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Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Once more, the turblo lift deposited Ens. Eloi-Danvers back on Deck 07, upon which her current quarters resided. Currently being the key word, Faye thought to herself as she slowly pushed off the railing in the lift and shambled out into the hallway proper. Thankfully for the exhausted ensign, she didn't have far to go. Her Quarters - at least for the rest of the night - were a scant 4 doors down from the lift, just slightly around the corner curve of the hallways, and out of sight of the lift doors. Much less of a walk than her previously assigned quarters. Then again, those were stationed specifically near a set of conference rooms and work stations for a whole dispatched team of diplomats. Sadly those rooms had not been repaired since the ambush at Jupiter Station.

Why bother to repair the diplomatic conference center when the diplomatic team got atomized or spaced. Except for me! Faye thought darkly. It rattled her that everyone else had died, TharinAlk, and all the others, and yet she had survived, relatively unscathed. Whats a missing limb when compared to the cold embrace of the vacuum? That thought was accompanied by a violent shake of her head that spilled her hair down around her shoulders and left her with a momentary ache behind her eyes. She knew, absolutely, that she was already dealing with survivors guilt, and it was now coupled with the weight of the world - or at the very least the crew - thrust on her shoulders by Captain Ives after their conference call with the stoic, prideful Asurian's.

I don't even want to think about it, she told herself, loud enough in her mind to temporarily drown out the impressions from various officers whose quarters she was passing by on the way to her own. I just want to get back to those quarters and tell Riley whats happened....if she's there. Gods I hope she is." Riley Patterson, Starfleet Nurse; assigned to oversee the recovery of one Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers, the 'new' Acting Chief Diplomatic Officer of the USS Theurgy. Not that it had been made formal. That would come tomorrow.

Riley, with whom Faye had shared a wonderful afternoon, slipping into an easy intimacy that was frankly frightening. Riley, her new girlfriend, possibly. Riley, who was monitoring the readings from the device attached to Faye's neck, the result of a compromise reached after an argument that at the time Faye had felt justified in giving, but now just felt hollow and empty over. Riley, whom Faye had to acknowledge was right, in that even such a small effort as had past, had left the diplomat feeling like she'd run a marathon.

Faye rubbed at her eyes, trying to force herself to focus again, as she reached her quarters. The ships AI,sensing her presence parted the doors with a quiet woosh, and gently began to brighten her room as she dragged her feet across the threshold. The Betazoid drew in a breath through her nose, noting how the place no longer smelled like the sex from the afternoon, nor the dinner she had been eating when duty called. Eerie quiet filled the tiny room, the sort of stillness that comes from being empty and disused. Which, considering Riley had been talking about staying over and keeping to herself to refrain from contracting the virus running about the lower decks, struck Faye as odd.

"Riley? She tentatively called out, as she reached up to rub the nape of her neck, feeling a cold sweat break out. She didn't hear a reply, and really, the room was so small that the only place the nurse could be was in the head. And since Faye wouldn't want to respond to someone asking for her if she were using the refresher unit, it was easy enough to imagine that perhaps Riley was in the same boat. The girl had plenty of similarities to Faye after all, including a shared love of a good blanket to cuddle under. Like the neatly folded blanket that sat atop the rooms sole sectional couch, tiny as it was. The same blanket that Riley had replicated earlier when she and Faye returned from the aborted physical, which had been stopped for the same reasons that Riley had strenuously argued against Faye leaving her quarters to attend the deep space conference.

Instead of calling out again, Faye closed her weary eyes and placed her hand atop the workstation chair near the door. She drew in another recycled breath through her nose, and then probed, with her mind. Given her control had been slipping ever since she had been defrosted earlier, Faye didn't expect much. Instead however, her defensive walls crumbled easily, opening her up to a myriad of thoughts and emotions from those in the quarters adjacent to her own. None of which were the mind or thoughts of Nurse Patterson.  Her arms slid around her waist and she hugged herself tightly as a sense of dread settled in.

"Did I chase you off?" She asked the empty room, trying to psychically hold herself together. She'd learned so much in such a short time, come to know that there was harsh trauma that had been dealt to her, barely remembered if at all. Grievous loss of life. The elimination of almost everyone she knew on the ship and cared about. And now the one bright spot out of the whole day, Riley, had vanished. She'd clearly been there earlier, after Faye left, because the blanket had been folded neatly and the dishes had been recycled. Had she been called back to duty? Would she have left a note.

With frantic haste, Faye inspected the whole of her quarters for anything that stood out. Coming up empty handed, the diplomat bit her lip, sharply enough to case some pain, while she darted her eyes about the room. I've fucked up. I've chased her off by arguing. I'm given one good thing, one shining light in a sea of dark despair, and I drive her away. Faye didn't even realize she was rocking back and forth on her heels. She just knew she couldn't let things end like this. She didn't want to go to bed worrying about if she had upset Riley or not.  No, she wanted to get back to the understanding, the desire, the caring that seemed to be rapidly blossoming between her and Riley. Get back to how things had been that afternoon, and not as they were now.

And there was only one way that Faye knew how to accomplish that.

"Thea," Faye whispered, almost afraid of the answer she would get as she addressed the ships AI, tugging at the sleeve of her uniform jacket. A soft ding was the response, to let Faye know that she had the attention - or a portion at least - of the computer that catered to so many of her own needs. "Please...can you tell me where Nurse Riley Patterson is?"

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #1
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

It had been a while since the heated and lost discussion with Faye earlier today and the fact that the pretty brown haired Betazoid went anyway against the advise of her paramour medical assistant. Riley had been mad about it, wondering why she had to go despite still being under medical supervision. It made no sense, why was Riley still even with her if she were to be summoned to meetings and what more if she hadn't been fully cleared by medical? Patterson had heard many rumors in the corridors, people disagreeing with the choices Ives had made and how a new prophet had come to show them the way. If anything, right now, Riley could relate somewhat to Ives his rash and erratic decisions as he had summoned Faye to meet the meeting despite her still being rather weak.

The nurse had kept her tricorder with her as it gave her the readouts that were transmitted from Faye. So far she had only noticed a few increases in heart rate and a slight elevation in blood pressure. The longer it lasted though, the higher the heart rate seemed to go however. Nothing critical or worrisome yet it was something that stood out from the previous readings. Patterson didn't think ore of it as she didn't assume that Faye would panic if Riley wasn't at her quarters. Riley for that matter didn't even know how long Faye would be in that darned meeting.

The idea that they split after their first real heated discussion had left Patterson with a bit of a got clenching feeling. She never really enjoyed fighting and even more so if things weren't smoothed after both parties had left. She had felt something strong for Faye, stronger than she had felt for some of her previous lovers. It upset her a little, thus she went out of the room of Eloi-Danvers. She had left the room an hour ago and made her way around Deck 01. Eventually she ended up on the Library and Research floor. It was a place she occasionally traveled to as the deck had one of the biggest view ports on the ship.

The library was a pretty soothing place, or so Riley found. The pristine white tables with chairs each had their own console on them for research and looking things up. In total there were four rows of them reaching for yards. The walls had various PADDS with digitized books and works that took in less space. Everything was ordered per section and specialty. Each section was divided in sub division and those subdivision were alphabetically classed. If one would search for a certain book or source, he or she could look it up at one of the terminals or se the guidance system which would make the desired PADD blink up in the wall.

