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Topic: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite... (Read 9481 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #25
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye" | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Scavenger01 @P.C. Haring @Tae @Swift @Ellen Fitz @RyeTanker @Stegro88 @Lathaniel @Griffinsummoner @Auctor Lucan @Juzzie [Show/Hide]

[ Ensign Lauren Pierce | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | [Show/Hide]

It was time for the big night. The party of all things and Tessa was not about to skip out on that. Her time was scarce, although come to think of it, they were on leave right now despite being in orbit of Qo'nos. But that was beside the fact. She was invited to this shindig by her good friend Kate who was one of the many throwing this party. Not that Tessa shied away from one of those types of events when the opportunity presented itself. She just hoped that her clothes stayed on no matter the amount of alcohol she consumed.

Knowing the event was coming, she replicated herself a little semi-formal dress with a crossover pattern over the chest, braless and in a somewhat girly color of salmon. It was near flesh tone which would be fun for her compatriots trying to decipher if she indeed was nude or simply testing their vision. Regardless, she'd placed the dress on herself and stood before a full-length mirror to straighten any wrinkles that may have appeared in throwing it on.

She tapped her console and keyed in an inquiry inviting her friend Lauren along since she was new aboard and likely had no one she knew. When she approached, however, a chime hit her door frame.

"Come!" Tessa yelled as she got her hair placed how she wanted it. Somewhat messy but cute nonetheless.

From outside came her friend Lauren Pierce, already dressed up and ready for the party. "Hey Tess! Damn girl, you look hot!"

"You don't look so bad yourself!" Tessa said taking in the redheaded woman's visuals. She was wearing an open red top with a black short skirt flowing and displaying her long model-like legs.

"Are you ready for this party? I know I am if you are."

Tessa nodded and took her friend's arm in hers as they exited Tessa's quarters and headed towards Holodeck 2 for the party.

Moments later the Holodeck door opened and the sound of music blared within. They glanced about the atmosphere of various crew at various stages of party attire and dress. Tessa stared about, furrowing her brow as she looked for a familiar face which was hard to do amongst the sea of crew and artificially created characters to add to the scene before them.

"I wonder where...." It was at that moment she saw her friend Kate from across the way. "Hey Kate! It's me and Lauren!" She yelled above the noise in an attempt to get her friend's attention. From the sight, she could see Scruffy had already made it too.

"Ready for this Tess?" She said with a smirk on her paled face, flowing red hair before her as she readied herself for the evening of cutting loose.

"Yep!" Tessa yelled as they ran towards where the other blonde woman who also happened to be the host was standing.

[ Lt. Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | [Show/Hide]

Meanwhile, at Alana Pierce's quarters, she was stuck in the indecision of sorts. She sat back in the chair of her desk as she looked at the holo projection on the screen imagining her in various states of dress. Not wanting to embrace the womanly styles that she was told to do so by Stellan Foster at her counseling session, she settle for the option of using the computer to interpolate her look for the evening despite not wanting to display her female visage more than she had to.

"Ugh....fuck. Why oh why universe did you have to do this to me." Her somewhat southern drawl escaped her lips. Frustration clearly set in but she knew she had to partake in this party as to give the appearance that nothing was wrong and that she could let loose if she so chose it. She just preferred the company of work and her assignments anymore over the ability to participate in crew leave.

It was down to a red dress with some golden hemming above the chest, which had she been a male, she would have been all over this woman in a heartbeat. Hell, even as a female she'd likely still be over this woman in a heartbeat. But, she also was torn with a less than formal but clearly female attire of loose-fitting tan khaki, with a sleeveless black collared turtleneck. Damn womanly hormones making her actually somewhat want to try the dress. She opted quickly for the black and khaki outfit and a pair of shades upon her head. If she was going, she wanted to be comfortable. Her mind was ready as she'd ever be for the events of the day. With any luck, it'd be without drama.

Taking a last look around after she hoisted the clothing on her shapely body, she headed out in the direction of the Holodeck.

Within a short while later, she arrived at the opening archway of the Holodeck and promptly headed for the drink bar to seat herself. Pulling her sunglasses over her eyes, she sat down at the nearest stool, straddling the leather material, and ordered herself a rum and coke before staring into the abyss of the room.

Alana - [Show/Hide]
Lauren -
Tessa - [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #26
[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder  | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn:  @Tae   @RyeTanker   @Stegro88   @Ellen Fitz   @Pierce   @Swift   

Reggie chuckled after Zark introduced her to Victor.  “Actually he and I have met and yes.  He is proving to be quite the surprise.” 

She raised her glass toward the Bajoran, before turning her attention back to the Andorian. 

“I’m glad you’re enjoying the program and I hope you have a hell of a night.”

She excused herself and took a look around.  More crew had arrived and Reggie knew that it wouldn’t be long before the group started to splinter off into smaller groups.  She would absolutely return to the party in short order but first she really needed to say hello to T’Less and her companion.

The two were still at the bar, seemingly enjoying their solitude and as much as she wanted to pull them both into the party, she knew it would be better to let them come in on their own.  Still nothing wrong with a little bit of encouragement.  She did not know the Klingon by name, only by reputation as she’d heard that the woman had somehow played an important role in the goings on down on Qo’nos.

“Hey,” she said as she sat next to the Klingon, intentionally putting some space between herself and T’Less.  “Glad to see you guys made it.  I’m Reggie Suder, by the way,” she said more to the Klingon than to the Vulcan who already knew her well.  “When you’re ready, feel free to come and join the conversation.  The more the merrier!”

She put her empty on the bar and ordered another bottle for herself.  While she waited she took a look and noted that the party had kinda migrated more towards the bar.  Someone, it looked like Sorek, had stepped over to the dance floor, but the majority of the assembled crew had remained near the drinks.  Reggie turned, leaning back against the bar as she watched and listened and as she did, a very sexy looking redhead entered and made her way to the bar as well.  She’d taken a seat on the far side of the bar from Reggie, and the Betazoid watched as the human tucked into her drink and seemed to stare off in the distance.  She was about to head over and introduce herself, but Enyd made her way over, ordering a new round for herself and others and commented on the Klingon’s performance in the Great Hall.

“I’d heard something about that,” she said to the Klingon.  “I’d love to hear the story if you’re in a mood to tell it.”

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #27
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Tae @Lathaniel @Ellen Fitz @Stegro88 @RyeTanker @Juzzie @Scavenger01 @Brutus @Griffinsummoner @Pierce

Sipping at the Bajoran Ale in her hands, Kate was happy to just hang out in the periphery of activity as more guests continued to arrive after her, populating the already crowded Chicago Arena, though these people were decidedly real as opposed to the holographic approximations surrounding them. First there was the exceptionally handsome  Lieutenant Morgan, who Kate could have sworn she’d detected a bit of a blush to his face upon greeting Reggie, an endearing and very cute moment she couldn’t help but smirk in reaction to. Then again, Reggie was the sort of vixen-esque woman who could elicit such a reaction with little effort, something Kate might’ve harbored a small measure of innocent jealousy over. Still, she admired how quickly the Lone Wolf had managed to settle in aboard the Theurgy, and how she had so quickly made friends, though there were likely some holdovers from Oneida that weren’t necessarily new friends. Yeah, it wouldn’t have been far-fetched to say that Kate was growing to admire the Betazoid pilot and hoped that she and her would become increasingly good friends.

“Oh... oh yeah, I just figured I’d play it a little relaxed tonight.” She explained as said pilot drew attention to her ensemble for the evening, a fair bit conservative considering her usual preferences for such an occasion. It wasn’t that Kate wanted to appear prudish tonight, far from it, she’d just opted for something a little more reserved so as not to scare someone she was hoping to impress, or rather, two someones. “But I’m not the only one out of uniform by the looks of it.” She winked in the direction of Enyd, whose appearance so distracted a greeting Arven, that he nearly shook hands with the air in front of Kate. Giggling as the good Doctor excused himself to retrieve a beverage more suitable to his tastes, his presence was soon replaced by the giant with a prosthetic hand, otherwise known as Victor, to which Kate smiled warmly up at. “Good to see you too, Victor! No worries about it, I just hope the new hand is working well enough. Not interfering with any aspect of your personal life?” she jested, sideways glancing at Reggie as though she were making some sort of a tease about men and their hands.

“Oh, there’ll definitely be dancing.” She answered Enyd’s question, knowing well that she’d not be able to stop herself from indulging in the activity.

