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Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict

Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict

[ Nathaniel Isley | Hydroponic's bay ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

There were so many thoughts and concerns rolling around his mind it was like a thunderstorm. Drumming out any sense he got from the other person currently in his mind. With his eyes closed he focused mostly on the events he had been asked to go over as well as the previous times that Maya had been inside his head. It was difficult to have anyone inside his head after the last time had apparently been a farce.

He didn't trust this other Vulcan, in fact he was pretty sure there wasn't a member of this crew he could trust at this moment. He no longer knew where he stood with the wolves. He didn't completely trust the people in security either. He didn't think there was one place in this entire ship where he would actually be able to give the ship his full confidence.

He opened his eyes slowly as the vulcan woman removed her hand from his face and stretched yawning slightly, it felt exausting going over the details of his life, it wasn't intimate or sexy. With Maya having influinced his actions before the question of 'wait how is this any different' had come up in his mind more than once.

"So what exactly did you find in that head space of mine anyway?"

Re: Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict

Reply #1
[ Ens. Cir'Cie | Hydroponics Bay | Upper Science Labs | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos
Finished, Cir'Cie folded her hands behind her back, taking a deep, slow breath after having finished the mind-meld with the former fighter pilot. She did not believe she had ever preformed a mind-meld with someone of Romulan heritage, and it had been.... interesting. Tumultuous, yet eerily familiar.

"Having experience with both T'Rena and Doctor Maya," she said expressionlessly, even if both names ought to mean a great deal to the Vulcan Botanist, "I can safely say that I can find neither of them in any recess of your mind. If they once were there, even in a residual way, they are not there any longer. Your mind is, in a crude manner of speaking, entirely yours, without external possession."

Having said this, Cir'Cie slowly turned away from Isley and began to measure the nutritional amount of water she were to add to a growth of tartoc vegtables. She had been interrupted, but had seen merit in allaying the fears of the pilot, and being able to aid him in proving his innocence. "I expect that my report will make Wenn Cinn ask me to meld with Doctor Maya again, to learn whether or not T'Rena still lingers there," she said quietly, pouring the water into the watering channel, "the prospect leaves me... unsettled. Too many times have I rinsed the minds of this crew from her influence. And now, I might have to do it again. I had thought the danger of that Acolyte had passed after the mutiny ended."

She turned her serene stare back to Isley at that point. "I am sorry for your loss, and for the distrust you have had to endure. Now, perhaps, you will be able to serve in your rightful capacity, as the fighter pilot you were trained to be. This is gratifying, at least, that some more order has been restored."

Re: Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict

Reply #2
[ Nathaniel Isley | Hydroponic's bay ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Nathan let out a relaxed sigh. He could at least partly trust that his mind was his own for the moment. Once again his actions were his own, he wasn't sure if that was good, or frightening. He did feel more than a little scared in all honesty. Life was so much easier when he could blame others for his actions. Though now that he was most assuridely free he could pick himself and put himself back where he was most comfortable.

Even if he didn't trust the wolves anymore, that trust could be re-earned. "Thank you Cir'Cie. I'm sorry I had to ask this favor of you in the first place." From now on if he could avoid it he would like to keep his mind locked. In fact he would have to look into that. "Romulans are part vulcan right? that means they have the mental capacity for." He gestured between the two of them.

"I know they are less mental disciplined, encouraged through emotion, it was the only thing my mother ever encouraged. So, do you know of any... way to lock someone out of your mind? to work on mental resistances, like a psychic lock? I know I can't completely block out someone, but I know this ship has more than one telepath now, and I'd like to learn how keep my mind my own." Even if she could only provide the first stepping stones he could start looking on his own on how to develop a psychic block, and if he could lock out even one person from controlling his mind it would be worth it.

"Anyway I have transfer papers to file, reviews to go through, and a mountain of paperwork. Please include any concerns you had while digging around in my head for your report to security." He said picking up a pad as he worked over his own thoughts on the entire mess.

