Aldea Prime Calendar

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki


This page is for planning events during the Aldea Prime Anthology, which takes place between Seasons 1 and 2 of Star Trek: Theurgy. Each day will have a bullet point list of events including the time in which the events occur. This, to aid all writers in orienting themselves around what their characters might be doing before and after each event. Here, the surgeries of the abductees can be scheduled, with cosmetic surgery taking 1 hour, and DNA re-sequencing taking 8 hours (plus one full night's sleep). Away missions and major events can be listed here as well. This Calendar is available to be edited by everyone, so please make sure to add relevant events! Just remember to use past tense, like in the rest of the wiki.

The Aldea Prime Anthology begins on the 11th of March 2381, and more days will be added as the weeks are opened up for story development. Here you may find available Story Objectives to be fulfilled if you have no plot ideas of your own for your characters.

Day 01 - March 11, 2381

  • 0000 hrs. | 6 hours combat patrols are started from USS Theurgy Respective flight leads Ravon, Havenborn, Renard, Walton.

  • 0230 hrs. | The USS Theurgy docked with the Aldea Prime Shipyards.

  • 0400 hrs. | After damage assessment was done, the Theurgy split up and moved to separate docks.

  • 0800 hrs. | Senior Staff Meeting (Aldean Dawn)

  • 1000 hrs. | The Inside Man, Part 1: After having decrypted the real Simulcast, the Head of Covert Operations in Starfleet Intelligence offered aid in a recorded message delivered to Captain Ives. (Link)

  • 1200 hrs. | Bridge officer tests & promotion for Cross & Kai Akoni

  • 1430 hrs. | Cross & Kai Akoni announced as CTO and CSec on the intercom (Link)

  • 1700 hrs. | The Inside Man, Part 2: The message from Admiral Andersson was played for the Senior Staff. Reply planned for Day 03.

  • 1900 hrs. to 2000 hrs. | Cosmetic Surgery of Cross, preformed by V-Nine

Day 02 - March 12, 2381

  • 0900 hrs. to 1010 hrs. | V-Nine performed a minor surgery on Khorin Douglas, correcting his taste buds

  • 1200 hrs. to 1230 hrs. | A Memorial Service was held, transmitted from the Memorial Terrace (Coming Soon!)

Day 03 - March 13, 2381

  • Entire Day | V-Nine corrected what the Savi did to Hi'Jak, restoring his hybrid DNA and fitting him with a prostethic arm and eye of Federation technology standard. The procedure takes the whole day, and Hi'Jak remains in the Recovery Ward for observation through the night.

  • 1700 hrs. | The Inside Man, Part 3: Away mission start. Instead of recording a reply to Rear Admiral Andersson, Captain Ives decided to speak with the man directly through the subspace buoy, and the Allegiant was launched. The Allegiant was fitted with an Aldean visibility cloak and transponder to avoid detection, and hopefully there would be no incidents on the way.

Day 04 - March 14, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Day 05 - March 15, 2381

  • 0900 hrs. | Weaponizing Innocence: Attempts begin to utilise Heather McMillan´s diminished abilities as a Radiant, amplifying her transphasic light by scientific means. (Link)

  • 1200 hrs. | The Inside Man, Part 4: Reaching the set destination, the Allegiant established communication with Admiral Andersson, and requested aid in the form of new recruits that the Admiral could vouch for. The recruits would begin to make their way to Aldea the following day. The Allegiant also carried encrypted messages to the crew's friends and kin, which the Admiral would deliver somehow without compromising himself.

  • 1707 hrs. | Scrying through the Storm Front: In Captain Ives' absence from the Theurgy, Nicander was interrogated by Commander Ducote and other officers in Medical and Science. Nicander was convinced to discern whether or not there were other Infested aboard or in the vicinity of the Epsilon Mynos System. (Link)

Day 06 - March 16, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Day 07 - March 17, 2381

  • 1700 hrs. | The Inside Man, Part 5: Captain Ives and the Allegiant returned after its away mission and docked with the Theurgy at Aldea Prime Shipyards.
  • 2000 hrs. | New Hope Rising: Captain Ives calls the Senior Staff to an informal evening briefing about the events on the away mission. (Link)

Day 08 - March 18, 2381

  • 1425 hrs.| The Silver Shadows Part 01: Anomaly Detected - Lieutenant Carrigan Trent has discovered a reoccurring anomaly coming from one of the Aldean ghost cities and has assembled an away team to investigate it. (Link)

  • 2200 hrs.| The Silver Shadows Part 02: Searching For Ghosts - With Lieutenant Trent monitoring from the Theurgy, the away team begins its search for the anomaly. (Link)

Day 09 - March 19, 2381

  • 0500 hrs.| The Silver Shadows Part 03: Ghostbusters - After encountering a hostile force, a rescue operation is organised to free the captured members of the away team. (Link)

Day 10 - March 20, 2381

  • 0800 hrs. | The Inside Man, Part 6: The first recruits arrived to Aldea, stepping aboard the Theurgy to serve Captain Ives and the mission. Only former Starfleet Intelligence Officers, no currently active ones.

Day 11 - March 21, 2381

  • 0900 hrs.| The Silver Shadows Part 04: Welcome Aboard The IKS Kut'luch - When a Klingon scout ship goes missing, Captain Ruzaxo organises for the Theurgy to assist in his search. (Link)

Day 12 - March 22, 2381

  • 0830 hrs. | Unidentified Flying Object in the Beyond: An away team encounters the Savi in the Beyond, where the unexpectedly alive Ectand qi Versant seeks equally unexpectedly to cooperate with the Theurgy on its mission to end the threat of the Infested. To begin with, their reasons are not entirely clear.

Day 13 - March 23, 2381

  • 0030 hrs.| The Silver Shadows Part 05: Shadow Dance - The Kut'luch arrives in the Fey'Chora system and begins its search for the missing scout ship. (Link)

Day 14 - March 24, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Day 15 - March 25, 2381

  • 1530 hrs.| The Silver Shadows Part 06: (Untitled) - The Kut'luch arrives back in the Epsilon Mynos System..

Day 16 - March 26, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Day 17 - March 27, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Day 18 - March 28, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Day 19 - March 29, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Day 20 - March 30, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Day 21 - March 31, 2381

  • Add first major event!

Those are the currently available days in the Aldea Prime Anthology!