Once more, she was snapped back to the moment as a voice broke the noise of the sound techs and their incessant tinkering; it was Reggie, officially setting the concert into motion with a command prompt, and Kate turned to watch as the scene transitioned into one of activity, rather than the apparent limbo it had been mired within.

A moment later, a pair of stunning ‘alien’ women stepped into the holodeck, evidently making their way to the bar. A Klingon and a Vulcan, whom Kate hadn’t immediately recognized, but then again there were likely to be a lot of people in attendance she didn’t directly know. She did wonder though, if they had been invitees of Reggie, or if they were incidental guests that word of the concert had gotten around to. Tangerine hued-eyes trailing after the pair as they sauntered past, Kate blinked as a new voice spoke up, drawing her back to the small, gathered group she had been a part of, and there stood another ‘alien’ whom she’d not known. “Oh... hey, sorry! Hi! Nice to meet you, Zark?” she repeated, hoping she’d not heard wrong, as the simulated stagehands were finishing up with the acoustics of the arena, making it difficult to hear clearly. “I’m Kate!” She cast a softly sweet smile to the beautiful Andorian, followed by a cursory examination of her attire for the evening. “No worries. It was all Reggie, really. You look great! Thanks so much for coming!”

Taking another sip of her beer, Kate zoned out a little as she returned her gaze toward the doors that led into the arena, hoping to see a particular pair of faces enter through it sooner, rather than later, or at all for that matter. Her heart skipped a beat for a faint moment, as she almost mistook the movement of another entering person, dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans, for who she was waiting for.

In addition to the loud noise of the crowd, the lights had dimmed in advance of he start of the show.

As the digital crowd excitedly screamed in reaction to an ear-splitting holler from an amplified musical voice, one which Kate recognized instantly, the petite chief of surgery spun on heel and watched as Ozzy, in all his youthful glory took center stage in the auditorium, a microphone clutched in his hands held right up to his parted lips as the familiar lyrics of Crazy Train began to escape them. “WOOOOOOOOO! Yeah!” Kate screamed out, overcome by sudden surge of adrenaline, her delicately slender hands going up in the air with nary a delay, one still cradling a bottle of beer, the other with extended first and forth digits in the traditional sign of non-verbally saying ‘you rock’. It didn’t take long for her to start bobbing up and down on the balls of her feet in time with the stinging chords and beat of the drums. This was an excellent choice of opening act, she immediately realized, and though she and Reggie had discussed their favorite artists prior to the events of tonight, Kate had little idea of what decisions the pilot had made regarding the setlist.

From there, it didn’t take long for her to lose herself in the excitement of the moment, being inexorably drawn toward the stage and the surging digital crowd as they danced, head-banged, and moshed to every whim of the legend of rock performing before them. In the chaos of it all, she was shoved about, but that was to be expected in such a venue, and even though it had resulted in her losing her beer, Kate beamed with glee at being able to just let loose. One song led to the next, and Kate grew increasingly disconnected from the gathering of additional guests behind her. It wasn’t that she didn’t care to meet new people, or that she was being deliberately ignorant of them, but rather she’d simply been lost in the sea of activity. When they’d reach an intermission, if there was to be one, Kate figured she could take the opportunity to go around and offer greetings to them then. After all, this was to be something of a festival of performers, and as such would go on for quite some time.

If only Scruffy and Tessa would show, the thought lingering on in the back of her mind as she let the ‘Prince of Darkness’ besiege her ear canals with vocals like only he knew how to.

Remembering how she had wandered away from the group a little while later, she turned back with a gleeful smile evident on her face and gradually made her way back to them, though they had for the most part dispersed to enjoy the evening with their preferred partners. “This is awesome!” She commented aloud to no one in particular, her voice barely audible over the loudness of the music. Lost to her, had been the entrance of one Scruffy LeBlanc, though as she scanned some of the new faces around her, she caught sight of a mop of hair which could only have belonged to the aforementioned systems engineer. Narrowing her eyes, she approached him slowly as they managed to lock gazes from across the venue. The brightness of her expression increasing in luminosity as she drew nearer to him, pointing a teasingly accusatory finger in his direction when she felt she was close enough for him to hear her over the music. “You’re late!” She stopped in her advance, trying to play it up, but when her assessment of his attire trailed down and then back up, she dropped the façade and crossed the last few steps between them with some haste, and planted a soft but lingering kiss against his left cheek.

“But you look so damned hot that I’ll let it slide.” she added prior to pulling back, a soft whisper against his ear meant solely for him to enjoy as it tickled his lobe. Once she'd pulled away though, she grinned, starting to dance in place before him, swaying her hips side to side commensurate with the rhythm and tone of ‘Mama, I’m coming Home’, wanting to give him a show of her own attire. “Can I get two shots of Jim Beam?” She ordered from one of the digital bartenders as they approached her and Scruffy, Kate winking to her real companion once the tender went to fulfill the order. “Any word from Tessa?” She asked him as the tone of rock-n-roll behind her accelerated and grew far more aggressive in advance of what would be Ozzy’s last song before he’d shuffle off and give way for the next act. Before he could answer though, the bartender placed two wide-mouthed shot-glasses of the amber-hued liquor on the counter in front of them, and Kate instantly grabbed one of them to throw-back, leaving the other for Scruffy. Slamming the empty glass down, she nodded to the digital bartender as way ordering another round while the burn of synthehol made it’s way down her esophagus. “I wonder if she’ll bring her friend Lauren; they seem to have a history together, and I think she could use some fun too.”

And, as if on cue, there they were, Tessa and her crimson-haired friend scampering over to where Scruffy and Kate were situated at the bar, the latter of which called out to announce her arrival. Turning as she heard herself called, Kate just about stopped in place when she saw what Tessa was wearing, her mouth going agape in awe of just how incredible her fellow blonde looked in the sheer cut dress she was wearing.

“Whoa!” She said aloud, casting an awestruck glance back at Scruffy in amusement, and to gauge his own reaction.

“Oy... ohlright, that’s it for me. I’m magonna fawk-awf ‘fore they ask me to keep goin.” Said Ozzy into the microphone once his set had finished, and the crowd had given him some modicum of a silence to speak in. Though as he began to step away, a stage-hand ran out to whisper something into his ear, and seemingly taken aback, the holographic Ozzy looked him up and down with incredulousness in his face. With the microphone still turned on, albeit not held up to his lips as he was speaking, the projected voice of the singer could still faintly be heard over the speakers. “Whadd-you mean I’m the fawking Emm-Cee? Where is... shut it, SHARON!!!” he hollered as he stormed off stage, the whole scene playing out in the background as the digital crowd laughed and screamed in reaction to what they were seeing, it all speaking to the intricacies of the program that Reggie had put together. “Am I gettin’ paid for both jobs?” Ozzy asked as the stage-hand and Sharon Osbourne tried to explain the situation to him, the expression on his face growing increasingly aggravated and confused as they went on.

“Tessa! You look... wow!” Kate commented, herself ignorant of what was transpiring on the stage in the distance. “Oh... and so do you, Lauren!” Kate added, one of her hands going up to brush back her hair. Waving the two of them over to join them at the bar, Kate reached out to wrap an arm around Tessa’s shoulder when she was in close proximity, hugging her friend warmly, and similarly planting a soft kiss on the side of her cheek.

“Un-fucking-real!” Ozzy mumbled into the microphone as he went back to center stage, the crowd screaming in reaction once again. “Mmmaking me Emm-Cee this shite ass concert... right well’em, here’re... who the fuck’or Guns and Roses?” He looked around in apparent confusion once more, the young Ozzy every bit the man he was in his older age, having never really not been who he was. Shaking his head, he dropped the microphone with an audible clunk onto the floor of the stage and stormed off, pointing aggressively at one of the two stage-hands as the came out to try and reset things for the next act, which didn’t take but a minute or so as Axl, Slash and the rest of the gang made their way out onto the deck from the left curtains, Slash plugging in his signature Gibson Les Paul as he planted black combat boot unto the top of one of the stage speakers, fingers plucking at the strings while Axl brought a new microphone to his face.

“Let’s turn this place into a jungle! Yeeeeeeeeoooooooow!” screeched Axl as Slash’s guitar echo faded in along with drum and cymbals.

