Episode 2 Chapter Three: Objectives Joint Post

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Revision as of 06:36, 23 September 2024 by Ellen Fitz (talk | contribs)
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This is a wiki page dedicated to the Joint-Post writing of Chapter Three in Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative.

Writers will find the objective(s) they've opted to describe/document achieving on this page and will have until a set date to write In-Character segments. This set up will serve to increase the pace and alacrity at which this epic multi-vector episode is depicted.


  • The order of the slots has been inputted according to the Cosmic Imperative calendar of events.
  • The chapter GM will "fluff" and weave the individual posts once all the objectives have been depicted.
  • Write as much as you like and use as many NPC's as you like. Just remember that if you choose to kill off an NPC, the same rules apply here as in regular threads: get permission from GM first and, after the fact, update that NPC's wiki page to show the deceased.
  • Once all the objectives have been written, the GM will alert chapter writers and they will then have the opportunity to look back through the objectives they did NOT write to and add in In-characters thoughts/responses to that objective if they feel so inspired
  • Continual corrections and edits are encouraged to allow for a better flow.

Any continuity errors and discrepancies will be sorted out after the ending date and before the JP is posted in Chapter One, Episode 02. The GM will handle any latent formatting issues and conversion from wiki markup to forum BBC code before posting.

Fallout from Failed Diplomatic Dinner

'Now that the diplomatic dinner has been effectively crashed with murder and mayhem, this objective will detail the fallout of this dinner with the NPCs going back to their respective corners. Take creative license determining if you have any defectors from the Romulans (or Klingons) that stay onboard, captured saboteurs (though the saboteur story prompt is still separate from this), fallen comrades, injuries, as well as the fate of the alliance itself. If you have questions or ideas you'd like to run by the GM, reach out via PM/DM.

Ellen Fitz

[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Observation Lounge | V. 1 | Deck 10 | The Helmet ] ATTN: @Brutus @Stegro88 @P.C. Haring @Nolan @Eirual @Tae @Nesota @Absinth

Enyd had been looking forward to this conversation with about as much enthusiasm as an injured person looks forward to having their bone reset. But she’d drawn the proverbial “short straw” from the stack for who would talk to who about dealing with the Romulan leads connected to the murderous interruption to their dinner.

Brigadier Natauna was already deployed with a makeshift team to investigate among the Klingons, taking with her Ensign L’Nari and Crewman Lourdes from the Diplomatic department, Ensign Lewis and Bennett from the Intelligence department, Crewman Lewis from Security, and Crewman Courtland from the medical department to aid in the investigation. As far as Enyd knew, this team was either already off the ship or just about to depart, with Colonel Hauq awaiting them on one of the Klingon carriers with the one captured still-breathing saboteur in their brig.

The team for investigating the Romulan leads was likewise already formed, though they had yet to deploy as Enyd had yet to talk to the head of the team. Petty Officer J’olan and Crewman Wilde from her department were already briefed and ready, and Lieutenant Ahn-Le had opted to take Ensign Samuelson with her from Intelligence. Lieutenant Rhys Williams had been more than a little confused about his assignment but when told of who would be leading the team and given a little background information on said team leader, he’d settled into his presumed role as counselor and mediator well enough. He chose Crewman Lewis to accompany him from Medical, with the addition of Ensign McArthur from Security just as a precautionary measure. Now, it was time to talk to the leader of this Romulan investigation loop. The final piece in their “whodunit” puzzle. The Romulan aide, Jaeih something or another, was already waiting for the arrival of their team aboard the Romulan flagship.

Enyd winced as she recalled how the dinner had ended, so dramatically after such a promising beginning. While no one in the mess hall had killed each other when the intruder alert cut through the pleasantries, anyone who had been mingling on the “other’s” side of the room quickly dispersed back to their side with more than a few murmured curses and threats. It’d taken Stark, Enyd, and a number of others quite a time to calm folks down enough to reassure them they weren’t trying to kill everyone and then adjourn to their respective corners. In under an hour, they’d relayed what they knew of the attack, including the number of their fallen and the damages caused by the saboteurs. This had worked to assuage the Klingons marginally more than the Romulans once it was clear Theurgy crew had died. Apparently, the Romulans still found this suspicious, and likely because, given the right circumstances, they’d kill their own to make a point.

