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Personnel FileR-w4.png
Rank:Chief Warrant Officer First Class
Position:Navigational Specialist
Orientation:  Bi-Curious
Birthplace:Visalayan (Xi Hydrae IV)
Height:Being noncorporal, Medusans do not have a fixed shape. In their ships and their home environment, Medusans normally occupy a spherical volume roughly a meter in radius.
Weight:Being noncorporal, Medusans do not have a fixed mass.
Hair:Being noncorporal, Medusans do not have hair.
Eye color:Being noncorporal, Medusans do not have eyes.
Played by:David Harewood

Astrophysics Mathematics

Alien Cultures
2286-2290: Starfleet Academy

2316-2321: Starfleet Academy
2326-2343: Vulcan Science Academy
2373-2375: University of Betazed

2375-2379: Starfleet Academy
Service Record
2290-2293: Navigational Specialist, USS Korolev NCC-2014

2293-2298: Navigational Specialist, USS Charleston NCC-2038
2298-2303: Navigational Specialist, USS Chesapeake NCC-
2303-2311: Navigational Specialist, USS Renaissance NX-9778
2311-2316: Navigational Specialist, USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B
2316-2321: Space Science Instructor, Starfleet Academy, Earth
2321-2326: Navigational Specialist, USS Merced NCC-10020
2326-2347: Space Science Instructor, Vulcan Science Academy, Vulcan
2347-2353: Surveyor Pilot, USS Shavokh NAR 32005
2353-2355: Fleet Navigator, USS Lor'Vela NCC-3096
2355-2360: Fleet Navigator, USS Al-Batani NCC-42995
2360-2363: Navigational Specialist, USS Galaxy NCC-70637
2363-2365: Navigational Specialist, USS Yamato NCC-71807
2365-2370: Navigational Specialist, USS Odyssey NCC-71832
2370-2371: POW, Dominion Internment Camp 371
2371-2373: Navigational Specialist, USS Venture NCC-71854
2373-2375: Space Science Instructor, University of Betazed
2375-2379: Flight Navigation Instructor, Starfleet Academy
2379-2381: Navigational Specialist, USS Ganymede NCC-80107

2381-Present: Navigational Specialist, USS Theurgy NCC-79854
2355: Purple Heart (Sollek's)

2360: Tholian War Medal
2371: Prisoner of War 2371: Karagite Order of Heroism 2375: Battle of Betazed Medal 2375: Purple Heart (Yemma's) 2375: Dominion War Medal 2376: Pilot's Flight Cross

2379: Bridge Officer Certification

Character Draft Awaiting Approval

Larrant was a Navigational Specialist on the USS Theurgy. Following the Battle of the Apertures, Admiral Anderson recruited hi from his assignment aboard the USS Ganymede to aid the USS Theurgy in the opposition against the parasites that compromised Starfleet Command in the end of the 24th Century.


In 2268, the Federation and Medusans worked on a joint navigation project in hopes of integrating Medusans into Starfleet. Doctor Miranda Jones partnered with the Medusan Ambassador Kollos on a mission to design a navigation integration for Medusans on Federation Starships. On the Medusan homeworld of Visalayan (Xi Hydrae IV), Larrant assisted Dr. Jones and Kollos in their work. Though the obstacles to integrate Medusans into Starfleet were not overcome, their work did produce many improvements in the sensor systems utilized in the Constitution Class refits of the 2270s.

Following the Aenar massacre in 2278, Larrant took part in a Medusan delegation invited to Vulcan by Master Sanok and the Vulcan School of Diplomacy. While staying in the City of ShirKahr, Larrant and the other Medusans were assigned partners from the Vulcan School of Diplomacy. Using the Vulcan technique of Plat-vok, the Medusan and Vulcan volunteers were able to form corporate bonds forming a tvi-dah’es or inner duality. The Medusans referred to the psychic link between two minds as a Diad.

'First Telepathic Diad: (T’VellaVulcan Female) (2280-2280)'Bold text Larrant was among the first Medusans to form a Diad with a Vulcan. The Vulcan volunteer was a young female student named T’Vella. However the bond was short-lived as Tevella had a secret admirer, Sollek, a Vulcan/Romulan hybrid rescued from Hellguard. When Sollek experienced pon far following the formation of the Diad between Larrant and Tevella, his uncontrollable jealousy drove him to attack Larrant in his containment pod, resulting in the accidental death of Tevella.

