Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift August 12, 2017, 12:45:39 AM Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift[ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage[Show/Hide]Morgan stood idly in the turbolift as it hummed around him. He always liked the sound, and took pride in it. Nothing beat good old Luna engineering when it came to gravity, and he himself had personally attuned several similar devices. And like many others from Luna, he took pride in his work. Selenites had produced engineers for Earth and the Federation for generations, and the tradition continued to this day. Morgan hoped so at any rate. He shifted his weight and lifted up a PADD with a complex prose displayed upon its sable screen. “The Forbidden Garden, by Daniel Irons” read at the top of the screen. It was a new copy that he had downloaded, one he hadn’t had the chance to read yet. A thrilling romance between a couple of Shamin merchants, sure to be a good read and thus far it had not disappointed. He flipped to the next selection, with the PADD now displaying “The Man Who Married the Moon: A Collection of Modernized Lunar Folk Tales”. This one had grabbed his interest, being a Selenite himself, but for now, it was time to read of gardens and forbidden love. Morgan flipped back to the book about the Shamin and resumed his reading. He smiled and glanced around at the empty turbolift just to make sure. It seemed he had just gotten to one of the good parts. Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 12:46:37 AM by Hastata-Nerada 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #1 – August 12, 2017, 08:16:21 PM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]As far as days went, this probably counted as fairly long, not to mention high-stress. The trend bothered Sinead O'Riley a fair bit, as she knew better than anyone the dangers of her being exposed to too much of it. Combat was the likeliest way for her to lose control of whatever it was in her that caused her to black out and begin killing anyone and everyone. How she avoided discovery while on the Resolve was sheer miracle and supreme luck. Maybe there was something to the so-called luck of the Irish. But would it count for her when she was a descendant of a colony three centuries apart from Earth?Fresh from a battle on the Starbase, to witnessing the destruction of a ship that had been her home for three long, long years, to being assigned back to Engineering aboard the ship she long dreamed of serving on, only to discover that the ship and its entire crew was on the run from the Federation she served, and by being aboard the ship, helping in any way, made her a traitor to Starfleet as well. If she were Danilo Odell, she would wager she earned herself a drink. But O'Riley, while a fine brewer, had no taste or liking for alcoholic beverages herself to begin with. After the time spent with Vulcans on their homeworld, she had long since found better and more beneficial ways to relax and unwind.At present however, she was more inclined to explore the vessel, once she changed and fixed up her optical protector. It was starting to let in more light, almost blinding her a few times, and she found herself squinting at times even with it on. She finally took them off and did her best not to squint at the excessive light. Waiting at the turbolift, she studied her goggles, trying to see what went wrong with it. Possibly had something to do with repeat droppings or violent contact.When the turbolift doors opened, there was a man inside. “Hi,” said O'Riley before she realized she wasn't being greeted or even noticed. Saying no more and giving him no further attention as she entered, she considered where she wanted to go, and turned around to watch the door hiss shut. She ultimately said nothing, opting to let the lift take her anywhere. Well she ought to head for her quarters first, but she could afford to forego that. Despite wanting to leave the man alone, she found her eyes drifting towards him, and whatever he was looking at on that PADD. 1 Likes Liked by: Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #2 – August 15, 2017, 01:34:39 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks| USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]The PADD was open to the book, right at a part that was starting to get what some might call spicy. “He looked deep into the moonlit pools of her eyes, as she gazed up at him, together swathed in each other’s arms.” it read, “She smiled, and leaned up to whisper, ‘take-” It was at that moment that Morgan became consciously aware that there was another individual in direct visual range of his PADD. “Oh! Hi, whoa, you almost made me drop my PADD.” he hastily pressed his PADD against his chest as he awkwardly made a futile attempt to conceal its contents. “Hi, sorry, I didn’t see you there. Are you new? I haven’t really seen you around.” he said, as he coolly played off the situation. “I’m Morgan, Morgan Song in particular, I only just got woken up from stasis, so I’ve missed a few things.” He hoped his usual casual yet deadpan exterior would keep his embarrassment hidden, but at this point he basically had no control over his life anymore, so he guessed anything went really. He hoped he hadn’t made himself look like too much of a fool, especially before someone as attractive as the woman who stood before him. His thoughts did falter slightly though, as a slight clanking noise seemed to emanate from behind the wall of the lift. As quickly as it started, it stopped, but Morgan was still concerned. “That’s strange…” he noted. Was the lift about to fail? It had better not, he didn’t really need for some technological clusterfuck of ineptitude to happen at the moment. 1 Likes Liked by: Brutus
