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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4401
Greetings, everyone, and thanks for the welcome.  I'm not clear on just how involved this character has been in the story (impression is here and there), but I'll be trying to have recent events explain any personality development of the character from how he was played before.  My goal is to have the character grow and mature into my own style, rather than try a rewrite of what is established.  My ST specialty has always been Engineering, so hopefully you'll see a bit more inspired take on the character going forward.

That being said, the more character interactions I have the easier that will be, so feel free to reach out if you have any characters you'd like to run a scene together. 

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4402
Welcome @Griffinsummoner -- Looking forward to reading your Scruffy posts! :)
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4403
Welcome @Griffinsummoner now get scruffing on your debut :P
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4404
Welcome aboard @Griffinsummoner if you ever need any help. There is always a lovely person around happy to assist.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4406
Welcome @Griffinsummoner! I joined about a month ago myself.  Everyone here is very friendly and helpful.  I know what it is like trying to figure out where to start so if you need any assistance just send me a message or catch me on discord.  Recommend finding a mentor which i am not one but always willing to help out.

- Sincerely,

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4407


This might have been somewhat expected, the concerns having been raised already since he suddenly became absent in the middle of July. The passing of @steelphoenix  has now been verified through a friend of his that I found on DeviantArt. I went to SteelPhoenix's gallery today (were he was known as Drujitsu), and saw this comment on his profile page:

I contacted this person, who seemed to know more than anyone on Facebook or Discord, and the correspondence went as follows (pardon the size of these mobile phone screencaps):


I am at a loss for words in what to say, other than how I will miss him dearly, with many memories lingering with me now. How he worked so hard on bringing life to his characters. I've spoken at length with him about his ideas around the Kzinti and what he wanted to do with the Bactrican species.

As an artist, he helped me making character art sometimes, and rendered an animation of Deacon for the Episode 05 trailer. He helped render couple of images for the infiltration suits (Starfleet issue and Savi), and his deep knowledge into Star Trek lore helped establish some science that might help separate the Infested from their hosts at a later point in the main story.

As a writer, he entered the sim right in the end of Episode 03, and has been active ever since, with Deacon bringing smiles to many who had their characters go to Below Decks. Just a couple of weeks before his passing, his other character - Vael Kaeris - was named the Theurgy's Chief Science Officer, but unfortunately, he only got to write one post with Vael in that capacity.

As I told SP's friend, with his advise in the matter, I have decided to let Deacon and Kaeris become available for inheritance, and I hope their stories will continue, in honour of a man who'll be sorely missed.

Deacon                        Lounge Proprietor for Below Decks (NPC)  

  - Writer:
Available for Inheritance

Lt Cmdr. Vael Kaeris          Chief Science Officer (V1) (NPC) 

  - Writer:
Available for Inheritance

The Kzinti former Black Priest came aboard the Theurgy during the Battle of Starbase 84, and has since then took it upon himself to spread the word of the pending invasion of the Kzinti Empire, and to work as the Lounge Proprietor of Below Decks. Having an adverse reaction to a virus aboard, Doctor Nicander had to manipulate his genome to suppress his Kzin nature, since the dormant human genes could hange the virus better. Already on his way to become human, he was later abducted by the Savi and underwent a nigh full Correction - merely possessing some lingering physical traits of his feline heritage. This, including a long, prehensile feline tail, claws, short fangs and pointed ears not unlike those of a Vulcan. He is the mate of K'Ren - callsign Neko - of the Lone Wolves, and I leave it to @SummerDawn to advise in what might happen with their relationship now.

Vael Kaeris is a Bactrican male, his species looking Asian in nature, and when the Endeavour was destroyed, he ended up on the Runabout USS Niger together with Elro Kobol , Kai Akoni and Ranaan Ducote. The Niger encountered the Theurgy in the Azure Nebula, and after the Battle of the Apertures, all four of the Endeavour officers came to serve in the Senior Staff on the Theurgy, Vael Kaeris being promoted to Chief Science Officer after Vivian Martin relieved herself from command in order to deal with the mounting grief over the losses on the Resolve.


In other news, after Captain Scarlet just joined us Wednesday last week, I got the PM below this Wednesday.

Hi Auctor, I hate to do this, but I need to table my participation for awhile. I've been pulled into a startup project that's taking all my time, and where I thought I could put some energy into this as a side project, I'm finding my muse is not lining up with my timing, and really don't want to waste your time. Can I step aside and re-apply somewhere down the road? I'd assume the character would be put back up for grabs, and completely agree with that; if she's still available when my schedule frees up I'd still love to write her. If not, there were plenty of other options open.