Yet that wasn't the favorite part why Riley came to this deck. The favorite part was at the end of the room, where the white tables stopped and the deck had a set of stairs that lead to a sort of reading corner. The reading corner had a 150° view port that always gave the most amazing views when the ship wasn't going at warp. It had various couches for single person use or for a group of two or three to sit in. In addition is had bags to delve in to and create one's own comfortable position when reading.

Right now, Riley treated herself on the view of the nebula as she sat there with a PADD that she had taken from one of the slots. On it a book with more info about Betazed and it's customs and lifestyle. However, Riley never got past the start of the book as she just got caught by staring at the nebula. She reminded herself that she still could ask that pilot from last night for that ride in his fighter. She wondered if Daniel was free at this time or if he was on active duty.

A light chime brought her out of her train of thought though as her tricorder indicated an alert. She placed the PADD down on the comfortable seating area and checked it. Faye's heart rate spiking again, only this time a bit higher. She frowned a little as she wondered what was going on, perhaps the meeting wasn't going as planned. "Thea, where is ensign Eloi Danvers at this moment?" she asked the ship's AI as she looked up awaiting the reply as she chewed a little on her lower lip. A bit of worry boiling up inside the nurse as she still felt more concerned about her patient than usual.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #2
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

It took naught but a moment for the crisp tones of the ships AI to respond back with a muted, "Petty Officer Patterson is on Deck 15, Section 12 - Library & Research Room." Faye found herself blinking in surprise. She supposed, after a moments reflection, that this beat out being in the Nurses own quarters. Or in one of the Sickbays. The latter could have meant anything from being recalled to duty due to an emergency or a sudden concern over Faye's own health (which she would have liked to think that, argument or no, the nurse would have informed her of. She got the sense that at her core, Riley was a professional). If the nurse had returned to her own quarters, however, that would likely indicate that she had no desire to see Faye for the rest of the evening, which left the Betazoid with a hollow feeling in her gut.

"Too fast, too fast, too much too soon," she whispered, affecting the same kind of accent her mother had. Faye's mind was running a mile a minute, trying to churn through all the possibilities. Never mind the fact that she was weighed down with all that she'd learned in the past few hours, the conference, the discussion after with Captain Ives. And earlier, the loss of her friends, her team, her immediate superior. It was all enough to make her head spin, and spinning it was. Along with the whole room, in fact.

Faye dropped right down onto the couch, next to the neatly folded blanket and let her hand rest on it while she shut her eyes. The fabric was no longer warm - too much time had passed since she and the nurse had curled up here. But the blanket was comforting, an gentle reminder. "So....she's in the Library. Lt. Sentak used to go there, researching what we knew about the Romulans..." The memory of the stoic Vulcan flashed before her eyes, and once again Faye was grateful that she couldn't remember the specifics of what had happened to leave her in stasis. She wanted to remember her friends as alive and vibrant, not some corpse.

The younger diplomat had not availed herself of the Library and Research section of the Theurgy during their diplomatic mission to Romulus, instead preferring to simply download the data electronically and curl up in the mess hall with some other members of the mission, or perhaps in any of the various and sundry lounge areas aboard the ship. But now she regretted having never joined Sentak on one of his research endeavors. Not only did she have no idea what she would be walking into, but she would now never have the chance to spend any more time in the Vulcan's calming presence again. She felt herself curing into a tight ball, sniffling as that realization hit home, hard. She let out a choked sob, but managed to swallow it down and force herself back up to her feet.

Dashing her hands across her eyes, she marched herself right back out of her quarters and made a bee line for the turbolift, retracing her earlier shambling steps, this time with purpose. The doors snapped shut behind her and she called out in a clear voice. "Deck 15. Section 12. Library and Research."

Never mind that her heart was racing faster as the lift sped her away to Riley. I hope I haven't fucked this up already.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #3
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

A new chime indicated a new alert for Patterson to look at as the blood pressure of her favorite patient seemed to fluctuate. She frowned and stood up as Thea replied "Ensign Eloi-Danvers is currently in her quarters." Riley cursed softly under her breathe as she could've acted directly and scolded at her for going to the conference she had been summoned to. Her current health statistics speaking for themselves to empower her arguments. Yet she had been stupid enough to move herself over to this deck. She stood up and walked back with the PADD to store it back where she found it. It took her a little longer than expected as she felt the need to get to Fay quickly and make sure she was alright.

There weren't a lot of people in the room she was in, in fact, now that she noticed there wasn't a soul in here. There had been a couple of people here when she had arrived, mostly scientists that were doing research. She remembered so because one of the male Bajoran scientists had eyed her, following her every move as his sense for research and looking things up had faded due to her presence and appearance. Riley hadn't noticed it at first, yet as she sat by the observation point, she had noticed him take place not too far from her as he brought cursory PADD's with him to attempt to work, yet managed to peek at her more often than not.

Patterson in turn had given the man a few glances herself and a few shy smiles before the man seemed to take satisfaction with that and left her in a hurry. It had made Riley chuckle a little as she started to miss the contact she had with Faye earlier on. She just wanted to cuddle under the blanket for the rest of the evening yet the meeting had bodged that plan entirely.

The chime of the Turbolift arriving made Riley turn her head that way as she made her way to it, figuring she might as well use it to get back to Faye's room and check on her. She stopped walking however as the doors opened and the red uniform indicated the arrival of the ensign as she seemingly had tracked her down. Her cheeks flushing a little as if she was caught with her hands in the cookie jar. She couldn't say a thing as she looked at the brown haired Betazoid while she was still quite a while away from reaching her.

The frustration of earlier that night bottled up again though with Riley as she rather quickly regained her skin tone and turned around before she strode off to the seating area once more. She plopped down in one of the sitting bags and stared at the nebula as she still felt a bit mad about the earlier discussion. Patterson could be stubborn if she didn't get her point when she had every right to. Her thoughts and emotional feelings from before being washed away by the newly acquired pouting.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #4
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

With the familiar ding of arrival, the Turbolift doors swung wide and dropped Faye off at the Library room. It had its own entrance to both the rest of the deck, as well as a turbolift stop. It was from this point that the diplomat entered the room, pausing to collect herself. She'd kept the tears at bay but imagined that her eyes were still fairly red. Her thoughts were a jumble of guilt, remorse, concern and anxiety. She wasn't a trained Counselor but she knew herself well enough to know that she was cracking very slowly under the pressure of the day and she wanted, desperately, to make amends and be sure she hadn't screwed the one good thing to happen to her that day beyond repair.

As such, she missed the sight of Riley Patterson fumbling about as she stared at Faye, entering the room. Only after the nurse had snapped her tricorder shut and stalked back off to slump into a comfy seat by the expansive bay windows had Faye bothered to look up. From her angle, the pristine, yet somehow cozy white room seemed an empty tomb. Carefully, Faye reached out, pressing her hand against a nearby shelf of padds to steady herself. Immediately she could understand why Sentak had preferred to come here to study. It was a perfect fit for the Vulcan, and again that sense of remorse threatened to undo Faye.

