Security NPCs

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

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The following is a list of named non-player characters who served in Starfleet's Security Department during the USS Theurgy’s battles against a corrupt and compromised Starfleet.

Ensign Colin McArthur

Ensign Colin McArthur

Ensign Colin McArthur was a security officer was an Aide in Security assigned to the Theurgy in 2381. During the infiltration and hijacking by the Harbinger’s personnel, his loyalties were compromised by T’Rena. When Vasser and T’Rena staged their coup, McArthur was issued a phaser rifle and sent out to hunt down personnel who were still loyal to Captain Jien Ives. A gentle soul with a strong moral center, even with his morals compromised by T’Rena’s conditioning he found the idea of killing anyone when he had the technology to immobilize and apprehend people without injury abhorrent. He was more of an administrator than a warrior and accidentally stunned Crewman Dom Fok while aiming at Master Chief Willam O’Connell in the Theurgy’s main engineering room before being stunned by the wily engineer himself. Since he was only stunned, it is likely that he survived to have his proper loyalties restored after the final battle with the U.S.S. Calamity.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Calvin Reagar

Senior Chief Petty Officer Calvin Reagar

Senior Chief Petty Officer Calvin ‘Animal Mother’ Reagar was a security specialist and a senior noncommissioned officer serving aboard the Theurgy in 2381. A veteran of both the Dominion War and the Cardassian-Federation conflict that preceded it. A rootin’ tootin’ phaser shootin’ combat specialist from Proxima Colony, he had seen action on Bajor, Cardassia, and Dorvan V. It was his actions with a grenade mortar on Betazed that caught the attention the Theurgy’s chief security officer, Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn, and earned Reagar a billet aboard the Theurgy. Cal Reagar claimed to be the first Terran to prove it was possible to kill a Jem’Hadar with a knife and apparently had witnesses to back it up. During the Borg’s attack on Sector 001 in 2372 he faced the Borg up close and personal and decided he didn’t like it. After that he had gotten in the habit of collecting old-school projectile shooting firearms with recoil and the dangers of ricochets.

Cal Reagar was one of the few enlisted men aboard the Theurgy who had served twenty or more years in Starfleet by 2381. As such he was part of the unofficial fraternity composed of senior noncommissioned officers aboard the Theurgy that included Sten Covington and William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell and was a regular to the weekly poker games the Theurgy’s chiefs held in an unused cabin on Deck 08.

An observant and suspicious man, he often speculated about the loyalty and stability of his shipmates. Immediately after the destruction of the U.S.S. Calamity and the U.S.S. Harbinger Reagar watched over the line of officers and crew who had been compromised by T’Rena and were waiting outside main sickbay to be deprogrammed and commented on the probable effects on Cir'Cie and Maya. At the weekly poker game the next day, Reagar was cautious when introduced to Aisha S'Iti but shared his suspicions about the officers in his chain of command, particularly Wenn Cinn.

Petty Officer Liam Andersson

Petty Officer Liam Andersson

Petty Officer Liam Andersson was a security specialist aboard the U.S.S. Harbinger when it encountered the Theurgy in 2381. It is unknown if he was related to Operations Officer Patrick Andersson who was serving aboard the U.S.S. Theurgy the same year. He and Petty Officer Elliot Grant were victims of Commander T’Renna’s mental tampering and programmed to impregnate any female aboard the Harbinger. On the day Captain Vasser staged his coup of both the Theurgy Petty Officers Andersson and Grant attempted to rape the Harbinger’s chief medical officer Doctor Amelya Duv in her own sickbay, but she managed to get a phaser away from Elliot and incapacitate both of them. It is likely LiamAndersson was killed along with the rest of the crew when the Harbinger collided with the Calamity.

Petty Officer Elliot Grant

Petty Officer Elliot Grant

Petty Officer Elliot Grant was a security specialist aboard the U.S.S. Harbinger when it encountered the Theurgy in 2381. He and Petty Officer Liam Andersson were victims of Commander T’Renna’s mental tampering and programmed to impregnate any female aboard the Harbinger. On the day Captain Vasser staged his coup aboard the Theurgy Andersson and Grant attempted to rape the Harbinger’s chief medical officer Doctor Amelya Duv in her own sickbay. While she was orally pleasuring him, Duv managed to injure Grant and shoot him with his own phaser. If Grant wasn’t killed by Duv, it is likely he died along with the rest of the crew when the Harbinger collided with the Calamity.