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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2825

Here is @Blue Zephyr 's new character, Lieutenant Zephyr Praise!

Lt. Zephyr Praise               Botanist & Doctor (SAVI)  

  - Writer:
Blue Zephyr

She is both a botanist and a medical officer, utilising both fields in her research, but particularly hair-raising events on the Azurite Station made her leave in great hurry on a shuttle. Unfortunately, her being a hybrid, she was chanced upon by the Savi, and she was abducted for Correction. She will be making an appearance in Chapter 02: The Versant soon enough.

Best Regards.

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2826
Looks like we finally found a personal physician for Lahkesis Saugn!   ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2828

Only 1,5 hours left to make your vote in the story poll for Chapter 04: Charades! All members are eligable to vote, regardless if you have characters in the specific chapter. :)

Story Development Poll | Chapter 04: Charades

Looking forward to have the result revealed.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2831

I thought I might as well have us on Twitter too. Likely going to be artwork and 3d models.  (damn auto-italics setting. Copy-paste?)

I am horrible with Social Media, though, but I'll make an effort to try and use the account as much as I have time for. Bonus is that the tweets appear on Facebook as well.


For those interested in the overall story development might like to read the latest posts in Chapter 02: The Versant, where Captain Ives has made an appearance at long last. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2832

I have a message for you guys from Even Angels Cry, which I quote below. :)

Hello my friends! I have news! I am expecting! My husband and i are thrilled. We've been trying for a few years, so we're thankful that its finally happening. An unfortunate side effect, however, is the morning sickness (a terrible name for nausea that not only lasts all day but also  varies in intensity all day) and the exhaustion. Ive spent most of the last few weeks sleeping, working and being sick. As a result, i need to step away from the theurgy sim for a bit. I apologize to you all, especially my partners, but i need to try to be healthy for the baby. I'm due in February (ahhh!!!) And i hope to return sooner rather than later, but i dont know how my pregnancy will go.

I love you all and thank you to everyone (especially you, Lucan) for being so understanding! You can reach me on discord, and I'll still be around online occasionally, just not as much as before.  I wish the story well and hope to rejoin you all in a few months!

Exciting news! I hope EAC will be able to return to us some day. ;) In the meantime, she has decided to leave both her current characters available for inheritance, in the case someone wishes to take up playing either of them. This means she might have to create new characters when she returns, but either way, here they are!

PO1 Jaya Thorne               CONN Officer (NPC) (V02)  

  - Former Writer:
Even Angels Cry

Lt. JG Alessia Garcia         Wolf-10 [Angel] (NPC) (V02)  

  - Former Writer:
Even Angels Cry

Should you be interested in taking over these, please contact me over PM and we'll discuss the possibilities. It's important that you'll be able to devote the time needed to write another character, so I'll be determining possible candidates based on posting ratio and adherence to the 7 day response time rule, and we have a maximum of four characters on the sim, so pick your characters wisely.

Until there are any takers, I will be wrapping up threads where Angel and Jaya Thorne are active. This, for sake of the ones who have been waiting for replies and want closure for their characters. I will also take over writing Sehl in Chapter 02 for sake of progress.

That's all for now!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2835
Here here. Of all the reasons to need to step away from the Sim, this I think is the happiest. Best of luck, and I sincerely hope the morning sickness passes, @EAC

Don't be a stranger!!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2837
 (laugh)  (laugh)  (laugh) (laugh)

Congrats EAC!
If only I could send you one of my three pups to give your lil future-trekky his first tribble!
Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
"No one left behind."

Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
Security Officer, USS Theurgy

Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
"You're not the only one with a gun,"

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2838
Hi there Theurgists!

Posting this to give everyone another chance to inherit or make another character to write! The story will be moving on, and character introductions will become more and more difficult in this Episode.


If you would like to inherit either of our available characters, I will be able to provide all information about what the character have been up to so far in the story, and potential development for them. Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is played. I'd be willing to update images of the older characters as well, of course.

Here they are!