Vowing not to let that selfsame remorse grow to include the loss of a promising new relationship - the most promising she'd had in years if she were being honest - Faye closed her eyes. Again, it was easy to let her walls crumble down and reach out, searching. She felt a wave of emotions from multiple sources, above, below and behind her. As empty as the library seemed, the ship was alive around the diplomat. She felt a lingering attraction, not far off, as well as fear, the impressions of night mares. Disgruntlement with a hyperspaner, of all things, ringing out crystal clear from...from the hull.

but none of it compared to the wall of anger and worry she felt boiling across the room. It was potent enough to force a starteled gasp from Faye's lips, the sheer depth and intensity she felt from that now familiar mind. Her eyes snapped open and she swayed slightly on her feet as her free hand pressed against her chest, just under that red collar with its single, treasured golden pip, a badge of pride and accomplishment that had driven the young officer to accepted her captains summons.

Oh, oh Riley. What have I done? The question was silent, despite how Faye practically screamed it in her mind. Any other telepath would have been floored at the sudden burst of emotion radiating out of the diplomat. Faye failed to notice the fine sweat that had broken out across her brow, or the way her cheeks drained of color. Her own stubborn pride clashed with her diplomatic training and desire to smooth things over, while beneath it all roiled a sea of turmoil, fear and losing something so freshly gained, and being left as alone as she had thought she was when Dr. Nicander broke the news earlier in Sickbay.

Tentatively, Faye stepped down, into the room, three little steps to the first row of work stations. Each step seeming to ring out despite the muted nature of the room, the sound dampening carpets spread out. She forced her self to put those walls back in place, but she could no longer tune out Riley's feelings or surface thoughts. Faye realized then that the girl was fuming over the young Betazoid, and was well aware that she had entered the room.

Staggering to a halt just above the next set of shallow stairs that led down to the seating area, Faye quietly called out in a trembling voice, "Riley?"

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #5
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

Pouting and with her eyes set on infinity, Riley had crossed her arms over each other just under the swell of her breasts as she stared out the large view port. The steps of the diplomat coming closer very much heard by her yet she chose not to turn her hear in her way as she was trying to prove her point. There was a stop after a bit before she stepped further and Riley couldn't help but wonder what she was doing. It was tempting to turn her head to her and shoot her a look, yet the nurse refrained to do so as she tried to block most of her thoughts from being said out loud, which was a whole lot harder than it would seem.

a chill went over her back, tracing down her spine as Faye called out to her. Oh, that sweet voice and the tremble heard oh so nicely as Riley's heart stopped beating for a second before she turned her head over at Faye. Her eyes looking at her in a still angry mood as she pursed her lips together and looked away. She gazed back out to the nebula and sighed as she remained seated and made no intention on meeting Faye halfway. "How did it go?" she asked, her tone undermined by her fuming feelings and the question asked crystal clear and rather short.

Her mind already fooling with her feelings as she slowly analyzed the quick glance she had cast over Faye. She looked pale, perhaps even a bit hypo tense. Should she go out to guide her back to a seat and have her lie down? Should she place her head in her lap and run her fingers through her hair and tell her she was all right now and safe? The questions were voiced out in her head yet she shook her head slowly. What was the point, mending her up a bit so she could run off to another meeting when whomever asked her to come mediate for a thing. Riley made sure her next thought was cast out aloud as well in her head. 'Maybe I'm just being used to keep her going.' Like how they re sequenced Sarresh from his alien form to become human... How unethical was that? It cried out against every rule there was in modern medicine.

The nurse fumed on gathering most of her frustrations now in order to keep up her fuming mood. She didn't want to give in that easily to Faye as she wanted to make her point clear. They had just shared a rather intimate moment and she just left moments after that because she was summoned to, despite her being unclear for duty. Riley would've understood it if she were on duty or cleared for work, but to do so when she was still fresh out of stasis and getting her bearings? It had been a bridge too far.

She shifted in her seat as she let out another annoyed sigh as he mind kept pushing her in a downward spiral of thoughts. Her fingers fidgeting against her skin and scratching, marks already made on her delicate hands and if she'd carry on that way she'd probably tear open her skin.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #6
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

The wave of emotions that came off of Riley when the nurse heard Faye speak hit the diplomat like a wall, staggering her back to the point that she gripped tightly on the small railing to keep her balance. There and gone again in an instant, those blue eyes flashed in the low light glow of the nebula. Unbidden, thoughts of Riley's bare skin, bathed in blues and purples surfaced back up. The taste of the woman's nipple in her mouth. The sound of moans. The feeling of her squeezing down -

Faye curled her hand into a fist, shut her eyes and banished the vision. That wouldn't help right now. The hurt and frustration coming off of Riley staggered the young Betazoid as much as - if not more so - than the vitirol she had felt in the mind of Sar-Unga earlier that evening. This was much more personally focused at the Ensign however, unlike the Asurians displeasure. There at least, Faye had been but a bystander, caught in the wake of a disgust aimed solely at Jien Ives.

Here, there was disagreement with the Captain as well, an underlaying current of mistrust that Faye might have found alarming save for the true source - concern over Faye and frustration at being sidelined at being ...used...nonono She thought, biting her lip.

Terse words nearly had the young girl sobbing. She was a wreck, she realized. She should never have gone to the meeting but with everyone else dead and the sense of despair that seemed to permeate the very walls of the Theurgy Faye had felt compelled. She wanted to run and throw herself at Riley and apologize over and over. She wanted the nurse to feel what she felt all around her, and truly tell Faye she should have stayed when swamped with the anguish of a whole crew.

She very much wanted to plant her face in the woman's lap, shiver there, and let Riley pet her and tell her everything would be ok.

Instead, she answered the question asked. Not the turbulent emotional deluge she felt, the repressed desire and the frustration and hurt and need and worry. Hers nor Riley's were attended to then. Ignoring the trickle of cold sweat that ran down her neck, Faye replied, concisely, and calmly.

"Poorly. Diplomatically speaking I should say 'it could have gone better. It could be worse.' But if they hate us half as much as that Asurian officer does, we're fucked."

Perhaps it wasn't as bad as all that. her own feelings could be clouding her perception of the situation. What she was truly afraid of being 'fucked' was her budding relationship. She felt cast adrift in a sea of heartache, weighed down by the anchor of sudden responsibility. She was drowning, or near enough, staring at the life preserver that was Riley and too afraid to reach out to her and dump everything she was going through on her shoulders. After all, she deserved it, right? She was the one that hadn't listened to the Nurse's warning.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #7
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus  

"Poorly. Diplomatically speaking I should say 'it could have gone better. It could be worse.' But if they hate us half as much as that Asurian officer does, we're fucked."

'Than why the fuck did you have to go in the first place.' was the thought that shot through Riley's head before she closed her eyes and tried to regulate her breathing. She closed her eyes and did her best to remain as stoical as she could in the sitting bag. She breathed out rather loudly as she exhaled some of her frustrations and looked back over at Faye. The displeased look still plastered over her face as her eyes only opened halfway her turn. They glared over at Faye "So when do you need to go back to mend the pieces?" she asked. This time, she didn't turn away and she uncrossed her arms to lean on the bag to keep her balance.

