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Topic: Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living (Read 5984 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living

Day 01 [2200 hrs.] Land of the Living

[ Ens. K'Ren | Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
The trip to sickbay was quite short, at least it felt that way and as they entered sickbay, K'Ren could hear the voices of the medical staff tending to the wounded. She gave one final squeeze of Liam's hand, smiling up at him. "I'll see you in a few hours." she remarked, letting go of his hand as she was wheeled into surgery, leaving Liam on the outside looking in. Transferred to the surgical bed by the triage team, the arch came over K'Ren's torso and even as the doctor spoke, telling her what to expect, she could feel the anesthetic taking hold, her eyes fluttering, the bay growing dim as she caught one last glance at Liam, a smile on her face.

She didn't know how long it had been, and she felt exhausted but she could sense the world around her even if she couldn't open her eyes. It was at first a dull sensation, a feeling like waking from a deep sleep, her body fluttering between conscious and unconscious, hearing things at first and feeling like sleep, only to awake again after some time. When she finally opened her eyes for the first time, blinking and closing them as the room felt beyond bright, she lay there, her mind wandering as she took in the memories that came to her, playing them over in her mind as she rested.

The flight in Space dock, the strange Romulan she'd flown with, the human who'd assaulted them in the shuttle. Then the beam back to the ship, only to have top strap on her fighter, a glance at Liam as she closed the hatch, her helmet darkening as the systems displays came up. The frenetic pace of combat, the desire to protect her family, the change of plans, watching her fellow pilots die. Her own craft damaged beyond rescue, the air leaking from her damaged craft, her breathing labored. The rescue, her craft, the one man she'd hoped survived but hadn't expected to see.

Opening her eyes again, blinking a little as her pupils contracted, adjusting for sickbay. She felt dizzy and a ringing sound in her ears but she was otherwise awake. Her eyes darted around as she tried to make sense of where she was. Familiar and yet not, Starfleet but not her home. Glancing around, her eyes settled on him, Liam.

"Liam?" she asked, her voice soft and purring, "How long was I?"

Re: Chapter 03: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ]
The big room that was the Recovery Ward in the big starship's Sickbay was filled with patients, most being far from 'recovered'. Post-surgery patients from the Theurgy and the Resolve both were kept there instead of the ICU, which had become an extension of the ER thanks to the hologrid and the possibility to screen off the biobeds and conduct surgeries without waiting for one of the private surgery wards to become available. As much, Liam herrold had learned when K'Ren had been moved from the Battle Sickbay a couple of decks above, but when told to wait outside, Liam had obliged the medical staff. At least to begin with.

While he'd left K'Ren, he had attended the gathering in the big starship's Fighter Assault bay, seen the evidence and told about Kendrick. He had quarters assigned to him by the Quartermaster, and he had made sure to talk to the surviving deck crew from the Resolve before he traded a few words with Sten Covington, scheduling a meeting on the morrow. Yet after he'd replicated a fresh duty uniform and put it on, he had returned to Sickbay in hope that K'Ren had come to. When that hadn't been the case, he'd insisted on being by her side when she did. They were too busy to heed him at first, dismissed despite his protests, saying that there was no room for him in the Recovery Ward.

After an hour of wearing down the patience of the staff, some Klingon nurse had let him through, and Liam made sure he hadn't been in the way, just looking at the victims of battle around him while he waited. In the end, he asked if K'Ren's biobed could be screened off too, just to spare himself the sights.  A lot of people were coughing, as if they were ill as well as injured. Ultimately, they had ceded him the mercy of white holographic walls and a door at the end of the biobed, and he'd been sitting at the side of the bed - left to his thoughts and regrets.

When K'Ren stirred, he could hardly believe it, but when she spoke to him, he dared think the doctors had been right. She would actually be okay, modern day medical practice about to let her walk out of Sickbay the same day she'd undergone surgery. It meant her biobed would be available to someone else soon, but until a medical officer came by, Liam had some time alone with Neko.

"Hey..." he said and reached out, taking her lightly furred hand into his calloused palms, "It's been six hours. You're still on the Theurgy, only in another ward than the one you were rolled into. We got away but.... How are you feeling?"

After the loss of Erik Randall, the bitter news in the Fighter Assault Bay, and the ramifications of all that had happened, when Liam saw Neko's eyes open again... it made him think that there was some kind of mercy to be found. Some kind of relief in the midst of all the death and tragedy. There were only four Grey Wolves left, but it had nearly been just three. Perhaps the loss would be plain in his face, yet nonetheless... he was happy that K'Ren had made it through.

Re: Chapter 03: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Ens. K'Ren | Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
K'Ren began to purr as Liam took her hand. It was an unsteady purr, making her sound almost a bit drunk, but the anesthetic used by Starfleet tended to wear off a bit slower with Caits then humans, even for hybrids. Caitian metabolism was a bit different from other humanoids owing to a heavily meat biased diet, their bodies metabolized complex proteins easier then the simple compounds found in plants and most medicines.

