Category:Akira class starships

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Akira Class Forward Dorsal.jpg

During the aftermath of the Battle of Wolf 359 in 2367, Starfleet saw the need for a more heavily armed vessel capable of patrolling and protecting large volumes of territory against possible Borg incursions, while continuing the primary mission of all Starfleet vessels, exploring the unknown. The Advanced Starship Design Bureau at the Antares Fleet Yards took a concept design, never planned for service, and turned it into the USS Akira in 2368; trial runs were so successful that Starfleet Command immediately ordered full-scale production of the Akira class to begin.

Unlike most vessels of its mass, Akira class starships did not have a separate engineering hull, rather the vessel was designed to be as compact as possible to aid in maintaining a strong defensive shield strength over its entire surface area. Other defensive measures included raised pontoon-like structures on either side of the saucer that contained secondary shield generators to help protect vital command and control systems as well as highly sensitive sensor networks for planetary survey and stellar cartography missions that could double as back-up targeting systems for the vessel’s weaponry.

The Akira-class was also designed with extensive auxillary craft bays through the entire saucer section, capable of deploying shuttles of any size, fighters, and even Danube class runabouts, the Akira-class was superb at space supremacy in combat roles and extensive stellar system survey in peacetime. If the mission assignment requires it, the fighter craft capacity or the shuttle recovery and maintenance systems were replaceable with cargo compartments and extra bulk transporter systems or even extra personnel quarters and life support systems to allow the craft to perform rescue and recovery operations.

The torpedo pod mounted between the two pontoons aft of the hull wasn’t as easily replaceable as the shuttlebays in the main hull due to the complex power feeds and targeting system relays that feed up the connecting pylons to the pod. This hadn’t stopped ASDB from working on ideas that included making sub-classes of the vessel that would replace the weapons systems with a subspace scanning array equal in size and resolution to ones typically seen in fixed installations. The torpedo pod itself was a unique design in Starfleet vessels, with a series of tubes in a line capable of a nearly continuous barrage as the system staggers the fire of each tube. Each of the standard tubes could be loaded with a store of subspace buoys or sensor probes, but the quantum torpedo systems standard on each vessel were dedicated systems and unable to launch alternate munitions.

Here is a list of all Akira class starships mentioned or appearing in the Star Trek: Theurgy universe:

Pages in category "Akira class starships"

The following 11 pages are in this category, out of 11 total.