Riley looked Faye over, she could see she was troubled, devoured by guilt perhaps and somewhat uneasy standing there. She bit her lower lip as she thought about it and bobbed her head slowly. She motioned her to come closer "Come on, sit down with me... Can't risk you falling off those stairs or fainting." she said, still displeasure ringing through her voice though there was a shimmer of concern and care in it as well.

Depending where Faye would sit, she could join Riley on her bag, though that would mean sitting between Riley's legs and would be a bit uncomfortable for both parties. There were single seat chairs as well, cushioned out for comfort as well as couches for two to three persons. Riley didn't seem to shift from her spot though and she looked at Faye to see what she'd do.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #8
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

She physically wavered on the stairs; as much as Riley was trying to reign her thoughts in, the girl was a open book to the diplomat. Her control had nearly shattered by now, in the face of such negativity from someone whom with Faye had shared an intimate afternoon so shortly before. The question that Riley didn't ask was at the top of her surface thought, and Faye heard it word for harsh, bitter word. The problem the Betazoid was having at that moment, however, was sifting through the sources of the various emotions. How much of Riley was mad at Faye, how much at Ives, at the situation as a whole.

Just another reminder that Faye was not a trained phycologist, and this was more than a little bit beyond her abilities to comprehend. Diplomacy and love had a lot in common, and right now she felt like she was going to be raked over the coals.

"I don't know," she replied, carefully, as she began to step down those stairs, with a white knuckle grip pon the railing, leaving a trail of sweat from her palm behind her in her wake. Riley told her to sit, and so she would sit, but it was hard to focus on the concern she picked up one when the disappointment and anger were so very much on the forefront of her paramour's mind and heart. How could obeying an order fuck my life over just so hard?

The problem became where to sit, as she rounded the corner and came upon the nurse. Joining Riley would ....she was unsure it would be welcome. If this were a diplomatic conference, it would have been sorted out ahead of time - by junior people like her. Putting her on the same footing as Riley would mean taking another bag. Unfortunately Faye was unsure if she herself would be able to stand back up out of it after.  Certainly not without some kind of assistance, and just right then Faye didn't want to ask Riley for help of any kind.

That would just make matters worse, she told herself, even as part of her acknowledged that she probably needed help right then.

So if she couldn't put herself on equal footing, she had to choose between a seat meant for one, or a couch for multiple. Bitting her lip, Faye bubbled with indecision. The smart thing would be to take the single serve seat, set herself there, and lean back. Taking a couch implied that she wanted Riley next to her, and would invoke thoughts of her own (temporary) quarters. She'd be overstepping, broadcasting that she wanted Riley, and the two were so very much at odds just that moment.

Then again, it could be seen as an olive branch? Assumption, or gesture of peace?

She hadn't been sweating this much as she listened in to Captain Ives addressing their esteemed allies. Nor had she felt quite this bleak when the Captain spoke with her, after the meeting.

Faye sat on the couch. The truth was, it was closer to her than any of the other chairs, and therefore closer to Riley. Wishful thinking aside, it was practical. But sitting was perhaps a bit kind - in truth, she slumped into it, nearly a collapse, her false hand dangling over the arm rest, while the real one folded over her stomach. She managed to pull her legs up against the couch, but couldn't muster the strength to slip them up onto the cushion next to her.

"No risk of falling now," she murmured softly.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #9
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus  

Meticulously Riley followed every move and detail of Faye as she made her way down the steps. The white skin on her knuckles as she made her way down carefully, yet she didn't see the sweat trail she left behind. As Faye walked closer, the heartbeat of Riley quickened. Not because of anger yet more because of the feelings she harbored for the diplomat. As she seemed to be glancing over her choices to sit down, it seemed like there was a glint of doubt on her mind. Riley could've misinterpreted it, yet it left that distinct feeling with her. It solidified the feeling of questioning herself if she was just used back in her quarters during the intimate session. Was this Betazed culture or something?

As Faye finally say down in one of the multi person seated couches, Riley ran her eyes over her, from head to toe. SHe hadn't just sat down as a normal person would do, no she slumped in to it, raising another alarm trigger within the nurse as she narrowed her eyes at her. She could catch a glimpse of sweat pearling at her face and she looked rather pale in comparison to when they were in her quarters. They way her arm dangled out of the couch and the inability to seemingly bring her legs in the couch were a reason for her to stand up from her seat.

She slowly made her way over to Faye as she sighed again. "No risk of that indeed." she answered sarcastically as she leaned forward and helped her legs in the couch.She sat down on the available spot and took her dangling arm up and rested it in her lap as she felt her forehead up with the back of her hand. "You're soaked in sweat..." she muttered and shook her head as she took out her tricorder and performed a scan over the ensign. "You shouldn't have gone to that meeting, despite the urgency." she rubbed it in once more "How much good will another dead diplomat do to this ship." she said rather harshly before she realized how hard that must've sounded considering the entire diplomatic core besides Faye had been decimated.

"I-I didn't... M-mean it like that.." she offered softly as she put the tricorder back down after seeing the readings. "You need rest, like proper bed rest." she pouted and sighed again as she rolled her eyes. Once she placed the tricorder back she reached out again, running her hand over her fore head before slowly and caring pushing it in the dark brown bangs of Faye. "Rest up a little... We'll walk back to your quarters after that... I'll make you some tea and you'll go straight to bed. We can see how fit you are in the morning for a shower." she dictated it out to Faye, laying out a planning. It seemed like Riley wouldn't be open for discussion this time as her eyes still looked sternly at her. However her voice had a different tone it, more soothing. Her thoughts for that matter had seemingly changed entirely as worry, concern and love were breaking through the cracks of fuming and anger.

"I should be writing Nicander about this... It's totally uncalled to..." she muttered again before she sighed deeply once more and shook her head "How are you feeling?" she asked softly.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #10
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Why was it that humans were so damned bull headed? Faye asked herself. They burn so brightly, feel so intensly and are so, so stubborn! And I'm drawn to this one like a Sidonian Moth to an open flame! At least in her head, full of everything Riley was thinking, Faye could admit it to herself. Not that acknowleding it did a bit of good in this situation. They always have to fix things. They don't just....listen! Before she could protest however, Riley was doing just that - fixing things. Things in this case being Faye.

Faye had closed her eyes after she sat down and missed the way that Riley scrutinized her. Didn't see the concern - felt it, but the anger was so strong, burning so much brighter, that it muted the other emotions. It was toxic, to a telepath, esepcially one with their control so battered and damaged. So the diplomat had no real warning before her feet were being pulled up and her body shifted, sliding in the crook of the couch.

Feeling as weak as a kitten at this point, the Ensign let out a pitiful mewl that she hated herself for. She shoudl be standing up for what she'd done, confronting Riley about all these thougths the other girl was screaming and slinging her way. Addressing the issue, trying to reach a concensus, mutually beneificial to both of them. Mend the bridge nad get back to being being....whatever they were, whatever they had started in her room. Instead she couldn't even reach out and touch the nurse as she readjusted Faye.

Half lidded dark eyes watched as the tricorder came out and swept up and down. The sarcasm in the nurses voice stung, but then -

"How much good will another dead diplomat do to this ship."

