Joining the Crew

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

Revision as of 23:56, 30 September 2016 by Auctor Lucan (talk | contribs)

This joining page is a Beta-version, since we just re-opened recruitment and there is a lot to be done in terms of listing available positions and submission guidelines.

"How do I join the story?"

  1. First, in order to join Star Trek: Theurgy, you will have to join the House of Eros community. We a well-established Play-by-Forum simm, and it is much in thanks to House of Eros that we have survived for so long, and continue to thrive. Link: The House of Eros.

    The House of Eros is an adult community, and while the Star Trek: Theurgy RP is extremely story-driven, it should be mentioned that it is still rated 18+ and has sexual content. The House of Eros site as been submitted as ‘Explicity for Adults’ to various rating groups, in the interests of protecting minors from its various sexual and mature content. The site is intended for online roleplay and erotic web fiction. You must be 18 or older to be a member. If we find anyone who is younger than that, it will result in an immediate ban.

    Please see site rules for further information, and create an account: HoE Site Rules.

  2. When at House of Eros, you will find our part of the community here: Our HoE Roleplaying Forum. You will find our OOC thread, the crew manifest(s) and links to out own Wiki page. The Wiki is our own database with loads of info on the story, characters and ships. Most importantly, you should find our General Rules and read them thoroughly.

    So, feel free to have a look around, and when you feel ready, you send a PM (personal message) to the Game Moderator, Auctor Lucan.

  3. When contacting the CM, you can either:
    A) Ask Questions
    Send the GM your questions first and take it from there, and see what kind of story opportunities there might be for your own character concept, or perhaps you want to verify if you have the right profile to write with us. This might be important because we are a very literate group, with a minimum posting requirement of 200 words per post, and the commitment to the story is long-term. We have been running the story actively for 5 years, and we will continue for many years to come. So, we are not interested in casual, brief commitments, but something that will last for many years to come.
    B) Submit a Character for a Wanted Position (Easy)
    This is the same as option E below, using the Joining Form and submitting a new character. The character application is, however, made in mind for a specific, needed position in the story. Star Trek: Theurgy are currently looking for these positions to be filled: Wanted Positions in Star Trek: Theurgy.
    C) Inherit an Available Character (Variable Difficulty)
    We have been running the Star Trek: Theurgy story for over five years now, and over time, we have built the story with key characters that are essential to the plot, not to mention making different kinds of relationships between characters that have become important for character development.Sadly, writers have left the group now and then, leaving the writers that remain with us bereft of the development that they were looking forward to with their own characters. However, over time, we have successfully let writer-less characters be inherited by present writers, examples being Selena Ravenholm, Wenn Cinn, Edena Rez, Nathaniel Isley and Cameron Henshaw, whom are all being actively played today even if the original writers left us. So, this is your chance to step right into present events in the Star Trek: Theurgy story.

    Here are our Available Characters. If you would like to inherit either of our available characters, the GM will be able to provide all information about what the characters have been up to so far in the story, and potential development for them. Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is played.

    D) Open a Stasis Chamber (Variable Difficulty)
    This is like alternative B above. We also have available characters that have been put into stasis on the Theurgy. If you are a returning member, you may find your characters here. New applicants are also free to inherit these characters. In order for these to be made available, the Chief Medical Officer on the Theurgy must have found a way to treat the lethal injury that the character sustained at some point in the story, but this can easily be arranged for In-Character since the Theurgy came across additional medical supplies quite recently. Here are the stasis chambers.
    E) Create & Submit New Character
    If you would have complete freedom of choice in a Star Trek character, and not apply for one of the wanted positions, what would you like to write? Perhaps there is a way to accommodate that, but it's generally a good idea to run your character concept by the GM first before you devote hours on filling out your character application. This is an organic process; to create a character and to find the best way to enter the story. When ready, use the Joining Form below to make your character. If you want to take the easy route, make a character that enters the story via the USS Resolve or Starbase 84, since then you will not have to bother keeping track of all the earlier Episodes in our story, and instead, begin from a clean slate in this thread: Episode 04: Simulcast. There, you'll get introduced to the situation on SB84 and the USS Resolve well before the Theurgy comes along. All the options available can, however, be found below.

    At the current point in the story, your character would either have the backstory of serving on:

    Starbase 84 (Low Difficulty)
    Recently in your character's career, at the end of the biography you are to write, your character has entered Starfleet and was commissioned to Starbase 84., and s/he would, somehow, end up aboard the Theurgy during the battle in Episode 04: Simulcast (this will be solved with the GM's help). There are some positions that won't be available, and the easiest way to see what positions are already taken is to check here: Current Crew on Starbase 84
    USS Resolve NX-91985 (Medium Difficulty)
    With this option, your character could be serving aboard the USS Resolve, and s/he would, somehow, end up aboard the Theurgy during the battle in Episode 04: Simulcast (this will be solved with the GM's help). This ship encountered a space anomaly in 2378 and has been lost for three years in uncharted space beyond the Romulan Star Empire, kind of like the Voyager was, before it recently found its way back to Starbase 84. There are some positions that won't be available, and the easiest way to see what positions are already taken is to check here: Current Crew on the USS Resolve
    Black Opal (High Difficulty)
    Recently in your character's career, at the end of the biography you are to write, your character has entered Starfleet and was commissioned to the Black Opal. This option might be a bit restrictive for you in terms of positions available to serve in, and what kind of career s/he's had aboard up until you start writing him/her. If you want to join us with a character that has been serving on the Black Opal, and then ended up on the USS Theurgy's crew, the challenge that the GM will help you with is to create a plausible back-story for him/her in relation to the events this far in the story. To apply for a character in this option, you will have to read this thread and understand what kind of positions are available: The Black Opal Mission.
    USS Theurgy NX-79854 (Very High Difficulty)
    Recently in your character's career, at the end of the biography you are to write, your character has entered Starfleet and was commissioned to the USS Theurgy. This might be a bit restrictive for you in terms of positions available to serve in, and what kind of career s/he's had aboard up until you start writing him/her. If you want to join us with a character that has been serving on the Theurgy, the challenge that the GM will help you with is to create a plausible back-story for him/her in relation to the events this far in the story. However, we have been writing the story for over five years and that makes it difficult for you to take in all that has happened. Our Story Archive is a synopsis of the events so far, but after reading it, you will have to end your characters biography with some important choices for him/her. These are the questions:
    • The crew became outlaws and hunted for two months across the Alpha Quadrant by Starfleet. If you take this path with the background of your character, you need to establish what kind of impact this has had on him/her. This in regard to friends and family left behind, thinking your character is a traitor. Also, since s/he has protected the truth about Starfleet Command in battle, and thus fighting and perhaps killing ignorant and innocent Starfleet Officers, what kind of consequences has this has upon your character's mental health and loyalty to Captain Ives?
    • Whether or not your character was infected in Episode 01, and how much psychological trauma s/he suffers because of it. S/he may have been seduced into being infected, or s/he could have been raped, yet regardless of that choice, s/he may not need to remember anything beyond that point, since the cure affected newly formed memory engrams too, leaving most of the crew clueless as to what they were up to before the USS Relativity came to the rescue. S/he could have locked him/herself in too, escaping infection until the danger passed.
    • If the Ishtar Entity (power equivalent of Q:s, for sake of reference) paired your character up with some other crew member and put them in a position (naked on an island or in bed etc. with severely increased sexual desires) where they might have (and mightn't) had sex. S/he could also have been unaffected by the Isthar Entity's exploits.
    • Whether or not your character was harmed during the battle with the Calamity starship in the Episode 03 Prologue, and therefore having spent time in the tents of the Triage Centre or not on the planet surface of Theta Eridani IV while the ship was powered down for repairs. Otherwise, there were plenty repairs to be made during the week on the planet.
    • Whether or not s/he succumbed to injury during the struggle to leave Theta Eridani IV while under attack by the Calamity's Reavers and the volcanoes all around the valley they were in erupted. If your character was injured at this point, then s/he may start the story waking up in the Theurgy's Sickbay, unaware of events up until Episode 04. It not, then s/he might have been the victim of Captain Vasser's mutiny, up until he was killed and the USS Calamity was destroyed. It is highly recommended that your character was injured when leaving Theta Eridani IV since minimising the backstory for your character will make this easier for both you and the GM.
    USS Harbinger NX-67890 (Very High Difficulty)
    Like the Theurgy, the Harbinger's crew became outlaws and hunted for two months across the Alpha Quadrant by Starfleet. The same required information applies for characters that entered the story through the Harbinger, the only difference being that they were not present for Episodes 01 and 02 in the Story Archive. Therefore, the backstory is a little bit easier to cover in your character application, but keep in mind that s/he would have had to transfer to the Theurgy, or do so when recovering from the injuries sustained at Theta Eridani IV.
  4. Good characters have virtues. Great characters have flaws. Characters in Star Trek: Theurgy are expected to be realistic, even for a futuristic science fiction world. Heroic characters are welcome and appreciated, including those with special skills or abilities, but it is expected that for each special skill or ability a character might have an offsetting flaw or vice. It is expected that flaws listed on a character application be used in storytelling, and not added in to get away with being heroic.

    It's understood that most writers do not have a complete grasp of a character on its initial inception; characters grow all on their own in the writing of them. New characters are not expected to be as in-depth as established characters, but the expectation is that a realistic persona is presented that is open and welcoming to development. This is as much (if not more) for the enjoyment of the writer than anything else! However, those characters that stretch the boundaries of realism into ‘god-moding’ will be promptly addressed by the Group Moderator; remember, the GM is playing too. The GM is more than happy to work with players on their character concepts, but the reverse is expected as well in that the player will work with the GM to maintain a level of believability that is inherent in fun, quality writing.

    The Star Trek universe is a big place full of adventures and stories to be told. As characters progress and writers get accustomed to the pace of activity, more characters can be approved at the discretion of the GM.

    Rank is determined for each character on joining, and will be worked out with each player to best fit the character. That being said, understandably a Starship cannot function with a great number of Commanders and Captains overseeing each part of the ship. A storyline benefits from a mix of junior and senior officers to propel the story.

  5. So, if you send your character application (made in alignment with the Joining Form below) to the GM for approval, and if you want to add pictures, feel free to do so! However, being very happy about making graphics, the GM also extends his helping hand in finding and editing pictures to match the applicant's character. Examples of such character images made can be found in our DeviantArt Gallery. In such a case, the important thing is that you let the GM know early on what faceclaim (actor/artist/model) you are interested in for your character, and if there are any physical traits that is important for the character's depiction.
  6. Make sure to read the page General Rules before sending your application to the GM. When submitting your character, use the character sheet above. The GM approves the applications before the applicant is allowed to post in the RP.

The Joining Form

  • Character Name:
  • Position: (Example: Engineer, Chief of Engineering, etc.)
  • Rank: (Example: Lt, Cmdr, etc.)
  • Callsign: (if its a fighter pilot character)
  • Character Species:
  • Character Gender:
  • Character Age:
  • Character Birthplace:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Eye Colour:
  • Hair Colour:
  • Interests:
  • Background Story: (250 words or more is required)
  • Personality Profile: (Detailed)
  • Physical Profile: (Details beyond what is visible in character pictures)