USS Cortez

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The USS Cortes
Image © Paramount

The USS Cortez was a 24th century Federation Oberth-class starship operated by Starfleet. In its many years of service, the Cortez served different roles as it executed various missions.

During the Dominion War the Cortez served as a troop transport under the command of Captain Quentin Swofford. For this purpose, its secondary hull modified to hold a small battalion of troops, a modification that had been carried out during the Federation's conflict with the Cardassians during the 2350’s and ’60s.

Lieutenant (junior grade) Jennifer Dewitt served aboard the Cortez from 2371 unitl 2373, when she promoted to full lieutenant and was transferred to the USS Rapier.

In 2374, the Cortez was part of the assault force assembled to retake Deep Space 9 in Operation Return. Prior to the battle, they were ordered to fall back for repairs, after signaling the USS Defiant that they were having problems stabilizing their guidance thrusters on their port nacelle. Because of this, her position was filled by the USS Sarek. (DS9: "Favor the Bold") The Cortes eventually joined the battle and was one of the first ships to break through the Dominion fleet, and reported that the fleet was in retreat. It was later ordered to rendezvous with the rest of the Federation fleet at DS9. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

Later that year, the Cortez was reported missing while patrolling the Cardassian border, presumed to have been destroyed by a squadron of Jem'Hadar fighters. After the report of her loss, the Defiant searched the area for survivors for almost six hours. The ship was declared lost with all hands, with over 400 dead. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars") (Source: Memory Alpha)

Months later, the ship and her crew were recovered and the ship was returned to drydock were it underwent considerable repairs and refitting. By the time the Cortez was ready to return to duty, the war was over. Due to the recent repairs and updates, the Cortez was spared the deactivation that most Oberth class vessels underwent after the war. In the late 2370’s the troop facilities in the Cortez’ secondary hull were removed and replaced with VIP quarters so it could serve as a diplomatic courier.

In 2278, Ensign Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers was assigned to the Cortez on a mission to the Khitomer Colony, where the Federation had sent a delegation to support Martok in the wake of the attempted coup on his Chancellorship and continue to lay the groundwork for the Unity One space station. In 2280, the Cortez rendezvoused with the USS Theurgy and the USS Titan, en route to Romulus. Ensign Eloi-Danvers was transferred over to the Theurgy to be part of the Theurgy’s diplomatic mission.

(The description of the Cortez in Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers’ biography is completely at odds with the DS9 version of the Cortez which is described as a combat vessel with a crew of 400. I have attempted to explain the inconsistencies by claiming that the Cortes was modified to serve as a troop transport during the war, hence the “crew” of 400. Then again, it is possible that the USS Cortez of the Theurgy timeline is a completely different ship than the one from the original Paramount timeline.)