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #3 – August 15, 2017, 08:25:08 PM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]Her brow wrinkled and pressed together as she regarded his baffling response to her simple greeting. Recalling what she saw earlier as she stepped into the turbolift, the man had been deeply engrossed in whatever was on that PADD. Now his defensive behaviour, dialogue and the way he was protectively clutching to the PADD made it clear to her that he did not want her to see what was on it. Naturally, she became curious, and slightly suspicious. All things considered, vigilance and even paranoia might be warranted after her personal experiences on the Resolve, plus what happened earlier today, as well as the briefing that had been given yesterday had the auburn-haired Bringloidi on edge.Without being subtle about it, she studied Song from head to toe, her gaze lingering on that PADD, with a hint of suspicion showing on her face, before returning to a bland expression. Having completed a personal analysis of the oriental man's build and capabilities (by estimate), O'Riley raised her sky-blue eyes up to his. He was very tall, especially compared to her, and visually pleasing. But until she knew what was on that PADD and why he was being unnecessarily evasive, she saw nothing except a potential threat, and she considered his reaction time and tactics if she were to aim for his jugular, followed by a swift knee to the groin, quick jab into side, and an elbow to the back of the neck. She supposed she would find out if he was a danger to her and the crew.“Hello Morgan Song,” said O'Riley calmly, in her usual lilting tone and Irish accent, “My name is Sinead O'Riley, lieutenant junior grade, and yes, I am new. I was stationed on the U.S.S. Resolve, which got lost beyond the Romulan Neutral Zone for the last three years. How could you not see me where I stand though? I made no attempts at stealth in my approach.” She paused a moment, clasping her hands behind her back, completely at ease, but limbs loose and ready to move with lightning speed if needed. “Can I ask you what is written on the PADD that you are trying particularly hard to prevent me from seeing? Your nervous disposition and attempts to distract me by idle conversation causes me some degree of wariness.”Though the last part of her sentence carried some weight in seriousness, her face remained open and friendly, even with a small hint of a smile playing on her lips. He was free to decline answering of course, but that would only make her more suspicious and watchful. Perhaps lodge a report even.All thoughts of that was distracted by a different concern when she too heard the sound that drew Song's attention. Gazing intently at the wall section, she said without looking at the man, “Indeed. How familiar are you with the extent of the damage to the ship after the last battle?”While awaiting his answer, she leaned her ear directly against the wall, to see if she can pick up any more strange noises. Which she did. But it was very low, and she wasn't sure any longer if it was abnormal or normal. 2 Likes Liked by: Brutus, Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #4 – August 17, 2017, 06:54:09 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks| USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]Morgan paused and listened for the noise again. “I’m not too familiar… Well, I am somewhat, but I just woke up and I wasn’t really present from the battle.” Shoot shoot shoot, she didn’t buy the casual- Morgan had to stop as to get his thoughts off of the matter of the PADD incident. He turned and ran his hand up the wall, and concentrated as he felt the vibrations run up and down. “Well… it shouldn’t be too bad, luckily this ship was built at Luna and if I know anything from being from there myself then this-” Right as he said that there was a metallic snapping noise, like the sound of how one might expect a structural beam giving out to sound like. “-is… going… to hold up. Uh…” He paused, and listened for more signs of noise. “Huh, I guess it’s fine.” he concluded. “Anyway, sorry about my ah… reaction there.” he said, now that the danger appeared to have abated. “It was kind of a private book, and I don’t know how much you read, but you could probably see why I didn’t exactly want anyone peeking in, right?” The scene had been pretty intimate, but honestly he had already embarrassed himself enough, so what was a little more going to do? He paused again when he felt a slight shudder beneath his feet and mumbled something about notifying O'Connell about the turbolifts. 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #5 – August 17, 2017, 06:28:06 PM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]Strangely glittering deep blue eyes studied the tall oriental man with keen interest as he spoke. She deduced that he was still in a state of reacclimating to things. By "just woke up" she guessed he had been in a coma for some time. Even in this day and age, depending on how long he had been in a coma, numerous health complications could arise, and the heart would be particularly vulnerable. Perhaps it would be best if she didn't do anything shocking or sudden in his presence. She did not want to be responsible for him developing medically worrisome heart palpitation complications.Giving the man a mild nod as he spoke about the Theurgy, and the shipyard that produced her. By his height, she guessed that Song was probably from the lunar colonies himself, and when she heard that strange metallic snap, a sound she had heard a few times herself having been on ships that underwent strenuous and deadly combat, her eyes briefly widened, then narrowed back to its usual size, with her eyebrows rising as she wordlessly regarded him. Casting a glance at the walls where the sound was heard, she considered his opinion of it being fine, and then said, “Perhaps, so long as nothing else gives way...especially while we are in it.”Ah, so that was what was on that PADD. Her entire posture began to relax. Humans outside of Bringloidi culture were sometimes rather strange to her. They could be so shy about these sort of things, though sometimes if they were told by how open she was on it, they would become more comfortable and not be so uptight themselves. Ironic, considering that was how she was sometimes described to be. “So it is an erotic novel you are reading,” said O'Riley, “if it helps you relax, there is no need to be shy about it. I am a Bringloidi, so you will pardon me if I sound so forward or shameless, but I see no need to be embarrassed about copulation. It is only natural and biological.”When the turbolift shuddered, though mildly, O'Riley finally let some of her self-control slip, and worry showed on her face, her brow knitting together and those keen blue eyes looked around. “If that snapping sound and the shudder were separate and apart by minutes to hours, I would not find it of such great concern,” said O'Riley, “but they are not. We were running some diagnostics on Vector two earlier and found tha...” another shudder, more staggering this time, followed by an even louder metallic grinding and groaning noise almost knocked the petite woman