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Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2425

After sending several posting reminders without answer, and given the chance to return to active status or inform us whether or not he means to stay and write with us, Jfiddle's short tenure as a member here on Theurgy has ended. He has not logged in for almost a month so I hope he is okay.

His character, Vereyn Kiiz, has been in two threads, the latest an ongoing one with Brutus. My recommendation to Brutus is that he edits his last post to end the thread, and Kiiz can become an NPC of ours. Since he is a Trill, perhaps the host has an unfortunate accident and one of our unjoined Trill can get the symbiont? There are a few possibilities I can foresee, but either way, he remains listed as an NPC for the time being.

Ens. Vereyn Kiiz              Transporter Specialist [NPC] 

  - Available to All Players

If someone cares to inherit Transport Officer Kiiz, please let me know. If not, I hope to be able to use the backgrounds or re-purpose the character images I made for this character somehow.


I would also hereby like to hand out a second Sim Contribution Award. Namely the GM's Commendation.

Awarded by the GM in appreciation for any act or contribution to the sim which is especially superogatory, rising above and beyond expectations.

The Recipient is...


When I decided on a recipient for this inaugural commendation, I considered a lot of aspects of what made the Theurgy community what it is today. I realised that the greatest difference from when we were hosted at House of Eros was the lack of our Discord Server, and I further realised how all of our current writers are there. Our chatroom has brought us all together in a way that we merely could via individual Skype accounts or in PMs before.

True, the chatroom will never negate the need for PMs here on the forum, since its incredibly awkward and time-consuming to try and keep up with all that is chatted about in the channels. News and announcements are lost, I can never keep track on plot ideas in the maelstrom of voices there, and there is no kind of ease in maintaining accessible posterity. So, the forum still the main platform of this community, and not just because of the story development on the boards.

However, Kaligos saw the potential and created the Discord chatroom for us all, and despite my initial reservations, look at us now, and how we can all chat on a daily basis and trade ideas for one-on-one threads in real time. The Discord chat has become a glue that binds us together rather than us being on islands all around the world and sending PMs for every little minor idea. Now, we can write a PM when it's important, when we need to keep something for posterity, or when we ask for it. I know many still prefer PMs over Discord DMs, and I am certainly one of them, but I feel the chat and the Forum's inbox are in no competition with each other since they cover different kinds of communication.

So, thank you @Kaligos for convincing me to trade Skype for Discord, and in doing so, making Theurgy the kind of community it is today. You may protest and say it was a small thing to practically do, but regardless the initial effort, I think I am not alone when I say that your contribution to the sim is worthy of this commendation. Consider this award our collective token of appreciation. :)

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2426
Waking up to that message made me blush. Thank you @Auctor Lucan.

To those i rp with sorry i have been slow the last few weeks ive been finishing my education. Im wrapping up my second to last course this month and gaduating in april. Hard to believe ive been at university for three years but its all about to pay off.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2427
You deserve the kudos, Kaligos! 

Just chiming in to say I continue to enjoy all that I've been reading here and am so excited to have Absinthe helping out on the Counseling side.  Hayden is dedicated to her work, but oh boy, she could use a friend in her trench!  LOL

In any case,. I'm here, and though I will be visiting family for most of the coming week, the 6 hour car ride will allow me to catch up and get inside Hayden's head to put fingers to keyboard.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2428

Tomorrow is the last day to vote on the nominations in the Suus Mahna and Pon Farr award categories. The two polls can be found here:

Suus Mahna Award Poll 2017

Pon Farr Award Poll 2017

The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Suus Mahna or Pon Farr award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene(s). Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!


There have only been a single nomination for one of these awards, and the nomination time expires tomorrow as well. I have no anonymous nominations in my PM inbox either.

Awarded to the main contributing writers in a humorous scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of inducing laughter for the readers.

Awarded to the main contributing writers in a dramatic scene or situation that stands out way above the norm in terms of emotional impact, keeping the readers on the edge of their seats and wondering what may come next.