 Her ears twitched, slowly coming back to life, as did her tail, gently twitching between her legs. She still felt funny, would for another 20 min or so, and would remain unsteady for another hour. "Six hours?" she asked, surprised, "I must have been worse off then..." her thoughts drifted to her RIO as realization he was gone came back, her memories of the fight slowly returning. Her face saddened at the memory of loss of her backseater, wondering how many others had been killed but unwilling to ask in the moment.

Her paw gave Liam an unsteady squeeze, her clasp still weak from the drugs. "I feel dizzy, lightheaded. But I am alive." she remarked. "I just want to curl up in my quarters and sleep. The drugs will be slow wearing off," she noted her eyes slowly closing for a little as she drifted away and came back. "Will they let me go soon Liam? Let me into your care?"

Re: Chapter 03: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ]
They way she said that she longed to be released and let into his personal care did stir a memory from the madness they got themselves into on the Resolve, and Liam rembered it vidvidly despite all that had happened. The engine pit of Neko's Valkyrie. The way her fur felt against his skin when they moved together. The Red Alert just as they finished, and how they climbed up to the sight of a fighter bay scrambling to launch both the Grey Wolves and the Tribbles.

No, what they had done was not the madness. What had followed after they parted ways, that was the madness, and he could not quite believe all of it yet. Thankfully, she did not ask what had happened, since he was not entirely sure he could trust what had been said.

"There's... a lot of patients here in this sickbay, and they would stack them high along the bulkheads if they could, so if you are well enough to recover elsewhere, I'd imagine they'd want you out of here so that someone in more dire need gets this bed," he said, running his thumb over the back of her paw. He looked down, the reality of it all getting to him for a moment. "There's so many gone, but at the same time... most of the crew made it aboard this ship. I am not sure what to feel. Or to say, for that matter. Relief? Anger? I... It's just that we finally came back, having been lost for three years, and then we end up in this mess. We were supposed to be..."

He quit talking. He shouldn't spring his train of thought upon K'Ren when she was barely awake. It was just that with Randall gone, and being alone as he waited for her, and seeing all the injured. It had gotten to him. He pushed his lamentations aside. This was not the time. He needed to stay strong for her, try to help her, not push his worries and regrets unto her. "I'll go out and talk to them, ask if I can take you to the quarters that I have been assigned," he said instead, clearing his throat. "Not sure you've been alotted your own yet since you're here, but you can stay with me until you go see their Quartermaster. Do... Do you need me to ask for a wheelchair, or do you think we'll manage? Its not too far."

Liam supposed he could carry her, but she was only wearing a blanket over her hospital gown. To preserve her modesty, he might have to ask to have a uniform replicated for her too.

Re: Chapter 03: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Ens. K'Ren | Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
The purr only deepened as Liam caressed her paw, his tender touch comforting. "If I am well enough to move them I would like to Liam. It will clear space for others as you say, and I am sure there is much need." She nodded as he spoke of the Resolve and the crew that had been lost to the battle. It was a battle neither of them had wanted, her own plans to take a leave from Starfleet, perhaps find her sister and mother, try to give them the hand up she'd been given. Now she lay in sickbay, recovering after nearly dieing, many of her friends killed, her home destroyed.

"We were supposed to be home, able to put the madness behind us Liam. Yet is seems the circle continues, we are a crew without a home, adrift on the winds of fate." She paused as he changed the subject. "A wheelchair will not be needed Liam, but something to wear would be welcome. I may be a little unsteady but no worse then a human when drunk, the drug affects my sense of balance the worst." She gave his hand a squeeze as he left. Less then a minute later, K'Ren saw him come back with a nurse and what looked like a gown of sorts.

The nurse glanced down at his padd, looking over K'Ren's vitals. "I understand you wish to leave sickbay Ensign?" K'Ren nodded, "Please." The nurse made a few notes in the padd, "Medically you are cleared Ensign. CPO Herrold has agreed to escort you and keep an eye on you the next 24 hrs. I would ask you restrict your activity for a while, give yourself time to heal and recover." He looked to Herrold, "She is your's Chief."

Re: Chapter 03: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ]
"Thank you," said Liam to the Theurgy nurse as he left, not having caught his name. He looked back at Neko, and realised she'd have to change out of her current patient's gown and into the one that had been replicated for her. A standard issue thing... though Liam had a strong feeling that even such a plain garment would look perfectly fine on someone like K'Ren. It was quite fortunate that he had insisted on the holographic walls and the door projected around her bed, he realised, since it was time to help her change. Not only had it preserved him from the sight of the wounded and suffering, it would also preserve Neko's modesty while she changed.

"Here, let me help you," he said quietly, and while the fact that he would see her without clothes again wasn't lost on him, she was hurt, and he had no intentions to make it something more than what it was. Walls or not, they were in the middle of a new starship's med bay, and it was hardly the time to take any enjoyment out of the situation, was it? With this in mind, he eased the blanket off her and reached down to help her sit up.

"Raise your arms..." he said, not wanting to talk about the Resolve's losses or what he'd learned in the Fighter Assault Bay of the ship they were on before he came there. He just wanted to look out for Neko right then, and make sure she got better. Once he could, he reached around her neck and unfastened the collar of the patient's gown she was wearing, and gently pulled it off her body and her arms.

