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Topic: Main OOC Thread  (Read 378000 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4925
Hello Everyone,

I just want to apologize to everyone who is waiting on me to post. Between school and some issues going on with my family, it has been rather busy on my end. I will hopefully get to some posts in the next few days.

And congratulations to the newest winners of the awards. Y'all are fab!

With Regards,
Lt. JG Amissa | Fighter Pilot, Callsign "Emerald", USS Theurgy

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4926


The votes in the two final polls are in, and here are the results! :)



Congratulations P.C. on this most prestifiois award! Well earned and I look forward to reading more of your work. This is also a great achievement in how you've not been writing with us for that long but still made such a great impression on this community.

Thank you for voting for me for the Blaze of Glory Award too, and while I think the other nominees were more worthy than I, I'm grateful for the recofnition. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4929
I'm going to be pretty busy through the 14th with some final papers, but I will respond to threads in my turn if I can. 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4930


You have all likely noticed the Deprecated messages at the top of the screen in the forum now and again, and while harmless, it is time to update the forum version to one that can handle a higher PHP setting.

For those unaware, and in layman terms, PHP is a general-purpose scripting language suited to web development, and upgraded versions are published on an annual basis. Our domain provider offers support for a current span of different PHP versions, while they stop supporting older ones, and right now the latest upgrade of PHP has come to a point where our forum version is a bit too old. It would have been awesome if all upgraded PHP versions were retro-compatible, but that's not the case. In order for PHP to be quicker and more efficient, some old functions (that our forum rely on) won't work in the future, instead having switched to better ones.

Our current Elkarte forum version is ElkArte 1.0.10 and the new upgrade is ElkArte 1.1, and during the past few weeks, I have been working on an upgraded clone of the forum. I even got help from the staff at Elkarte to upgrade all the Addons we are using, which was a rather long list:
- Bookmarks
- Fancy Box 4 ElkArte   
- Footer Menu
- Inline Attachments   
- Member Awards
- Mentions Droppy
- QRR: Quick Reply Reposition
- Simple Audio Video Embedder
- SimplePortal   
- Topic Solved   
- Ultimate Menu   
- Users online today   
- Word Replacer   

All of these addons have upgrades now, which will be more stable than the older versions we have been using.

So, now that the clone of the forum is working (barring some minor layout kinks that can be worked out eventually) it's time to backup everything on Friday and start the upgrade on the live forum. I will be setting the forum on Maintenance Mode on Friday 17/12 at 09:00 CT / 16:00 CET ). The wiki part of the site will work as usual, but the forum will just show a white screen with some text on it.

You will not be able to post until the upgrade is complete, which will be at some point during the Saturday or Sunday depending on bugs that show up during the re-install on our domain. Even if the forum shows up when you come here at some point during Saturday or Sunday, do not post anything on the forum until I announce that the upgrade is complete. That goes for Personal Messages as well. If you post anything before the announcement, there is a high risk that your writing may be lost. Likewise, try not to post too close to 09:00 CT on Friday either, since if you cut it too close with your post, it may not be in the backup I make.

TLDR: Until Friday at 09:00 CT, business as usual. Then, I activate Maintenance Mode and do the backups of both the database and the webspace. Next, the upgrading process will begin, and I will post here when the process is complete and you can resume posting again. :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4931


You can all resume posting now! The forum bugs are squashed as far as I can see. But please PM me if you find any lingering issues with this new version of the forum (which doesn't look much different? Haha)

I checked how to optimise the wiki as well, but research into the issue showed that the wiki is a very old version, and it's not even 100% compatible with PHP 7.1... and we're currently running PHP 7.4 right now.  (laugh)

Further research showed that it looks like upgrading to the latest wiki version will be a two step process. I will have to update to an intermediate version, and then to the latest. I don't know if the new version will have compatibility issues with our wiki content, but it is doubtful barring any old addons that may screw things up. Plus, we have a custom wiki theme that would need to be reviewed and updated as needed. This being likely just a big a project as this finished forum one was, so I will look at what may be involved after the holidays and do that project separately.

Happy posting!


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4934
It does seem to be running a bit faster for me! 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4943
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Peldor Joi, and may you have a glorious Day of Honor, everyone! 
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4947

Today, @SarahBerry joins us, and they will be writing Ensign Sarah Bjørge! :)

Ens. Sarah Bjørge            Nurse

  - Writer: @SarahBerry

She is a Nurse that will come aboard the Theurgy from the Oneida. She will be making her first appearance in the Interregnum unless there is an opportunity to have her show up in an Epilogue thread, and we'll see where it goes from there.

Welcome aboard the Theurgy! :)


Auctor Lucan

Simple Audio Video Embedder