If there are more nominations made, two separate polls will be posted on the 17th of November for these two award categories. Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Tears & Laughter | Award Nominations

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2429
I have done a nomination for both awards.  Sorry I didn't get to it sooner.  :)'

And congratulations Kaligos!!!!  I must say I love the discord server chat.  It was a fabulous idea and you definitely deserve the award!
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2430
The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results!


Nomination: In a series of posts, CanadianVet and Auctor Lucan set out to create one very epic battle of the fates that would determine the course of events that would follow. Shoutout to Doc M. as well for that glorious portrayal with Billy Bob. All the participating writers did not hold back on providing a very detailed description of the characters and the scenery as they engaged and interacted in mortal combat.

More importantly, they did not encroach on becoming unnecessarily long-winded or monotonous. The flow of writing was smooth, perfect and just right, keeping the pace, holding the interest and the progress constant. Every post was a cliffhanger as the outcome was genuinely uncertain until it came about. And it was an epic ending for a major villain in the story.


Nomination: They did an excellent job of keeping an appropriate focus on the biological imperative behind the act of love making but at the same time balanced it with K'Ren's and Deacon's personal history and their motivations. There are some aspects that stands out from the norm of scenes like these, and K'Ren being in heat is just one of them. There is also the dramatic build-up to the scene, with Deacon undergoing surgery to survive Virus 117, and the Devoted making an attempt at his life.

Link: Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude


Because of his tough RL commitments, Mathis will no longer be playing his inherited characters Sera vers Aldnoah anymore. Mathis will, of course, remain a member in our sim and continue writing his own character Derik Veradin, and this in a more timely manner in terms of posting frequency I am really happy about Mathis staying with us still, and I look forward to continue reading the threads where Derik Veradin is involved.

As for the scenes Sera vers Alndoah is in right now, I will be jumping in to solve those threads in the interim before this awesome characters get a new writer. This will not be too tough for me, hoping that people will enjoy the way I handle it. Sera, the one flying the unique ship Sabine, is a really important character in the story, and I hope that whomever is interested in her is able to really commit him or herself to writing her.

Ms. Sera vers Aldnoah         Explorer (NPC)  

  - Formerly Played by Mathis

If you would like to inherit this character, you should contact me over PM and I will be able to provide all information about what the character has been up to so far in the story, as well as potential development for her. Please consider also how you, as the new writer of the character, has a creative license to change the way s/he is played.

Here are our current available characters, aside from the two above: Available Characters


Lastly, thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Pakled Order and Inner Light award categories. Now, the nomination time has expired, and two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

Pakled Order Award Poll 2017

Inner Light Award Poll 2017

The polls will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Pakled Order or Inner Light Award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene(s).

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2431

It just came to my attention that @Omardex , the 3D artist that brought Thea's design to life, celebrates his birthday today. Congrats! 😀


Our art has a big audience by now, and still growing. We just passed the 1000 watchers milestone on DeviantArt and 500 on Tumblr. It's quite incredible, really.

That's all for now! 😀

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2432
Hi all, Sorry for the lack of communication lately. I've been rather busy at work with some ridiculous shifts, as well as moving house. I had intended the move to go faster but some complications with the new house delayed factors.

I'm going to be quiet for a little longer as I've just had a call to say that my last living grandparent has about 48 hours left to live and as such, I'm going to rush across the country to see if I can make it there in time to say goodbye.

Wish me luck.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2433
@Arista Godspeed and best of luck.

