United Federation of Planets

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

United Federation of Planets logo.png

"The universe belongs to those brave enough to share it in peace."

- Thomas Vanderbilt, First President of the United Federation of Planets, January 7, 2162

The United Federation of Planets (abbreviated as UFP and commonly referred to as the Federation) was founded in 2161. As of December 2380, the United Federation of Planets consisted of 154 member states plus their affiliated colonies all committed to a single co-operative governmental system. Federation space spanned over 10,000 light-years. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation). Starfleet was responsible for a majority of their exploratory and defensive capabilities, as well as sometimes diplomatic missions. The Federation was an interstellar federal republic, composed of planetary governments that agreed to exist semi-autonomously under a single central government based on the principles of universal liberty, rights, and equality, and to share their knowledge and resources in peaceful cooperation, scientific development, space exploration and defensive purposes. Source: Memory Alpha


The Federation was formed on 12 August 2161, the successor to the Coalition of Planets. The founding Member States of United Earth, the Confederacy of Vulcan, the Andorian Empire, the United Planets of Tellar, and the Alpha Centauri Concordium were subsequently joined by numerous other worlds to form one of the largest states in the galaxy.

Every August 12, Federation citizens observe Federation Day, a patriotic holiday established in remembrance of the founding of the Federation.

The Federation remained a rich, prosperous alliance of worlds that rebuilt swiftly after the staggering losses incurred during the Dominion War. The aftermath of the Dominion and later Borg invasions made the Federation establish new relations with many of its former adversaries, the Romulans in particular.

In 2379, cooperation took place between the crew of a Federation Starfleet vessel, the USS Enterprise-E, and Romulan forces to defeat the Praetor Shinzon, whose actions would have destroyed both Earth and the Romulan Star Empire. It was hoped that this would mark the beginning of an end to hostility between the Federation and the Romulans, marking the beginnings of détente with a traditional enemy of the Federation.

After the death of Shinzon, the initial approaches between the Federation and the Romulans were continued and a new task force led by the USS Titan was dispatched to the Romulan Neutral Zone in order to begin talks with the Romulans. The USS Theurgy was a part of this task force, yet regrettably, the attempt failed, and the consequence was the Romulan Civil War.

A human by the name Nanietta "Nan" Bacco from the Federation Member State of Cestus III was elected Federation President in October of 2379, serving through the sundering of the Romulan Star Empire. It was unknown if the parasitic aliens that had overtaken Starfleet Command had also infiltrated the Federation Council at that point.


The Federation is a representative republic, with an elected president as the head of the entire interstellar state. An election is held every four years, and a president may serve for an unlimited number of terms.

Political and direct administrative power is held within the Federation Council, which is composed of one councillor from every Member World. There is no limit as to how many terms a person may serve as councillor. T'Latrek of Vulcan, for instance, served on the Federation Council for nearly a century. Each individual Member determines how its councillors will be determined; the First Minister of Bajor, for instance, nominates that world's councillor and the Chamber of Ministers ratifies him or her, while the electorates of many other Members elect their councillors directly.

The Federation government has several executive departments whose heads form the Presidential Cabinet, who advise the president on their issues of jurisdiction and run their departments on a day-to-day basis. Cabinet members can have strong influence on Federation policy based upon their work with the president and the appropriate members of the Federation Council.

Federation Membership

The Federation Constitution established guidelines for the review and admission of new members, and with the chartering of the Federation Starfleet, the search for like-minded civilizations began. In the first century of the Federation's formation, the membership rose to over fifty systems.

The eventual aim of the Federation was to unite all sentient beings in a single interstellar body, dedicated to protecting the rights of every individual and maintaining peace throughout the galaxy. These were high ideals and few Federation citizens believed such harmony was practically possible.

Although the ideals embodied in the Constitution of the Federation appeal to many lifeforms, planetary governments must justify membership in the UFP to their people. Some worlds want Starfleet as a protector and peacekeeper. Other planets want to improve their economic ties with Federation neighbors. A few governments feel that gaining a voice in galactic affairs validates becoming a member of the UFP. But each world that seeks membership learns to appreciate all of the rights of membership and to should the responsibilities that come with those rights.

