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Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

[ Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

It was an early rise and shine for Ensign Cameron Henshaw as she had to finalize the most important issues that were handled in the senior staff meeting a few days prior. As she brisked through the corridors on Deck 01, her hips swayed with each step she took. The standard issue skirt she wore creeping up a little yet remaining well within decent standards. She was feeling a little better than the day before, the alcohol effects worn out entirely and a good night sleep helped her along. She held a bunch of PADDs close against the swell of her breasts, pressing them a bit flat in fact as she reached the door of the conference lounge.

She opened the door and stepped in as she spread the PADDs over the table. After replicating a fresh cup of tea for herself, Cam sat down at the table and started her preparations. Her eyes running over her notes and editing the official report where she needed to do so. She nipped from her tea a couple of times, enjoying the raw taste of berries it spread through her mouth and savored the warm tingly feeling running down her throat to her stomach. She hummed softly as a strand of hair pulled lose from her held up hair. It bothered her a little as it wiggled in front of her eyes, yet she ended up curling it with a finger as she continued her work.

When she required the holographic emitter from in the conference lounge, things seemed to grind to a stop. After a few tries, the emitter wouldn't turn on. She tried to reset the emitter manually, yet that didn't seem to work either. With a sigh she tapped her combadge "Thea, could you find me a free engineer that's closest to my current position? I'm having trouble with the emitter in the conference lounge." A chirp made Cam nod as her request was taken and a reply followed swiftly.

"Ensign, I have found PO Sithick to be the closest available engineer. I have alerted him to join you."

"Thanks Thea, you're the best." Cameron replied with a smile before she took the mug of tea and walked over to the viewport. All she could do really now was wait for the engineer to show up and fix the problem. She sipped from her tea, her back to the door. The nebula would give the one entering a splendid view of her figure from behind while she held the mug in both hands. She savored every sip she took and her mind wandered off as time and space seemed to be forgotten by the ensign.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #1
[ PO2 Sithick | Conference Lounge | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Nolan 

Sithick had occupied himself by picking the little jobs on the roster today. He had lived his entire life on flotilla's stations, and ships which meant he knew his way around the minor day to day repairs. He could knock out five jobs in the time that it may have taken a cadet to do three, and his rank (he was still so very proud he had a rank) meant that while he didn't really have direct authority of anyone he could certainly claim some seniority on tasks. He was just finishing up one of them with his body half lodged in a maintnance vent, with his clawed feet sticking out.

Honestly though he was mostly keeping himself busy because of what had happened yesterday, he was trying his best not to keep thinking over the fact that he had a one night stand with the head of the science department. He was still half expecting someone to find out that he had abused his powers and locked down a holodeck instead of working, and all so he could have sex?

It was so embarrassing to even think about, and the Gorn had to keep slapping himself in the jaw to remind himself that he couldn't allow that to happen again. Yet the taste of Martin, and the effects of having one night where he could actually have something he had never known he had so desperately needed, had bolstered him. Right up until,

[Sithick please join Ensign Cameron Henshaw in the conference lounge.]

Sithick's head spiked upwards, causing him to groan as he smacked his head against the roof. He pulled himself out, and got ready to go. His curiosity was peaked for a moment, as he grabbed his tools and started his way down the path to the conference room.

He honestly didn't know half the people on this ship, the name Henshaw was not at all that familiar to him. An Ensign was probably not the one who would deal out discipline for what he had done yesterday, he would assume that once that story got out it would probably be billybob or security whom he would have to deal with, Then with the altercation with the doctor... Every time he got close to a woman on this ship he seemed to end up hurting someone.

Which really just meant he didn't need to worry, Cameron was a boys name after all.

When he arrived in the conference room however he was surprised to see that he was in fact dealing with yet another member of the fairer sex, which meant immediately Sithick felt that unfamiliar awkwardness he always felt around them. The orion females had been the worst of slave masters, and the only woman whom he had remained on good terms with was Jaya, whom he was more protective over because she was his only remaining friend.