Raising long index and middle fingers in the direction of the bartender, Kate then pointed down at the shot-glasses on the table as though to order additional servings for both Tessa and Lauren. “Hell yeah!” Kate announced as the first stanza of ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ began, grinning broadly as she playfully poked Scruffy in his toned midsection in order to coax him from being seated, her hips starting to gyrate in accordance with the swaying guitar chords. The second order of drinks showed a second later, and Kate immediately began handing them out to both Tessa and Lauren, retaining one of them herself which she raised upward in sign of making a simple toast. “To sexy friends, and to a rocking night! Wooooooooo!” She giggled gleefully as her eyes went from Lauren, to Tessa, and then Scruffy in appreciation of her friends being there to enjoy the evening with her and one another, throwing back the shot afterward.

[ On The Stage ]

Part 2 - Guns N’ Roses
1. Welcome to the Jungle
2. Knocking on Heaven’s Door
3. November Rain
4. Paradise City
5. Sweet Child O’Mine

Naturally, the digital crowd went crazy as the set transitioned from Ozzy to that of Guns N’ Roses, the second of many acts that were to take the stage tonight, and another staple of any kickass festival like concert of the era. Slash, in his traditional tight black leather pants, black tee, and his signature tall hat with long curly locks that obscured most of his face as he worked the guitar like few other in history could have. The front man, Axl Rose, in his early 90s representation, his glory days as it were, swung the microphone from side-to-side as he worked to rile up the crowd. All while the lighting of the auditorium flashed and swirled in myriad colors to accentuate the performance as it was unfolding.

“Sha na na na na na na knees knees!”

OOC - Okay, on to act two, enjoy! Sorry for the length of this post, but so much has happened since my first one, and I wanted to respond to as much of it as I possibly could. Apologies to anyone I didn’t catch, or might have missed, it was just so much. Thanks for joining this thread that P.C. Haring and I put together, it’s already off to a great start, and I can’t wait to see how else it unfolds! Have a great time everyone!

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #28
[ Ens. Jaya Thorne | Holodeck 2| Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Jaya emerged from her shower wrapped in a plush towel. She’d earlier finished a shift on the bridge which by any standard was light duty. After all, they were in a standard orbit above the Klingon homeworld who was their ally of the moment. After that, she spent a good couple of hours working off pent-up frustrations against a sandbag in the gym. That poor sandbag didn't deserve her abusive hire. She was still upset about the disappearance of her friend Jennifer Dewitt. Her boss from the Black Opal might never return from her hero’s play with the Breen. Jaya would have to find a way to deal with that nagging uncertainty besides beating an innocent speed bag helpless, she reasoned.

Dabbing at her face with a plush towel, Jaya took a look at the news display on the wall of her quarters. That invitation to the Rock and Roll Show kept drawing her attention. She had the time. She had the inclination for something, anything that wasn’t centered around duty for a few hours. And she had punched enough things for today,  thank you very much.

“All work and no play makes Jaya a royal pain in the ass….” she murmured to herself as she stroked her cheek in thought.

If Jaya’s terminally annoying family did anything good for her back on Deneva, it was exposing her to the classical music of 20th century Terra. It was raw and exciting and memorable even after the passing of centuries of upheaval on the human homeworld.  .

Of course, there was a vast variety on the musical spectrum of what was called Rock and Roll by the contemporaries. Jaya loved it all in her youth. Being a kid with rebellion in her heart with no foreseeable future, she’d embraced so much of it. She’d even dressed the part, which only made her family that much more devoted to trying to control her. They’d failed miserably.

Attending this event had a massive amount of appeal for the scrappy pilot. In the course of recent events, Jaya had decided to be more spontaneous when it came to getting out of her quarters and getting to know her shipmates better. This was the perfect venue to exercise that ambition.

“But what to wear…..” she said as she sat down at her computer station and began to access the historical records.

When it was time to go to the rock show, Jaya had been forced to miss the first part of the show due to having volunteered to help the Engineering team with some of her workbee expertise on some external repair work on the ship. It had been worth it. The extra duty made Jaya feel as if she were contributing more to her adopted family and home aboard the Theurgy. If she lost the Theurgy and somehow survived, she really had nowhere else to go.

Jaya had dressed on the bounce and arrived just in time to hear the distinctive guitar of Slash from the great rock band Guns N Roses. She felt a thrill go up her spine as she heard that distinctive high pitch wail of the band’s frontman, Axel Rose. Like many of the stars of the genre, Axel had been a comet across the musical starscape, burning bright and fast and fading quickly. But at least we had these recordings of him in his prime, she reasoned. Not everyone could be a David Bowie, someone who defined the cutting edge for decades rather than a year or two of dazzling brilliance.

Jaya thought she looked quite appropriate for the era. She’d done more than enough research on the Goth subculture of the time period back in her teenage days, and that was paying off dividends today.  The pitch-black ballerina dress that left her shoulders bare matched with fishnets and high-heeled platform boots was perfect for the setting. Giving herself a stylized messy hairstyle gave her just the right look to fit and be a departure from her usual appearance. This was about having fun and she was going to dance all night, even if it was just dancing by herself.

Jaya recognized a number of faces in the attendees, none of whom she knew well. But she hoped that tonight would be a good start to changing that. No more retreating into her cabin like Achilles in his tent. Jaya wanted friends, people to count on, and who could count on her when things got rough. She gave them all friendly waves and nods as she cut towards the bar.

She chuckled to herself as she contemplated what she wanted. What would be the best thing to go with this setting?
“A bottle of Jack Daniels….”, she mused.
She laughed at herself. The last thing she wanted her crewmates to think was that their bus driver was a total lush.
“Make that Jack on the rocks.”

With that, she turned to listen to the raucous music and take it all in. She leaned back against the bar and sipped her drink, enjoying the smooth bite.

OOC>Jaya’s outfit




Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #29
[CPO 1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] @Swift  @Pierce

Scruffy started to smile at Kate when he saw her finally notice him, but his amusement turned to fear as she narrowed her gaze and approached him.  He even threw his hands up when the good doctor pointed a finger at him.  He relaxed when she covered the distance between them and planted a kiss against his cheek, though her next comment definitely made him blush.  He didn’t miss the opportunity she gave him as she gave him a little show, and when she turned to order he stepped alongside her and slid one arm around her shoulders.  “Sorry, Kate.  You know how it goes when duty calls.  Couldn’t get away any sooner.”  When their drinks arrived, he grabbed his just after she did, though he had barely lifted his before she was able to slam back the whiskey.  “No, I only briefly stopped by my quarters to change, I haven’t heard anything from her, either.”  He didn’t join her in slamming his shot back, but he took a healthy drink from it as he waited for the follow-up she had ordered to arrive.

When Kate’s name was called, Scruffy turned with her to see Tessa’s arrival.  Scruffy smiled appreciatively at Tessa, though he struggled to pull his eyes away from her companion once they caught sight of her.  Finishing off his drink, he pulled himself around toward the bar to grab the newly arrived drink.  He was about to take this one a bit faster, when Kate poked him in the side, prompting him to stand.  He listened to the swelling music and Kate’s toast, and smiled.  “I can certainly agree with that sentiment,” he said, joining her in slamming back the second shot.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #30
CPO Victor vanVinter |Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] @Ellen Fitz

The comment from Kate made him lift an eyebrow. He smiles politely to her. "No, not at all Doctor, though I haven't written any new letters since I got this. thank you for the reminder though, I'll have to get on that. and it doesn't affect my fencing at all." Yep, Victor had totally missed what the implications of her comment was. And he did need to start writing letters again, that was something He'd have to do after retiring for the night. the thought actually brought a smile to his face.

Victor mainly was enjoying the conversational flow around him. And he gave a polite nod to Enyd then, with a cheerful smile on his face. "I'm going to go get a seat and watch the show. Feel free to join me if you want. This is quite a lot for me. So many new faces, and I want just to watch and observe the show." Victor smiles cheerily to the others in the circle and raises his beer in a toast to all of them. "To new friends, old friends, and to a cool rocking party, yeah?"

Arven leux @Lathaniel

"We do indeed live in times of Miracle and wonder Sorek. I'm glad that we all get to share a collective one like this. It's nice seeing you here, by the way." Arven sips more on the Bajoran ale, letting the conversation flow around him. Asra and the others all seemed nice, but Arven found himself drawn more to Sorek than the others. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he was near the man. But then he caught sight of how Owen seemed to look at the pilot. And Arven realized he had to be 'someplace else.'