She was left naked before him, and while a post-surgery sonic field had cleaned her off well enough, her fur was not in the condition that it had been when they'd had sex in her her Valkyrie's engine pit. He did not mind, certainly, but diverted his thoughts to the task at hand, and picked up the new gown, about to help her get it on.

Re: Chapter 03: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Ens. K'Ren | Sickbay | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
K'Ren was grateful for Liam's help, his esing the blanket off her legs, making sure she could move to sit up. She noticed how he glanced at her, trying to be the gentleman to an injured freind, not take pleasure in her nudity. To her it did not matter, he was her lover and if he derived pleasure at the sight of her body, she was okay with it. She smiled up at Liam as she sat up a bit unsteadily, needing a moment to recover her balance after being under for so long.

She followed his instructions, knowing her balance was off and not wanting to tip. It wasn't long before the post op gown was off and she sat naked on the bio bed, looking disheveled and the worse for wear. At she was alive though, and could groom herself in quiet before she went back into public. Her tail twitched gently, her purr a bit more steady as she sat. "Thank you Liam," she said, as he sorted out the garment she'd wear home. "For everything."

Slipping it on over her head and shoulders, her ears twitching as it slipped around her head, K'Ren got the garment most of the ways on. It was a bit heavier and less revealing then the last one, but also still didn't flatter her figure any. First thing she was going to do, well, maybe second or third, was replicate some proper clothes for herself, but for now this would do. Taking Liam's hand, she slipped off the bio bed, her feet touching solid ground again, and she stumbled a little, Liam catching her.

Smiling up at him, she nuzzled his side. "Getting my legs back," she remarked. Holding onto him, she steadied herself, making sure she felt ready to go before she followed him out of sickbay. "So this is that rebel ship we apparently got lumped in with? Or is there more to the story?"

Re: Chapter 03: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | USS Theurgy ]
"No need to thank me," Liam said with a smile when she offered her thanks for helping her, looking at her donning the gown over her bare body. "The least I could do, to make sure you woke up with someone familiar close by."

She stumbled when he helped her off the biobed, but he caught her easily enough, and he held her in his arms until she regained her balance. He didn't have the presence of mind to tell her so, but he liked how he could help her. She was an Ensign and a superior officer, and yet she didn't act like it, treating him like an equal. Rank on the flight deck was pretty loose, even Tac CONN having NCOs flying and being both Element and Flight Leaders, but it was always there. Yet since what happened between them, Liam felt more at ease around Neko than he ever would around Salvo, Knight or Meony.

"Take your time," he just said when she held on to him and got her legs sorted underneath her, and when she was ready, he helped her through the holographic doors and through the Recovery Ward. With the sight of the injured and the size of the ward, the first questions would naturally come from her - the fact of their situation surely coming to mind. Liam cleared his throat before he answered, waiting until they were out in the corridor before he answered.

"Well, there is a story all right. I attended a briefing in the flight hangar of this ship, right before I stood in cue to get quarters to sleep in tonight. Everyone who survived save those in Sickbay were there. Even Marquez, who Hawthorne was supposed to have held hostage on Starbase 84. I... saw Meony in the crowd, along with Salvo and his RIO Knight. That's it, though. With you, there are only four Grey Wolves left... and Randall didn't make it either. I'm sorry, Neko. Good news about all of this is in short supply. The only bright side of it all is that Captain Ives - the one in command of this ship - managed to save almost 200 people from the Resolve by letting us evacuate the ship, but between Starbase 84 and the swarm of interceptors that came after us, we lost 120 during the battle. It's... worse than any battle we survived in the last three years. I'm honestly still not sure who's alive and who's not, and I don't think anyone will know for sure until the morrow. We've got quarters now, but we are not fully tapped into the crew roster and computer systems yet. The higher-ups in rank are being interviewed for positions aboard, filling holes in the Theurgy's ranks. No idea who ends up doing what yet... but taking that into account and the way they saved our lives... I take it as a sign of good faith."

While he spoke, they had made slow yet steady progress to the turbolifts. Once inside one of them, Liam cleared his throat again and spoke to the computer, who seemingly had a name. "Thea? Deck 14, please."

[Acknowledged,] came the reply along with the chirp, the voice having a British accent, which was quite different from the computer on the Resolve. Perhaps it would have sufficed for Liam to just say the destination, but since he learned there was some kind of Soong Legacy brain running the computer, and it had a sentient holographic interface walking the corridors, it felt strange treating Thea as any other Starfleet computer.

He glanced towards Neko, realising it must have seemed odd. "Thea is short for Theurgy." That wouldn't help either. "It's.... Just don't ask."

Re: Chapter 03: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Ens. K'Ren | Recovery Ward / Hallway | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan

Unsteady on her feet, and grateful for the support, K'Ren's progress at first was slow and halting, her feet seemed heavy and not quite as responsive as her mind thought they should be. That would be the drugs in her system, she'd been through this before in flight school, and her balance would slowly return over a few hours. Give her a day to rest and she'd be as steady and graceful as she always was.

