Depth of Character Award Poll 2017 December 03, 2017, 10:27:51 PM This award is bestowed on a writer who demonstrated extraordinary character development and depth of writing. The character's plot goals are long-term with life-altering changes.The poll will run for 7 days, in which those who cast their vote should take a few minutes to read the linked scenes first. The nominee(s) who get the most votes will receive the Depth of Character Award. If you are a Nominee, you may not vote on your own scene, but you are free to vote on your fellow competitors.Here are the nominations!1. CANADIANVET, FOR HIS DEPICTION OF CARRIGAN TRENTNominee: @CanadianVet Primary Reason: The characters of Carrigan Trent, demonstrating dedication to his character development and history.Motivation & Links (same as Nomination 2.): From the start, as linked below, both writers have remained true to their characters' development and progress, regardless of for better or for worse, it never changed, and they also paid attention to the consequences of their choices. The actions and choices made by CanadianVet for Carrigan Trent still reflect up to the present, and for Hi'Jak, every thread of his shows his development and progress. Kaligos constantly keeps us guessing until he so reveals what he wants us to know about the half-Klingon, and he's not afraid to explore routes of progress some would balk at. I believe they both truly deserve this award.For Canadian Vet's character Carrigan Trent,1063.msg5184.html#msg5184For CanadianVet's character Carrigan Trent and Kaligos' character, Hi'Jak,2090.0.html2. KALIGOS, FOR HIS DEPICTION OF HI'JAK & SITHICKNominee: @Kaligos Primary Reason: The characters Hi'Jak & Sithick, demonstrating dedication to their character development and history. Motivation & Links: For Hi'Jak: From the start, as linked below, both writers have remained true to their characters' development and progress, regardless of for better or for worse, it never changed, and they also paid attention to the consequences of their choices. The actions and choices made by CanadianVet for Carrigan Trent still reflect up to the present, and for Hi'Jak, every thread of his shows his development and progress. Kaligos constantly keeps us guessing until he so reveals what he wants us to know about the half-Klingon, and he's not afraid to explore routes of progress some would balk at. I believe they both truly deserve this award.For Sithck: At first look, one could easily mistake Sithick as a silent, brooding background bit of security muscle, as likely to give you a grunt as a pounding in the face if you step out of lines, but Kaligos has managed to take a 9 foot tall conglomeration of scales and teeth and turn them into a sympathetic character with a tragic background and atypical interests. By making him approachable, it encourages interactions with the crew and leads to some rather unexpected pairings and encounters which in turn leads to a greater exploration of his origins, even if they aren't the norm for one of his species.For Kaligos' character Hi'Jak:,2146.msg12960.html#msg12960For Kaligos' character Sithick:,2049.75.html3. AUCTOR LUCAN, FOR WRITING MANY CHARACTERS DIVERSELY Nominee: @Auctor Lucan Primary Reason: Collecting Characters like Candy Motivation and Links by Blue Zephyr: When I first realize just how many characters Auctor wrote I was both impressed and curious. Knowing that I myself write a lot of characters else where I know the challenge of keeping them all vastly separate personalities and making sure their lives follow the paths that they need to and not have that.. grey area in between. But I have luckily had the pleasure of writing with and reading a few of his characters here and there and find them quite enjoyable. Links: 1),2151.0.html2),2193.0.htmlThank you in advance for your voting in this award category!Best Regards,Auctor Lucan Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 10:48:43 PM by Auctor Lucan 1 Likes
Re: Depth of Character Award Poll 2017 Reply #1 – December 07, 2017, 03:46:44 PM Don't forget to vote in this Award category!Best,Auctor Lucan 1 Likes
Re: Depth of Character Award Poll 2017 Reply #2 – December 10, 2017, 10:01:16 AM Voting closes today! Submit your vote unless you have voted already. You can also change your vote if you have had a change of hearts. Best,Auctor Lucan