"I think I'm going to go get a mosh pit started if anyone doesn't mind getting a few bruises and covered in sweat. Come on!" Arven was certainly enthusiastic with his outburst. But he still had some issues with large groups. That and it seemed like Sorek and Owen might be something of a couple. And that he couldn't deal with right now. Sorek was cute, and alcohol, even the synthetic stuff, made him dumb, so best to work out that point of frustration with some exercise.  The old saying said it best, in vino veritas. And it applied to synthetic alcohol as well, at least for the Trill. Arven made a sprint towards the stage then and shouted some words that might become fateful.

"Computer, Mosh-pit." and just like that, there was a mosh pit at the stage, to which Arven joins right as Slash cuts into the opening chords of the first song of their set. Arven wasn't quite in his element, but the crush of bodies, sweat, and general bouncing felt good. This was something he hadn't indulged in for quite some time. And he could get lost in a mosh pit, so to speak, anyway.

Nara Nueva @Griffinsummoner @Swift @Pierce

Getting the invitation to the party had been a surprise. Nara had seen it in her inbox only after getting off shift. The details presented were puzzling, but Nara knew what she liked. So instead of going with anything from Earth anywhere close to the appropriate timeframe. Nara replicated some clothing that could best be described as a metallic mishmash from hell. The resulting fashion choice looked like a combination of cyberpunk and hip-hop. Known best to Nara as 'Post Colonial Vegan-rock.' It was simply put, unearthly in the overall design. But to her, it was Rock and roll incarnate. Finishing the attire was her hair getting put into a single long braid draped over one shoulder. The auburn of her hair clashes perhaps violently with the gold and purple of her outfit. after checking herself out via holographic mirror, she frowns, still not complete. Some temporary tattoos were in order then. Keeping with the theme she was trying to go for, the lab tech replicated and applied some temporary tattoos that featured a geometric and floral pattern. The mash-up of design elements might strike others as odd, but they all said Rock and roll for Nara. At least the 22nd-century stuff from Vega colony anyway.

All of this had made Nara late to the party quite literally. So she found herself walking in on Ozzy, giving the introduction to Guns n' Roses. The idea of that made her smile, though. Nara knew that her boss wouldn't be here tonight, or shouldn't be anyway. But not knowing anyone and needing a drink, Nara heads over to the bar and shouts over the music, something from home to settle her nerves.

"Melonberry wine, please, with a splash of ginger ale." The holographic bartender hands her a glass of a noxious-looking purple beverage with a fizziness from the ginger ale. While the stuff looked toxic, melonberry wine was still very much a Vega-Colony staple and almost unknown outside of that world. So the beverage usually got some strange looks when a human, especially one as clearly athletic as Nara, was caught drinking something that looked like it could strip paint.

Having acquired her drink, she spotted Scruffy sitting reasonably nearby. Nara walked over, figuring that she should break the ice with someone at the very least. And with the wild hair and grooming, it looked like he'd gone in for the 'Rock look' as well.

"Hey there, good to see someone else didn't neglect the hair for this event. I love the look. I'm Nara, just transferred in from the Embassy, you? Also, who are your friends? They're both pretty cute." She smiled sweetly to Kate and Tessa, the athletic woman quite appreciative of the clothing that most had adopted for the evening.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #31
[ Lt. T'Less & CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Passageway | Deck 08 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @Ellen Fitz @P.C. Haring
“Any preference on a drink, ma’am?” Mickayla asked as the two of them stepped up to the counter.

“It is all for taste,” T’Less commented indifferently, her mind distracted still by Reggie. “Nor do I have an extensive knowledge of beverages, so I bow to your indulgence.” At Mickayla’s blank look, the Vulcan added, “I leave it to you to choose for us.”

“Right,” Mickayla acknowledged, turning to the holographic bartender. “Talisker, 25-year single malt, served neat, for two thanks,” Mickayla ordered. The bartender said nothing, merely reaching down for a pair of glasses from under the counter before turning to grab a black bottle off of the shelf behind him. Mickayla couldn’t see the contents but as the fluid was poured into the glasses, the Klingon recognised the distinctive hue and aroma of the whiskey, even if it was synthehol. As their drinks were set before them, Mickayla looked down the bay and recognised the Andorian, Zark, also in attendance. 

Even as the two of them paused, taking in the atmosphere that had been programmed into the holodeck, the Trill doctor, Leux, appeared beside them and ordered his own set or drinks. Or rather, his own and some for them as well as he presented two of the three shots that he had to them, despite the drinks they already possessed. He even tried to explain away his actions as ‘Doctor’s orders’ but all it did was to annoy Mickayla as she flashed back to a similar event aboard the Artemis and ex. It had been real alcohol then, with different stakes.

Others approached the bar, acquiring their own drinks for the start of the evening before settling in to talk to other arrivals or departing but the Vulcan and the Klingon were content to sit and wait, nursing their drinks and so far ignoring the shots presented to them by Arven.

“Is it common to be given drinks at an event like this?” T’Less asked Mickayla.

“Pretty much,” Mickayla confirmed. “People are either friendly or think you are hot and want to get in your pants. Either way, I can get my own and I prefer them straight. Up to you if you want to indulge in that concoction though,” Mickayla said, noting the irony in her words. Nothing about her recent life could be considered straight and normal. Her musing was interrupted when she felt someone sit down beside her and she turned to gaze at the new arrival. Betazoid, given the eyes.

"Hey, glad to see you guys made it.  I'm Reggie Suder, by the way," the woman introduced herself confidently. "When you're ready, feel free to come and join the conversation.  The more the merrier!" Mickayla was about to reply when Enyd stepped up to the bar as well and ordered an Andorian Mule before turning to look at the Klingon.

"Nice to see you again, Chief, and may I say again how spectacular you were back in the Great Hall. Even with the threat of the Infested bearing down on us, I wanted to give a standing ovation to your performance," she complimented as her drinks were set before her.

“I still ended up bleeding again, so I can’t have been that good,” Mickayla pointed out as Enyd took a sip from one of her beverages. T’Less had taken the time to review the events within the Great Hall and herself had also been impressed with the forthrightness of the woman beside her to step up and confront Gorka as she had done. 

"I'd heard something about that," Reggie said to the Klingon.  "I'd love to hear the story if you're in a mood to tell it."

“Another time maybe. I don’t want to spoil the night,” Mickayla pointed out, before choosing to act as the gracious go-between. “Have either of you met Lieutenant T’Less here?”

“Hello Reggie,” T’Less said, answering the Chief's question, at least in part.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #32
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye", Ensign Lauren Pierce, Lt. Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Scavenger01 @P.C. Haring @Tae @Swift @Ellen Fitz @RyeTanker @Aharon @Stegro88 @Lathaniel @Griffinsummoner @Auctor Lucan @Juzzie [Show/Hide]

Tessa blushed as Kate mentioned how much she enjoyed the look she was currently sporting. It wasn't like she was used to looking like this either which had to be the reason for the excited reaction from her friend. She noted how Lauren smiled also when Kate complimented her attire which was slightly less dressy in this sort of crowd which oddly enough was filled with various types of party wear.

Lauren was grinning as she saw Scruffy. Something about him just kind of drew her eye as well. Clearly he liked what he saw based on his attention to her since their arrival. Although she was uncertain who he was exactly, he was still someone she wouldn't mind getting to know more during this event and afterwards. As she turned, she caught a glimpse of Kate reaching over Tessa's shoulder and hugging her while planting a kiss on her cheek. A smile washed over her as the thought of how much had changed since she'd been away from her friend. She was happy whatever was going on.

The ladies headed over to the bar where another female with red hair could be seen. She sat with clothing that really didn't jump out as party clothes but looked more relaxed than anything else. Tessa looked on and couldn't place where she'd seen the crimson hair before aside from Lauren's but shook it off for the moment. Her head still fogged in particular memories from the Valkyrie crash she'd recently recovered from.

As Kate ordered from the bartender, pointing at the glasses and back to the two women with her and Scruffy, the holographic waiter nodded and began to bring their drinks over as well. The music heard overhead made the insides of their chest feel lighter and increased the adrenaline for sure. Something typically only experienced in battle or fast flying but in this case it was all fun and not worries. At least for the moment.

The second order of drinks arrived quickly and as Kate dished them out to her friends, Tessa and Lauren, they looked on as she raised her glass in a toast. "To sexy friends, and to a rocking night! Wooooooooo!" The feeling of excitement shot through Lauren and Tessa as they were happy to just let loose after all they'd endured in the last week. Scruffy's reaction to Kate's speech made Lauren giggle a little as she and Tessa downed their drinks too.