@Kaligos  I'm a little late in replying to this, but congratulations on the much deserved award. The Discord chat has fused us into an even tighter knit community, and its all because you had an idea and ran with it. Well done sir, well done :)

Slowly making my way through my posting backlog. Its going to be a busy week but its a week without work, or (hopefully) health issues so I'd like to think i can make some progress :)

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2434

The timing for when we closed recruitment and character creation was very untimely for one of our newer members, namely Blue Zephyr. She had joined us by inheriting Eun Sae Ji, with plans to create a character of her own creation soon. I closed this opportunity in front of her nose, and Blue Zephyr has felt that she is kind of locked only writing one character, showing that she has no problems posting often. Moreover, her character concept fit the story in the Sabine Away Mission, since her new character joins the story through the Klingon carrier IKS Hakkarl, which just arrived in the thread Zoom Zoom.

Her character can be found here:

Zyrao Natauna                 Strategist   

  - Played by Blue Zephyr

This El-Aurian has a long backstory, suffering from bad experiences in her long life, but she's quite resourceful too. Hope you like her, for I know that I do! :)

So, recruitment is still closed until further notice, this exception being fair because Blue Zephyr was merely playing an inherited character.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan
Game Moderator

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2435
Oooh a fun new character!!  That's awesome @Blue Zephyr!  Can't wait to see her in action!

@Arista, I hope the trip is a good one and you make it in time.  Prayers and best wishes following you all the way!

In other news, I have been stricken with a rather virulent virus and have had a posting delay because of it.  I apologize.  This year has not been a great one for my health.  I finally saw the doctor on Monday and he mandated that I take 2 days off work to recover.  Not the best timing from a work perspective (literally the busiest week of the year for retail), but so far great for my health and my posts!  I've been able to rest and catch up on my writing so.. I feel like it's good timing there.  I hope to get most things caught up before my shift on thanksgiving, since I don't know how much time I'll have between Thursday and next Tuesday to fit them in around work and sleep.  :)  I may chime in on Discord a bit, but I'm going to mostly focus on replying to things and taking naps, haha.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2437
Thanks guys!  I'm so excited to really get into the meat of who Zyrao is and everything that she can be in the future.  @Even Angels Cry I hope you feel better!  Make sure you take as many naps as possible!  @Josie she is MORE than welcome to try.  I'm excited to put Zy into some fun situations!!!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2438

The votes in the two recent polls are in, and here are the results!


Between Tessa Lance and Billy Bob, Doc M never fails to make me laugh.  With both those characters, Doc M brings in a great deal of much needed comic relief, but without beating us over the head with gratuitous slapstick comedy, compromising the humanity and three-dimensional aspects of the characters or turning the characters themselves into buffoons whose sole reason for existing is to lighten the mood.  But he brings a levity to this sim, which to be fair tends to be pretty grim and helps keep things into perspectives, and the rest of us on our toes with the way they behave. 

Links:,2146.0.html@msg13120,1197.0.html - Frankly, any thread with Billy Bob O'Connell.

Nomination & Links by Even Angels Cry:
Up until the meeting with Ian Hawthorne, I (like many others) didn't know what to expect.  There had been a few posts to indicate his condition (affected my parasites) and I didn't think negotiations would go as planned, but in no way did I see any of these bombshells coming.  Each time one of the threads was updated, I found myself clicking immediately to read what had been posted.  As the grisly story unfolded further, there were several shocking key moments.  I have listed them below as my nomination links, and each of them left me dangling on the edge of a cliff, waiting for the next piece of the story.  In total, the story as a whole was a true piece of epic writing and each author should be celebrated.  There were many excellent action and combat scenes, but this particular award is for dramatic writing with emotional impact, and I have not yet read a scene that affected me as much as this one or in as many places & with as many characters throughout it.

There are a multitude of phenomenal posts here, but I will link a few that stand out to me.

Ian Hawthorne showing a glimmer of humanity in his final moment-,1202.msg10105.html#msg10105
Ryuan Sel making an impossible choice -,1202.msg10057.html#msg10057
Tristan Kendrick doing the unthinkable -,1202.msg9852.html#msg9852
Cameron Henshaw when the truth was revealed-,1201.msg9841.html#msg9841


Nominations for two new Writing Awards are now open until the 3rd of December, where two separate polls will be posted on the 4th of December for the two award categories and their nominated scenes respectively.