Every other time he dealt with a female it got weird. "You called?"

His voice was automated by the translator, made to sound more feminine than his masculine or monstrous frame would present, it usually helped disarm people or make them chuckle while in his prescience, but lately with his new found fear he had been thinking of changing it. Aside from the voice Sithick was his usual seven foot tall self, though he absolutely refused to look Cameron in the eye, choosing to instead lead his yellow eyes far above her or anywhere but towards her body.

Women can smell fear.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #2
[ Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos 

As the doors of the conference lounge opened Cameron turned around to face the engineer that came in to help. Once her eyes took in the green Lizard standing in the doorway, she nearly spilled her cup of tea all over her uniform. She did however manage to save it and place the cup down at the table before clearing her throat. "Sorry, I wasn't..." she paused and closed her eyes before she cleared her throat again. Her voice sounded a bit jumpy at the start of it, yet she seemed to cool her nerves.

"Sorry crewman Sithick. I was working on a meeting and had to use the holographic emitter. It didn't work, so I manually reset it without any success. That's when I asked Thea to send expert help." she said, her voice returning to a calm and soothing tone. She seemed try and regain control of the situation as she walked around the table to move closer to the Gorn. It was the first time she actually saw one in the flesh.

She was however unaware of the discomfort the reptilian had towards females. Her counselor touch however noticed that his eyes avoided direct contact with her, choosing to look way above her. It was a hint for sure, yet a theory she'd have to test a bit more to make sure she was the problem in the situation here.
"My apologies for being rather spooked when you came in." she apologized herself "I wasn't aware that Thea was going to send you." she paused "Not that there's anything wrong with you. It's just... Well... I've never seen a Gorn in the flesh to be honest." she explained herself.

She probed out carefully "I guess this must be rather... Rather awkward for you as well? I mean, most people usually get spooked when they see you I imagine?" she asked to keep the small talk going while the engineer could do his job. She made sure she'd not get in the way of him and provided him with all the space he needed to conduct his job.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #3
[ PO2 Sithick | Conference Lounge | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Nolan 

Sithick always felt an odd mix of Joy and sadness when he saw people scared of him. The joy was because it often made his job so much easier. He didn't like having to answer a million questions from people like 'where did you come from' or 'what are you doing to that consol back away monster' often times playing the grouchy lizard even when he wasn't all that grouchy got him what he wanted. The sadness was because it isolated him. Every single time he saw that fear he knew that he was an outcast, an oddity that  never really belonged here. It was rare that he ever felt wanted in a given situation.

When she said she had never seen a Gorn in the flesh he nodded, this was one of those usual reactions he got, it was usually followed with 'your a lot more civilized than i had thought you would be.' or 'wait you can use a fork and knife?' Sithick just nodded his head. Tired of this situation he decided to just flip it over on its head.

He faked a startled reaction as best he could placing a claw to his chest. Turning off his translator so that it couldn't detect the tone of voice he was intending for this moment, his deep growl of a voice came out in a more fluint, but still rough english. "I've never seen a human in flesh before. You musst be so rare a creature aboard this zhip."

Sithick's eyes were glaring, though it could also just be the predatory nature of his yellow iris's as he walked to the table and began to look it over, power source was okay, it was plugged in, he would need to run a diagnostic on the table. "Thiz musst be so awkward for you, I'm zure you can sympathise with how dangerious, and barbaric humans are known to be."

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #4
[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos 

Even though the translator was turned off, the message was dripping with sarcasm as Henshaw cocked an eyebrow at the lizard as he seemed to not stop at the first comment. She was unsure on how to proceed as she felt the need to just blurt out whatever came up in her mind. The alternative was that she'd continue with this in a more civil way as she had been taught by the counselors before her. She crossed her arms as she took on a displeased posture. Her voice however remained calm for now as she replied "I suppose you're..." she paused for it as the glaring eyes made a chill run over her back.  Could he smell fear? "I suppose you've been gawked at plenty of times. I'm not however trying to make fun of it though." she tried to remain kind to him.