"Thanks for the invite guys! I was so excited to get to have some fun in here again. Always nice seeing you Kate..." She peered at the only male at the standing table. "You too Scruffy." She winked to the both of them.

"Now I feel left out of whatever..." she waved at the three of them in a circular motion. "This is!" She laughed as Tessa joined her.

"Don't worry, we will include you, if you're daring enough!"

"Don't tempt me Tessa. Who do you think taught you to be bold? Hmm?"

A slight comment could be heard with a slight southern drawl at the counter of the bar. The grumbling and the yell to the bartender to refill her drink triggered a memory. That was when Tessa heard it and remembered... She was the officer who saved her hide on the Daqchov before all the mess broke out on the Theurgy. Tessa placed her glass down and walked over, knowing that it might not be the best of choices given her proximity to the individual who was drinking and displayed a general distant distaste for her on board that vessel before they barely escaped with their lives intact.

Tessa's hand tapped the redheaded woman on the shoulder as she spun around, red flowing hair whacked Tessa in the face as she still held her glass. "Oh, it's just you. What do you want?"

Treading delicately, she responded, "Aren't you Lieutenant Pierce?"

"Yeah, and your point?" Irritation clearly welling within her but still able to hold it at bay due to the experience she had as an intel officer.

"I have someone I want you to meet...I'm unsure if you're related but wanted to introduce you if you'd be willing." A cheesy smile was on Tessa's face as she tried to coax the other woman to their table.

Alana spied a look again at Tessa's attire and was impressed the Lone Wolf had as stacked a body as she did. Something she'd have been attracted to or still might be. Time will tell on that verdict. She stood up and faced the table and Tessa. "If I do this, will you leave me be in peace?"

A grin formed on Tessa's face as she knew she'd won. "I swear!"

"Fine, let's get this overwith..." She groaned as they walked towards the table and the group.

"Hey guys, this is the woman who saved me on the Daqchov the day before...well everything fell apart. Allow me to introduce Lt. Alana Pierce."

Lauren stopped mid drink and fell silent briefly in shock.

"Hi. Nice to meet you all. I'm only here because Stellan Foster basically forced me to show up to this event. Said I needed to get out of work more and "enjoy" life outside the uniform." The word enjoy placed in air quotes as she rolled her eyes and continued to drink. "He cornered me in an impromptu therapy session and said I'd be taken off duty if I didn't get out more."

Tessa let the others introduce themselves to Lt. Pierce as it finally fell to Lauren for hers. Jaw still hanging open, she was struck by some weird feeling. Almost like a familiarity but couldn't place it. "You''re a Pierce?! I'm a Pierce! I'm Ensign Lauren Pierce."

This struck something in Alana as she stood there with a slight eye reaction and a squinting stare at the other crimson haired woman at the table. Tessa was about to speak when Alana placed her hand over the other woman's mouth. She looked at her. "Sorry, force of habit." Releasing her hand, she returned her eyes to Lauren to inspect her like she was an android analyzing the situation. "When were you born? What's your family history?"

"Isn't that a bit much for a first meeting?"

She ignored Tessa and stared more intently at Lauren. Curiosity and real worry welled inside her. "Answer me please..."

Unsure why the woman was asking such pointed questions, she answered having nothing to hide. "I was born September 7, 2354. I was born on Mars. My family wasn't happy that I joined Starfleet. You see my grandfather served in Starfleet and disappeared mysteriously in the late 23rd Century."

The synthehol she'd recently downed was starting to loosen some of her training. She started to feel a panic well in her chest. "No...." She whispered. "Was your grandmother's name, Denielle Craig by any chance?"

Her face went white as a ghost as the question struck true for her. "Yes...WHO ARE YOU!?" Frustration and fear welled inside Lauren creating a whirlwind of emotions as she began to cry.

The adrenaline of the situation fueled Alana as she took a deep breath, exhaled and figured she might as well come clean. "Keep this quiet you four. I mean it or I'll have to come after you." She whispered as quietly as she could to the four before her. "Lauren, I am your grandfather. I was born originally as Alan Pierce. Served on the USS Eagle, the original Enterprise."

Tessa looked on in one of the weirdest WTF moments she'd ever experienced as she tapped Lauren on the should as if saying they were gonna bounce with all the recent family drama to which Lauren only nodded. "If you need me, I'm just a short jaunt away." She said leaving her friend to deal with that and hang out with Kate and Scruffy. A look of relief struck her as they left. "Wow... that was rich. So what now guys?"

As Lauren stood face to face with Alana, they just analyzed each other. "Bullshit. Can't be."

"I assure you, it's true. I was on a covert mission in Klingon space and when I was escaping I hit a temporal distortion. It spat me and the small ship out. I attempted to beam out to any world, ship, or space station as the small vessel experienced cascading systems failures and a impending warp core breach. I was knocked out by a bulkhead rupture, and the contents I was sent to retrieve unfortunately sprayed me with the compound as I laid sprawled out on the deck. "

She breathed calmly and then returned to her story. "Within drifting range of Starbase 82 in I think the year was 2380, the transporter officers couldn't beam me off the shuttle due to interference from the deteriorating shuttle. They managed to access the onboard transporter systems remotely and got a lock on me. That's when it get's weird. Due to a pattern buffer malfunction with the compound covering me, a lot of issues happened and mutated my chromosomes, which led to a change in my cellular structure mid-transport. It caused my DNA and the compound to combine. So this is how I came out the other end. As difficult as this is for me to wrap my head around. I am your grandfather...of sorts."

The situation was weird and Lauren softened up as did Alana and Lauren lept forward into a hug on her ancestor. "Your story sucks, but I'm just so glad to meet you!" She said holding Alana tight as she cried. Alana reached her arm around the woman and patted her back as they held one another.

From the view where Tessa and the others were, she looked back at the two Pierces. She pointed with her thumb. "Well. It looks like those two made up."

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #33
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 2 | Deck 8 | Vector 2]

@Juzzie @Scavenger01 @Tae @Ellen Fitz @Lathaniel @Brutus @Stegro88

As predicted, Reggie, moved off to play hostess with several other and vanVinter went off to find a place to sit and enjoy the ambience of the evening leaving Zark along momentarily to savour the flavours of the peat and the North Sea in a glass.  Taking another sip and rolling it around her mouth to savour the complex flavours, she turned around and leaned her back and elbows on the bar.  Taking the chance to simply be and observe what was going on, Zark noticed that most of the people here seemed to be meeting each other for the first time and her thoughts wandered to the fact that so many could meet for the first time despite the attempt by the fates to destroy the very ship they were standing on.  Looking heavenward, a moment of unseen bleakness crossed the Andorian's face as her thoughts took a new direction despite the music to the Cayuga and how she had essentially never been heard from again.

Sighing lightly, she banished the bleak expression and eyed Rhys Williams for a moment.  It looked like he was fumbling along in his interaction with several other new comers to the party.  It sounded more like the guy was going through an interview.  Not fun at all.  I really ought to have a chat with him to see how things are going. She stood there in uncharacteristic indecision when the music helped tip the scales in her mind, it was after all a party, not a funeral.  Taking a moment to inquire what Rhys was having from the holo bartender, Zark grabbed another drink for herself and one for Rhys before sauntering over to where the counsellor was doing his best impression trying to go back being a fly on the wall. Can't have that! the now smirking Andorian thought to herself.  She quickly moved around a newly arrived Trill and cut off any avenue of escape for the shy counsellor, placed the fresh drink near him before taking his partially drunk gin out of his hand and placing it behind the bar.

With mischief written across her face, in a truly horrendous impression of Scottish accent, "Aye laddie, ya look like ya gonna drag the Dreich in with ya. Put some fire in ya belly for the lady here!"  Not even waiting to see how Rhys responded, mainly wanting to see how the new guest responded, Zark turned to the new Trill with a full toothy smile and held out her glass for a clink. "My full name is XamotZark zh'Ptrell, but I just ask everyone to call me Zark. Pleased to meetchya!" Zark greeted cheerily and probably thankfully in her regular voice.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #34
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] attn: @Tae @P.C. Haring @Stegro88 @RyeTanker  @Juzzie  @Scavenger01  @redshift316 @Swift @Pierce

Enyd smiled at the handsome man with a most delightful accent, “Nice to meet you, Rhys.” Enyd nodded to Victor when he told her about his general heading and watched as more crew members entered the holodeck.