This time the awards are these:

This is dedicated to a writer who mines Stark Trek canon for technical or cultural details, or built an species that truly stand out in originality. To read posts from this writer is to feel as if one is walking in the shoes of a real person in the Star Trek universe. Details should have long-lasting effects on the Theurgy story as a whole.

This award is bestowed on a writer who demonstrated extraordinary character development and depth of writing. The character's plot goals are long-term with life-altering changes.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Science & Soul | Award Nominations

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2439

I just wanted to say congrats to Auctor, Summerdawn, Kaligos, and Nolan.

You guys did awesome in those scenes and I tip my cap you you, even if my initial reaction was to say something like this -

(I am just being funny with this and in no way wish to imply I am upset or anything like that. There will be other awards and I don't write to win awards, I write for the love of the praise I get for writing! (that was also a joke) )

Anyway, sorry for the long delays between my posts. I don't have an excuse other than I am slow and I am trying to only do posts when I have it in me and not force myself to do them. So it takes me forever, sorry.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2440
Congratulations to my fellow writers who won. You've all deserved it!
Also thank you for all those who have voted on us.

On another note, posting on my end might slow down as I'm planning to move to a new apartment in the next coming days. My provider for internet and television can't keep up, so I might be off desktop internet for a week or two. I'll check in with mobile, but expect delays nevertheless.


Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2442
Congratulations to you all! You're an inspiration to the rest of us! :D

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2443

Today, @Hastata-Nerada should be proud to reveal his new contribution to our story, namely the Kataan species!

>> Link to the Species Page

A submission of excellent quality, and perhaps foreshadowing the appearance of a character of this species further down the line. Thank you so much for the time and research you put into the creation of the Kataan, and for wanting them added to our site.

I hope you all will all enjoy the reading, because they are well worth the time. :)


A final reminder that the deadline for nominations closes today. These are the awards:

This is dedicated to a writer who mines Stark Trek canon for technical or cultural details, or built an species that truly stand out in originality. To read posts from this writer is to feel as if one is walking in the shoes of a real person in the Star Trek universe. Details should have long-lasting effects on the Theurgy story as a whole.

This award is bestowed on a writer who demonstrated extraordinary character development and depth of writing. The character's plot goals are long-term with life-altering changes.

Here is the thread where you post your nominations:

Science & Soul | Award Nominations

You may also submit your nominations anonymously via PM to me. I look forward to read your nominations!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2444
I want to apologize to all those who have been waiting so patently for replies from me.  The past few weeks have been particularly difficult with work going into an overdrive for the impending holidays (we shut down for half a week for Thanksgiving then a full week for Christmas-New Years so everything that would normally be done then has to be done ahead of time).  This has been compounded by the end of DST, which completely threw my pattern off (I've caught myself falling asleep around dinnertime the past few weeks).

Thankfully I've managed to get my feet back under me along those fronts, so I'll be able to start posting more regularly again.  I'll do my best to catch up as quickly as I can, my plan is to focus on the longest-waiting threads first, and work my way up through the list.

If anyone needs me to reply by a certain time give me a poke and let me know, college taught me that deadlines are a great way to get my creative juices flowing. ^^

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2445

Hello Theurgists! Thank you to those who took their time to make nominations in the Researcher's Medal and Depth of Character award categories. Now, the nomination time has expired, and two polls have been posted, one for each award category:

Researcher's Medal Award Poll 2017

Depth of Character Award Poll 2017

The polls will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their votes should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Researcher's Medal or Depth of Character award respectively. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on yourself, but you are free to vote on your fellow competitors.

Thank you in advance for your voting in these award categories!

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2446

Today, I am posting a fresh story overview here in the Main OOC thread, so that we are all on the same page about who is next to post where. Posting frequency is still quite low, and the Random Encounters are still not taking off as they should, so I hope we can all get things rolling again. Remember that the Random Encounters can happen on Day 02 as well, of course.