Enyd pinched the bridge of her nose. The feasibility of this alliance working beyond the immediate crisis was growing more and more difficult to picture. The Klingons were divided amongst themselves, increasingly so, on how to deal with both the Romulans and the Federation, with the Theurgy’s presence offering another variable to contend with. As reports from the attack against the President herself poured in over the feeds, whatever distrust and disquiet Klingon leaders had toward supporting Theurgy and remaining as firm a Federation member as they were amplified. Among the Romulans, whatever reports they were receiving regarding the attack against the President and the evidence of civil discord among the Klingons was fueling their already hyperactive wariness nerve, and now they spoke in more complex roundabout riddles than when they’d first arrived. Enyd had never really gambled much, but if she were more of a betting woman, she’d bet that the minute Theurgy and the Martok’s combined forces worked to remove Tal’Aura from the Romulan chess board, Donatra would gladly turn her back on them, and potentially even her weapons.

Granted, Enyd wasn’t “allowed” to say such things to her subordinates, not as a department head. They needed to see that she was still committed to maintaining this alliance—and she was—and that she still believed they could successfully stave off Tal’Aura’s attacks through this alliance—she would like to believe this. There was so much to do and so little time to do it in before the shit hit the proverbial fan and that was why she was standing here staring across the bit of space that separated their ship from the nearest Romulan vessel, dreading the conversation she was about to have.

“I was told you wanted to see me.” His familiar, raspy voice curled around her spine and sent a shiver through her body. Enyd glanced at the reflected image of the former Romulan mercenary, briefly admiring his physique, before she turned to face him. “Regarding a mission.”

Enyd folded her hands in front of her body to keep from flapping them around like a flightless bird. She found, failed, and then succeeded in keeping the images of their almost time together on Qo’Nos from her mind, very much aware that her thoughts and feelings were an open book and an influential one to the enigmatic man standing in front of her. Keeping her eyes focused on a spot on the wall just over his shoulder, Enyd relayed what she knew of the circumstances, what Stark had conveyed as her hopes as a result of the investigation, and the names of his future teammates. Drauc listened without expression, his body as still and controlled as always.

“I am to lead this team through the investigation among the Romulans, seeking out the saboteurs only? Or is there something else?” He angled his head as if daring her to withhold her own misgivings.

Enyd sighed. “I have concerns that Donatra will betray the alliance as soon as Tal’Aura’s threat is eradicated.” Drauc nodded, as if this was common knowledge. “If you find proof of this being fact and not just my own fears, anything that can help to protect Theurgy in case she does turn…”

“Understood.” Drauc maintained eye contact for a heartbeat more before asking. “Anything else?”

“Professionally? No. Personally, I could say ‘be safe,’ but I trust that you will do whatever is necessary to ensure mission success even if it is detrimental to your own self.” Enyd’s features softened. “Even so, I do hope the best for you. For all of you.”

Drauc nodded, placing a hand over his chest in a semi-formal bow. “So do we all.” Turning, his finger paused just shy of the door console. “Be at peace, Madsen.”

Enyd nodded to his back, watching him quietly as he stepped back into the corridor and disappeared on silent steps. Letting out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, Enyd fell back against the window at her back. At least she hadn’t had to use a mental spray bottle to keep images of his nude flesh from her mind during their conversation.

[Madsen to Stark.] It was time to update the woman who had to keep their puppet show's strings together.

Receive and share thalaron trigger data

This will be a time-jump from the last objective but this objective should detail the receipt of the thalaron trigger data from the Apache and the efforts and difficulties of sharing that information with the Klingons, potentially against the Romulan "allies" preferences. Again, creative build-up of in-game canon is always encouraged and welcomed, and just like the above objective, this one is ripe for lots of intrigue and political maneuverings. If you have questions or ideas you'd like to run by the GM, reach out via PM/DM.

Writer Name (replace with writer's name)

[Regular Character Tag | Location Detail | Location Detail] ATTN: tag all chapter writers


Tal'Aura's Forces Arrive+

Though the epic space battle will be played out in a regular thread, this objective can detail the arrival of Tal'Aura's forces and the prelude to the battle. This can also allude to the arrival of the Apache, the Allegiate, the Erudite, and the Ranger. They do not all arrive at the same time but are rather staggered so have fun building up tension and having the "timely" arrivals amp up the tension.

Writer Name (replace with writer's name)

[Regular Character Tag | Location Detail | Location Detail] ATTN: tag all chapter writers