USS Pend Oreille

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

The USS Pend Oreille
Image © Paramount

The USS Pend Oreille was a 24th century Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet.

In 2377, Ensign Vereyn Kiiz was assigned to the Pend Oreille after receiving a Trill symbiont from the planet Trill’s Symbiosis Commission. He would serve aboard the Pend Oreille as a transporter officer until transferring to the USS Theurgy in 2380.

During one mission, the Pend Oreille was under attack by Romulans, causing damage to the power manifolds, but thanks to Ensign Kiiz’s initiative and the technical knowledge provided by the young Trill’s symbiont, the starship was able to survive the incident.