Second Telepathic Diad: (Vulcan/Romulan Male) (2280-2370) The death of Tevella caused a severe mental break in Sollek and he was sent to the Tinsha Monastery to atone for his actions and heal his mind. Larrant felt remorse and partly to blame and tracked Sollek down, finding him among the Followers of Hakihr. The Medusan offered to help through bonding with Sollek. Larrant hoped in doing so it would bring peace to the young Vulcan’s mind as well as give him access to a corporeal body in which to continue his mission to safely explore the Federation.

The Diad was not a complete success. Sollek’s mind did become calmer through the assistance of Larrant but not enough for Sollek to be fully accepted by Vulcan society. Sollek was labeled a V’tosh Ka’tur or “Vulcan Without Logic.” The Diad wandered the Vulcan desserts from monastery to monastery in a quest to tame Sollek’s mind. They studied among the Vulcan Masters the Path of Rha and the Path of Vhos. After years of study, Larrant/Sollek encountered the silent monks at the Monastery of Ulann. The sect of Ulann taught the duo the emphasis in the power of deeds over words and encouraged them to perform useful works along with their studies.

In 2286, the Larrant/Sollek Diad was attacked by the Tal Shiar seeking to exterminate all the Hellguard hybrids on Vulcan. After defeating their attacker, the Diad was apprehended by T’Saan, the Director of the V’Shar. T’Saan suspected that Larrant/Sollek was responsible for the deaths of three Hellguard hybrids, whose cause of death resulted from massive organ failure similar to deaths caused from the unprotected sight of a Medusan. T’Saan held the Diad in custody until the next murder proved their innocence. The experience prompted Larrant/Sollek to take their joint journey beyond Vulcan. T’Saan offered to assist, recruiting the Diad into the V’Shar and sent them to serve in Starfleet as intel gatherers.

Larrant allowed Sollek to enjoy his career in Starfleet, silently observing from their shared mind. On a few occasions it was necessary for Larrant to take control to assist their assigned vessel through navigational difficulties such as when the USS Charleston was inadvertently thrown into Romulan territory by a transitory wormhole or when the USS Chesapeake needed to conduct an unauthorized slingshot effect around Theta Eridani to save the life of its captain.

Sollek chose to retire from Starfleet in 2326 and Larrant chose to continue their Diad as Sollek began working as a civilian scientist exploring the ruins of proto-Romulan civilizations. Larrant/Sollek would however be called back to active duty in 2353 with the outbreak of the Federation-Tholian War. Admiral Temrev of Andoria wanted Larrant’s innate Medusan navigational skills to help navigate his fleet through the subspace interphase pockets that littered Tholian space. Sollek argued that it was only logical that since he had been able to experience so much while Larrant was a passenger in his body, Larrant had a period behind the wheel. However this arrangement would be short lived.

At the Battle of Catalina Station in 2355, the vessel Larrant/Sollek were piloting took heavy damage from a Tholian Web attack. Sollek died when the Conn panel on the bridge exploded. The psychic trauma of being ripped from Sollek’s mind and mentally snapping back to his own was immense. Luckily for Larrant, there was a skilled Betazoid telepath, Jemma Glix, stationed on Catalina Station who helped heal his pain and in doing so formed Larrant’s third Diad.

Third Telepathic Diad: (Yemma Glix: Betazoid Female) (2355-2370) Larrant/Yemma continued to serve Starfleet in a dual capacity as Councilor and Navigator for the remainder of the Tholian War. Following the Tholian Accords in 2360, the Diad transferred to the Galaxy Class Development Project where the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and the Daystrom Institute of Technology were testing an experimental interactive emergency navigational control system allowing Medusan’s to serve on starships without a Diad-link with another crewmember.