However his next statement had her temper switched as she couldn't see what she had done wrong to the Gorn. "Barbaric and dangerous?" she repeated as if she hadn't heard him correctly "Are the Gorn that different than?" she asked as she couldn't hold back. Her eyes went over him as he continued to work at the emitter.

"Or is there a deeper problem that you're having with humans?" she probed at him as she moved around in the room and came to a stop a few feet away behind him.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #5
[ PO2 Sithick | Conference Lounge | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Nolan 

There was a moment in everyones life where they quickly realized they pushed their point too far, and sithick could tell that he had passed it when he had called her barbaric. The way she had repeated his words made him nervous and Sithick actually stepped away from the table for a moment letting the PADD run it's diagnostic as he felt fear running through his body.  As she walked Sithick had to keep his body facing her even stopping his work as he stepped away.

He paused for a moment trying to think over what he could say, but he had already created this problem and it was unlikely to just die on it's own or go away. Did he have problems with humans? well yes in truth he did. One of his best friends was a human, but she was difficult to understand and was really only his friend because she stayed in his room and he had saved her life a hand full of itmes. Then there were humans like Martin, whom he was still trying to figure out if he was content with what had happened between him and the woman the confusing deep running stream of emotions that caused.

But for the most part humans weren't jaya and Martin, they were just the ones most likely to judge him, or accuse him of eating one of their staff members. "H-humans are. I mean the Gorn clearly." his voice trembled for a moment still working over the anxiety of being in a room with a female. How had this backfired? people always gave him a wide breath when he tried to act angry, not come closer.

He hissed  and sputtered for a moment standing to his full height. The sounds were gutteral and unatural and it took a moment for him to realize that he was actually just speaking in the wrong language.  "Humans paranoid. they look at me and think predator, monster. Seen it everytime."

His words and his actions didn't match up however as he was quick to back away from Cameron when approached, he was very much afraid of her.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #6
[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Even though she was triggered by his words by calling her race barbaric, she could understand what he meant when he clarified it. Human history was full with violence and sometimes even barbaric acts. During her training, some teachers and even professors had mentioned that the entire human race is a rather violent and aggressive species. Things that could certainly be confirmed in history books or over the past few years.

She did continue to come closer to the lizard as he backed away. Her counseling skills noticing the tell tale signs of fear dripping off him. Yet she couldn't get why. Why on earth would he be afraid of her? He could easily overpower her, slash her into pieces or devour her should he find the chance. He mentioned that human were paranoid, thinking of him as a predatory creature or a monster and she smiled faintly with a nod.

"I can't tell you're wrong there... Terran legends and myths depict tales of lizard like creatures that fuel fear and resentment to Gorn." she told him. She kept coming closer, even if he had no place to run to anymore she'd come close until she was face to face with him. "I don't fear Gorn.. Yet you seem to be... Uneasy around me.." she called him out on it as she looked in his yellow predatory eyes. "Why is that?" she asked curiously.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #7
[ PO2 Sithick | Conference Lounge | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Nolan 

Sithick continued to back up until he felt something press into his back which caused a slight yelp. However it seemed that in the moment he had just backed into a wall, and when he tried to move forward however he was petrified as Cameron had come closer, much too close for his comfort. He swallowed looking at her he was very afriad, he had done something to set off this woman, something to anger her, and she was standing her ground.

"Please forgive!" His voice while deep was regretful. A small flash of scenes from life times ago when he was handled by Orians, when he was a slave with no value, and how the women would either beat or starve the smallest of their warriors. A creature so pathetically weak and frail when compared to the rest of his race that his only use was to fix the ships the syndicate kept in use, and even then he was often still struck down for daring to do his job correctly for asking for tools when his claws could get the job done no matter how many times he was shocked, burned or had some part break to puncture his durable skin.