The sickbay was a cacophony of sounds, sights, and smells assaulting K'Ren's senses. She winced a little, tensing at the sheer volume assaulting her, the sound she could handle, the bars she grew up around were always noisy, hard on a Caitian, but the sights and smells were not new but in such intensity she'd never experienced. Trauma on this scale she'd never witnessed and even in the relative sterility of sickbay she could smell the death, the injury and she just wanted to go curl up and hide.

So it was with a sigh of relief that the doors closed, and K'Ren could relax a little as they walked down the hall. She nodded as Liam explained the situation, how few crew had survived, how few of her pack. "Such a waste," she almost whispered, her eyes moistening at the thought of her friends and family lost. Sacrifice was part of the uniform but to lose it at the hands of those she considered on her side, was a waste. And what did it accomplish? A few more draped caskets, a few more raised glasses to those who passed on. But what greater purpose did it serve? Why?

She looked to Liam as they entered the turbolift and he spoke to the AI. She was used to the computer responding so didn't get why this one was so special. There was a lot she had to take in, a lot to understand about her new home, choices to make, but at this moment all she wanted to do was curl up in the arms of Liam, the one person she felt comfortable around, and just pretend the world outside his quarters didn't exist, that the world was just the two of them.

Re: Chapter 05: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ CPO Liam Herrold | Turbolift > NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
In short order, the turbolift took them to the designated deck, and Liam helped Neko down the corridor towards where the NCO quarters were. It was a big ship, but it wasn't too far. On the way there, they passed a maintenance team that was scanning the bulkheads, likely inspecting the EPS grid for damage, or something. One of them seemed unable to keep up with the rest, coughing and rubbing his hands as if they were hurting. Liam thought not much of it, the crewman likely just having injured himself during the battle, and got to the doors of his shared quarters.

"Here we are," he said, his combadge chirping as he was admitted, and they stepped into the shared living room - as he liked to call it - of his accommodations. He nodded towards the door to the right. "I have a roommate from the Theurgy, but I have yet to meet her. Also, I am due to speak with the COD aboard tomorrow morning, but I am free until then. Or at least until midnight, when there will be a get-together with some of the others from the Resolve. Those who can make it, anyway. I have yet to decide if I should go..."

He didn't tell her it depended on whether or not she wanted him to stay with her, or if she had the strength to go there together with him. Instead, he helped her towards the door to his bedroom. The bed was close to the door, so he helped her sit down upon the neatly tucked covers, and then straightened in front of her where she sat. "Do you need to lie down and rest a bit, or can I get you anyhing from the replicator? I got some replicator rations handed to me."

Honestly, Liam had never expected to experience having to use rations for the replicator again after the Resolve returned to Federation space. Nonetheless, there he was, digging through his uniform pocket for rations once more. At least it was nothing new to the Resolve crew to use them, preserving energy being common practice by then. He gave Neko an encouraging smile, hoping the enormity of what had happened wasn't getting to her.

"But you'll have to owe me, you know," he said in jest, "until you can pay me back..."

NCO Crew Quarters: [Show/Hide]

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Ens. K'Ren | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
Ears swiveling a little, taking in the sounds, nose snuffling imperceptibly, the only real outward sign of K'Ren's curiosity taking in the new ship was her tail which twitched a bit drunkenly from the drugs in her system. The ship looked so Federation and yet so alien in some ways. Glancing at the engineer as she passed, K'Ren sensed some discomfort but shrugged it off. Her sense were dulled and the ship had been in combat so that was expected. The rest of the walk was in silence as K'Ren's mind drifted a little, distracted by everything. It was only the chirp as she entered Liam's quarters, his new quarters she noted to herself, that she was brought back to the present.

K'Ren nodded as Liam explained his roommate to her. K'Ren could smell the scent of human female and she wondered if she might have to protect Liam from another female's clutches, only to push that thought away as Liam wasn't her mate, just a freind and after she'd given him what she'd promised, he was free to do as he wished with others, even this coworker of his. "I am probably going to sleep off the drugs in my system Liam. But you should go if you are awake, see who is still with us, who's not." She knew there'd by absent faces, and right now she wasn't sure if she wanted to add that emotional burden amongst other things.

Sitting down on the bed, well not as graceful as sitting might imply, K'Ren looked up at Liam. Raising a paw to his face she smiled, "I am going to lie down and rest right now Liam. Food will probably just upset my tummy," she remarked, knowing that the mixing of these drugs and food wasn't all that pleasant, for her at least. Grinning a little, K'Ren ran a finger along the base of her neck, her chest more, skirting the upper part of the swell of her chest. "I already owe you Liam. For staying with me in sickbay, for letting me rest here. And then there's the matter of that little incident in the fighter bay." She smiled demurely at Liam, "I think we should curl up in each other's arms and see where the night ends up."

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ CPO Liam Herrold | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
At first, Liam had been concerned when Neko declined food, thinking that she needed it. She spoke of the drugs thinning out in her veins and need of rest, passing on the standing invitation to see the others from the Resolve too. Yet when she touched his face, and spoke of that flat tummy of hers, Liam found himself thinking how close she'd gotten... and how close they both had gotten to his new bed.