The words were like a knife through Fayes very soul, and a sob escaped her lips before she could stop herself. Every guilty thought she'd had, about surviving, when so many more, much, much more qualified diplomats had died, surfaced again. It was, in fact, enough to drive her mind away from Riley's thoughts and feelings, to sink into the deep, black molasas of self doubt and dismay that resided in her core. It didn't last long, and Faye was able to feel Riley's instant remorse, but those words hurt so deeply that the Ensign found the energy to pull herself into a tight ball, shrinking away.

"She's not doing any good alive," Faye whispered, each word laden with sadness, barely audible. The weight of what needed to be done was crushing her when added to the pain of Riley's emotional onslaught and her own sorry state of exhaustion. She heard the equivocating from the nurse, regret blending with the anger now, as the other woman sat by Faye, rear perched on the edge of the couch. Yet again, the diplomat hated herself for the sorry state she was in. I should be stronger, i need to be stronger, not some sniveling child. Sentak would never be in such a horrible state. Nor would TharinAlk. He'd drum me out if he saw me like this...

There was a hand on her forehead and Faye almost shied away, save that she craved the contact. More sensations flooded in, and she could feel, not just hear, but feel, the shift in Riley. The anger was there, but fading.  Her words from before were regretted, but Faye knew how much they had been meant the moment they were said, and it was hard, so hard, to trust what she felt now. They burn so bright, these humans, she thought yet again, just how burned am I to be by this one? Riley was dictating a plan of action. Of taking charge.

"how are you feeling?"

"The survival of the ship has been dumped on my shoulders because there is no one else left alive that has my skills," she trembled as she spoke, "I fell wretched and useless, since all I seem to be capable of doing at the moment is shivering and fucking up whats important."

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #11
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

The sob after her harsh statement was followed by Faye literally dissolving almost as she curled up into a ball and shrunk away. The statement that she wasn't doing any good alive made Riley sigh softly as she looked down at Faye. She felt that she had quite effectively broken her paramour to the core with that statement. She should've never had said such a thing as Faye seemed to be far more emotional than she'd admit to. Riley was almost shocked as she shied away from the touch she gave her and she shushed her soothingly.

"The survival of the ship has been dumped on my shoulders because there is no one else left alive that has my skills," she trembled as she spoke, "I fell wretched and useless, since all I seem to be capable of doing at the moment is shivering and fucking up whats important."

Riley smiled a bit faint as she scolded herself for not being emphatic enough with the woman. She had a point in her words, how vulnerable and almost broken left the lips of the ensign. She was the only one left and all the eyes of higher up to save a probably screwed up situation came to rest on her shoulders. Riley hadn't known how screwed the situation had been yet it seemed pretty obvious that it was bad. She chewed on her lower lip as she kept combing her fingers through Faye's dark locks. Her heart skipped a beat as she mentioned fucking up the important things. Was she on about the ship's survival and it's crew or was this aimed more personally at herself? It was a thought Riley  spoke perhaps a bit too loud in her mind.

Riley remained rather silent however verbally as she just kept pushing her hands through Faye's hair. She scooted  bit closer as she placed her other hand against Faye's real hand that was resting on her stomach. "It's alright now..." she eventually said softly, leaning in to whisper it into Faye's ear. "You don't need to save the world when you're with me." she added to it as she kissed the shoulder of the Betazoid. In addition she gave the girl a soft squeeze in her hand before the other left her hair and caressed her cheek.

"S-Sorry for making the jab about the diplomatic core... It was pretty mean..." she admitted softly and sighed as she pulled her hand back fora second to push a strand of hair behind her ear. "If anything you're a great diplomat Faye... Putting herself out there for the sake of the crew." she said softly even though she still disagreed on that. In the end it was an admirable thing to do, foolish perhaps, yet admirable and brave.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #12
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

This time Faye managed not to shy away from the hand that moved across her brow. She was sad and angry and hurting, physically as well as emotionally.All she did was walk to a meeting, sit down, and listen. That was her job, and she did it, while Trent and Ives handled things. But fixing it....the next steps, were Faye's, and the stress was tearing her open. Apparently, she had already worn herself out earlier in her quarters. At the time she'd felt willing to pay the price.

She was paying it now, a collapsed wreck on a couch half a ship from her quarters, too scared to face her duty, too afraid of losing the human woman she'd just met. Yes, self loathing was a rare thing for a betazoid, who could most easily feel the opinions of others about one self - and it was a most horrible thing to see when one succumbed to the dark trap. All i had to do was sit and listen - i shouldn't be this wrecked.

Riley had said a lot of things while the betazoid had lain there, draped into the couch. The view was amazing, but wasted on her just then. The gentle caresses, the sweeping of sweaty hair from her brow, was helping her body to calm and ease, if not her mind. But she focused back in on Riley, her thoughts and words, when she felt the nurses lips brush her ear, whispering "You don't need to save the world when you're with me."

Those dark eyes snapped right up, starring off into the nebula, as Riley kissed her shoulder gently. A worker-bee, yellow and nimble, breezed past, leaving a trail of gasses in its wake as it moved about the Vector. She caught faint impressions of a worker ready to end their shift, to shamble into the mess hall, eat, and then crawl into their bunk for not enough sleep, only to do it all again in the morning From there, her mind wandered, picking up an eagerness outside the library, a n impression of curiosity and anticipation.

But it was the shining, bright mind that was Riley that drew Faye back in. Too irresistible for her own sake, those humans. Laying here as Riley went from angry to comforting, Faye finally had some insight into what it was that drew her Father to her Mother. Its a shame I cannot tell him, she thought. There was a lot to be ashamed of. How week she was. How of all the diplomats to survive, it was the junior Ensign. She was focusing on her rank, not her years of experience at Khitomer, nor the fact that she had an acolade in the diplomatic corps. But the years that Sentak, that TharnAlk, either would have been better -

"I"m not brave," Faye whispered to the woman cradling her. She snuggled in closer, much closer than before, curling her leg over Riley's. The Nurse's words were soothing and the turmoil Riley had been feeling on Faye's behalf, and because of Faye, seemed to have settled. The nurse had made her point, it seemed to the betazoid, and diplomat that she was, she knew there was no point in aruging her view just then. She wanted to tell her of the concern that both Ives and Trent expressed on her behalf. The Hate that Sar-unga harbored for everyone in the room. The Asurian situation. The fear permeating the very core of the vessel and its crew.

Instead, she whispered very quietly, "You were that important thing."

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #13
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

Letting time just pass by now Riley kept looking down to Faye as she gazed to the nebula. Her minder wondering if she'd be up for a backseat ride along with Daniel in his fighter. She dismissed the thought slowly though as she focused back on the girl before her. Both hands now reaching out to toy with her hair as she tried braiding it. She failed to see the dubious amount of self loathing and fear inside of her.

Suddenly Faye whispered as she mentioned she wasn't brave. Riley had no clue what to say to it as she just kept up the braiding process. She stopped eventually as the dark locks were too fun to run her hands through, the result a half finished braid that managed to turn one lock into a thicker one. She looked down at at Faye and shook her head "If you weren't brave... You wouldn't have gone to that meeting in the first place." she whispered. Despite the anger Riley had poured in it, it was somewhere admirable that the girl had defied her medical advice and just gone to do her job.

Faye did snuggle in closer and placed her leg over her. Riley in the meantime kept looking for hings to brighten her up before he cheeks turned red when Faye admitted that she was the important thing. Her brows rose a little as her eyes widened a little. She parted her lips a little as she wanted to say something yet nothing came out. her mind suddenly in complete disarray as a million thoughts flooded her head before they were all silence and in turn Riley closed her eyes.