Sithick cowered. His claws going up to protect his face as his legs gave out and he slumped in the corner. "Is because you are Female Ma'am. I mean no disrespect I forgive me."

Though cold blooded and thus his circulatory system did not accelorate like a mammals would under stress he was still finding it difficult to breath as panic set in across his body.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #8
[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

It wasn't until he was backed up in a corner and when he almost seem to beg for forgiveness that Cameron started to feel that something was serious off in this situation. She tried to hold back now and keep a bit of her distance to him, yet it was too late as the Gorn seemingly shriveled together in the corner. His arms rising up to cover his face as if she was going to strike him. Needless to say, the ensign was a bit baffled by the current predicament she had found herself in.

"Cause I'm female..." she murmured before she squatted down, keeping a small distance between them as she opened her hands, palms raised outwards toward the lizard as she shook her head. It were tell tale signs of abuse, physical abuse. In her counseling days she had seen current behavior before. "Calm down there big guy..." she replied softly to him as he was clearly going into a sort of panic attack. Her voice had changed from the rather assertive tone to a more soothing tone as she slowly came closer. "I'm not going to harm you." she continued as she inched closer.

A voice in her head warned her 'Closing in on a creature or person that's in distress is always risky, they lash out when feeling threatened.' It was her training kicking in and she tried to keep it into account. Slowly her fingertips reached his arms, a move that could easily cause for her arm to be severed should the Gorn lash out. "Sithick.... You are safe here... Whatever happened in your past... Is in the past, you're with new and other people now." she whispered softly to him "Try to regulate your breathing." she encouraged him to get him out of his anxiety attack.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #9
[ PO2 Sithick | Conference Lounge | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Nolan 

Sithick knew not to lash out. Sure he was the larger of the two of them meaning he could push the woman down he could rip her into pieces but even as she reached out, another thing he was uncomfortable with,  he did not lash out. He just took a moment to try and regulate his breath and get past the panic, still feeling uncomfortable with the presence of yet another female.  The only thing saving this woman from the potential backlash of having touched him was that knowlegde that she was human same as Martin.

Well clearly not the same as Martin, He liked Vivian more than this girl, but she wasn't green and that was really what saved her. That and the calm re-assuring tone, which helped Sithick get back to his senses. The angry primal predator side of his brain having lost out to the sensible engineer a long time ago. This would howver definetly be another source for his talks with B'Nila come the next session that he was schedualed for.

Slowly getting to his feet Sithick rolled up, his hand brushing his eyes though there were no tears he had to check, and act like he had been crying, because he felt like he should have been crying. One of those things he had attaiend from hanging around Mammalian creatures. His breaths were deep, and he reactivated his translator so that he could speak with the woman. His breathing was however still slow, trembling, and his yellow eyes still fearful as he worked them around the room, though he clearly did not wish to be followed as he pulled himself out of the corner that Cameron had put him into.

"I am fine." His translator spoke in a cold but efiniate voice. "It has been many years since I was.. orion slave." He was still breathing shakily even as he walked to the table.

"That has not happened before now." Perhaps it was a side effect of becoming sexually active? it was difficult to assess while he hadn't been comfortable with the presence of women before that he was unsure why this panic attack had hit as hard as it had. He tried to occupy his mind with work, only lightly addressing Cameron for the moment.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #10
[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

The big lizard's body language clearly showed that he needed space, thus that's what Cameron did as she traced her steps backwards to the view port. She watched the Gorn get back up and wipe existent tears from his eyes before he confessed to be fine. The latter of his message spiked the interest of Henshaw, yet she knew better to not probe any further.

Her eyes kept following him, a distinct worrisome look on her face as she leaned against the glass. She weighed her options and eventually agreed with herself that removing herself from this room might be the most comfortable one for both parties. Yet if she'd leave, she wanted to make sure that both parties however would agree on the terms of it.