Larrant/Yemma served on three of the initial Galaxy class vessels, the USS Galaxy, USS Yamato, and the USS Odyssey. Their time on the Yamato was cut short when it was destroyed in 2365 by an Iconian computer virus. The Diad was fortunately on an away mission to the Medusan homeworld. Upon their return, they were reassigned to the Odyssey where they would continue to serve until its destruction in 2370.

Yemma was labeled unessential crew and placed in charge of supervising the civilians that disembarked the Odyssey onto DS9 prior to the Odyssey leaving to the Gamma Quadrant to investigate the Dominion situation on New Bajor. Larrant remained aboard in the Interactive Navigational Control Room. It was initially believed that the crew aboard the Odyssey perished when the Jem’Hadar attack ship comikazed it resulting in its destruction. However, Larrant and a handful of the crew were beamed out by a Jem’Hadar Warship six light-years away and taken to an Internment Camp for both simulations and experimentation.

Unwanted Diad: (Loriss-1: Vorta Female) (2370-2371) The surviving crew of the Odyssey spent months in that Dominion Internment Camp where Loriss-1, a Vorta with psionic abilities took pleasure in torturing the Odyssey survivors, especially those representing species the Dominion had never encountered.

Normally the sight of a Medusan’s natural form would cause madness and eventually death, however, due to Vorta’s poor eyesight, when Loriss viewed Larrant’s natural form she experienced something unique. She did not go insane and she did not die. Viewing the Medusan had the effect of opening the Vorta’s mind to see past the genetic conditioning of the Founders. With this enlightenment, Loriss began to think Larrant a superior deity than the Founders. She helped him and a handful of Odyssey survivors escape.

Meanwhile, Yemma’s psychic link to Larrant haunted her dreams with visions of his survival or ordeal at the hands of the Dominion. She was able to convince the captain of the USS Venture to accept her transfer and take her on its salvage mission of New Bajor and the Odyssey wreckage. It was there that she made contact with Larrant/Loriss. Unfortunately, a full rescue effort would not happen until a year later when the upgraded Galaxy-class, USS Challenger led a rescue mission into the Gamma Quadrant.

After being rescued and returning to the Alpha Quadrant, Larrant was troubled with the prospect of war with the Dominion. Even more with the devotion of its members after Loriss, no longer loyal to the Founders but not willing to be taken prisoner by the Federation, committed suicide via self-termination. The Medusan spent a few months at the University of Betazed Hospital, where Yemma helped Larrant again work through his trauma. Their mental link reformed the Larrant/Yemma Diad and they returned to active duty aboard the USS Venture.

Fourth Telepathic Bondmate: (Yemma Glix: Betazoid Female) (2371-2375) In 2373, Larrant/Yemma attended the Telepath Conference on Alaya 2. It was here that they encountered the results of Loriss 1’s initial work developing a Telepathic Virus to infect and kill the telepathic races of the Alpha Quadrant. The virus had been finished by Loriss 2 who Larrant/Yemma confronted but not before she could escape. Following the attack on the Telepath Conference, the Diad returned to Betazed to help victims of the virus. They would remain there and work for the University of Betazed until the Dominion Occupation of Betazed. Yemma was among the casualties of the Liberation of Betazed. Her death left Larrant without a Diad but his experiences among the corporeals had given him new purpose and upon the conclusion of the Dominion War, the Medusan accepted a teaching position at Starfleet Academy.

Fifth Telepathic Diad: (Hedril, Cairn Female) (2375-2379) During Larrant’s time teaching at Starfleet Academy he reluctantly formed a Diad with a young Cairn student, Hedril. The Diad was planned to be temporary and only to help facilitate his ability to teach at the Academy. After losing two close partners, the Medusan did not want to form another relationship. However this Diad had a greater purpose for both participants.

Starfleet regulations required it to overcome any special barriers faced by citizens of Federation planets who wish to join it. The Cairn did not develop a spoken language and instead communicated via telepathic images. Starfleet technicians worked for years developing a Mental Image Communicator (MIC) that would allow the Cairn to communicate with non-telepaths. Though designed specifically for the Cairn it was discovered that the Medusans could also use the MIC to communicate.