"So are you to me." he voiced out ever so softly, it almost seemed to echo through the giant room. Riley kept looking at Faye as she dragged her fingers down to run along her cheek before cupping it. A faint smile covering her lips as her mind betrayed her entirely now. The feeling of that eager young love for her sprouting through her mind as she had the need to hug Faye and tell her it was all fine. Yet Riley remained seated as she was and looked deep into Faye's dark orbs. She seemed to be drowning in them as she was daydreaming at the junior ensign.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #14
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

At first it was just Impressions of thoughts that Faye picked up, bits an pieces. The image of a dashing looking pilot, leaning over a table in one of the lounges. Something about a fighter. She felt confusion as to why Riley was thinking of the man, but the man, the thoughts about him seemed to almost bleed away as the nurse's focus shifted back to the library, the couch, the way Faye's hair felt in her hands. The braid was discarded, half done, in favor of that constant brushing of fingers that left Faye purring ever so slightly.

A multitude of emotion seeped through the cracked walls of Faye's mind, as Riley worked to slowly process what Faye had said. The meeting with ives had been important, and Faye regretted how poorly her health and stamina was after the fact, but she did still feel it was necessary. She was, however, willing to concede that her health had not been up to the challenge.

But as important as that was, well, now Riley knew what mattered more to Faye. And Faye, bless her, felt a sigh of relief escape her as she in turn felt, and clearly knew just what it was that Riley was feeling about her. Maybe its genetic, and not cultural, she postulated silently, this way they flutter and dash from one emotion to the next, light a glitterfly.

It was with crystal clarity that Faye felt the tender, blossoming yearning inside the human nurse. One that answered the rapidly growing feeling inside of Faye. It threatened to be the kind of passion that burned quick and bright, a fierce onset of possessiveness, a deeper connection than Faye was used to, and certainly - as she kept feeling more and more - much faster than would be expected.

But it was real. And she knew Riley felt it.

Casting aside some of the self doubt that had eaten at her towards the end of the briefing with Ives, and the long walk here, Faye shifted under Riley. The impressions of other minds around them seemed to grow distant. Not that they moved away - far from it in fact. One was approaching the doors ot the room. They just dimmed in importance, as Faye's mind settled wholely onto Riley. And with that, her arms reached up, cheeks still warm with the touch of the nurse's hand, and pulled the lighter eyed girl down into a tight hug that she knew Riley had been thinking about (or as tight as she could manage).

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "For not listening. I'll be better, I promise."

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #15
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

The ensign shifted underneath the nurse as she reached up with her frail arms, the strength in them still not fully to what they should be before she intended to drag her down into a tight hug. Riley complied easily as she settled down against Faye, shifting herself to lay more comfortably against the brown haired Betazoid as she drew her nose against her neck, slowly snuggling against it as she closed her eyes and sighed softly, yet contently.

Than Faye voiced it out. Her apology and promise to be better. Riley barely responded to it before she hummed softly. Her own hands tightening into the embrace as she shifted against Faye once more, their uniforms brushing against one another before she looked up, not making eye contact with the paramour "I'll make you better in case you fall... I'll be there for you... Always." she whispered, barely audible, yet the statement being repeated in her head.

Riley could hear the doors of the turbolift open in the distance, yet she couldn't be bothered or arsed to sit up properly as she just enjoyed the position she was in with the ensign. Besides, at first sight, there wasn't anything wrong for anyone who would be upon them. This was a place of silence and harmony, which was exactly what Riley felt right now, true peaceful harmony in Faye's arms against her.

The notion of staying here and looking at the beautiful nebula was tempting, yet Riley would much rather take the diplomat back to her quarters where she could truly rest and recover from her ordeals. There was a window there too to look out from, yet she doubted she'd be near it as she'd much rather soak up some warmth and feel that connection once more she had with Faye earlier on today. It wasn't the sexual desire per se, it was more the need for affection, love and the feeling of being harbored close against another.

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #16
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

With everything that had gone down that day, and Riley's quiet promise, Faye found herself so very tempted to give into the turbulent waves of emotion that had steadily built inside of her and just cry, there in Riley's arms. Not a sad one, or a happy one, a simply overwhelmed one. Analytically speaking, such an outburst would have been like a pressure valve being released on an old steam pump, to keep things from building up too far and exploding. A healthy way for dealing with what very likely qualified as the ensigns most stressful day of life to date.

After all, Faye had woken up in sickbay, to a ship full of depressed and angry officers and crewmen. She had felt the keen suffering of those impacted by the strange virus that had broken out. She had learned of her own maiming in the last battle she remembered - Jupiter station, 3 months prior. The loss of her entire department, save herself, one of the junior delegates. Her apparently weakness in recovery, as illustrated by the physical she underwent. The blossoming affection, and new found relationship, with the nurse taking care of her. The summons by the captain, a request, but with no one else able, as iron clad as any order. The argument that ensued. The meeting. And now this.

Having just run through it all, the sorry, pain, joy and relief, she did nearly give in. Only the presence of someone new in the room stayed Faye's emotions, and kept her in check, instead of running down the path of a cleansing outpouring of tears.

Treasuring the thoughts that Riley leaked out about Faye, the desire, the urge to care, and the need to be there for her, with those lofty promises, Faye drew in a ragged breath, let it out, and then another, calmer one. She shut her eyes and buried her face in the girls hair, breathing in and basking in the idea of getting out of this place, and into her bed. Getting closer. The issue was, new thoughts were intruding, as footsteps quietly padded across the library. She felt - confusion, and then, a mix of jealousy and curiosity. Strong emotions that punched through her tired haze. So far she'd not said anything, but now, feeling this man stopped a short distance away, Faye felt a need to do something, say something.

"We're not alone any more," she murmured so quiet that ideally, only the nurse would hear. She wanted to renew that connection, even if she were far too tired for anything physical. But the mind behind them was conflicted enough to broadcast it wide across the room. At least, in Faye's mind it was perceived as such. In so far as he ears could tell, the man hadn't said a thing, yet. Such a collected mind had seemingly come apart. She saw flashes again, of Riley, sitting in that bag that Faye had found her in, giving this man - the scientist, Faye reasoned - a flirtatious smile in response to something he'd done.

If she hadn't already been so deep into Riley's own thought's, she might have been upset. But the gift of being Betazoid was knowing what people felt. And she knew that tired as she was she had nothing to fear in that department. As such, she informed Riley, with a hint of amusement, "He was hoping to see you alone. He regrets leaving earlier."

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #17
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

Riley had returned to her calm and relaxed nature when Faye whispered that they weren't alone. At first Riley wondered how Faye knew, before she quickly remembered the ability of Betazoids. She smiled a little in the embrace they had and she nodded her head slowly, acknowledging the fact that she had heard about it, yet did nothing more with that extra set of information. She just kept her eyes closed and relaxed further as she filtered her thoughts to achieve a vast blank mind so Faye could get some rest from her otherwise buzzing mind.

"He was hoping to see you alone. He regrets leaving earlier."

