USS Venture

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The USS Venture at DS9
Image © Paramount

The USS Venture (NCC-71099) was a 24th century Federation Galaxy-class starship operated by Starfleet.

In 2372, the Venture led a task force under the command of Admiral Hastur to reinforce Deep Space 9 when it was threatened by a Klingon attack. (DS9: "The Way of the Warrior")

The Venture visited DS9 again in 2373. (DS9: "Doctor Bashir, I Presume")

In 2374, the Venture participated in Operation Return, protecting the flank of the USS Defiant. The Venture was one of the first ships to arrive at Deep Space 9 after the Dominion retreat. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels") Garen Nelis served aboard the Venture as an ensign in the Tactical Department during “Operation Return” before being assigned to planet AR-558 in 2375.

The Venture saw action again later that year when it fought as part of the Federation Alliance fleet that invaded the Chin'toka system. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")