Luna Shipyards

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The Luna Shipyards were a Federation shipyard facility in the Sol system, in the vicinity of Luna, Earth's moon.

They were a functioning shipyard as early as the mid-23rd century, when they constructed the SS Xhosa, a fact listed on her dedication plaque. (DS9: "For the Cause" set decoration)

In the late 2370’s the Luna Shipyards was the location of Starfleet’s Valravn Project, a highly-classified project testing an experimental new warp fighter. Among the test pilots involved with the project in 2380 were Lieutenant (junior grade) Devyrie Okhala who joined the project’s White Wolves Squadron in 2379, Lieutenant (junior grade) Alessia Garcia, Ensign Minjae Soh, and Petty Officer First Class Karma ein Yueh who served as a Rear Intercept Officer for Ensign Soh.

In November of 2380, orders came to Luna Shipyards that the twenty prototype AC-477 Mk I Valravn fighters were needed in the field since the USS Theurgy had betrayed Starfleet and possessed the protoytype AC-409 Mk III Valkyries that were better than what the rest of Task Force Archeron had in terms of superiority fighters. Thus, the White Wolves Squadron ceased to be test pilots and were instead commissioned to the USS Orcus in order to join Task Force Archeron and hunt down the Theurgy.

(The Luna Shipyards was never mentioned in dialogue, but on the dedication plaque of the Xhosa. Since the Xhosa was a civilian vessel, it is unknown if the yards also constructed Starfleet starships. It is also unknown if they were related to the Tranquility Base shipyard.)(Memory Alpha)