She excused herself from Rhys' side soon after and headed to the bar. It struck her not for the first time just how large the ship was and also not for the first time Enyd realized it could take literal years to meet everyone enough times to place a name with a face. And as she took a quiet moment to track the movements of the newcomers, those more gregarious and those more restrained, Enyd was again fascinated with just how drastically different they all were from one another. And not just in the form and function of their departments and roles. But in their background experiences, in the tragedies they’d survived, the successes they wore on their sleeves. Still leaning against the bar, standing close to the Chief and others, she glanced back to Rhys, and Enyd almost envied him for but a moment. The stories he was privy to, the opportunities to assist in healing, all of it must be so draining and yet so satisfying when it came together well.

The Chief’s decline to share the story here was understandable, and Enyd nodded. When her companion was introduced, Enyd gave another nod, this one accompanied with a friendly smile.

“Pleasure to meet you, T’Less. I’m Enyd, diplomatic corps.” She continued her evening trend of not sharing rank as that had been one of the instructions in the invitation. The new music had Enyd looking over her shoulder and watching as the crowd shifted in demeanor in connection to the song switch. Tapping her foot along with the new beat, Enyd smiled before looking back to the trio of beauties at her side, “I like this new song.”

A slight commotion over at one of the tables drew Enyd’s attention, but she didn’t know those surrounding the table enough to feel confident in approaching. Whatever the matter was, it seemed to resolve itself rather quickly, however, and Enyd was left to gaze at the others saddled up the bar, including a young woman nursing a drink standing by herself. Smiling to those closest to her, Enyd excused herself before moving closer to the dark-haired woman wearing a more goth version of something similar to her own outfit.

“To skirts and fishnets,” Enyd saluted the woman with her own drink as she drew closer and smiled, “I love your outfit. I’m Enyd.”

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #35
[ Lt. Asra Tek | Holodeck 02 | Vector 2 Deck 08| USS Theurgy ]attn: @RyeTanker @Juzzie

To say that Asra was overwhelmed would be an understatement, the entire holodeck was filled with noise and movement which made hearing some people a challenge. That being true, Asra still had a small chuckle at Enyd's description of herself, chaos wrangling and instigation were very definitely the bread and butter of the diplomatic corp. Her chuckle almost immediatly morphed into a small coughing fit at the wink that got sent her way, though the sentiment was appreciated Asra was definitely not ready for playful winks to be thrown around, especially when she wasn't sure whether to stifle the grin or let it grow.

Recovering with a quick glance around Asra caught sight of the tail end of a wave from her fellow introvert, internally she was glad for the action, it prompted her to focus and hear the tail end of the greeting that accompanied it. Sliding around the back of Arven as he announced his desire to go form a mosh pit she came into easier hearing range of Rhys. "Nice to meet you Rhys, what dragged you from your cabin? You look about as ready to make a break as I feel.  "

Rhys and Asra's little introvert corner was quickly interuppted however by the appearance of the energetic andorian. The second the first sylable left Zark's mouth Asra knew that this would be eventful, especially given Zark's liberal handling of Rhys' drinks. The following stream of attempted accent Made Asra feel sorry for every scotsman that she had ever known a look of shock and horror easily visible spread accross her face, the sudden switch back to her native accent and greeting that followed showed that the entire point of the exchange was to provoke a reaction. Asra also felt her hackles rise unitentionally at the insinuation that she would be unable to deal with Zark's full name and so she fell back on the crutch of all introverts everywhere in an awkward situation. Gently clinking her glass against Zark's Asra schooled her expression into a deadpan stare before responding " XamotZark I believe it is fair to say that a voice actor isn't in you future careers plan" her pronouciation of the andorian name was accurate although accented as if she knew what the sounds should be but hadn't stretched her vocal chords that way for a while. Asra tried to maintain eye contact even as she felt a familiar burn start spreading up her cheeks, taking a gulp she turned back to Rhys " So what department do you belong to?

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #36
[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder  | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Stegro88   @Ellen Fitz 

If she were being honest with herself, Reggie had to admit that the entire conversation with the Klingon had been a pretense.  Sure she was genuinely interested in meeting new people, hearing their stories, and starting to integrate with the crew and she had no doubt that eventually she and this klingon chief, who had yet to introduce herself, might one day hit it off.  But tonight she was a means to an end.

“Hello, Reggie.”

Reggie hadn’t known she would be there until she walked through the holodeck door.  She had hoped, wondered, and of course planned.  The Betazoid’s choice of wardrobe tonight was as much about her as it was about Reggie’s desire to wear something fun.  Ever since their inadvertent reunion in the Public Baths the other day, Reggie had found it difficult to get her out of her mind.

Reggie had spent so much time after that exam trying to get the Vulcan out of her mind and get past the hurt that their chance encounter had felt almost as though she had been playing out a dream, an idealized ‘what if’ scenario that would unfold if ever their paths crossed.  But seeing T’Less here, again, hearing those two words coming out of her mouth in that voice, made everything seem just that much more real.  Their paths had well and truly crossed.

The house lights were down, of course, but the lights from the show moved and flashed, illuminating enough of T’less allowing Reggie to see the black leather that caressed her curves.  She looked good.  Damn good.  Her head swam with the conflicting emotiions.  The urge to throw herself at the Vulcan and finally act act on the tension that had built between them only to lay dormant for a decade fought with the urge to lunge at the woman, grab her by her new cornrows and unleash a decade’s worth of hurt feelings, anger, survivors guilt, war time stress and trauma all of which could have been made easier by the presence of a friendly vulcan ear.

Reggie clamped down on her telepathic centers, forcing herself into the un characteristic position of having to close herself off to the world around her.  For as eerie as the telepathic silence was in her head, it was far preferable than letting any of this leech out and affect those around her or…worse… be read by T’Less herself.  Even more important, she knew wich side of her she wanted to win the struggle, and until she could find a way to put the frustration down for good, she would not risk giving it a voice.  No… this was not the first time she had seen her since she’d come aboard, but this would take time to fully resolve for her.

“Hey, T’Less,” she finally managed to say.  “I’m happy to see you here.  Thanks for coming.”

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #37
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Recovery Ward | Deck 11 | Vector 02|  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Swift @Scavenger01 @Pierce @RyeTanker @Tae @redshift316 @Juzzie @Ellen Fitz @Lathaniel @Stegro88 @Griffinsummoner 

For but a brief moment, Sarresh's eyes met the eyes of the woman that had been posted up next to him by the bar. He watched her meander over to another group, noting the spots trailing along her skin, and that of the man beckoning her over, making them both for Trill, though neither were familiar beyond the frame of, 'I've seen you around the ship.' Possibly his own department, but he was so generally secluded there that it was difficult to be sure. Still, she shot him what passed for a smile, equal parts kindness and grimace as she was introduced to the group around the other Trill. Again here, he only recognized two people - Enyd, with whom he had deployed to the Great Hall on Qo'noS days prior, and Zark, one of two Andorian women in Security that he had somewhat recent interactions with, in the wake of the incident in the Azure Nebula with the Borg.

Frowning at that memory, he tilted his glass back and killed it in one long gulp, before setting it down. As the liquid burned and then soothed his esophagus, he leaned backward, looking over his shoulder, addressing the holographic bar tender. "Another," he murmured softly, though the holodeck computer picked up the words nonetheless and in short order a second of the pale blue concoctions was placed by his hand. This, he promised himself, he would nurse. 

Taking the drink up, Sarresh belatedly realized that the Trill woman might not have been smiling at him, but one of the other patrons at the bar, and let out a sigh. A potential gaff, he couldn't really be sure, as that circle of individuals were fully engaged with one another now.  There was nothing for it, he mussed, pursing his lips and turning his head to look out at the holographic crowd, bouncing up and down in time with the music currently being performed.

He made note, in passing of a few others entering the holodeck, the doors whooshing open with each new arrival. Some were faces' he'd seen before, many were new to him entirely. Sipping gently from his second cocktail, he set about to people watching. Propping up one foot against the bottom of the bar behind him, it began to tap in time with the music, seemingly of its own accord. More than one of his fellow crew let themselves be caught up in the moment, and Sarresh caught a glimpse of a woman with eyes as interesting as his own drawn inextricably toward the stage, and the powerful punch of Ozzy Osbourne. 