Benefits of UFP membership include:

  • UFP Council Representation
  • Economic Support
  • Legal Support
  • Diplomatic Support
  • Military Support

Responsibilities of Membership

While members enjoy the benefits of belonging to the UFP, they also take on important responsibilities. First and foremost, each member swears to uphold the Federation Constitution. They agree to promote peace in the galaxy and respect the rights of all Federation citizens. In addition, each member contributes to the UFP by contributing material resources and personnel support.


New worlds join the UFP in one of two manners. Either they and the UFP have a history of past relations and the world opts to petition for membership, or the world is unknown to the UFP and joins after first contact has been made. In both cases, the requirements for joining are the same.

First Contact

Prior to considering a world for membership, the Federation Council must first make contact with the prospective civilization. Often, this first contact results from Starfleet's normal course of business - exploring the galaxy. Any time Starfleet discovers an intelligent species, it dispatches a first-contact team. If the newly encountered species does not possess warp technology the team covertly observes the culture, evaluating its social and technological status. The contact team files its report along with a recommendation for further study, without the culture's knowledge. If the species possess warp drive technology, the rules are somewhat looser. First contact is made directly via subspace radio or direct intervention.

Requirements of Membership

The requirements for acceptance into the Federation are kept intentionally simple. Before being accepted, potential worlds must:


The Review Period

After the initial contact teams have completed their missions, and a planet wishes to join the UFP, the planet is placed under Probationary Review. There is no predetermined length of time for this review; Probationary Reviews have been completed in as little as a few months in the case of the Evora, while others have been ongoing for decades as in the case of the WIP. During this process, Federation officials evaluate the planet on a variety of factors to determine suitability for membership.

The Review Board, a permanent subcommittee of the Federation Council assigns a Federation Cultural Attache to oversee the review. The Federation Cultural Attache is assigned a review team to aid in the process. Members of review teams include individuals drawn from the UFP Diplomatic Service and Contact Commission. If special circumstances exist, the team may also include officers from the Colonial Office, Starfleet, or even the Science Council.

The review team conducts periodic surveys and planetside interviews, preparing both the populace and the government for full-fledged membership. Areas, where the world does not adhere to UFP ideals, will be pointed out to the plane's leadership, along with suggestions to correct the problems. The Federation Cultural Attache and his team must make certain that their review is accurate and the leadership is providing them with all relevant information.

At the same time, the Federation Cultural Attache must educate the people of the world about the nature of the UFP. The review team has the task of laying the groundwork for inclusion in the Federation and making the transition as easy as possible. The primary concern of the team is to evaluate the world's capacity for full UFP participation. The civilization under review must successfully meet the requirements of membership.

When the review period ends, the attache files the report with the Review Board, which returns a verdict usually within a few weeks. The verdict is rarely a surprise to the potential member since one of the attache's duties is to explain the Federation Constitution to the culture and ensure the prospective species understands these principles. If the verdict is a recommendation of admittance, the Federation Council will vote on accepting the world as a new member. Membership Review Board recommendations are not ironclad guarantees one way or the other, and many times membership for some new world becomes a touchy political issue in the Council. If the vote fails, the whole review process repeats itself.

Associate Membership

when a world has successfully completed its Probationary Review, members of the UFP Integration Commission join the Cultural Attache to help the planet on its transition into full membership. During this time, the Federation officially gives the world status as an associate member of the UFP, which entitles the world to full Starfleet protection.

Integration is a joint process between the Federation and the planetary government. When both the UFP and the world agree that the time has come for full membership, the planet gains voting rights in the Federation Council and all associated benefits of full UFP membership. The integration process can last for months or even years; on rare occasions, it may be as short as a few weeks. Each planet and culture adjusts at its own speed.


For those worlds rejected, the reasons are usually obvious and fall into one of the categories: the culture is too belligerent, does not respect the personal liberty of its citizens, or does not respect the right of each citizen to achieve his full potential. While these last two may seem like the same thing, many cultures believe in personal liberty- the right of the individual to live free from fear or exploitation- while at the same time confining the individual's development to a given "caste" or other socio-economic subclasses. These cultures often have a difficult time understanding why the Federation would reject them.

Withdrawal from the Federation

Member worlds, colonies and species have occasionally left the Federation, or had their membership withdrawn.