Because of the lull in posting, I will have to end the Interregnum prematurely, and kick things off along the lines of the Story Workshop result with a new Episode that will feature the Asurians, the Sheromi and Task Force Archeron, doing that story as an Episode instead of sub-plots in this Interregnum. The new idea is that Episode 05 starts off right after the Away Mission ends, sometime around 1500 hrs. on Day 03.

So, stay tuned for more information on this, and just to be clear, those who wish to keep writing in the Interregnum can still do that since a lot of Day 02's late evening and the first half of Day 03 remains unwritten. The story must, however, go on to inspire new development. :)


Currently, we are writing in Day 02 and 03 of the Interregnum, with Day 01 off limits for posting new thread starters. The Sabine Away Mission has begun on Day 03. You may post starters on Day 03 up until 1400 hrs., which is concurrent with when the Sabine Away Mission has ended and they - at the earliest - might have gotten back to the Theurgy. So, here are the posting rules for the Interregnum at the moment:
  • Day 01 was the same day as the Battle of Starbase 84. No new threads are allowed to be made during Day 01 any more. So, Day 01 is off limits for new threads.
  • The latest point at which threads can be started on Day 03 is 1400 hrs.
  • Day 03 is off limits as of later than 1400 hrs. for the time being. You may post starters set before then (only not on Day 01)

Exceptions to these rules are made by me, so please feel free to PM me if you are in dire need to get something done on Day 01, for example. Lastly, we have a common way of naming new threads. The naming convention is, in short, simply this:

Day XX [XXXX hrs.] Insert Title Of New Thread

In the below lists, you'll see where we're at right now. The threads are in chronological order, and links to click.

DAY 01

Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Focal Point - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] Loose Ends - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The Last Lone Wolves - Finished!
Day 01 [1600 hrs.] The New Pack - Finished!
Day 01 [1630 hrs.] Strength in Unity - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Loose Gears - Finished!
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Two Stray Threads Next poster: Kaligos
Day 01 [1700 hrs.] Washing Away the Memories - Finished!
Day 01 [1715 hrs.] Sar-unga Grieving - Finished!
Day 01 [1830 hrs.] Seeds of Malefaction - Finished!
Day 01 [1900 hrs.] Nebula Entry - Finished!
Day 01 [1910 hrs.] Defrosting - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] A Doctor's Mechanic - Finished!
Day 01 [1930 hrs.] Fanatical Interests - Finished!
Day 01 [2000 hrs.] Colorful Confluence - Finished!
Day 01 [2030 hrs.] Meeting of Minds - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Drinking Yourself Blind
- Next poster by Table: 1) DocReno 2) Brutus 3) Arista
- Next poster by Bar: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Steelphoenix 3) Kaligos
- Lower Shuttle Bay: 1) Even Angels Cry 2) Auctor Lucan 
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Wolves Need Wings - Finished!
Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Your New Roomate - Finished!
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] Intentions & Aftereffects Next poster: 1) Kaligos 2) Triage
Day 01 [2230 hrs.] What Goes Around... - Finished!
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] A Late Night Thank You Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 01 [2300 hrs.] Where There is Smoke... - Finished!
Day 01 [2315 hrs.] Depth of Guilt - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] A Lost Voice - Finished!
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Beauty and the Beast Next poster: Triage
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] Making a Splash Next poster: SummerDawn
Day 01 [2330 hrs.] To Absent Friends - Finished!
Day 01 [2355 hrs.] Just Want To Sleep - Finished!
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Late Night Talk Next poster: Havenborn
Day 01 [2400 hrs.] Passing On The Torch - Finished!

