USS Fredrickson

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The USS Fredrickson
Image © Paramount

The USS Fredrickson (NCC-42111) was a 24th century Federation Excelsior-class starship operated by Starfleet.

In 2364, Ensign Anya Ziegler graduated from Starfleet Academy and was assigned to the Fredrickson as an operations officer. The Excelsior class vessel provided ample experience for the young officer and by 2366 Ziegler managed to get promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. In 2367, Ziegler requested a transfer off the Fredrickson and was accepted by the USS Veracruz.

In 2371, the Fredrickson was docked at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit of Mars. (VOY: "Relativity")

In 2374, ship was heavily damaged in one of the early battles of the Dominion War, and needed to be towed away from the battle zone. The ship was a member of the Second Fleet. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")

In 2376, Vereyn Kiiz had his cadet cruise aboard the Fredrickson, serving as a junior operations officer and apprentice transporter specialist.