In 2165, the Orion Syndicate manipulated public opinion on Vulcan to force them into a secession. The plan was foiled by Starfleet. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Uncertain Logic)

Between the 23rd century and the 2370s, the Caitians withdrew and reapplied for Federation membership repeatedly. Cait was welcomed back each time. (NF - Gateways novel: Cold Wars)

In 2376, the revelation of manipulation in the Federation Council by the Selelvians left to the membership of their homeworld Selelvia to be revoked. This led to the Selelvian War between the Federation, the Selelvians, and their Tholian Assembly allies. (NF novel: Stone and Anvil)

In 2378, a Changeling manipulated the government of Kerovi into withdrawing from the Federation. (VOY - Spirit Walk novel: Enemy of My Enemy) Despite the revelation of foreign intervention, the Kerovian leader stuck to the decision to save face. (VOY novel: Full Circle)

Federation Member Species (2381)

Below is a list of Federation member species as of 2381.
(Note: A few are not listed because they have no relevance to the Star Trek: Theurgy story.)

Aaamazzarite or Therbian [1] Aaamazzara (Therbia / Epsilon Serpentis) Aaamazzarite Technocracy 2221
Ajiloni (Human) Ajilon Prime Ajilon Colonial Government 2195
Albireoian (Human) Albireo II (Cygnia Minor) Albiro Colonial Government 2195
Aldebaran (Human) Aldebaran III, IV 2216
Algolian [2] Algol (Beta Persei II) Algolian Council 2336
Alonis [3] Alonis 2336 Nerramibus
Alphan (Human) Alpha III, V 2163
Alpha Centaurian Alpha Centauri 2161
Proximan (Human) Alpha Proxima II 2198
Andorian Andor (Andoria V / Procyon VII) Andorian Empire 2161 Kellerasana zh'Faila
Angosian Angosia III
Antaran Beta Antares IV 2270
Antedian Antede III 2366
Antosian Antos IV (Kappa Delphini IV) Antosian Unity 2257
Arbazan Arbaza / Arbazan Arbazan Republic 2300
Arcadian Arcadia (Vellun Gamma V) Arcadian Free States 2286
Arcturian Arcturus (Alpha Bootis IV) Arcturian Systems 2212
Ardanan Ardana (Mu Lonis A III) Plutocracy of Ardana 2263
Argelian Argelius II (Xi Herculis) Argelian Star Union 2230
Ariolo Fillandia 2286
Auquan Argo (UFC 78856)
Arkarian Arkaria
Arkenite Arken II Confederation of Arken 2165
Atrean Atrea IV
Aulacri Aulac 2246
Aurelian Aurelia I Aurelian Alliance 2248
Axanar (Axanarri) Axanar (Epsilon Eridani) Republic of Axanar 2265
Bajoran Bajor (B'hava'el VII) Third Republic of Bajor 2376 Krim Aldos
Benzite Benzar (Gamma Xertia) Benzarian Commonwealth 2369
Berellian Berellia
Beta Renner
Betazoid Betazed Fifth House of Betazed 2273 Cort Enaren
Betelgeusian Betelgeuse II (Alpha Orionis II) Betelgeusian Empire 2230
Bilanan Bilana III
Bolian Bolarus IX Bolian League 2320
Bre'ella Bre'el IV Bre'ellan Alliance 2366
Brikar Brikar
Burani Buran United Nations of Buran 2369
Bynar Bynaus (Sigma Regonis) Bynar Domains 2335
Bzzit Khaht Althos IV Bzzit Khaht Cooperative 2279
Cairn Cairn Cairn Khaganate 2380
Caitian Cait (15 Lyncis) Caitian Union 2181
Camus II
Candelarian Candelar IV 2350s
Catullan Catulla (Theta Pictoris) Commonwealth of Catulla 2185
Centaurian Alpha Centauri IV Alpha Centauri Concordium 2161
Cestian (Human) Cestus III
Choblik Choblav