"Yeah... Perhaps so," he said, and found himself looking at the path her hand took when it left his face, and he found his mouth go dry. Even now, when she'd yet to recover, she was giving him ideas. Reminding him, keenly, about what they had ended up doing inside her Valkyrie before the battle. She spoke anew, and if not her actions had made her intentions perfectly clear... her suggestion completely rid him of any lingering doubt.

"When you put it that way... I wonder how I did not come to think of that myself?" he said and chuckled, feeling his body already having responded to the promise in her voice. Looking down into her lightly furred face, he ran his hands around her slim waist - still supporting her balance. "Suddenly... that event with the crew later tonight doesn't seem so interesting any more. Funny how things change all of a sudden, right?"

With his hands on her waist, he eased her down to sit on the covers of the bed - the delicate embroidery of the UFP flag framing her from Liam's point of view when he looked down at her. "Like, one minute we are having sex in the middle of the flight hangar," he said, even speaking of it seeming unreal, even as she seemed like she wanted him again, and truly live up to her promise. He began to remove his uniform jacket, more of his golden undershirt catching the artificial light. "Then, we both almost die, Starfleet framing us and about to kill us all, only to end up on this strange ship... together again."

His jacket dropped from his calloused fingers, and next, he pulled the golden shirt off his bare torso. He couldn't help but smiling at her, never having imagined one of the Wolves would fancy being with him. "Like I said... Funny, right?"

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Ens. K'Ren | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
K'Ren purred as Liam spoke, accepting her invitation to join her in his bed. His rough but caring hands reaching out to caress her torso. holding her steady. She nuzzled him, smiling, waiting for the proper moment to kiss him. That moment would come but nor for several seconds as he eased her down onto the warm fabric of his bed, only too look down at her as he began to remove his own clothes. Her's were easily removed, the modesty gown was nothing more then a flimsy gown, and K'Ren brushed it aside with ease.

Leaning back on the bed, her arms supporting her weight, K'Ren grinned as Liam spoke of the coincidences that brought them to this moment. "I do not believe in fate Liam, only the will of Rrikalla. She brrings togetherr and herr sisterr pulls aparrt." The purring grew stronger, deeper as Liam removed more of his clothes, leaving only his bare chest and pant's to cover him as he stood there.

She scooted up the bed a little as he crawled onto the bed, pant's still on. Letting him crawl up so her delicate hands could loosen his last remaining article of clothes, K'Ren's fingers found the fasteners, starting to undo them. She kissed him as he leaned in to kiss her himself. "I am glad we both survived to experience this moment. The fighter was fun, a forbidden place, but here, now we can explore each other properly." The fly of his pant's loosened, K'Ren helped him slide them down, leaving only his boxers, and the visible sign of his arousal left on him.

Her own body was ready, she could feel the heat inside, knew she was ready to accept him, take this young man into her body as she had little more then 24hrs before. He was handsome, strong, and good in bed, as his last encounter had proven. These things she was conscious of, the rest, her bodies need for a male, the instinctual desires welling up within, her viewing Liam as a potential sire, all this she didn't consciously recognize, though had she known her body was in heat, she may have been more careful, both the first time, and now.

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ CPO Liam Herrold | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
Liam could but imagine what 'exploring each other properly' meant for Neko, but he knew what he wanted to do - something he had not been able to in the cramped space of the engine pit. His lips had sought hers as if on their own, and the sight of her naked once more had made him forget all about the battle and the losses of the Resolve crew. He was not entirely sure what was going on between him and K'Ren, but he knew one thing for certain - he would not regret missing the gathering at 2330 hrs.

He had felt her hands, and she had his tumescence released from the confines of his trousers in short order. Yet he kissed her still, all the while until she was done with the fasteners. Only then did his kisses travel down her neck, and as he straddled her, his hands slid from the blue covers with the UFP flag to her body. His rough palms, worn from years of physical work, cupped her breasts, and they were only released once his mouth reached them. He took her hardened nipples into his mouth, each in turn, and sucked at them until he felt them respond. He glanced up at her then, with a mischievous smile, before he continued the path down her body with both his hands and his lips.

He had wanted to taste her back in the engine pit, but hadn't really had the chance. Now, he would sample Neko, and tease her as much as he could before she begged him to climb up on the bed again. So, in short order, and without preamble, he laid his mouth to her nether lips and began to churn his tongue into her warm wetness, finding a clitoris much like any other humans had down there too. And as he sampled her taste, he held her still with a hand on her hip while the other removed both uniform trousers and underwear - baring himself without her seeing it from her vantage point.

Once she was close enough, he would climb up there to her again, and he would be inside her once more.

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Ens. K'Ren | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
K'Ren knew exactly what 'exploring each other' meant and with no worries about time or getting caught, she planned to explore that to it's fullest extent with Liam, ensure tonight she 'knew' Liam as closely as any female could know a male. Tonight was about celebrating survival, of making it through another fight, another battle. Death had been cheated and now life was on show as they would make love.