Riley opened her eyes, the attempt to blank her mind futile now as dozens of thoughts ran through them. Who would it be? Havenborn? Someone else of her patients she had seen? Riley remained in the embrace for Faye for a little longer before she slowly sighed and left the warm safe position before she sat up and pushed her hair behind her ear. She did so without seemingly letting on that she knew someone was there and watching them. Her eyes slowly going through the room before spotting the science crew member. 'So he would rather meet me alone? Why?' Riley asked herself, though it could be a question pointed out to the Betazoid female laying next to her.

She remembered the Bajoran from earlier on, did he have an attraction to her? She slowly eyes him from tip to toe as his cheeks flustered a little and he waved a bit awkwardly before he scurried off to make it seem as natural as possible (which it totally wasn't). He took his place in one of the single person couches, closer to the view port as he cleared his throat a bit nervously before he started laying open the PADDs and ran through his further research in the light of the nebula.

Riley had followed the man with her eyes, a gentle smile on her face before he took his place and she looked back over at Faye. She had to refrain from laughing, yet she smiled a bit broader as she poked Faye in the gut, not hard yet teasingly for catching on to the man's thoughts 'Want to get going than?' she asked Faye, not bothering to talk to her as she seemed to have found an easier way to communicate with the Betazoid female through her mind. She wouldn't take it for granted, yet she'd want to test it out a bit in case it really got needed. For example on family dinners where one could warn the other to shut up about awkward family questions or the likes. Riley's mind already dreaming off to a scenario like that with her family. Seated in the back yard during a sunny summer day, the smell and taste of a good barbecue reaching and tingling her nostrils as she could almost taste and smell it for real. The simple, yet fitting summer dress she'd be wearing...

Re: Day 02[2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #18
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

For a betazoid, especially one like herself that was having issues blocking out perceptions, it was quite sweet that Riley would attempt to blanket out her thoughts and bring her mind as close to quiet and peaceful as she could manage. But that crumbled fast, thanks to her own whispered words. At some point Faye would have to ask Riley about this pilot that kept popping up into the nurses thoughts, but for now it didn't matter. Right now, she had to figure out just how it was she was picking up such directed thoughts from Riley. Almost like shes talking at me Non telepaths could direct thoughts... .

Her musings trialed off on her owns as she got to watch as Riley slowly looked the Bajoran over. She felt the nurses attraction to the cute man, such as it was, a surface feeling. And speaking of surface thought... she got a mind full from the man as he realized that Riley was giving him the once over. Faye knew exactly why the wanted Riley alone. Intimate detail. It made her wag her eyebrows up at Riley when she looked back down.

As Riley's mind wandered again, Faye allowed herself to be dragged along. The place in her mind reminded the diplomat of her mothers parents home, on Earth, that she'd visited once before. Warm summer nights, the crackle of a fire, meat roasting and ...that dress...what would she herself be wearing in a counter point to that dress, she thought to herself. Something loose. Something that was easy to slide out - he stomach rumbled. Loudly. So loud in fact that the shy would be suitor popped his head up, over where he sat across from them.

Blushing, she was amazed that she was picking up so much from Riley that it was making her hungry. That was not normal. Covering her mouth, she nodded to the unasked question, and then leaned in. There was no way, she told herself, that Riley could hear my thoughts and that is such a shame[/i]. So instead she pressed her lips against Riley's ears and whispered, "Please take me back to those quarters. So I don't embarrass us both by thinking about your parents barbeque." Unable to resist a tease, she added, "Or before the poor man pops his fly, passes out from blood flowing to the wrong head."

Letting Riley help her up, the Ensign readjusted her uniform, pulling the jacket back down into place with a sharp tug. The stern countenance of the Asurian Queen, and her enraged advisers faded from her mind as she focused on getting from the couch to the door.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #19
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus

As the Bajoran did his best to keep to his own dealings, Riley could notice that he glanced over to them from time to time. She couldn't help but smile when they made eye contact yet she was well aware of the woman laying with her head in her lap. She looked down to Faye from time to time, her hand still flowing through her hair as she looked down at the Betazoid and her brows frowning when she heard the sound of her stomach growl as she was thinking about the family barbecue. 'Did she really just get hungry because of that?' she asked herself in her head.

Faye had covered up her mouth as the Bajoran had looked up to them no and Riley could see the blush on Faye's cheeks, making her giggle a little. As Faye brought herself up to whisper into her ear, Riley nodded and murmured "Alright." The tease Faye dropped afterwards only made Riley end up with red cheeks herself as she glanced over at the Bajoran scientist who in turn blushed and quickly glanced back down to his PADD. "Faye!" Riley scolded the diplomat softly so the Bajoran wouldn't hear them.

Riley helped the young diplomat up first and watched her adjust her uniform before she got up herself and took her hand, her fingers tracing against hers before clasping into them and leading her up the stairs through the library back to the turbo lifts. She didn't glance back at the man in the room and just walked on with a certain stride. She glanced over to Faye from time to time, worry, in her eyes and concern brewing inside of her as she didn't want to go all too fast for the diplomat. The last thing she'd needed was to carry Faye back to her quarters if she passed out due to exhaustion.

"Shall I make you something to eat when we get back to your quarters?" she asked her softly as she made it to the lifts first and pressed the button to call for one. Her eyes moving over Faye as she pushed her hair out of her face and behind her ear before she squeezed her hand gently with the other hand. She smiled faintly at her lover and honestly, she couldn't wait to be back in her quarters so she could lay her to rest in her bed.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #20
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Properly scolded, and now upwardly mobile, Faye allowed Riley to help lead her to the turbolift. There was a part of her that hated the fact that she needed help. After all, the dark haired Betazoid was a Starfleet Officer. An ensign, with a few years of service on her record. And at the same time, she was less than a day out of stasis after having been in said stasis tube for months and months on end. Stress could take a physical tole on a body that's already worn and out of use, and the meeting with Captain Ives, Cmdr. Trent, P.O. Cardmine, and the Asurian Royalty? Oh, that was stressful.

So focus on something not stressful, she told herself, like enjoying the feeling of a hand in yours. Never mind how fast it is, sometimes things happen fast. One that that was certainly not fast was their pace. They were walking along quite slowly through the quiet library, and Faye could feel the eyes of the curious - and aroused - Bajoran lingering on both women. She even felt a spike of surprise as Riley's fingers laced in with Faye's. Interested would be an understatement, she thought with a low giggle. The sooner they got out of here, the sooner the poor man could go back to his quarters and ease some stress.

Smirking now, despite being flushed in the cheek, Faye turned into the lift as it arrived, doors sliding open, and lent back against the far wall. With a quiet murmur, she rattled of the section of the deck where her quarters were. Feeling the hum of it as it began to slide sideways around the curve of Theurgy 's primary vector, the Betazoid let out a sigh and allowed herself to drink in the site of her lover. She owed her a large apology, and an answer to the question she'd just asked.

Embarrassed, Faye glanced down at her stomach and murmured, "Well, after someone decided to think about barbecue I am kind of hungry." This time she tugged on the hand in hers, and pulled Riley into a hug. "And I'm really, really sorry about before...."Yes, she knew that Riley had moved from being angry, to worrying. She could feel it coming off the girl in waves. But it still gnawed at Faye, and she needed to say it again.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #21
[ PO Riley Patterson | Library and Research Room | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

Once the lift arrived Faye was quick enough to turn into the lift, dragging Riley along as she glanced one last time over to the library and the viewport before the lift doors shut. She was still holding hands with Faye and heard her give the lift a destination. Once they started moving with a small sway, Riley looked back at Faye. Just in time to see her sigh as she looked back at her and Riley could only guess what was going through her head.