Coridanite Coridan Prime (Coridan III) People's Republic of Coridan 2267
Cygnian Cygnet XIV State of Cygnet 2251
Damiani Damiano Damiano Allied Planets 2341
Danteri Danter
Delbian Delb II Kingdom of Delb 2330
Delphine Triton II (Omicron V)
Deltan Delta IV Deltan Union 2223
Delta Sigma
Deneb Kaitos Commonwealth of Denebia
Denevan (Human) Deneva (Ingraham B) Denevan Diaspora 2162
Denobulan Denobula Triaxa (Iota Bootis) Denobulan Unity 2180
Djanai (and Inari) Djana
Draylaxian Draylax
Edosian Edos (92 Trianguli-Rho)
Eeiauoan Eeiauo
Efrosian Efros Provisional Government of Efros 2283
Elasian Elas (Tellun I) Empire of Elas
Elaysian Gemworld Elaysian Council 2345
Evoran Evora Evoran Duchy 2375
Fabrini Yonada (UFC 376082)
Galakhi Galakhi
Gallimite Gallima
Gnalish Gnala
Grazerite Grazer Grazer Status 2305
Haliian Haliia
Hekaran Hekara Hekaran Independent Alliance 2350
Hermat Hermat (Amphibalus III) Hermat Directorate 2349
Horta Janus VI 2268
Huanni Huan Principality of Huan 2294
Human (& Cetacean) Earth (Terra / Sol III) United Earth 2161
Icorian Icor IX
Ithenite Ithen Ithenite Republic 2165
Izarian (Centauran/Human) Izar (Epsilon Bootis III) Colony of Izar 2183
K'normian K'normia (Psi Tauri)
Kafeerian Kaferia (Tau Ceti III) 2378
Kasheeta Kashet Kasheetan Commonwealth 2286
Kazarite Kazar Kazar League 2281
Kelpien Kaminar
Koas Koa Koan Colonies 2380 Sicarios
Ktarian Ktaris
Lirin Liria Lirin Unity 2250s
Makusian Makus III
Martian Mars (Sol IV) Confederated Martian Colonies
Medusan Medusa (Xi Hydrae)
Melkotian Melkot (Theta Kiokis II)
Merakan Merak II
Monchezkin Monchezke
Napean Napea
Nasat C29 Green
Ontailian Ona (Ontail) 2375 Eftheria Lo
Pacifican ("Selkie") Pacifica
Pahkwa-thanh Pahkwa Majoris 2360
Pandrilit Pandril Govrin
Pelian / Peliar Peliar Zel II
Phylosian Phylos II
Rey Gullrey
Rhaandarite Rhandarel / Rhaandaran
Rigellian Rigel Colonies United Worlds and Colonies of Rigel 2164 Tomorok
Risan / Risian Risa
Roylan Royla
Saurian Sauria (UFC 512)
Selenean Selene
Selkie (Pacifican) Pacifica
S'ti'ach S'ti'ach'aas
Sulamid Sulamid
Syrath Syr
Tabukan Tabuk III & IV 2290
Tandaran Tandar Prime 2320s
Tarsusian Tarsus II 2268
Tellarite Tellar Prime (61 Cygni) United Planets of Tellar 2161
Tessenite Tessen III
Tiburonian Tiburon (Omega Fornacis A) 2190 Gnizbreg
Triexian Triex
Trill Trillius Prime <no wiki>Trill</no wiki> Symbiosis 2285 Jix
Troyian Troyius (Tellun V)
Tyrellian Tyrellia (Tyrelli)
Ullian Ullia Ullian Free State
Valzhan Valzhan 2310
Vemla Vemlan
Venturi Alpha Venturi Major
Human (mutated) Verdanis (Terratin / Terra 10)
Vestian Vestios Prime Vestian Council 2310
Violacean Violacea
Vissian Vissia Prime
Vobilite Vobilin
Vorgon Vorgon
Vulcan Vulcan (40 Eridani A II) Vulcan Confederacy of Surak 2161 T'Los
Vulpinian Inari
Xanno New Xannon 2229
Xelatian Xelata (Tau 56 III) 2286
Xindi New Xindus Xindi Ruling Council 2311
Zakdorn Zakdorn 2344
Zaldan Zalda (Zald or Dolium V) 2290 Molmaan
Zaranite Zaran (Byrdica II / Mu Capricorni) 2257
Zibalia III Zibalian
  1. Confirmed member in ST reference: Star Charts.
  2. Confirmed member in TNG: "Q-Pid".
  3. Confirmed member in ST novel: Articles of the Federation and DS9-Mission Gamma novel: Twilight.