She purred hard as Liam pleasured her with his lips, those sweet warm lips on her neck, touching and caressing as the same rough hands tenderly found her breasts, her sensitive and pert little breasts, topped by a little nub of pure pleasure. His hands has teased them to firmness, only for his lips to take them to heights of pleasure and K'Ren sighed in pleasure, her body stiffening a little, her tail twitching beside her. Her own hands found his torso, his chest and shoulders and she gently massaged them with her paws,

Alas the sensations of her breasts being played with were only temporary but as Liam's kisses drifted further south, his hands like some advance force found their way to her hips and even between her legs. Spreading her thighs, she anticipated the moment, her tail twitching even more beside her as her purr grew stronger, an even louder sigh escaping her lips. "Liam," she gently moaned as his lips found the femininity hidden between her thighs, the warm entrance to her body, that most sacred of spots in women.

She didn't see him take off his boxers, so focused on the feeling of his lips and tongue toying with her clitoral nub that all she cared about was the sensations he was producing in her. His tongue lapping at her entrance, tasting her sweet nectar, his lips caressing the little nub of desire at the entrance. Her paws went to his head, tousling it as she lay there, body relaxed but a little tense as he pleasured her. She would let him have his time with her body, knowing that he deserved to explore her as much as she him, and with no time pressures, they had all night to enjoy the carnal pleasures of each other.

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #15
[ CPO Liam Herrold | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
The taste of Neko was as unique as any woman's or man's, only that much more exotic because she was not fully human. Back on he Resolve, he had enjoyed the intimate closeness of a Trill, and learned that there was some things that completely transcended the vast distances of space. Images of that night in the broken Runabout together with Derik Veradin came to him as he added two fingers in pleasing K'Ren - sliding them both into her warm confines while his tongue was still merciless upon her clitoris.

Memories of Veradin were not unwelcome, but didn't linger since the scent and taste of Neko were more at the forefront of his mind.  Old experiences, however, vivid, were no match for the present. Idly, he stroked his own hardness with his free hand, wondering if he would climb up and enter Neko where she laid, surprising her with the sudden and likely welcome transition, or if he should bide his time further.

In the end, he decided to leave her panting with need for more, her clit swollen and throbbing, and climbed up on the bed. He came to sit between her spread legs, and he reached down to the base of his hardness. Smiling to her, he used his grip to rub himself along her wet and warm crevice - up and down - without fully entering her. He would delve shallowly into her opening, only to keep it outside her still. He would build the anticipation, letting his free hand roam her bare torso, trying to make her squirm and beg him to enter her...

...but he had not counted on her taking the initiative at that point.

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #16
[ Ens. K'Ren | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
K'Ren mewled the slightest bit as Liam's tongue and finger kept their pleasurable assault upon her body, the feeling of his hovering at the entrance like that, teasing her, arousing her. Liam knew it way around a girl's body it seemed, and K'Ren wanted more, need to feel him mount her, take her in his bed, mate with her as males were wont to do, and females desired of them. The pause as he moved from kneeling before her, to kneeling above her was a gentle breath in the midst of passion, a way to recover her energy before the inevitable assault.

It seemed though, even in this new position, knelt above her, that he teased her yet more, sliding along the cleft between her legs, a teas of entry, a gentle caress with the knob at the head, a pleasure spreading of her lips, only to pull away leaving her with the arousal but nothing of substance within. She mewled a little more, as much in protest as in pleasure, and as Liam slid his cock between the folds of her body, his other hand caressing her torso, K'Ren took matters into her own hands.

Her paws gripped his waist, claws gently extended so he didn't try to pull away as she pulled him close, forcing him to lodge himself deep enough inside she could wrap her legs around his thighs, holding him from getting out, his only real choice to delve deeper, penetrate further into her body. "Enough teasing," she whispered in his ear as she lifted her lips to his cheek. "Mate with me."

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #17
[ CPO Liam Herrold | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
Oh, but he needn't be asked twice.

When Neko used her claws to grant incentive to his next act, he gasped at the sting against his skin, but he chuckled too, and leaned down over her to slant his lips across her mouth. Kissing her deeply, and with his hand leaving the base of his hardness so that he might cup it over one of her breasts, he pushed with his hips. With his rolling motion, he slid deeper into her - his hard crown pressing inside her. He groaned at the exquisite sensation, undulating his hips again, and he delved even further into her. He traversed her depths with each rhythmic movement, and gasped when he finally had fit the whole of his length inside her.

Then, lifting his lips from her so that he might look down into her beautiful eyes, he added harder momentum to his motions. At the end of each push, he ground himself against her - going as deep as he possibly could. Breathing uneven at this point, he did not let up - no more teasing in mind - and instead did as she'd asked. Her wet sex clenching around him, he soon mated with her so hard her breasts bounced on top of her chest. If he teased her, it was merely in how he let his mouth find one of those nipples so that he might suck hard on them, each in turn.

As much satisfaction as it gave him, he wanted to make it even better. So, he picked her up from the bed covers without slipping out of her, pulling her up so that she straddled his lap where he sat on his knees. With her legs already wrapped around him, he had pulled her up in a sitting position just so that he could use her bodily weight in his arms to push her down harder against their joining. Feeling her breasts and fur scrape up and down his chest and abdomen, he gasped in time with their movements, celebrating their survival despite all odds.