Thanks, and once again I'm sorry you've expended your energy!

So, hello and goodbye? It means that besides the two above, Kino is available for inheritance once more.

PO2 Kino Taer                Security Officer (Stasis) 

  - Writer:
Available for Inheritance

Kino has been in stasis since the Battle of the Apertures and will remain so until we we have an active writer that wants to take her on.

At least she's got an updated exosuit image now! *chuckles and shakes head*


Somewhat lighter news, I reckon?

After @Swift 's Andrew Fisher found out that the late Carrigan Trent was to blame for Hi'Jak reacting and acting as he did on the Coreless Moon, before Episode 05, Captain Ives has decided to allow him to serve as an Ensign in the Science Department. This, after Hi'Jak also asked to have his name changed, as a new beginning, and a convenient means to not have the Klingons aboard the ship realise he's supposed to have been killed in Right of Vengeance.

His name?

Ens. Robert Guthrey          Science Officer (Temporal Mechanics)

  - Writer:

As of Day 01 in Advent of War, this character's face was altered to avoid recognition as well, and I am unsure as I write this if we need to have a change of face claim in the two images to the right, and let Thomas Mison be the face Hi'Jak Robert wears from this point onwards. I'll settle that stuff separately with @Masorin , but this name change and reinstatement as Ensign is effective as of Day 02 in Advent of War. Robert's former identity is on a plausible need-to-know basis, but if known, it is also known in his file that he was misled by the Theurgy's former First Officer, which caused him to betray the away team at the Coreless Moon (check the links for more info on this long subplot conclusion!).

That's all for now. Looking forward to a weekend of writing, and I hope this announcement finds you all well out there.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4408
Oh no, this is just horribly sad news. I didn't get to know @steelphoenix too well during my time here, but they were very kind during my early time here, and seemed in general to be a kind person.

This truly puts life into perspective, and I can only hope that we all remember how tenuous and fleeting our time on this world is, and cherish the time we do have.

Rest easy, friend.  /:(


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4410
That's horrible!  I only got to write with him in one thread, but he seemed quite nice.   :(
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4413
I know I'm new, but I know well the pain both of having internet friends disappear suddenly, and of finding out a Simm partner has died.  My sympathies.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4414
This is truly sad news.  
Inhabiting my head are:

[Lt. Vanya |Assistant Science Officer| USS Theurgy]

[Lt. J.G Foval |Assistant Diplomatic Officer |USS Theurgy]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4416
I only got to write with him in a post or two. Seemed like a gifted and fun writer. He will be missed. :(

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4417
Alright people, some of you may already know, Stardust is going on vacation to Denmark tomorrow. I was intent on catching up a little beforehand but the last few days, as expected, have been crazy with getting my department into a shape where they can survive without me for 2 weeks :3 Sorry I could not entirely do the same for Theurgy lol

Doesn't necessarily mean I will be totally absent for the coming two weeks, but I don't want to promise anything, vacations are always unexpected. It's supposed to be a quiet time at the sea and I hope that will include some nice writing opportunities <3

Dates are 18.09.20 - 04.10.20

The poor folks are (but not limited to) @Brutus @Shandala @Masorin @Swift @Auctor Lucan @Havenborn @Griff

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4419
Have fun!  Denmark seems like a nice place.  (It's certainly a lovely beachhead if you want to reform Norse paganism and invade Europe to sacrifice the Pope to Odin in Crusader Kings 2 ;P )
Really enjoying writing a halfway stable character for once...

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4421
Safe travels @stardust - Hope it to be a time of relaxation and recharging for you! :)
Ens. Vinata Vojona - Head Nurse

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4422

Dates are 18.09.20 - 04.10.20

The poor folks are (but not limited to) @Brutus @Shandala @Masorin @Swift @Auctor Lucan @Havenborn @Griff

However shall I manage to survive ;) Oh woe is me!

For real though, have a good trip ;)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4423
*points at Brutus and impersonates Chris Jericho from WWE* 'You just made the list!'

Sorry couldn't resist.
Have fun on your vacation Stardust!!!!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #4424
Sad news to hear about @steelphoenix he will be missed  /:(

Like Stardust I'm taking some time off! I'll be isolating myself in the forests and recharge my batteries there. I might pop a laptop along in which case I might just be posting along like nothing happened. On the other hand I might not be able to get decent wifi in which case I'll be AWOL for a week.

I should be caught up to all the main threads! Hear you all soon as I'll probably still be around on Discord mobile.

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