USS Oberon

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The USS Oberon was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet. During the 2370's it was part of the 4th Fleet

Security officer Kai Akoni first assigmenent was aboard the Oberon when he graduated from Starfleet Academy in 2372 with the rank of ensign. During his first months aboard his superiors noted that he was a stickler for regulations and compulsively felt the need to report all infractions to his supervisors, no matter how minor.

The USS Oberon participated in the Dominion War including the Battle of Rumarda in early 2374.

In the middle of 2374, the Chief Security officer of the Oberon transferred Ensign Kai Akoni to the USS Twarel where he would have more opportunities for promotion.

(From the biography of Kai Akoni, it would seem that the USS Oberon was a relatively small vessel, such as an Oberth or Nova class starship. In any case the USS Twarel must have been a larger and more prestigious vessel.)