Re: Chapter 07: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #18
[ Ens. K'Ren | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan
Her claws were only slightly extended but as Liam gasped a little, she retracted them, ensuring she caused him as little pain as she could. She accepted the kiss, her own rough tongue gently caressing his lips as they kissed. She wanted to explore the full pleasure Liam had to offer, their last liason in the pit of her fighter only a taste of the pleasure each had to offer the other. She could feel his rolling motion, working the length of his hardness into her, the crown spreading her inside as he worked his way in. The little nubs inside her passage tugged at the passage of his body, arousing K'Ren greatly, causing her to mewl even louder while her purr, that rumble in her chest, only grew all the more pronounced.

Sh looked up at him as their lips parted, their bodies now joined at the waist. Keeping her claws retracted, K'Ren held his hips with her paws, eyes closed as she began to move with him, her body matching his rhythm and pace. Humans were sometimes faster then Cait's in this regard, Caitian love making could be a slow process but K'Ren enjoyed the faster pace, something she'd learned from her last mate, a human as well. The motion of Liam inside her, met by her own desires grew in speed and force as the pair moved on the bed. Her own breasts, pert and small though they were, rocked beneath Liam as he kept it up.

All the meanwhile, and somewhat unknown to K'Ren (though she knew all the signs and should have recognized what was happening) her body responded to Liam as any Caitian female in heat would. Inside her body, driven by her bodies needs, some parts softened, some firmed up, all in preparation for what was to come. Whether he noticed or not, each thrust pressed a little deeper into her, his crown pressing and stretching her inside as she grew ready to take him.

So it was in that as they made love that Liam shifted them both, pulling her up onto his lap without removing himself. K'Ren was flexible, as flexible as any trained human dancer and she gracefully, fluidly moved with Liam as he pulled her up into a sitting position. It wasn't long before her legs which had been wrapped around his waist soon found themselves splayed out beneath her as she sat in his lap, her body firmly wrapped around his manhood as she rode him. It was a pleasurable position and K'Ren exhaled audibly, mewling as Liam bounced her, driving himself even deeper into her body.

If he had been Caitian he'd already be buried in her inner most sanctum, her womb, but humans were shorter and fatter so Liam could not penetrate as deep, though he came close, the helmet pressed firmly against her cervix with each bottoming inside her. K'Ren for her part enjoyed this the feeling of a male this deep inside only adding to her arousal. "Liam," she moaned through the mewls and the purring. "Loverr," she called out as their bodies moved with each other, the pain and the loss of the day's tragedy pushed to one side, their own survival celebrated in this moment. That K'Ren might, a few months down the road welcome a permanent reminder of their celebration, did not enter her mind for all the pleasure she felt in this moment.

Re: Chapter 06: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #19
[ CPO Liam Herrold | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
In the maelstrom of sensations coursing through Liam Herrold, it was not entirely apparent what was happening within Neko. He was too caught up in the passion, using his strong body to ensure a harder rhythm - grinding her down unto himself with his embrace.

Yet he did feel how he came to fill her completely, and the sensation of meeting her back wall with each thrust that he made made him forget everything else. He was panting, his unblemished skin beading with sweat, and his own climax closing fast lest he stopped and tried to prolong this second time they were together. Now, after all, there was no Red Alert sounded, and they did not have to finish quickly.

Therefore, when he was getting dangerously close to coming - and despite the loss of feeling her nipples scraping up and down the hard panes of his chest - he kissed her again, and then lied down fully on his back on tip of the covers. He did so without his hard cock escaping her, and when he was on his back, he seized her hips to assist her - letting her take control and dictate the pace.

Perhaps it would grant him more time, and perhaps she'd be able to ride him in a way that met her own preferences completely - bringing her closer too. He said naught, however, and he was not entirely sure he'd be able to muster a single word... but the way he looked at her when she was on top said it all.

Re: Chapter 07: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #20
[ Ens. K'Ren | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan

The vocalizations of Caitian mating were not any louder particularly then humans, and the sounds, while sometimes of higher pitch resembled human love noises in may ways and as Liam moved deep within K'Ren, his body provoked the noises she made, especially as he came down hard on her back wall, gently stretching it, conforming it to his shape, only to follow it with the withdrawal, his helmet dragging along her walls, tugging at the myriad nubs that lined her love canal.

She felt the stiffness in his manhood as he came close to climax and yet she didn't want to feel that quite yet. They had the evening yes, and she would feel it several times before the night was over but they didn't need to rush, not in the relative peace of this room, the ship not under alert. They could take their time and enjoy making love, prolonging the pleasure, making the climax all the more

K'Ren had not expected Liam, for the force he was displaying as they mated, to roll over onto his back and give up with Cait's considered the dominant position in the lovemaking. Cait males preferred the top, though it was not unheard of for a particularly amorous and in heat female to take the top position. Humans by contrast seemed to enjoy either and K'Ren was not about to demand Liam remain atop if he wished to be beneath her. It gave her the control, the chance to enjoy Liam as she wished, on her terms.

She rolled gracefully with him, legs moving beneath him as they shifted positions, giving her the control as she held herself upright on him, her paws resting against his chest as she rocked her hips, slowing down a little, wanting to preserve the moment, not rush it like they had in the fighter bay. Her tail twitched behind her as her ears also twitched, moving around as she moved on Liam's rod, feeling the long slick shaft scraping her insides, preparing her body to accept his offering when the time came.