off-balance. Even so, she had reached out to balance against Song for a moment, then she shook her head, “We need to notify O'Connell now.” Indicating she had heard Song's mumblings well enough.Tapping her combadge, she said, “O'Riley to O'Connell. O'Riley to O'Connell.”Tapping it again, she frowned when she realized that nothing was getting through, nor was there any sound whatsoever. Stepping over to the turbolift's com switch, she tried that, and was met with silence. Forgetting she could tell the turbolift to stop, she turned and studied the wall panel, looking for a emergency stop button, before remembering that she had voice-command, “Computer, stop turbolift...Computer...stop appears nothing is working. What is your specialty?” She gazed at his uniform markings, and hoped he was a turbolift engineer specialist. That would be very fortunate, but her luck seldom worked that well. 2 Likes Liked by: Brutus, Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #6 – August 18, 2017, 04:20:00 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]Ironically, Morgan’s heart was a robust implantation, something which he had to get used to the idea of. The idea that he no longer had a real heart anymore. But if he had a real heart, it would have skipped a few beats when Sinead cut right to the chase. He thanked Luna that nobody else was in the lift with them, because while she was spot on, his cheeks almost reddened when she said it. The fact that she was so open about her viewpoint as a Bringloidi didn’t help either, as his feelings towards her grew ever more conflicted. A part of him wished that they could grab each other and recreate the scene he had been reading right then and there, but another part of him, the louder part, told him to cut that train of thought immediately, as it was not right to fantasize about someone standing right next to him. But at the same time… No, no, he shouldn’t. A lurch in the lift wrenched his mind away, and caused him to lose his balance. Time seemed to slow slightly as he watched his PADD clatter to the floor, the contents proudly displayed upon its onyx surface. Morgan wholeheartedly agreed with Sinead, O’Connell needed to be notified immediately, but for some reason her combadge didn’t seem to work. Morgan tapped his own badge. “Song to O’Connell, Song to O’Connell…” But no response came to his calling. He looked up at Sinead. “I think something might be wrong with the lift.” he said, after she tried to order it to halt. “As far as my specialty, I do maintenance and general engineering a lot, I installed maglev units for lifts like these a few times if that helps. I don’t know if I can work on it while, we’re moving-”The world turned upside down for Morgan. Backing up he might have been able to pick up on the fact that the lift dropped very suddenly, lifting its occupants into the air, before slamming into place, a duranium beam impaling the lift as the elevator slammed to a stop. Debris fell from the ceiling as the entire structure compressed slightly like a tin can getting crushed. The entire process occurred over seconds, yet made a tremendous noise, and screeching of metal rang out like a damned chorus. Just as soon as it was over, the lights finally gave out, and the lift was thrown into a dim light. Morgan’s head rang as he tried to re-orient himself. He found himself lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, a totally neutral expression on his face. “Huh.” He said, simply. 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #7 – August 18, 2017, 07:53:56 PM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]She watched him as carefully as she could afford to whilst keeping tabs on anything else going wrong in the turbolift. Her eyes shifted to the PADD on the ground however, when curiosity got the better of her, and she quickly scanned what she could of its contents without bending down to pick up and read in better detail. It only affirmed what he admitted to her, so she was satisfied with that. Erotic novels held little interest to her since she was generally quite familiar with the real deal, and she could probably teach the authors a thing or two anyway.“Agreed,” said O'Riley, “it also appears to be interfering with our communicators. You may very well have to try something rather unusual if it continues to break-GAH!”O'Riley experienced a moment of seeming weightlessness, followed immediately by the feeling of increased gravity, and the very painful sensation of her face introducing itself aggressively to the floor. Stifling a groan, she suddenly found she didn't feel any strain in her eyes any longer, and the reason for that was because the main lights had given out, and she could now see things normally. It still looked bright and clear for her, while she suspected people like Song would find it rather dim. But this also meant he'd get to see her more unusual aspect, mainly the silvery glow of her pupils, apparent only when the lighting was dim or there was no light at all.Looking away for a moment, worried what this event was doing to the man's heart, she searched unnecessarily for her optic protectors while saying, “I do hope you are familiar with Bringloidi eyes glowing in the dark.” Slowly, she turned to look at the tall man, allowing him to see her glowing eyes, before turning her attentions to his body, searching for signs of injury. Taking his hand and placing her fingers to his wrist, she checked his pulse while asking, “Are you hurt? Can you move? Your pulse is elevated. That is to be expected, but how is your heart rate?”Uninvited, she placed a palm flat against his chest, trying to feel his heartbeat. 2 Likes Liked by: Brutus, Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #8 – August 19, 2017, 12:34:30 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]Morgan spent some time contemplating his current life situation before he became aware of the hand touching his chest. His artificial heart’s rhythmic beating quickened, causing his pulse to really race. He slowly sat up, ignoring the remaining aches that originated from him waking up from stasis earlier that day and being very violently acquainted with the floor of the turbolift. He groaned a bit as he sat up, not bothering to remove the hand from his chest. “Yeah, I can move. The heartbeat is going to feel weird, I just got it implanted earlier today.” He looked up and raised an eyebrow when he saw her eyes. This came to him as a surprise, to be sure. He had never seen such a thing before. Well… once, in a cold and dark place, where he swore never to set foot again, he had seen such a sight. In that cold and dark pit there had been a… person? Creature? Thing? He wasn’t sure, but it had offered him food and he never saw it after that. Yet all he had to say in response was, “Huh, neat eyes.” He had heard of the Bringloidi at least, one of the lost colonies of humanity. “Anyway,” he continued, “I’m fine, what about you though, how are you doing?” He glanced to the side, and noticed his PADD lying on the floor beside him. He quickly snatched it up and laid it back upon the floor face down. 