Eventually the first set was over. Sarresh was glad at his own foresight in bringing the small buds to protect his hearing, though he enjoyed the music quite well. As with many of the holograms, he too laughed at the antics of the performer who would serve the role of main stage host, feeling the humor bubble up with in. Even though the man was centuries dead, the antics were still funny. The new band quickly ascended into their positions, and the music began again, with Sarresh tapping his fingers along the glass in his hand, as well as his foot now. There was a primal nature to the song, and for a moment Sarresh almost felt transported back to a time he was both familiar with, and yet could not quite remember.

Though he was only on the outer orbit of what happened next, Sarresh witnessed what had to be the oddest exchange he had seen to date on the Theurgy - a family reunion. His eyebrows shot up high on his forehead as he shamelessly eavesdropped on what was unfolding. The voices dropped to a whisper, but Sarresh had caught enough, turning and sliding down the bar, to give them further space. "Fucking time travel," he noted to no one in particular, and proceeded to pretend he hadn't seen or heard a thing at all. Easy enough to do that in that atmosphere.

A pilot he thought he recognized saddled up to the bar in a skirt an fishnet get up that was more than a little fetching, but was quickly drawn into conversation with Lt. Enyd Madsen. Sarresh had no issues with the diplomat - she'd done an admirable enough job leading the insertion team on Qo'noS during the mission to reveal the nature of the parasitic threat in the Klingon High Council - but he had no desire to interrupt someone either. More and more little clusters and groups were forming, and more and more Sarresh was reminded that he did not do all that well in social gatherings.

The music was at least stimulating and pleasing enough, arguably worth the price of admission (people). And it was only the second set. Looking around at faces both familiar and strange, he swirlled the drink in his hands and again thought of the faces that weren't present. The ones that couldn't be here, or anywhere again, and how much they would have enjoyed this. He blew a short breath out of his nose, and squared his shoulders up. There was no point in dwelling on the dead here, or more so, no point in wallowing in sadness and drink. He'd done plenty of that, though even as he thought such, he killed the second drink, letting the glass settle on the counter, only for it to be swept away. 

The pleasing warmth settled into his stomach, and he turned to order a new drink, ordering an Old-Fashioned made with Aldebaran whiskey. Soon he was handed over a greenish brown cocktail with a large round ice cube floating in the center and the peel of an orange tucked around beneath it. Sipping lightly, Sarresh once more turned back to the crowd and the music, looking about as if trying to decide just where he wished to wander.


Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #38
[ Lt. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02] attn: Attn: @P.C. Haring  @Swift  @Scavenger01  @Pierce  @RyeTanker  @Tae  @redshift316 @Juzzie  @Brutus  @Lathaniel  @Stegro88  @Griffinsummoner 

After introducing herself, Enyd fell back on traditional upbringing manners and quickly scanned the crowd to spot anyone she knew that she could introduce to the newcomer. There was the threat that this newcomer already knew those she introduced, but typically, such social gaffs were easily twisted to further fodder for creating a jovial atmosphere. A bright smile on her face, Enyd shifted a little closer to her companion so the woman could hear her over the catchy tune being played.

“I’m not sure if you’ve met everyone here, and in truth, I haven’t either. But I can point out a few that I do know, though I promise there won’t be a quiz later. At least,” Enyd feigned a look of horror, “I hope there isn’t.”

Shifting her drink to her other hand, Enyd took to gesturing toward individuals as she named them. “That beauty is Reggie; she is the one who sent out the invite and arranged this. I just met Arven this evening; he’s the one standing there near the Andorian, Zark, someone else I also just met this evening. My good…friend Victor is already over there dancing. I didn’t meet any of those congregating over there, but it sounded like some sort of reunion.” Enyd shrugged before shifting her attention to the next group. “That blonde woman is Kate, another new face for me, and I don’t know the man she’s near to, but that man there is, um,” Enyd sucked in her lower lip for a quick nibble before rolling her eyes at her own memory lapse, “that is Sorek. And that drink of water is Rhys who near another face I don’t know, yet.” She winked at her companion before finishing her manic round of introductions. “I just met T’Less over there by the Chief, Mickayla. And that,” Enyd grinned and gestured to the last man to be named, signaling for him to come closer, “or rather this, is Sarresh Morali.”

Enyd held up her drink as if in a toast to her fellow Great Hall survivor. “It is good to see you, Morali. Have you come to meet my new friend?” Enyd glanced between Morali and her beautiful companion, curious who would speak first.

*I personally felt a need to name everyone, or near everyone, in one post so I didn’t have to keep scrolling way back to figure out who was here. For further reference sake, Enyd hadn’t heard Scruffy’s name or Asra’s, hence the lack of name drop. And she hasn’t met either of the Pierce’s or Tessa.*

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #39
[ Lt. JG Kate Foster | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @P.C. Haring @Tae @Lathaniel @Ellen Fitz @Stegro88 @RyeTanker @Juzzie @Scavenger01 @Brutus @Griffinsummoner @Pierce @redshift316

Kate caught glimpse of that slight blush in Scruffy’s face as he reacted to her flirtatiously playful teasing, knowing well which chords to pull on to elicit such a response from a man. It would be the first of many she’d hoped to coax out of him throughout the night, genuinely infatuated with his handsomeness already, but finding herself increasingly enraptured by the cuter aspects he’d thus far espoused.

“It’s fine... I won’t hold it against you.” She answered his apology for being late, a pair of her slenderly long fingers held up as she sought to visually order a refill from the bartender. “Or maybe I will?” she teased, swaying her hips once more as she turned her back to him, hoping to emphasize the shapeliness of her toned behind through the black skirt she wore. When an instant later Tessa and Lauren had both arrived, eliciting the combined attention of both Kate and Scruffy, Kate made grand mention of just how incredible the pair of them looked, a little more taken by Tessa’s choice in apparel than Lauren, though she knew the redhead would garner more than her fair share of affection from the concert goers tonight. Grinning as Scruffy made similar open compliment of the two ladies, Kate glanced out of the corner of her eye at him, a playful elbow finding his side as she retrieved a few more shots of Jim Beam from where they’d been deposited on the bar counter behind her, handing him one. Her impromptu toast made, Kate giggled wildly at the absurdity of it all, while thoroughly enjoying the chance to just unwind and have fun with her friends.

Behind her, another set of shots had already been poured, the bartender having pre-emptively figured to offer up a refill to the energetic blonde who had already garnered a healthy amount of his time. Once the shots were all once more poured, the tender then left the bottle settled on the counter nearby, his own non-verbal hint that Kate was more than welcome to start helping herself. After all, he had other customers to attend to, both real, and holodeck imitations of them, and he could already tell that Kate was of the sort to likely need a constant supply all night long. “C’mon! You’ve got some catching up to do!” she shouted out at Tessa and Lauren, fetching up three of the shot glasses to give to them, all the while Slash was in the midst of an elongated guitar solo on the stage, drawing the cheers of the simulated crowd as they reacted accordingly. With a gentle finger poke to his abdomen, Kate hinted to the lucky lone gentleman surrounded by these three ladies to fetch a shot of his own from where it rested on the bar counter.

Without delay, Kate threw back the shot. “Wooooo!” She cried out as the familiar burn ran down her esophagus, the magic that was intoxication by synthehol already starting to gradually touch at the edges of her nerves with an enjoyable buzz.

Giggling loudly as Tessa teased her friend about the oddity of the chemistry developing between herself, Tessa, and Scruffy, Kate once more sought to turn things around on him. “You think he could handle the three of us?” she looked him up and down, over-emphasizing the manner in which her exotically colored eyes trailed past his midsection, then back up to the level of his eyes. “Could be fun to find out.” She commented, playfully sticking out her tongue at him prior to letting another giggle escape. Her gaze finding Lauren again, she was about to yell something at the red-haired girl, about daring her to tease him instead, but before she could, the girl’s attention had shifted after Tessa who’d gone to spark up a conversation with another crimson-haired woman a little further down the bar. Tilting her head, Kate wasn’t sure what to make of it, but she tried to listen in, catching bits and pieces here and there over the loudness of the show still unfolding in the background.

Glancing back at Scruffy as Tessa came back, the other woman in tow, she didn’t know what to expect or make of it, stepping closer to his side so that she could feel the warmth of him in close proximity.