Diad No More (2379-2381) Thanks to the MIC and the A-series android developments at the Daystrom Institute of Technology by Bruce Maddax, Larrant was able to inhabit a newer model habitat container. It was enhanced with a humanoid exoskeletal body with a holographic overlay. After a century of clunky habitat containers and relying on telepathic diads with corporeal beings, Larrant could walk freely among them in his own body mentally unlinked.

Feeling a new connection forming, upon Hedril’s graduation from Starfleet Academy, Larrant takes his first sole commission aboard the USS Ganymede and its mission to explore the far reaches of the Beta Quadrant toward the Gum Nebula. Serious damage two years into the mission forced the Ganymede to be recalled to Utopia Planitia.

While crossing through Klingon space, the Ganymede picked up the distress call from the USS Cayuga about a Borg Invasion. In no shape to join a fight against the Borg, the Ganymede altered course around the Azure Sector in order to avoid the battle. The crew witnessed the Omega Detonation within the Nebula but Larrant felt it. He knew something major had just happened. Shortly thereafter the comms lit up and the Ganymede was ordered to rendezvous with Task Force Archeron and transport survivors needing specialized care to Starfleet Medical on Earth. But before they could reach the fleet, Larrant and a small selection of crewmembers were ordered to leave the ship immediately.

The fortuitous location of the Ganymede provided Admiral Joseph Anderson an opportunity needed to aid the USS Theurgy's mission. Performing some creative bookkeeping, Anderson ordered the Ganymede to disembark select members of its crew including Larrant for an urgent mission inside Klingon Space. The shuttle they left in would one day be found destroyed adrift in space. However, the crew survived and Admiral Anderson had them all listed as MIA.

Larrant and his shipmates were ordered to defect to the USS Theurgy and its mission to combat the Infested. Before blowing up their shuttle, they Ganymede 7 as they jokingly referred to themselves rendezvoused with the IKS Vor'nak en route to Kayvok. From there they journeyed aboard the Vor'nak to Aldea where they would board the Theurgy.

Personality Profile

Larrant can seem aloof and uninterested to others, even in telepathic communication. Medusians refer to species like Humans and Vulcans as “young races” and Larrant often speaks with others in a patronizing fashion. However, his time spent traveling among material beings has caused him to make an effort to be more friendly.

Physical Profile

The appearance of Larrant like any other Medusan was highy dangerous to humanoid beings. Larrant's body appeared to be composed of pure electromagnetic energy. It was composed of superheated plama and magnetic fields existing partially within subspace, making him literally indescribable to conventional beings. Because of his strange non-Euclidean multidimentional appearance, the sight of Larrant would drive some species mad. Medusan's are native to a Class-Y "Demon" planet with a toxic atmosphere under extreme pressure. Therefore, when traveling among solid matter beings, Larrant had to remain inside a small containment vessel that maintained a super heated magnetic field of about 500 degrees Kelvin and to prevent humanoid beings from having their mind destroyed.

Telepaths could view Larrant through protective viewers; thus polarized Larrant's resemble congeries of flaring greenish lights and glowing speres, iridescently flashing in a hidden rhythm. Like other Medusans, Larrant used his tremendous telepathic abilities to communicate and his unique sensory system to navigate through space. He used "limbs" of magnetic force to manipulate the physical world where necessary. Advances in containment technology allowed the creation of the Medusan Environment Manipulation Unit (E.M.U.) which consisted of a containment pod, manipulator arms and antigrav generators. The Mark III E.M.U. was the first to incorporate holoemitters granting Larrant a humanoid appearance.

Reference Images


Special Notes

As nonmaterial beings, Medusans had skills in things most humanoids could not even understand. Their advanced civilization provided all Medusans with high levels of scientific skills. Most Medusans had some level of psionic talent and they all received psionic training. Medusans had senses most humanoid races did not. They could perceive subspace directly and "feel" the curvature of space. Unlike most humanoids, Medusans could navigate "by eye" while traveling at warp speeds.

Since they were composed of energetic plasma, Medusans were immune to radiation and high temperatures. They were also immune to most disease and physical damage, but a phaser blast could disrupt the delicate balance of the energy fields that maintained the Medusan's life. Even though their environmental containment pods provided some level of protection, Medusan bodies were intricately linked to the container. Any damage affecting the container would also injury the Medusan within.