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Topic: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05 (Read 11062 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #25
Zeph was tired.  She didnt want to be here anymore, she had come here because she thought she could help as a Science Officer and a Doctor.  Now though, she had somehow turned into a pilot?  Which wasn't really wise to send the clumsy girl behind the proverbial wheel of the ship, but she supposed there were very little other choices at the moment.  She needed to get to them, and as much as she wanted to curl up and give up, she knew that she couldn't.  Khorin was on that ship, and she was definitely going to need him back.  Not to mention everyone else was going to need to come back.  She hoped that they were able to get whatever it was they wanted done.  She felt like she could just, not, be on a ship for a while.

Grabbing the controls she straightened up in her seat and let out a long breath.  With it out, she began to get them back towards the other ship.  The main thing was getting them in transporter range.  However there was a lot of debris, asteroids, and other space junk floating between herself and them.  How they rolled and spun and got all the way over here without the ship turning into a giant crater, or another piece of debris.  The whole area was populated with things to fly around so that was what she concentrated on the most.  Working through the area of space around her and pushing towards the ship in question.

They were almost clipped by a small piece of broken ship.  The interior panel lights still flickering from some kind of residual energy power that lay within somewhere.  A couple of tiny lights shimmered brightly against the darkness of space.  They grated against the shields but the shields were able to sustain themselves as she got them past the debris and closer to the ship in question.  Now, they just had to wait. 

“I'm in range, waiting for transport.” she sent over to the other ship to let them know she was ready when they were.

Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #26
Lieutenant JG Zark |  IKS Kut'luch | Bridge with Gilluha      @fiendfall @BZ @Stegro88

Klingons were legendarily tough and it took a little longer than Lt. Zark was happy with to ensure Gilluha was actually out cold.  The tricky part was not knocking Gilluha out, but making sure she would be out to not only complete the stabilization procedure and not shut down her organs.  A stray thought flew through her mind that if the Klingon woke up and found her neck broken, she may try to commit suicide.  It normally had to be a ritual suicide, but in this case, Gilluha may not have cared.  Lt. Zark punched several buttons on her medical tricorder and saw the readouts putting the Klingon in the safe zone for her to begin straitening out the neck. 

Lt.  Zark began searching all the item in the medkit for a cervical collar or whatever the Klingon equivalent.  Her elegant brows began to furrow as she couldn't find one.  She was absolutely sure that she had inventoried the kit against the manifest and found everything.  Realization dawned as her antennae shot straight up and she barked a harsh laugh. Oh Shelat. This is perfect.  There isn't one. Do Klingons write off people warriors who get this type of injury?  Lt. Zark's mind went into overdrive and her antennae began to spin wildly as she frantically sought a solution.

Her eyes stopped on a bit of hanging debris and a plan began to come together. Chief Song! Get me a coil of cable, and a pole, thin and solid! Hurry!  CPO Song quickly took off to get the needed materials.  Checking the medical tricorder one more time to make sure Gilluha was still going to be out.  The ship was moving and the the inertial dampening field didn't see to be working to well.  Lt. Zark frowned at this as she now had to keep the Klingon's head stable with a ship that didn't want to cooperate too well.  Lt. Praise's report penetrated her awareness and she sneaked a quick check to see how the doctor was doing.  Zephyr looked awful with exhaustion and injury.  Too many ice flows to avoid, not enough oarsmen Lt. Zark thought to herself.  Grinning like a maniac and doing her best to make sure Gilluha's head didn't move too much, Lt. Zark grabbed a hypo spray with hoped she'd picked out a couple of vials, one a pain killer and the other a stimulant. Lt.Praise, set the hypo to a third, and catch.  The toss was quick and accurate and was aimed for the doctor cum pilot's lap.

CPO song returned with the requested materials and all attention returned to treating Gilluha. Lt. Zark quickly explained to the engineer how they were going to jury rig a cervical collar by wrapping the cable around Gilluha's neck while cutting up the pole to serve as and inner brace to keep the Klingon from choking and moving around too much.  The work was sweaty and gritty, and there were a few times that additional doses of anaesthesia were needed to keep Gilluha under.  It wasn't really what one would describe as good medical procedure, but she had to make do.  After some grunting, cursing, and fair bit of giggling, Gilluha's neck was as secure as could be expected.

After thanking Chief Song, Lt. Zark activated a communicator. Captain, Gilluha is in stable condition, but we need to get her to a proper sickbay for further treatment. Should I head over to treat any wounded where you are?


Re: Day 13 [0030 hrs.] Shadow Dance | The Silver Shadows Part 05

Reply #27
[ Captain Ruzaxo, son of Balto, of the House of Martok, Captain of the IKS Kut’luch | Asteroid Field | Fey’chora System]

The ship was practically breaking up around them as Ruzaxo and Khorin finally reached the transporters; only to find them without power. A young warrior might have panicked at that stage or began singing to herald his arrival to Sto-vo-kor but Ruzaxo was neither young nor eager to die just yet. Ripping a panel open, he removed the power connections for the backup life support systems and hooked them into the transporters instead. It was a risk; the batteries might have been damaged but he would chance it. To do otherwise was to accept death.

“Captain, Gilluha is in stable condition, but we need to get her to a proper sickbay for further treatment. Should I head over to treat any wounded where you are?” came the sound of the Andorian’s voice from his communicator.

“No Lieutenant, that won’t be necessary,” Ruzaxo commented as he worked the controls to set their destination while Khorin hauled an unconscious and bleeding Mickayla onto the pads. “We’ll be joining you shortly.” No point in explaining the risk. They would either arrive safely or not at all. “A painless way to go really,” the old Klingon thought to himself as he set the activation delay before stepping up onto the pads to help Khorin hold Mickayla up. The female had saved his life and he would see that debt repaid. “Transporting.”

Aboard the Kut’luch, Ruzaxo enjoyed the familiar sight of his own ship’s bulkhead across from him before he took charge of himself again.

“Lieutenant Zark, please meet us at the Transporter Room,” Ruzaxo requested as he stepped off the pad with Khorin and set Mickayla gently onto the deck. “Lieutenant Praise, if we have warp available, set a course for Aldea. In any case, move us out of the field.”


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