"I'm sorry that it did happen Sithick." she answered him first before she took the beverage she had in her hands before and nipped from it to moisten her lips and mouth. "WOuld you like something to drink?" she suggested first. As she waited for his answer she looked at the physique of the Gorn before she suggested "Would it make you more comfortable if I left the room? I mean, I can let you work in peace and you can contact me when it's fixed."

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #11
[ PO2 Sithick | Conference Lounge | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Nolan 

The diagnoses he had been running had finished during his panic attack and he was trying his best to focus on his work, when Cameron mentioned the idea of leaving the room he waved a claw, he had a puzzle to work on now, and he could focus on his work, it was theraputic for him. The panic attack had been from her closing in on him, and a collection of other factors the events in his life that he was still getting used too.

"I would like some hot chocolate." The giant lizard replied as he eyed the results and then got to work on the breaks he had seen. It seemed some of the holographic projectors had jossled not enough to break them but enough to put them out of alignment so the room didn't really work as intended. It was not so much a problem with the table, but rather with the cieling it seemed someone had shot these things a long time ago and the fix had been a patch job. Why anyone would shoot holoprojectors he had no clue as to why that would happen.

"It is fine, I would rather... not work alone." He gave her a slight nod, despite his discomfort he always found it so much worse to be alone for long periods of time. "Besides I caused most of it. and in truth I could use some help. Could you pass me a decoupler please?" As he spoke he removed a panel from the roof and found the first of his problem children.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #12
[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

As the lizard suggested for Hot chocolate, Cameron made her way over to the nearby replicator to produce it. She kept looking over to the Gorn from time to time as she felt the need to probe more into his history with Orion women or if he had suffered from any more panic attacks. She couldn't help it as it was her reflex as a counselor to do so. It was hard to not ask these question right here and now, yet she also knew that any good session would have to be in a controlled environment. Not one where he's doing a job.

She walked back over to him and placed the big mug on the table by his tools "One hot chocolate." she smiled as she shoved it a bit closer to him before stepping back once more. The reply he gave her about having her stay was rather a surprise for the ensign as she imagined more space was clearly something the Gorn needed. Yet she smiled contently to remain in the room despite their previous bad encounter.

Cameron rummaged through his tools to find the decoupler. It had been a while since she actually went over the tool kits used by Federation crew and it caused for a wait time on Sithick's behalf. After a good minute, Henshaw fished out the proper tool and held it out to the Gorn "Sorry, bit rusty on tools." she apologized herself for it and she wiggled her nose a bit as it became a tad itchy. "You're from the Black Opal base right Sithick? Can you tell me a bit more about your time there?"

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #13
[ PO2 Sithick | Conference Lounge | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Nolan 

Sithick watched the woman with a solitary eye while the other remained focused on his work, one of the advantage of having a broad head was that he had a wider field of view than most. though the disadvantage was that he could sometimes trip on stuff that was under his feet, or miss details that was directly in front of his face. Such was the disadvantage of evolving from a predatory species.

When she replicated his hot chocolate he paused long enough to accept the cup and take a deep inhale of the aroma. Before opening his mouth slightly and dipping his tongue into the heated liquid taking a taste before pulling away and going back to his job at hand. Letting the cup cool. When she grabbed the tool he nodded when she asked him if he was from Black Opal.

"It was not the first choice of posting. Like most on Opal I think I was sent there to be out of the way." Sithick admitted. Black Opal was a station, it's repairs had been mundane and it's crew overwhelmingly small by comparison with any ship that he had worked on. "I have spent my entire life on ships. Being on something that did not move, had no warp core, it was nauseating."

In truth that was probably just a side effect in his head, modern inertial dampeners made it so that you never really felt the movement of the ship you were on, so being on a station with a stable orbit was physically no different than a moving ship. "I helped to build the weapons housed there. I offered advice, and provided design models."