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #9 – August 21, 2017, 08:13:22 PM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]Concentrating, the auburn-haired woman struggled to fathom his heartbeat, as it made little to no sense to her. It wasn't regular, nor was it soft. It was strong, but accelerated. She frowned, becoming more concerned for the man. If complications arose now, his life was at great risk. She knew first aid and field medic practices thanks to her years in combat and warfare, but she was no doctor by any means. She was just about to call out loudly for the ship's artificial intelligence when Song groaned and slowly began to sit up. Keeping her hand on his chest more out of disregard than anything else at that point, she nodded as the news was revealed to her.“An artificial heart, now it makes sense,” said O'Riley, understanding his erratic heartbeat. She let him get a good look at her eyes, and waited to see his overall reaction. Only one eyebrow arched, she observed, and took it as a good sign. Since her vision was so clear in the dark, she could make out even his microexpressions, though given the current situation, she wasn't paying full attention to every aspect of it. “Thank you.” was her reply to his compliment of her eyes. It wasn't all he had thought about when he saw them, but saying anything about it would be presumptuous.When he asked about her condition, she immediately did a quick check, placing her hands on herself wherever she felt aches and pains, there were quite a few, and she turned her head to visibly observe him flipping his PADD over to prevent its contents from being viewed. She frowned at that action again, finding it so odd. Why was he so shy about it? Was it a sin to read it or a forbidden pleasure in his culture? After feeling a throbbing pain on the side of her left breast, she nodded, “I have multiple bruises and lacerations on most of the front of my body and face, nothing particularly debilitating,” said the woman, “why are you so embarrassed about your erotic novel that you are trying to hide it from view? I have already seen the available content earlier. It is not particularly exciting compared to actual copulation, and besides, I believe I can offer the author better insight on the material with my experience. Excuse my forwardness, please let me know immediately if it bothers you.” 1 Likes Liked by: Brutus
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #10 – August 26, 2017, 04:44:33 PM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]Embarrassment flooded Morgan and he looked down in shame. “I… Truthfully I was expecting to be subtle about it, and… Honestly your forwardness is… well…” Like it or not, Morgan felt that there was no true way for him to be able to handle this elegantly. Sinead vexed him. She was so forward and didn’t mess around when she spoke. She knew what she wanted to accomplish and she did it, and those lovely Irish-sounding vowels did nothing to make them less appealing to Morgan. He sighed and ran his fingers through his short-cut hair. “Your forwardness is pretty uh… Pretty hot. And so are you, and it only serves to increase that and… Yeah. I guess I’m a bit embarrassed about the whole affair, both my novel and how I’ve been feeling about you, much as it pains me to admit it.” He braced his feelings for inevitable backlash at what he just said. The dim lights in the turbolift made it hard to see much of anything beside Sinead’s eyes, and as such her expression was wholly lost to him. He attempted to keep himself passive on the outside, and replaced any expression he had with one of neutral understanding in a desperate attempt to play off what had just happened. Memories of his NCO training years resurfaced, when he had been a nervous wreck, always obsessed with what should have been minor anxieties and half the boys and girls he had passed sent him into flustered tremors where he was barely even able to form a thought from all the butterflies in his stomach. Did he look like that now? Did he seem like some stammering cadet who could barely hold himself together? Morgan hoped he didn’t. It had been years since he had been like that, had stasis interrupted his brain functions this badly? He managed to regain his composure just in time to speak again in an attempt to save himself. “Or, well, you know, that’s what’s been bothering me anyway, sorry about that. I’ve been acting like a damn fool.” He said, as he scooped up his PADD and propped of up on his knee. “Hopefully we can move on from this and avoid some kind of self-fulfilling ouroboros of self-destruction.” 1 Likes Liked by: Brutus
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #11 – August 29, 2017, 10:29:57 PM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]She regarded him with a look, considering his words with all available neutrality, and keeping her expressions even, not to be difficult to read, but simply because it was better to deal with things with a calm, even-tempered mind. Before she had embraced the teachings of Surak, she was quite an emotional wrecking ball that probably would have made Meony look sane in comparison. She arched her eyebrows when he began to address her forwardness, and she waited to see his verdict. Some found it irritating or even dangerous; some liked it or at least appreciated it.Her eyes widened at his admission that he found her honesty to be hot. It took her a moment to grasp the meaning to be aside from the actual ambient temperature. She finally smiled though, when he began to be absolutely honest with her as well. It always made things easier and better to be downright honest. She couldn't grasp the need for secrecy or dishonesty, and often thought it just made things worse. She could see the man was trying to compose himself much like she often was. But his pulse worked and beat rapidly, telling her he was less composed than he was trying to look. But she also understood that calling people out wasn't always going to end well, so she chose not to say anything about it.But at his last statement, she placed a palm on his knee nearest to her, “I do not think you are a 'damn fool',” said O'Riley, “I think candor is a very attractive quality in a man. It means he is not afraid of himself.”Tugging lightly at her sleeve as she straightened up, she added, “I find you very attractive as well. Your build is supple and strong, and you have a striking countenance as well as height. You will make a very suitable mat...” the lift rumbled and groaned as it lurched another foot or more. Barely keeping her balance, O'Riley remained in a sitting position, but slowly glanced up, studying the structure, and estimating the damage, “Perhaps we had best find a way to leave this turbolift intact first,” said the woman calmly, “I can see a possible hairline fracture along one side of the ceiling.” 