DAY 02

Day 02 [0005 hrs.] The Blues Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [0007 hrs] Rally & Riposte - Finished!
Day 02 [0020 hrs.] Brief Respite Next poster: Zenozine
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Hidden Messages - Finished!
Day 02 [0530 hrs.] Steamed Therapy - Finished!
Day 02 [0730 hrs.] Morning Stretch Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict - Finished!
Day 02 [0920 hrs.] Came for the Pets, Stayed for the Friendship Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Poisonous Effects - Finished!
Day 02 [0930 hrs.] Thorny Redemption Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1000 hrs.] Senior Staff Announcement - Finished!
Day 02 [1015 hrs.] Alive - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Once Upon a Time, I Dreamt I Was a Butterfly... - Finished!
Day 02 [1030 hrs.] Touching Base Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1100 hrs.] The Wrath of Time - Finished!
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Herbal Therapy Next poster: Absinthe
Day 02 [1130 hrs.] Social Visit to the Lost - Finished!
Day 02 [1200 hrs.] New Department Head Speeches Next poster: chXinya
Day 02 [1225 hrs.] New Quarters of the Rising Sun - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] Cultural Misunderstandings - Finished!
Day 02 [1230 hrs.] New meets Old Next poster: 1) Jm Von Cat 2) chXinya 3) Auctor Lucan (finishes the thread)
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] A Bird Made of Wax Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Fluid Dynamics - Finished!
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] Garden Greenery Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1300 hrs.] An Unusual Asset - Finished!
Day 02 [1315 hrs.] Though I Walk Through the Valley of the Shadow - Finished!
Day 02 [1330 hrs.] First Impressions Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [1345 hrs] Sword of Damocles Next poster: 1) Nolan 2) Hastata-Nerada (switching to Morali's location) 3) Brutus
Day 02 [1345 hrs.] Vivisection of Kludge Next poster: Nolan
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Continuing Education - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Everything Old - Finished!
Day 02 [1400 hrs.] Just Checking In Next poster: FollowTomorrow
Day 02 [1415 hrs.] Putting Her Back Together
- Next poster Nebula: 1) Kaligos 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Even Angels Cry (Last post)
- Next poster Bridge: 1) Brutus 2) Auctor Lucan (Last post)
- Next poster Vector 02: 1) TrexelCat 2) FollowTomorrow 3) Auctor Lucan (Last post)
- Next poster Torpedo Dismantling: 1) Kaligos 2) Doc M. (Last post)
Day 02 [1430 hrs.] EVE Program AK-1 DMSA-656 - Finished!
Day 02 [1450 hrs.] Wakey Wakey Next poster: Josie (Finished?)
Day 02 [1500 hrs.] Koreans, Coffee, and Chit Chat - Finished!
Day 02 [1530 hrs.] Particular Preliminary Prescriptions Next poster: TrexelCat (Finished?)
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Into the Wild Blue Yonder - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Serendipity and Vicissitude - Finished!
Day 02 [1600 hrs.] Of Valkyries & Valravns
- Pilots talk: 1) Josie (in reply to Doc M.) 2) Doc M. 3) Triage 4) Even Angels Cry (Everyone wrap this one?)
- Mech talk: 1) Havenborn 2) Blue Zephyr (Is this scene a go?)
Day 02 [1620 hrs.] Grindstone Next poster: Brutus
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Fighting with the Devil - Finished!
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Big Mouth Beatdown Next poster: 1) Brutus 2) Arista 3) Triage
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] Connecting the Dots Next poster: 1) Striker N7 2) SummerDawn 3) Steelphoenix
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] New Life Next poster: 1) chXinya 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Triage
Day 02 [1700 hrs.] To Choose Wisely or Poorly Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] End of the Day Next poster: Kaligos
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Movies and Memories - Finished!
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Patrol Guidelines Clearly State! Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] To Weaponize Light Next poster: Steelphoenix
Day 02 [1800 hrs.] Whose Coming to Dinner? Next poster: Brutus (Edit last post to end the scene)
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] An Unorthodox Session Next poster: TrexelCat
Day 02 [1830 hrs.] Size Matters Next poster: Hastata-Nerada
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Flight Tests Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Precarious Parlay - Finished!
Day 02 [1900 hrs.] Standing in Motion
- By the Bar: 1) Zenozine 2) Steelphoenix 3) Hastata-Nerada
- By the Table: 1) SummerDawn 2) Auctor Lucan
Day 02 [1930 hrs.] In Memory of When We Used to call "In Love" - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Checking Up, In, & Out - Finished!
Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Next poster: Triage
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] A Long, Hard Day Next poster: CanadianVet
Day 02 [2100 hrs.] Painters 'R Us Next poster: Josie
Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa Next poster: Nolan