Loving down at him, a mix of love, lust, and even the breeding urge in her smile, K'Ren silently rode Liam, doing her best to keep him near the edge but not push him over it. She knew roughly how a human male would respond, she had been the mate of one for some time while on her last posting, and Liam for all his differences, was still human with human responses. Purring and mewling as he scraped her insides with the slower pace, she hoped that when he was ready he would take his place atop her and finish the deed in the way males of her species did, the aggressive love of earlier dominating again..

Re: Chapter 07: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #21
[ CPO Liam Herrold | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
At first, he was content to surrender control to her. When she did not purr, her breath was choppy, and her breasts rose and fell with each shallow pant. He slid his hands up her slender waist and surrounded both breasts, slowly rubbing her nipples with the pads of his thumbs. The sinewy length of him was being massaged by her tight sheath, and he was on the verge of spending himself, but she kept him from it - prolonging this second time they were together.  Yet feeling her writhing against his thighs, causing the harsh rush of his breath, Liam could not stop himself from starting to thrust up to meet her. With every withdrawal, he arched his hips and heaved beneath her as if to protest the removal of her passion-moistened depths.

Still, he lasted, and both their breathing came in gasps - as though the air had thinned. His hands roamed her furred body, and he could not come, as much as he wanted to. Not when she kept him from it. In the end, he could not bear it, and he sat up. With his hands around her waist, he laid her down on the covers - his engorged flesh escaping her sex. Throbbing and glistening, he had no intent to delay in revisiting her.

Liam nudged her legs further apart and settled himself within the cradle of her thighs. He seized one leg and put her ankle on his shoulder. In one long, slow plunge, he embedded himself between the stretching walls of her body anew. His blood roared through his veins like wildfire, burning and stinging, and he did not wait. Within seconds, he made the pace fast and frantic - sprinting for that final threshold of passion.

Soon, with a shudder, his slamming thrusts of climax began - his cry choked. He felt himself spill into her, and yet he continued - his warm seed gushing inside her several times through the shattering finale.

Re: Chapter 07: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #22
[ Ens. K'Ren | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Auctor Lucan

As much as sh wanted Liam to finish in a dominant position she knew that human love was more subtle, nuances upon nuances and while she held him back, she knew she herself could not last much longer. Her patience and control, feeding his passion only to pull back seductively to keep him from the edge, however was rewarded as Liam, by now enjoying making love to K'Ren, had the intended effect.

While he kissed her neck, She felt him pull out, tugging at her insides and she mewled in protest, not realizing the effect that withdrawl might have upon her body. She didn't  have much time to protest however as soon upon her back again, Liam forced himself into his lover, filling K'Ren again with his wonderful cock. His pace this time however betrayed his intent and K'Ren grasped his hips, forcing him in deep each thrust, making sure when it was time he came deep within, part of the breeding instinct of all Caitian females. She may have only been half human but she got her Cait genes from her mother and that included her sex drive.

She could feel those thrusts become hard and harsh as he came to his climax. Letting herself go, K'Ren cried out, mewling and groaning as Liam pulsed deep inside her body, his spurts only driving her orgasm further, harder. She cried out his name as her back arched, driving him that final inch into her so his hot potent sperm painted the walls of her inside.

Her own climax spent, K'Ren lay back, her body going semi-limp as she lay there beneath Liam, enjoying his closeness, the feeling of him buried inside her. "Liam," she gently purred, lost for words in that moment.

Re: Chapter 07: Land of the Living | Day 01 [2200 hrs.]

Reply #23
[ CPO Liam Herrold | NCO Quarters | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ]
Coming down from the euphoria, still sheathed deep inside Neko, Liam looked down at her as he tried to regain his breath. Oh, but this had been so much better than the engine pit of her Valkyrie, even if that hasty encounter had it's own charm in how they had managed to do it covertly in the middle the Resolve's Fighter Assault Bay.

"Oh, but I think we'll definitely ditch that gathering with the old crew," he said ruefully in the aftermath, and he leaned down to kiss her. He was still throbbing and hard, even if he was about to recover for another turn later on, and he moved against her still - laying warm kisses over her lips, neck and sensitive chest in tandem with his slow thrusts. "All I need... to remind myself... that I am alive.... is right here... in my new bed, and I will grieve... when I am done celebrating survival."

Having paused his words to lay his lips against her body, he soon pulled his length out of her and lay down at her side - looking into her unique eyes. He raised a hand to run his fingertips over the fine hairs on her ear, and did what he just said he would. Postponing grief, not letting himself remember the face of Erik Randall and the rest of those lost. He did not want to do it. Not that night. He had done all he humanly could to make sure Neko got back on her feet, and he was proud of it.

If only he could have done more for the other wolves that would never fly again.

"Why not try the shower?" he suggested, his smile bright as he looked at K'Ren - head propped up with one arm as he laid beside her. "I bet you feel like getting one after all you've been through, right?"


OOC: One more from you, @SummerDawn? Otherwise I will end it on this note? :)

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