1 Likes Liked by: Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #12 – September 02, 2017, 02:43:45 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] [Show/Hide]Morgan felt strange. Was he being appraised? When the woman he shared the lift with said he was attractive, whatever had been on Morgan's mind just stuttered to a halt - as if the electrical synapses in his brain had short-circuited too. What was her intentions by saying that? From experience, Morgan had found that most people, even if it was a broad generalization, didn't speak so plainly about such topics. They would not just flatter someone without only telling a part of it. So he was like strikingly tall a deer caught in the headlights of a hover car, frozen at the implication of what might come next from her.Then, however, the lift lurched, and the momentary spell was broken. He glanced around, snapped from his temporary spell. A fracture at the top of the lift, that was their way out! “Uh… Right…” Morgan said slowly. He glanced around and his eyes alighted upon a girder jutting through the floor of the impaled lift, something which could serve as a cursory, but still serviceable method of lifting Morgan to the fracture in the ceiling. He tested his weight on the girder. It seemed to hold, for now at least. As he walked up to the precarious tip of the metallic pathway, he felt like nothing more than a brazen idiot, putting his life on the line. Regardless, he reached out and managed to just brush the fracture with his fingertips. So close was it, like a tantalizing prize just out of reach. Morgan sighed in resignation. “I can’t… quite… reach it…” He grunted, as every muscle in his body strained to reach the crack in the surface above him. He gave a sigh and let his arm fall limp, stepping off the platform and away from his now abandoned quarry. “Okay, well that didn't work out, maybe I can try to access the lift’s internal motors and maybe get a lift to the next deck up?” 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #13 – September 06, 2017, 01:10:22 AM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]It seemed her ability to stun people with her words, or rather, her absolute forwardness and honesty, had yet to fail. Though she had spent a good twelve years away from Mariposa amongst other beings in the Federation, it still baffled her how people got flustered by her complete lack of subtlety or her inability to tell a lie. Her near-eidetic memory or analytical acumen rarely factored into their considerations. Thusly, she didn't feel amused or the opposite, but simple acceptance of the fact that Song likely would continue to be flustered everytime she spoke to him. She decided perhaps it would be best to say less around him lest she shock him at a bad time or distract him. That would be of little benefit to her or anyone else.Whatever he might have chosen to say to her was forestalled by their predicament of being trapped in a turbolift that was taking damage. For all intents and purposes, this turbolift would need serious overhauling before it could be used again. Though by O'Riley's reckoning, between her and Song, they could fix the lift with the appropriate resources and a safer work zone. She quietly moved aside when Song used a girder as leverage to try and reach the fracture in the ceiling above. She had already estimated the man's height along with the reach that the girder gave and knew he wouldn't be able to reach it. She frowned as she wondered why he didn't consider using her in this endeavour. Together they most certainly could reach it.Of course, perhaps her initial forwardness was so off-putting to him that he wanted to avoid any form of physical contact with her. That would influence his judgment.Federation men were so unnecessarily complicated.But since he had an alternative plan, she turned and went to a small panel that would have given access to the internal motors...if it wasn't burning hot and covered by sparking wires that made her squint whenever it flared. She sighed and folded her arms beneath her breasts, turning to look back at the much taller man. She came up to his chest at her full height, but she made some deductions and realized that she was very likely about to make more awkward suggestions to him to help get them out of this lift. “The ceiling appears to be our only way out, Morgan Song. You will need to prise it open and then climb up,” She raised her eyes to gaze intently at the ceiling, then at the girder, “even with your significant height, you will not be able to sufficiently reach without my help. Something you have already realized, I am sure.”Moving with feline grace, she gingerly climbed the girder and looked down at it consideringly. Individually, their weight could be taken, but if combined? She wasn't all that heavy, but perhaps the girder would be unnecessary with the added height of the two of them. But now for the part that Song would probably find weird. Best if she told him why. “If we join up our combined height, we will be able to accomplish our task. Now I will carry you, and you...” she looked at him, wondering if he would suggest he carried her instead, on his shoulders, while she tried to force open the ceiling. She forestalled any protest, pointing upwards, “...I suggest this because it is easier for me to bear your weight on my shoulders, but I estimate your base strength is greater than mine, and therefore, you are better suited to opening that fracture. Your rate of success is easily seventy percent higher. It is logical.”Besides, no one was there to see them, perhaps not even Thea. Surely he needn't feel embarrassed that the girl would be lifting him. Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 03:26:31 AM by Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #14 – September 09, 2017, 01:39:12 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage [Show/Hide]Morgan was, sufficed to say, mystified. He was a great deal taller than the woman in front of him, and he honestly wondered if she could. “You, carry me?” He stammered in disbelief. But Sinead forestalled any further protestations which he could raise in response. His mind found itself confused for the first time in a while, surely it would be easier for him to carry her. After all, he was much larger and if his base strength was greater then surely it would be easier for him to carry her? Then again, he still felt residual aches across his form from his internment in stasis, and as much as he was taller, growing up on Luna ensured that height did not necessarily correlate with strength as well as one might think it did. With reluctance, Morgan sighed and responded “Alright, if you insist I guess…” He glanced around, looking for some way to elevate himself onto Sinead’s shoulders. With a resigned look on his face he stepped back onto the girder and made sure it could still hold his weight, testing it slightly with his foot before stepping back onto it. “Okay, so, if I stand on this it should be a lot easier for me to get onto your shoulder… Uh, are you ah… Are you sure about this?” He asked. “I mean no offense or anything, it’s just that, well, you’re kind of a lot shorter than I am.” What was he thinking anyway, while sure he felt an attraction towards Sinead, he was probably a mite too large for someone of her stature anyway. Last Edit: October 13, 2017, 12:17:55 AM by Hastata-Nerada 2 Likes Liked by: Brutus, Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #15 – October 19, 2017, 01:53:02 AM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]Her lips quirked upwards ever so slightly when he said what she estimated he would say. It definitely was an odd method. Since her time with the Vulcans, she had grown accustomed to making statements that tended to draw surprise and even incredulity at times from people. For all intents and purposes, she had to admit her logic wasn't always backed up with experience or the most suitable concepts sometimes, neither was she the kind to favour orthodox ideas, but she was fairly sure her assessment was correct, and he was better suited being the one to try prising open the crack.“I do not insist on anything, I merely offer what I believe to be our best solution of getting out...” the lift creaked and groaned horridly, causing even the stoic woman to flinch slightly.Seeing him step onto the girder, O'Riley wasted no time in twisting her form about as she knelt into a steady position, arms ready to grasp legs once they went over her shoulders. She tilted her head a little to present a sidelong glance when he commented on her height, “Yes, Morgan Song, I am certain,” said O'Riley, “why would I be offended over the fact that I am shorter than you? Let us not tarry, climb onto my shoulders and I shall lift you up.” She braced her knees, so that she could easily lift once she had him, without buckling. 1 Likes Liked by: Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #16 – October 30, 2017, 09:02:04 PM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage [Show/Hide]When the lift shuddered, Morgan saw no further point in protesting. “Alright, no argument here.” He said, as he looked around for a way to mount Sinead’s shoulders. Morgan looked back while he did so, and wondered if his past self back on Luna would have been able to predict what kind of situation he would find himself in. And this was not an unfamiliar situation at that, no, this was not the first time a turbolift had malfunctioned with him in it. It had happened to him before, but the last time it had happened, he wasn’t stuck in it with a gorgeous woman and praying to whatever force controlled the universe that he didn’t embarrass himself. He wasn’t praying to god, no, an adventure of the Enterprise had shown just what was what with that.Unsteadily, Morgan clambered back onto the girder that was now stuck in the floor and spread his legs apart as best he could. “Okay, uh, try now?” He said uncertainly, and closed his eyes, not wishing to witness what would happen next. He was noticeably larger than Sinead was, and wondered how the woman would be able to support his weight upon her shoulders. Morgan figured that their best option would be to simply try and get this over with and not waste any more time deliberating, lest they find themselves in more danger, or worse, make the situation all the more unbearable for them. Morgan’s mind dimly remembered that he had left his PADD upon the turbolift floor, and wondered if anyone would be able to find it again and uncover what he had been reading at the time of the lift’s failure. Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 09:02:23 PM by Hastata-Nerada 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #17 – December 05, 2017, 12:48:06 AM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]“Grand.” said O'Riley, and she braced her knees, tensing her muscles for the anticipated burden of Song's weight to soon rest upon her shoulders. Small and even frail looking as she might appear, her real strength and stamina belied that appearance, though she still believed he was stronger than her and had a better chance of prising open their only escape route. When he spoke, she glanced about and realized he positioned himself so she would back up and lift him. Probably smarter under the circumstances. She liked him even more now. She also noticed his PADD on the floor and surreptitiously picked up as she backed up.As she straightened, she had the man on her shoulders, and she gripped him by the shins just beneath the knees for stability. Her left leg was braced backwards to help with pushing herself upwards. He was quite heavy, but she wasn't trembling or struggling. She'd pulled carts and lifted some heavy equipment in her time on New Mariposa. “All righ',” said O'Riley, “Give i' a try now, a few good wallops if you must.” She almost added for him to hurry, briefly regretting her own idea. But she was rather interested in the musculator of his legs. She could only imagine...well, she would think about that at a later time...