DAY 03

Day 03 [0530 hrs.] Fresh Wounds Next poster: TopHat
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Breakfast of Champions Next poster: Striker N7
Day 03 [0600 hrs.] Morning of the Kissogram - Finished!
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] Seeking Hope | Away-Mission Next poster: Free Banter PO (Finished?)
Day 03 [0700 hrs.] A CAPital conversation Next poster: Even Angels Cry
Day 03 [0700 hrs] Tensions Rising Next poster: chXinya
Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech Next poster: Kaligos
Day 03 [0900 hrs.] True by Untruth Next poster: The Counselor
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Mind Darkly Next poster: Steelphoenix
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Mysteries & Appointments Next poster: Kaligos
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] The Coreless Moon | Away-Mission
- SuD Lang Command Center: 1) Auctor Lucan 2) Kaligos
- Dilitium Storage & Mining Ops: 1) Striker N7 2) Auctor Lucan
- Ruins of the Lightborn: 1) CanadianVet 2) Triage 3) Doc M.
Day 03 [1000 hrs.] Zoom-Zoom | Away-Mission
- Hakkarl Bridge/Nebula: 1) Havenborn 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Josie
- Hakkarl Ready Room: 1) Blue Zephyr 2) Auctor Lucan
Day 03 [1015hrs.] Letter and Spirit Next poster: Nolan
Day 03 [1300 hrs.] Facultas Conveniendi Next poster: Brutus
Day 03 [1400 hrs.] AC-477 Valravn Flight Test Next poster: Blue Zephyr


Deleted Scene: Razor's Log: Crashed and Marooned Next poster: Nolan
Deleted Scene: Off Duty Hours  Next poster: 1) DocReno 2) Auctor Lucan 3) Even Angels Cry

That's where we are at right now. :)


Here is the result of the random encounters for Day 02 or 03 (up until 1400 hrs.)!

The two writers that have been paired need to figure out a way to do it, and the third column will suggest a location for the two characters to meet. The writer with a character in the left column is the one who posts the starter. I have taken the liberty to cross out the threads already started with green lines, and used yellow for scenes where the writers have expressed wishes to forego the scene due to different reasons. Either the scene has already happened, one or two writers are overburdened, a member has left or a character is in no state to see anyone (injured/dead/stasis/etc.)

If anyone wants to cross out more scenes on this list, feel free to contact me! These encounters are not meant to be mandatory, but a fun thing, so please don't feel forced into anythig, lol.

Best Regards,

Auctor Lucan

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2447
Don't forget that December is the big holiday month.  I suspect that posting is going to be sluggish until January.

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2448
Update to the writers involved with my merry bunch of characters.
I'm hoping to resume posting somewhere next week as my move is getting finalized. If internet and the sorts are decently and steadily hooked up I should be able to find some time to get some actual posting done.
Hope to hear from you all and I'm looking forward to read up on the various threads!

Re: Main OOC Thread

Reply #2449

I might tinker some more with it, but it's finished for the evening, and I hope you like it. :)

More information:

First six chapters chalked up for Episode 05: Protectors of Truth. Prologue and Chapter 1 synopsis finished too. Those two will be in the first phase of the Episode. Chapters 2 to 5 will be the second phase, posted simultaneously. So, to begin with, there will be 2 threads, and then, when those have run their course, there will be 4 new ones.



Auctor Lucan

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