priesthood on Betazed had already realized that their ways were becoming outdated though most refused to admit it. However, in the wake of the war, they could no longer ignore the obvious. Thus, in their time of need, they turned to the man whom they had ignored so many years before. Dainara took the lead in the negotiations with the Terabian. The Terabian Armistice was negotiated, and a provisional council was established until a secular government could take its plac.e Large-scale reforms were implemented and discrimination based on social class was abolished. The Ruling Council was eventually formed in the wake of provisional rule, and Betazed began the long process of rebuilding.

Code of Sentience Perhaps the most lasting contribution to come out of the spiritual arm of the provisional council was the Code of Sentience. Spearheaded by Dainara, and influenced heavily by his teachings, this code set down indelibly the duties, responsibilities, and prohibitions of Betazoid telepaths. Betazoid telepathy was indeed a gift; however, the people of Betazed needed to respect the gift and use it wisely, especially during this new age of exploration and contact. The Code would ensure that the mistakes made during the Terabian conflict would never be repeated.

With the Code now firmly established, a long process of healing began with the Terabian. Betazed prospered once more, and peace reigned for over a century before first contact was made with the UFP. Shortly after contact was made, Betazed applied for membership and was accepted. A few traditionalists speak of the period before UFP contact as a near utopia, but most Betazoids feel that Federation membership has only made their planet a better and more equitable place to live.

Since joining the UFP, Betazoids have distinguished themselves in numerous areas, particularly in diplomatic affairs. For example, improved relations with the Tholians are chiefly attributed to the skills of Betazoid negotiators. Starfleet specifically created the position of ship's counselor with Betazoids in mind. the talents of the Betazoids, coupled with their honesty and outgoing natures, have earned them friends throughout the Federation.

Unfortunately, some people have come to mistrust Betazoids. Although anyone familiar with the history of Betazed or the Code of Sentience knows that a Betazoid would not invade another person's private thoughts, a strong prejudice has arisen in some places against telepaths (of any race). The UFP and Sarfleet have developed educational programs for Federation citizens who feel this way to help them come to terms with their fear of telepaths and dispel their prejudices against the psionically gifted.


Betazed is ruled by a Ruling Council of Ministers who are advised by members of the Great Houses of Betazed. The Council of Ministers was democratically elected by the people in the country they served. Most Ministers on Betazed were female, though nothing stopped men from participating in politics. Within the Council Hall, all debates and discussions are conducted telepathically. Although council members may shield their thoughts, such actions are frowned upon. Betazoids see their legislature as sacred and believe that complete openness allows the best decisions to be reached. Failure to participate fully means the Councilor is shirking his duty to his constituents.

Much like a constitutional monarchy, the Great Houses wielded a small amount of legal power, but their job is mostly to represent the people of Betazed in social matters, leaving the actual governing to the Council of Ministers. There were 21 active Great Houses on Betazed, each with their own number. If a House faded from existence their number was never re-used; therefore, there existed a 45th Great House of Betazed, while there were only 21 active Great Houses. Titles within the Great Houses are inherited.

If rule of a House is contested, traditional rule went to the eldest eligible female within the House. If she rejected the title, then it extended to the first eligible Betazoid within the House regardless of gender. Other than rule of the House many titles are passed down throughout the line. Rather than being something inherited, other titles are bequeathed by the current holder on to one of their family members who they believed exhibited the qualities beholden to the title. This practice was notoriously fraught with Betazoids giving titles to their children, who didn't particularly exhibit any of the necessary personality traits to hold the title, but are given it by their parents for the prestige. Technically, the ruler of the House had the ability to strip a title from one of their family members and give it to another more deserving, but this was rarely done lest the titles they've given came under scrutiny as well.

Unlike with Klingons, where nearly every citizen is a member of one House or another, Houses on Betazed are rare. Normally, they denote a type of royalty, and carry a responsibility for the members of the Great House. Aside from advising the Council of Ministers, the Great Houses are patrons of their ancestral homes. If there are issues in the lands they used to oversee, the Great Houses were expected to donate food, resources, and whatever else they can in order to make sure the lands prospered. This benefactor role means members of the Great Houses are generally well liked and respected in Betazed society for all they do for others.