Sithick shrugged as he worked most people would have had an issue with designing bombs used to kill people. Sithick saw his work on Opal as productive. He had seen weapon systems from all over the alpha quadrant. The Orion flotilla was comprised of ships acquired through both sale and illegal means. It meant that they had a wide array of weapons and ship technology. Nothing as advanced as the tools he had witnessed within the Federation, but enough to make him an expert in explosives and tactical systems.

"It was productive, but honestly it was drudge work. I would have much rather been on a ship. I understand them better. I can work with them." As he spoke he turned towards the table nodding. "Try it now."

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #14
[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Cameron observed Sithick as he tasted the chocolate flavored beverage and just sat down on the table as he spoke of Opal. She couldn't imagine how most of the crew there must've been feeling. Stashed away from the Galaxy in one of the darkest corners of space really. That's how it must've felt... The fact that Sithick called it nauseating as he was used to be aboard ships made her smile faintly as she nodded slowly.

"Sounds like you tried to make the best of it." she offered to the engineer as she crossed her arms under her breasts and continued to look at him. Not in a demanding or threatening way, just like she'd look at any other crew mate. Cameron didn't seem to be shocked or phased by it that he chose to expertise himself in weapon systems or bombs for that matter. She knew everyone had their role in the universe, no matter how cruel that role might be.

"Well, you're on a ship now. I hope you'll find it to your liking here." she smiled as she hopped off the table when he gave her the all clear to try it out. She went back to one of the view ports to get her PADD and walked back with it to the table. Whilst fetching the item, she did offer the Gorn an in deliberate view of her figure from behind once more. She did seem to be with her head in work again as she tapped away at the controls.

It didn't take long before the emitter started to do it's job, the only slight issue being that the calibration was just a bit off. It wasn't a major issue and could probably be easily fixed. Cameron looked up as she looked at the result of Sithick's work and she smiled contently "Ah, this should do I think. Thanks for the quick assistance Sithick."

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #15
[ PO2 Sithick | Conference Lounge | USS Theurgy  ] Attn:  @Nolan 

Sithick viewed himself as a proffessional, always trying his best to remain appropreat to not eat in public or to make anyone concerned for him. He didn't like it when he was treated with attention, and so he tried his best to remain on good behavior. Yet very reciently a door had been opened with both Lahkesis, and Martin, that was having him be slightly on edge, and noticing things that he probably shouldn't.

Like for instance the fact that Ensign Henshaw had a really nice ass.

The lizard blinked, and pulled his focus away from it before the ensign had any chance to know what Sithick's momentary thought of weakness was. He panted slightly and staved off the thought as he went to the table and grabbed his Hot Chocolate.

"Thank you." He said nodding towards Cameron. Tipping the glass to show what he was appreciating her for. Considering he was already seeing B'Nila about all of this he would just take notes for his next session with the often nude counselor, though maybe he would request their next meeting be in a place that she wasn't so naked. Like her office.

He started to gather up his tools, and nodded towards her. "If this is all you need, I have other work on the maintenance list to attend too."

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] When In Need Of A Tech

Reply #16
[ Ens Cameron Henshaw | Conference Lounge| Deck 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos 

The ensign had not noticed the glance of the lizard as he had eyes her up and what his train of thoughts could be. She fixed the minor calibration offset herself and smiled contently as the display worked back according to her needs. A smirk covering her face as she looked back at Sithick as he drank from his warm beverage. She chewed on her upper lip for a second before she smiled as he told her he had other duties to fulfill.

She watched him gather his tools and she nodded in agreement "Yes, I think I have everything covered here for now. Thank you again for the quick assistance." she answered with a soft voice as she turned her attention back to the console. "Have a nice day PO. May your repairs go as swiftly as here." she said before she leaned in against the console and started typing up several notes for the meeting.

It would've been easier for the ensign to just sit down on a chair and write these notes down, yet with everything going on she just stood there. She was slightly bent over as the skirt she wore just covered up her rear. Her long legs on display and her other assets coming more into view as she seemed focused on her work. If Sithick should leave, she'd glance one last time at the door and smile once more at the thought of the Gorn.


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