USS Resolve

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Resolve 5.jpg
Vessel Name: USS Resolve
Registry: NX-91985
Starship Class: Luna-class
Starship Type: Multi-Mission Explorer
Status: Active
Purpose: Exploration, Auxiliary Craft Carrier & Scientific Research
Constructed: San Francisco Fleet Yards & Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Commissioned: October 22nd, 2375
Dedication: ”Hope is nothing without the will to enact it."
  • Length: 450 m
  • Height: 80 m
  • Width: 205 m
Mass: 3,000,000 tonnes
Decks: 17
Standard Crew Complement 350
Maximum Cruising Speed

Warp Factor 8.5
Warp Factor 9.975 for 12hr Duration

Standard Cruising Speed Warp Factor 7.5
  • Type X Phaser Beam Arrays (13)
  • Mark-XXV Photon Torpedo Launchers (4)
  • Standard Deflector Shield
  • Duranium microfoam and Tritanium Hull composite
Auxiliary Craft
Luna Class Rear Ventral.jpeg
Resolve 4.jpg
Luna Class Rear Dorsal.jpeg

The USS Resolve (NX-91985) was an early experimental design of the Luna-class Explorer vessels that became popular in the latter years of the 24th century and the early years of the 25th century.

Starship Demonstration 01

Starship Demonstration 02


After initial space worthiness tests of the Luna-class in 2372, Starfleet Command moved forward with production of the vessels. The Dominion war had, however, left a toll on active starships and the mindset of ship designers. With a need to press more active ships into service, many ship classes were given a variety of experimental designs. At the time, many of the Luna-class ship were produced with concepts that where removed in the later models. One such Luna-class vessel was given a slightly more aggressive design than most, this ship was named accordingly, Resolve.

This additional concept was instrumental to the ship's survival, when in 2378; the Resolve vanished investigating an unknown anomaly. Flung far past Romulan space, the crew had to undertake a multi-year voyage through unknown territory, looking for a way home.

In 2381, the Resolve returned to Federation Space and was given a heroes welcome at Starbase 84.

Physical Arrangement

There are a few variations to the Resolve in comparison to later Luna-class models, which include a significantly larger cargo bay and hangar bay. The vessel is able to accommodate significantly larger amounts of shuttlecraft and even a small squadron of fighters. This ability gives the Resolve an additional role capacity as a carrier ship.

Modified Shuttles

During its journey back to Federation space, the Resolve suffered losses in crew and resources. Without a starbase or station to resupply, measures were needed to ensure the continued survival and defence of the ship. One example of this was to supplement destroyed Valkyrie fighters with modified version of shuttlecraft.

Ensign Krystal Tancredi was known to fly such a vessel during her time aboard the Resolve.

Aerowing Shuttle

Aerowing.jpg Aerowinganimation01.gif Aerowinganimation02.gif Aerowinganimation03.gif Aerowinganimation04.gif Click for animations
Graphics © Paramount

Mounted on the underside of the saucer section, the Aerowing rests in a recessed hatchway just aft of the ventral sensor array. The craft serves in the capacity of a runabout aboard larger ships. In fact the Aerowing’s technology and design is based, in large part, on the Danube class runabout.

The Aerowing provides a large secondary craft, long-range travel, and the protection, armament, and sensor capabilities beyond that of a standard auxiliary shuttle. Facilities include two sleeping bunks and a standard runabout passenger cabin. A replicator and flight couches provide for the needs of the passengers and a two-person transporter allows for beaming of personnel or cargo when needed. Atmospheric flight capabilities allow this shuttle type to land on planetary surfaces.


Commanding Officers

Command Crew

  • Chief Counsellor (Acting)