“If it is any help,” said Sinead, realizing now that Song probably thought this a most embarrassing position to be in, as usually, the men would be lifting a woman, “I once had t'lift a Pakled much like this.” She patted his right shin, “he was much heavier.”She also couldn't remember much after the Pakled dropped on her head. Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 04:48:03 PM by Triage 1 Likes Liked by: Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #18 – December 19, 2017, 04:12:32 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage [Show/Hide]Morgan steadied himself and wobbled uncertainly as Sinead picked him up. Feeling her wrap her arms around his legs piqued something inside of him, and it was all Morgan could do to keep himself from being too excited by the experience. Of course, the fact that Sinead was now awkwardly hoisting him into the air certainly helped. Indeed it was rather impressive, as someone of her size shouldn't reasonably be able to lift him, and yet here they were. Holding himself steady, Morgan tried to stay himself and focus on the hatch above him. "Alright," He said. "Here goes..." And with that he raised his fist and slammed it into the hatch. His fist withdrew again and he shook his hand in the air, cursing under his breath as pain coursed through his digits. "Okay this one's a tough nut to crack." He said, before giving it a few more whacks. Before long however, there was a resounding clang and the hatch gave way, just in time for Morgan to topple off of Sinead's shoulders and back onto the floor of the lift. "Ow." He said simply, as he stared up at the ceiling, a completely blank expression upon his face. Like any other situation, this might as well happen at this point. Given all of the crazy things which had occurred in his life of course. "Right," Morgan said, as he picked himself up, aching. "Okay, that should take care of it." He steadied himself slightly as the lift rumbled beneath him. "Now we should probably get out of here, don't you think?"
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #19 – January 06, 2018, 01:03:41 AM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]With each impact of his fist against the bulkhead, O'Riley felt the shockwave and force ripple through the man's body and into her, and she felt satisfied in knowing that she was right in her assessment of the situation. She did her best to hold him steady and brace herself so that he would not have to fight for balance as well. Yet, despite her best attempts, when he delivered the final blow that cracked the hatch open, she was no longer able to keep a grip, as it would either be let him fall, or go down with him, and risk breaking her neck. She took a split second to decide to release her grip. Deducing that she would be able to attend to him if it became necessary, whereas if they both fell and suffered injuries, neither would be of any help to the other.Once he was off her, she turned around, studying him through glowing silver eyes. She remained quiet to let him speak, and he seemed in full control of his faculties. When he suggested they make their exit, she looked up at him, then nodded, “Aye, tha' is probably for the best.” she said, feeling the rumble. The lift was still a threat. Backing up against the furthest end from the hatch, she dashed forward, leaped, caught one foot against the side of the lift, bending her knees and lauched herself upwards, catching hold of the opening in the hatch, and pulled herself up. Clambering quickly through the hole, she twisted herself around and slipped both her arms back through the hatch, reaching for Song to help him up. 1 Likes Liked by: Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #20 – January 09, 2018, 10:33:32 PM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Turbolift to Corridor | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] @Triage [Show/Hide]Watching Sinead pull off a feat of acrobatics, Morgan couldn't help but whistle and marvel at the sight. As Sinead made her way through the top of the lift, Morgan in turn attempted to make his way out of the rumbling lift and caught Sinead's hands on his way out. Using her as leverage, he managed to drag himself out of the lift and out into the shaft above. "Okay, now that that's taken care of..." Morgan observed their surroundings and found that the lift was trapped at the point between two decks, currently placing them in front of the door to deck 08. After fumbling around for a few seconds and grunting in frustration, Morgan eventually located the manual release for the door and shielded his eyes from the glare of the corridor lighting as the doors swished open. With that, Morgan proceeded to jump down from the top of the lift and onto the secure grav-plated deck below him. Turning around, he gestured for Sinead to join him in the corridor before him, and said, "Uh, listen... So there was a thing you said back there, something about uh..." He hesitated before continuing. "Something about a 'suitable mate' or something?" He fidgeted slughtly and ran his fingers through his raven hair. "I was thinking, would you like to join me? I know the holodecks are nearby on this deck, we could maybe try them out for a while if you'd like." He concluded, finally, completely failing to notice that his PADD was no longer in his possession. 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #21 – January 13, 2018, 04:40:22 PM [ Sinead O'Riley | Turbolift | Between Decks | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]When Morgan caught hold of Sinead's hands, her strength once again belied her appearance, as she effortlessly hauled the tall Lunari through the hatch. She stood up and watched him as he spoke, and stayed close to him as he tried to get the manual release to open the door, and she had scant seconds to raise her hand to shield her eyes. Normal humans required more light than she did, and their level of normal was blinding to her. Despite years spent in the Mariposan capital and other places, Sinead's eyes did not adjust or familiarize with bright lighting or sunlight or heat. Clenching her eyes shut, she relied on her hearing to guide her next actions.When she heard Morgan exiting, she gracefully slid through the opening and landed silently next to him, having opened her eyes for a brief moment for a more accurate trajectory, and bending her knees to absorb the force of her landing. Slowly opening her eyes but gaze fixed on the ground, she let her eyes adjust as best as they could to the bright lights, and she gradually brought them up to look at Morgan, not quite able to avoid a little squint. She was mildly amused at his fumbling invitation, and pressed his PADD against his chest even as she hit her combadge, never removing her gaze from Morgan, “O'Riley t' Engineering. There has been a turbolift failure by Deck eight. Do be sendin' a repair crew soon as available. Out.”With that done, she could now concentrate on his invitation, to which she nodded once, “I wouldna mind that, Morgan Song. P'haps after a wash, an' after ye have ascertained that there be no injuries to yer person.” 