Lt. JG Adam Kingston          Former Security Officer  

  - Former Writer:

Lt. Alexander Rosek           Former Chief Engineer (NPC)  

  - Former Writer:

Iris Cyrene                     Diplomat (NPC) 

  - NPC Available for All

PO1 Jaya Thorne               CONN Officer (NPC) (V02)  

  - Former Writer:
Even Angels Cry

Lt. JG Jovela                 Nurse (NPC) (V02)  

  - NPC available for all

Ens. Lin Kae                    Holographic Specialist (NPC) (SAVI) 

  - Former Writer:

Ens. Marija Ferik             Former Security Officer  

  - Former Writer:
Latine Kett

PO1 Morgan Song               Engineering Officer (NPC) (V01)  

  - NPC Available for All

CWO1 Sten Covington           Chief of Flight Deck Operations (V02) 

  - NPC Available to All Players

Ens. Vereyn Kiiz              Transporter Specialist (NPC) (V03)  

  - NPC Available to All Players


You could also write one of the fighter pilots that will defect to the Theurgy from the USS Dauntless´s fighter squadron. The squadron name is the Black Wolves, but your pilot would either...

A) ...have transferred aboard the Dauntless in the aftermath of the Battle of Starbase 84. S/he transferred aboard from the USS Jadestone, who was sent to help in the relief efforts of the damaged starbase, but was never a part of Task Force Archeron. S/he would be flying a AC-307 Mk II Valkyrie, like the rest of Tactical CONN in Starfleet. Either that, or you go for a more difficult option, where...

B) ...s/he is flying one of the prototype Valravn fighters, and your character was a part of the classified Valravn Project on Luna Base (see the Valravn page for more information). This latter option requires that you read a lot more than if you opt for a transfer from the Jadestone. Below is a synopsis of events:

When the USS Theurgy allegedly defected to the Romulans in November of 2380, orders came to Luna Base that the twenty prototype Valravn fighters needed to be put into field duty, since the Theurgy's Mk III Valkyries were better than what the rest of Task Force Archeron had in terms of superiority fighters. So, the White Wolves Squadron ceased to be test pilots and were instead commissioned to the USS Orcus, which was supposed to join Task Force Archeron and hunt down the Theurgy.

Then, in late February of 2381, the USS Orcus found the task force adrift, orbiting Theta Eridani IV without means of communication or propulsion. They had been affected by a computer virus, and it was only with the help of the USS Orcus "clean" software that the entire task force could exit orbit and take up the hunt again. Task Force Archeron immediately set a course towards Starbase 84 - meaning to intercept the Theurgy if Captain Ives had decided to put the advanced Theurgy-class starship of in his Romulan masters' hands.

Your character would enter the story after the Battle of Starbase 84, where s/he'd have been transferred aboard the USS Dauntless and went hunting for the Theurgy. The problem is, that s/he needs to defect to the Theurgy for some reason. This defection should be discussed and settled with the GM, and you will be required to read the outcome of the battle, which can be found here: Episode 04: Simulcast, Chapter 07: Cost of Truth.

In order to write a fighter pilot, you should also familiarise yourself with this page: Tactical CONN. The Tactical CONN officer reports to their Element Leader, Flight Leader and Squadron Commanding Officer (SCO).

Character Submission Form Template

Looking forward to hearing from those interested! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2839
Hey Everyone,

Heads up from me, since Tuesday I've been buried in recovering from a major ransomware outbreak at work. We got hit late Monday night by hackers at work and while I can't speak to particulars owing to certain employment confidentiality clauses in my employment agreement, I can say it's bad. I don't expect I'll have much time to sim probably till later next week at the earliest.

This does bring up a couple cyber security tips that while I've said them before, there's nothing like seeing the devastation one of these attacks can cause to drill home exactly how bad they can be, and how important the following two tips are:

1) Do NOT open attachments unless you are absolutely sure they are both safe and from a legit sender. Even then, I see attacks come in where the sender was legit, the file itself was out of the ordinary for them but sort of kinda fit with what they might send. If it seems even the slightest bit hokey, but could be okay, call the sender, facebook them, ask them if they sent it. We've caught attacks this way at work because a supplier's sales rep emailed us an invoice, only their accounting department sends invoices out. We very quickly got an email from the sales rep saying it was infected and don't open it.

2) BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP. No matter how careful you are, attacks will get through. Make sure everything you value on your computer, your resume, those silly cat photos, the pictures of your family, anything of any value to you is backed up. And do not backup to just a USB stick or an external drive, ransomware targets those sorts of things so if you left them plugged in, you are SOL. Use an online backup system like Backblaze (my personal choice), Carbonite, CrashPlan, etc. Malware can't jump the gap to the cloud via that software so you are protected. Worst case your backup tool uploads the encrypted files but you can a history of changes so can retore to a day or two before the attack. And if you know what file it was that bit you, exlude that one from the restore.

I pay $50/year for Backblaze for unlimited storage. I can go back three months to recover stuff I deleted. I don't have to worry about if I copied everything over to a disk, etc. It sits in the background streaming file changes as they happen to my secure cloud. I get hit, I don't worry. :) I'm not tying to sell Backblaze, just impress on folks how easy cloud backup is to use, and how it can save you the migraine headache that is my world this week. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2840

A while back, I added new profile fields for us all, and I have now had the time to update my own:

Auctor Lucan

You all can do something similar with your characters in your "Forum Profile" setting if you want to. If inserting images like I did, you just use the regular BBCode for it:

Code: [Select]
[img]Insert image hyperlink[/img]

The image size is automatically adjusted to fit the area of the profile.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2841
Just informing everyone that I've been struck by a nasty flu like something. It pretty much drained me entirely and I'm slowly getting better. Sadly this means my replies will be postponed slightly until I get better. So another day or two-three tops I think.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2844
Sorry to hear that, Nolan. Still, it'll be a while into the Rawley supplemental when Rawley calls Ravon.

Get well soon. :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2845
Get well soon, Nolan! Praying for you!  (L)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2848
Just informing everyone that I've been struck by a nasty flu like something. It pretty much drained me entirely and I'm slowly getting better. Sadly this means my replies will be postponed slightly until I get better. So another day or two-three tops I think.

I hear you Nolan; I myself am plagued with chronic pain which manifests just enough to kill the muse on an annoyingly regular basis.  During those times I work on the Wiki site since gathering and transcribing data doesn't require creativity. 

Speaking of the Wiki site, we need to figure out where the various NPCs are since the stardrive vectors have separated and aren't likely to reunite until the Episode Five is over.  On the crew lists each of the PCs and former PCs have a little V01, V02, or V03 next to their names to let writers know where each character is.  The NPC's on the NPC pages need the same thing, at least temporarily.

For example in my last post in Chapter 03:  From the Ashes, I said that CPO Lavar Manfredi from the Engineering NPCs page was in Vector 03's sickbay after the Asurians boarded back in Chapter 01:  Protectors of Truth.  That was an error, since he would have been beamed to Vector 01 even if he was wounded the Asurian boarding party thanks to the Continuance Protocol that would have locked onto his combadge whether or not he beamed out in time to miss getting shot.  If we don't straighten this out, we're going to have our NPC's show up in multiple Vectors as if they were cloned before the ship separated.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2849
That's an excellent suggestion, but I think I might need help with that one since I am not entirely sure where all the Redshirts are at. I have to look it up each time I make use of one. With that in mind, I hope I can get some help with this?

I feel like we need some kind of status notation below each NPC entry. We already use the crosses to show which ones are alive, but a notation about current story status would be ideal. The first that spring to mind is something like this:

Availability: Served on the Vector 2 in Episode 05


Availability: Devoted, confined to Quarters in Interregnum 04-05


Availability: Died on Day 2 in Interregnum 04-05, available before then.

That way, we would have a more permanent solution for the Reshirts (Let's call them that instead of NPCs! lol), instead of the blue tags I added in the Crew Manifest, which I will be removing at the earliest convenience after the Episode.

So, anyone care to help me with this project? :) I can try to do those who's fate is uncertain, i.e. status unknown.


Auctor Lucan

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