The nurse couldn't help but snicker as Faye admitted that she got kind of hungry after Riley thought about barbecues. The snicker got interrupted by a louder exhale as Faye pulled her in closer for a hug and Riley seemed to gladly embrace the female counterpart as she gave her the apology Riley had really been waiting for. Not that she'd hold a grudge should Faye not tell her either way. The anger and agitation she had burning inside of her before had all but faded. She rested her head against Faye's forehead and nodded slowly, not saying anything to it as the lift arrived to the given destination.

Riley stepped back slowly and pulled Faye along by her hand as she lead them through the corridors to the quarters of the ensign. Once the doors opened she stepped in and when they closed again, she just turned around and pressed herself against Faye as she felt like she needed to show the Betazoid diplomat how she felt about her. The hug lasted for a few good seconds before Riley whispered in her ear "Why don't you change out of that stiff uniform and slip into something more comfy. I'll start working on something to eat." she pulled back and looked into her eyes, giving a soft squeeze to her arms before letting go and walking to the replicator.

Once she arrived at the replicator station she realized there wasn't a lot of room to do some actual cooking. She glanced around in the room and tried to figure out where she could place all of her stuff if she wanted to make something fancy and just realized that there wasn't enough space for it. She murmured something to herself and chewed on her lower lip as she tried to come up with an alternative. Her fingers tapped away at the replicator as she cycled through the possibilities of meals and her mind raced with the recipes she knew.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #22
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Those pitch black eyes seemed to warm as they looked up at the slightly taller woman's gaze, their foreheads pressed against one another. No words were said, and that was fine with Faye. She herself, didn't need them. She could easily pick up the surface feelings and thoughts coming off of Riley, and she had given up trying to block them out for the moment. Focusing on those would stop the occasional stray thought or concern that bubbled around her from the crew. Which only became more intense as Riley and Faye walked down the hall, out of the turbolift to her new quarters.

With the ever present swoosh, the doors split open upon Faye's approach, and she stepped into the mostly barren room. The blanket from before was still draped across the corner couch. The diplomat had very little time to dwell on the stark state of her newly designated home, for Riley was suddenly in her arms, pressing her back against the wall. Delicately, Faye curled herself around the nurse, shut her eyes and buried her face in the taller woman's hair, drawing in a long, slow breath. And with that breath, she drew in the feelings coming off the nurse, and relaxed, nice and slow.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Riley," the telepath agreed. Starfleet uniforms were designed to be worn for long periods of time, and therefore to be comfortable enough to do a variety of duties. That did not, however, mean they were comfortable and lounging about in a pair of fleece pants would be much nicer than what she had on.  So she disengaged from Riley and padded over, past the washroom and over to the area around her as of yet unused bed. With deft fingers - while feeling a bit of anxiety from Riley - Faye manged to pop open one of the drawers built into the undercarriage of the bed. It slid open, and some of the clothes they'd replicated earlier, before dinner, slid into display.

Pursing her lips for a moment, Faye glanced over her shoulder at the nurse, puttering about the replicator. She looked at her bed, and thought about how wonderful it would be to sleep - until her stomach rumbled. Right, right, food, then sleep, she concluded. Which meant getting out of a uniform that was drenched in cold, stress born sweat. And so, with the utter abandon of a Betazoid, she stripped right on down, tossing bits of uniform over her shoulder, followed rapidly by underclothes as well, opting for a full, fresh get up. She tossed it all towards the replicator, where it would be recycled, one lacy bit bouncing off the wall by the control panel- not the she paid a lick of attention.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #23
[ PO Riley Patterson |  Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Brutus 

While Faye started to undress, it was quite hard for the Petty Officer to not peek from the console. She did so on several occasions as more and more skin showed, before the lace flung through the room. Riley chewed on her lower lip before she got an idea for food, though it was somewhat heavy for someone coming out of stasis perhaps... It was however one of her favorite Terran dishes. She punched the commands in the replicator as it materialized a set of vegetables, fish and meat along with a pot.

She walked and ferried over the various plates to the couch area and looked for a table that she could use to place the pot on. Thankfully it had a small power generator on it's own now, so there wouldn't be any issues with finding power sources like the ancients pots back home. Riley turned the temperature up on the pot and watched the substance in it stir a little as it started heating up. "Do you know what fondue is Faye?" Riley asked curiously as she opened the trays and smelled the different aromas of the replicated foods.

She got up again and walked back to the replicator for cutlery and the sorts before glancing over to Eloi-Danvers once more as sh got more dressed already. She snickered and went back to the couch as she applied her final touches to the meal. She had also replicated a few sauces to spice and flavor the various foods up. "It's a typical sort of terran dish I think. Something I used to do with my family during cold winter nights... It can be done with various heating fluids, like chocolate or cheese, but I went with the standard one." she explained as she looked into the pot impatiently as her own stomach started to growl and protest for food.

Re: Day 02 [2200 hrs.] Mea Culpa

Reply #24
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Ens. Eloi-Danvers Quarters | Deck 07| USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 

Gods, but does it feel good to just simply be naked Faye admitted to herself, with little to no consideration or thought to the presence of someone else in the room.  She curled her toes into the regulation carpet under her feet, wiggled her hips, and ran her hands down the front of her body, simply stretching. There was a small tremor in her false hand, that killed the joy of the nude stretching. Making a face at her hand, she bent over and fished out fresh underclothes - nothing fancy this time, just simple cotton, grey and form fitting, followed by a pair of bright orange fleece pants and a light grey, flannel shirt, button up. It was a replicated a size too large - perfect lounge about clothes.

She managed to get all of that into place in time to hear Riley calling out to her. Fondue? Why did that sound familiar? She racked her brain as she swept her hair up into a loose tail, fingers brushing the monitor attached just behind her ear. Her lips pursed, and she turned to look over at Riley, by the table near the couch, and shook her head. "No," she confessed, "The word sounds familiar but I don't know what it is, exactly." She looked over at the spread of devices and plates on the table and felt her eyebrows rising up above her coal black eyes.

Tracking Riley's progress across the room, Faye buttoned her shirt up - mostly - and then began to pad over towards the corner couch. Outside, the nebula swirled about them, again setting the stage for a beautiful background to dinner. The closer she got, the better the room seemed to smell, as the pot began to do its job, heating the liquid contents and casting the appetizing aroma all about the small space. It lead the betazoid to letting out a low purr, a mix of her own hunger, and, truth bet told, the ghost of fond memories from Riley.

"It smells amazing," Faye gleefully informed Riley, taken aback and smiling at just how sweet the nurse was being. She was fairly certain the lighter haired girl did not do this for all her patients. Then again, Faye knew beyond a doubt that she herself was not like other patients, and that made her bubbly. For a while, at least, it seemed that the horrors of the failed meeting with the Asurians, and the physically draining effects there in were pushed away. "I think I'm going to like trying this.....fondued?" she mispronounced the word.

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