1 Likes Liked by: Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #22 – January 19, 2018, 07:51:11 PM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Corridor | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] @Triage [Show/Hide]Morgan scratched the back of his neck out of a fidgeting habit. His pulse raced as he contemplated what could come next. Patience, he told himself, patience, and you'll be able to get to know this woman a bit better. "Yeah, that could work, I'll meet you back at the holodeck then?" He said, and then nearly did a double-take as he noticed what Sinead was holding. "Hey, hang on, isn't that my PADD?" Morgan then paused, and sighed. "Ah... you know what? Keep it, might as well. You say you're not embarrassed by the sort of thing, so have a nice read if you'd like. In the meantime," He dusted himself down a bit. "I will be seeing you later"Not long after, in his quarters, Morgan stood in the sonic shower and contemplated his day so far and what was coming next. So far he had woken up, dealt with a crisis in engineering, and been tossed about in a turbolift with someone. To name just some of the things which had occurred that day. In all honesty, he wasn't entirely sure what happened. As he stood there, the sonic waves coursing over his bare skin, he thought about what the Theurgy had just been through. Some kind of battle? Something had caused that turbolift to malfunction, and it was either that or crazy members of the Resolve crew or these cultists which he had recently heard about. Morgan sighed and pushed the notions from his mind and turned to switch off the sonic shower. So far he had been uninjured, maybe he could keep it that way.Morgan felt apprehensive as he stood before the holodeck entrance. He had arrived as soon as he could to meet Sinead, and was prepared to use his engineering credentials to lock the holodeck for them if needed. It occurred to him that he didn't know who his new roommate was going to be for his quarters, and he idly wondered who or what could be living in the other room across from his. Nevertheless, Morgan tried to focus, and waited patiently for Sinead to arrive. Out of the corner of his mind, he wondered if he should have replicated some flowers first. Last Edit: January 21, 2018, 10:05:09 PM by Hastata-Nerada 1 Likes Liked by: Triage
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #23 – January 21, 2018, 12:55:43 PM [ Sinead O'Riley | Outside Holodeck | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada[Show/Hide]Sinead appreciated that Morgan attempted to rely on her Bringloidi honesty and forwardness. It certainly made things easier in her opinion. She nodded, giving him a rare smile, feeling her heart beating faster with anticipation. “Aye, Morgan Song, th' Holodeck i' is.” She glanced down at the PADD, and quirked her lips up in appreciation. She would read it. Later.She returned to her quarters by way of another turbolift, and cleaned herself. She stripped out of her uniform, submitting it for degradation and reassembly, and picked an attire similar to what she wore as a Bringloidi on Sunday. Bright, cheerful colours, with floral patterns adorning the sides and hems, and a small reddish-pink flower that she wore in her hair, which she let down to flow freely. The top half of the dress draped over her chest and arms almost like a poncho, but left her lower belly bare, whilst the skirt covered her legs up to the knees while the center curved a little further downwards, meeting in the center like an arrowhead pattern. The bright green sleeves poked out from under the chest cloth and the hems had twining clover leaves cinched around the entirety. She pulled on soft leather sandals to complete the dress, and examined herself in the mirror.She seldom prettied herself up to this extent, but she figured she would make a nice impression on the Lunari man.When she approached the holodeck, she saw him standing at the entrance, and she stealthily approached him from his blind side, and announced herself by clearing her throat when she was practically behind him, hands clasped behind her back, standing at attention, and beaming like a bride on her wedding day. Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 10:27:06 AM by Triage 1 Likes Liked by: Hastata-Nerada
Re: Day 02 [2000 hrs.] Two Techs in a Turbolift Reply #24 – January 22, 2018, 03:28:47 AM [ PO1 Morgan Song | Outside Holodeck | Deck 08 | USS Theurgy ] @Triage [Show/Hide]When Morgan heard Sinead clear her throat from right next to him, he startled and turned to face her, pleasantly surprised by what he saw. There she stood, standing expectantly and beaming at him, dressed in a pretty floral dress with bright colors and patterns upon its surface. She was beautiful and dare he say it, radiant. Morgan had no idea what to say, he simply stood there for a few seconds as his eyes swept her up and down, taking in the sight. Finally, Morgan spoke. "You look great, S... Sinead? Sinead. You look great Sinead." He said, with a bright smile. Still, even after that, Morgan stood there dumbly for a few seconds, before he realized that he was had appeared in his uniform and not anything special. "Oh, uh..." He continued, "Sorry I didn't dress up or anything special for this, I should have maybe-" Morgan sighed. "I don't know, I should have appeared in something other than my uniform."Resigning his statement, he gestured towards the holodeck. "Well, after you." He said and waited for Sinead to pass through the holodeck's archway. Once through, a lush vista would greet her, an alpine forest among misty mountains, the smell of the artificial pines wafting through the air. The sky above them was a light grey color, and the air around them was cool and misty. All-around it was a quiet and lovely scene, perfect for a secluded rendezvous or silent getaway. 1 Likes Liked by: Triage