Re: Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict

Reply #3
[ Ens. Cir'Cie | Hydroponics Bay | Upper Science Labs | Deck 07 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos
When the fighter pilot asked if there was any technique in which to protect his mind from being compromised, Cir'Cie gave it some thought, but in the end, she had to shake her head.

"My apologies," she said, putting down the water and looking at him, her green eyes unblinking, "but I have neither knowledge nor means to teach you how to do what you ask. Never have I heard of a Romulan able to preform or resist the mind-meld of my people, much less a human. Only Cardassians, if they had the correct training. I am afraid you will simply have to prevent it from happening with more direct, physical means."

Looking at the man, she realised that it was the second time she was alone with one of the Lone Wolves in the Hydroponics Bay, the first time having been with Christopher Slayton. He too had asked for a mind-meld, only fearing the influence of T'Rena alone. Unfortunately, the human's mind had been too preoccupied with sexual desires, and contaminated her with the same. She was gratified that this had not been the case with this Lone Wolf, and that she hadn't needed to suffer the same kind of rampant emotional affliction. It had been like a shadow of pon farr, and after the Niga Incident, she had hoped such would be a long time off yet for her.

"I will send the report as soon as I have finished with these tartoc," she said quietly in reply to his request. "Live long and proper, Chief Isley."

Then, Cir'Cie resumed her duties in the Hydrophonics Bay, as if the pilot was not even there.

Re: Day 02 [0800 hrs.] The Final Verdict

Reply #4
[ Nathaniel Isley | Hydroponic's bay ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Nathan made a mental note on his list of things to do. Having heard that some Cardassian's could have training for psychic defenses he knew that there was at least two of them aboard this ship from his reviews of the crew manifest. Cardassian's stuck out like a sore thumb after all. He would seek them both out in turn and see if either of them knew of any such training. He would also seek out the other Romulans aboard this ship.

One of the new wolves was a Romulan female? He could check that over as well once he was a wolf again it would give him some reason to talk to the other person. For the moment he had a few stepping stones he could use on his quest.

As for the mind meld in question while sex may have been the furthest thing from his mind his new found paranoia and fear was ever present, He hoped that his over powering emotions wouldn't be too much for the Vulcan woman, or not, he honestly didn't care, she was probably out to stab him just as much as anyone else. That was what Vulcans did after all, they were all about mind games, and proponents of pre-crime.

"If you could send a copy to me as well I would be grateful." He said watching her return to work. Her testimony would be key, but that also meant that he had to put his faith that she would see the logic in letting the pilot fly again and not put up all of her cold emotionless logic to stopping such a goal. Nathan's eyes narrowed for a moment as he stepped away, she had just been inside his mind... She probably knew every embarrassing little secret he ever had.

He turned and walked away all too quickly leaving the vulcan where she stood, and getting out of the room with the pointy eared bitch. He shook his head that was uncalled for, she was trying to help him, or at least he could think that she was. The next stop on his list was the other woman in his life, the one that had flat out arrested him the morning after a night together.  Anger surged up from the thought of having to be in the same room as Ida again, followed quickly by a breath.

Professionalism, she was just doing her job, in the coldest way possible. This along with the evidence from the interrogation and the fact that his investigation had been re-opened, but... re-opened by whom? He doubted that Ida or Wenn would have done such a favor he was deep on their shit list, and owed the both of them nothing. So the only one whom could give such an order was the captain?

Ives? were they really helping him, or was this some sort of ploy on their part. He shook his head he knew the captain too intimately for them to betray his trust... then again the same could be said for Ida and she had flat out arrested him. He sent his report to the deputy security chief, along with his transfer request. Wanting to get his wings back as fast as possible. Now all he had to do was wait to hear back form the back stabbing blue bitch.

He double checked that he had put in her name as Ida in all the official documents.

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