Unlike many other planets, Betazed had no one supreme leader. Instead, a vast bureaucracy serves under the Ruling Council. The bureaucracy is divided into many different Relzari, or "departments." For example, the High Office of Defense commands the Betazed Defense Force; economic affairs are handled by the High Office of Finance, and the High Office of Domestic Affairs works to maintain the quality of life for all Betazoids. The Council itself appoints ambassadors and debates all diplomatic affairs.

Below the planetary level, Betazed is organized into provinces which are administered by governors. They handle the day-to-day affairs of the provinces and make certain that the directives of the Ruling Council are observed. Governors are seen as relatively low-level civil servants on Betazed and are rarely accorded much attention unless a province seems to be mismanaged.

Legal System

The Betazoid legal system is the polar opposite to that of Vulcan. For Vulcans, logic and law are key, but for Betazoids, context and emotion are everything. A person who kills someone by mistake and genuinely feels remorse for their crime is likely to be judged less harshly than a person who bankrupted a colleague on purpose.

Petty crime is rare on Betazed. Distressed emotions, sadness, anger, and despair bleed into the world. A person suffering from them is a walking open wound, psychically, which most Betazoids find nearly impossible to ignore. The social system of support is so strong on the planet that petty crimes are mostly avoided, as citizens practice sincere compassion for one another as only a population consisting of telepaths and empaths could.

The direst crime someone can commit on Betazed is entering a person’s mind or dreams without their permission. It takes an incredibly powerful, albeit disturbed, telepath to do this. Only the most deranged mind would dare enter such an intimate space without permission. People who commit this crime are sentenced to life in prison and receive intensive therapy to try to help their psychosis; however, they are never released, in fear of the harm they could cause another person.

Sentences are carried out by a council of judges, but may be influenced by the aggrieved or the victim’s family. Perpetrators have a chance to open themselves to the people they have wronged – to utterly understand the pain they’ve caused and to allow their victim to feel their remorse. If this is done the victim has a chance to speak with the judges and perhaps influence their judgment.

It is important to note that, despite their advanced forms of governing, Betazed is essentially defenseless. Upon entering the Federation, they began disarmament and threw what considerable resources they had behind Starfleet. Betazoids make up a considerable number of Starfleet officers, but are spread out across the Galaxy. If Betazed were to come under attack, it would be up to Starfleet to protect the planet.

Strategic Importance

Betazed has significant strategic value to the UFP. Its location close to the Vulcan home system and many other important regions makes it a strategic lincpin to be strongly defended. For this reason, the defense of Betazed has always received the highest prioroity; normally, the Betazed system falls under the protection of the Twelfth Fleet, and patrol vessels are a common sight in the system. During times of crisis, the fleet usually assigns a detachment of ships specifically to defend Betazed from possible hostile action.

Present Conflicts

The Enlightened Mind Movement seeks to convince Betazed to withdraw from the UFP. It sees foreign influences as pollutants which are not only destroying Betazed culture, but which are also cheapening the Betazois' spiritually bestowed telepathic gifts. This dissident group considers members of nontelepathic races to be inferior beings who wish to exploit the mental aptitudes of the Betazoids. They feel that modern Betazoids have forgotten the lessons learend from the Terabian conflict, and in a sense they view the UFP government as a kind of modern-day Terabia. The Movement believes that prior to the initial Terabian contact, Betazed was in the midst of a true golden age, and they hope to recreate the utopia of the past once more by breaking away from the UFP.

Members of the Enlightened Mind Movement work covertly, using their telepathy indiscriminately on non-Betazoids in a n attempt to undermine ties between the UFP and Betazed. Many of the prejudices held by races against Betazoids (and telepaths in general) are a result of the efforts of the EM. The extremists in EMM have even begun planning terrorist attacks on their own people; Starfleet Intelligence has already foiled one planned assassination of Ambassador Lwaxana Troi.

Noted Betazoids

  • Lwaxana Troi
  • Talloc Morganth
  • The Silent One

[Source: Memory Alpha]