“Hey! It’s umm... nice to meet you!” Kate extended a hand, though there was a momentary recoil on her part at the mention of her step-brother, a million synapses of unpleasant memories and emotions surging throughout her consciousness in an instant. His name had honestly jolted her, causing the smile on her face to noticeably dimmer, though she shook the woman’s hand as greeting. Internally, she screamed at herself for letting Stellan have an effect on her, regardless of whether or not he was even there in person. Instinctively, she wanted to run and hide, but instead stonewalled herself to the reflexive response, deciding to find strength in the company of her friends as a hand slipped around Scruffy’s waist, coming to a rest on the left side of his abdomen as she leant into him a little more. “Umm, yeah that’s great! It’s... it’s a great party. Lieutenant-- erm, Reggie did a great job putting it together!” she explained.

Declining to introduce herself, lest her relation to Stellan be brought up, Kate smiled to the woman as way of apologizing for not being more directly open. Her intention not to seem standoffish while she tried to wipe any thoughts of her brother from her mind. Thankfully, the revelation of a possible relation didn’t occur with regard to her, but rather with Lauren and this other woman. Pierce, had been their shared surname, eliciting something of a deeper introspection as the two women took a more active role in the conversation as it was ongoing. Tessa had tried to alleviate whatever awkwardness had quickly transpired due to Alana’s persistence on the coincidence of their name, but the latter woman hadn’t given it any credence, trying to refocus Lauren into an answer. When it came, Kate found her gaze going back and forth between the two red-heads as they had a bit of a discovery of one another, though over the loudness of their environment it made it difficult to discern with any clarity.

“What do you think that was all about?” Kate whispered to Scruffy as the two red-heads seemed to head off on their own, the parlance taking a more serious and hushed tone without the two of them to intrude upon. Quickly though, Tessa seemed to similarly be excluded from the conversation, returning to join them where they’d been posted up at the end of the bar.

Shrugging, Kate didn’t know what to make of it all, but with her friends in close proximity once more, and the momentary comfort of the man she’d clung unto for support having quelled the nerves stirred up by mention of Stellan, she sought to try and resume enjoying the event as it was transpiring. “I don’t know... I guess we just keep an eye out, and be ready to break them up if fists start flying?” Her gaze looking back up to Scruffy, she let herself pull away from him so that they might have a bit more space to enjoy. “As for us...” she spun round on heel, retrieving three more filled shot glasses which she began handing off to Tessa and Scruffy. “...I say we hit the floor, maybe do a little dancing.” Downing the shot, she stepped closer to Tessa, a teasing finger finding the exposed patch of soft skin between her ample cleavage for a short moment, a longingly playful glance cast back at Scruffy as she began to sway her hips from side-to-side in a sultry manner, coaxing Tessa’s body into similarly moving with deliberate motion, an arm slipping behind the other blonde’s slender waist, while the free waved for Scruffy to join them.

[ On The Stage ]

On stage, the waning chord, drums, and symbols of 'Sweet Child O’Mine' echoed out with a finality as Axel and Slash saluted the uproarious cheering and ecstatic crowd before exiting stage left, a diligently programmed holographic crew immediately running out to begin changing it all over to suit the next act in what was to be an epic night of Rock and Roll.

“...wut you mean I’ve got’too fuckin’ perform again later on? Bull shit! No! No! It’s... it’s bull shit! I don’t care! I don’t... what you mean the microphone is live? Well fuck, why ‘innit you say so sooner, you fuckin’ ass!” the voice of Ozzy piped in over the speakers caused the crowd to react accordingly, their laughter and cheers sounding loudly as the man sauntered back on stage. His annoyance clearly evident in his face as he pointed back at someone, mouthing an obvious obscenity before he turned his focus back to everyone. “Oy! Fuckin’ great show so far, yeah?” he held the mic out to the crowd, they cheered. “Lots more ahead... fuckin’ bull shit too... but, umm, oh, they’re ready?” he glanced over at stage right once more, getting instruction from someone, as behind him the crew had finished changing things over for the next act. “Oy... olright, I’ll do it! Fuck you! Erm... let’s get wild! It’s a bird, it’s a fawkin’ superman, no, it’s fuckin’ Aerosmith! YEAH!!!!” the Prince of Darkness screamed into the mic, as from stage right Steven Tyler, his signature scarf microphone in hand came skipping out to stage, while the teasing chords of ‘Sweet Emotion’ began to blare out from speakers, a twang drawing in underneath before his voice hit, the microphone in his hand nearly engulfed by his big lips.

“...talkin’ bout things, and nobody cares...”

OOC - Okay peeps, we’re onto act three, enjoy! Set-list for Aerosmith is as follows...

Part 3 - Aerosmith
1. Sweet Emotion
2. What Kind of Love Are You On
3. Dream On
4. Angel
5. Come Together

...feel free to progress through each of the songs as you’d like, and at some point, down the line we’ll get to the next act, whenever I or @P.C. Haring feel it appropriate to advance. Thanks again for hanging, joining this thread, and please if there’s anyone else out there that’s new to the SIM, and would still like to join in, please do. It’s incredibly free-form, the only real requirement being that your character not be a Chief of any Department.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #40
[CPO 1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy] @Swift   @Pierce  @Tae

Scruffy breathed a sigh of relief as Kate accepted his apology, only for that breath to get caught in his throat as she turned and swayed her hips to the music, the lines of her torso on showcase by her dress despite the jacket she wore.  He was glad for the interruption of Tessa and Lauren, even if it did prompt further teasing by Kate.

Scruffy looked over at the brunette who walked up to their little group and introduced herself, his eyes sliding up as she mentioned his hair, as if he would be able to see what was on top of his head.  “Yeah, I tried to get it a little more in order than usual,” he said, completely misinterpreting her remark.  “Nice to meet you, Nara.  My friends call me ‘Scruffy.’  So does everyone else, unless I’m in trouble with the brass.  I’m in Engineering, Kate here is in medical and Tessa is one of our fighter pilots.  If you’ll excuse me, it looks like I’ve got some socializing demanded of me,” he said with a chuckle, as Kate pulled him further down the bar.

As the four of them made a fairly intimate circle, a necessity given the loudness of the event, Scruffy briefly noticed Lauren checking him out with a touch of pride, but it was the looks from Kate and Tessa, and the comments between Tessa and Lauren, that only encouraged the blush on his cheeks.  As Kate doubled-down on Tessa’s implications of drawing Lauren into their developing dynamics, the drink he was drinking nearly made him choke, although he kept it covered.  When Kate’s gaze dragged oh-so-slowly up his form, he shot her a look that said, ‘don’t push things too far in front of the newbie.’  He downed another drink as Tessa brought what turned out to be another Pierce over to their group, who, after a tense exchange, dropped one hell of a bombshell on their little group.  The energy and surrealness of the situation put his mind in a spin, or was that the synthehol, so he just stood there as Lauren and Alana walked off to their own reunion.

When Kate had been introduced to Alana, Scruffy couldn’t help but notice the way she seemed to almost jump back into him at the mention of her brother.  He reached one hand up to her right shoulder to give it a reassuring squeeze when he realized how tense she was, and was relieved, and more than a little pleased, when she responded by wrapping an arm around his waist, accepting his support.  He made a mental note of it, but knew it wasn’t a good time to bring up the issue.  “Sounds like someone’s got a lot of ground to cover.”

He felt Kate pull away from him after locking eyes, and smiled back at her as she turned to face both him and Tessa.  He accepted the next shot from Kate with a bit of surprise, but quickly swallowed it as he watched Kate brazenly tease Tessa, beginning to let the music fill them as Kate dragged them toward the dance floor.  “If that means I get to spend more of this night with two lovely ladies, by all means.”

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #41
[ Lt. T'Less & CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @P.C. Haring
“I almost didn’t,” T’Less admitted, not wanting to lie to Reggie, even if the truth might hurt. “But so far I am satisfied that I did,” she added, careful to choose neutral words. Her emotional state was in flux, and she had to force herself to keep it under control. As a Betazoid, Reggie would be able to easily tell if T’Less lost control and that was not something that the Vulcan wanted to happen. The two of them needed to find time to sit down and discuss themselves, but until then, T’Less was not willing to reveal just how much she had changed and how badly it was affecting her.

“I take it you two know each other then,” Mickayla observed with a smile, stating the obvious before taking a sip of her drink.

“From a long time ago,” T’Less confirmed, turning to look at the Klingon, feeling her hair being dragged across her bare shoulders, still unused to the new sensation. “When we were both different people.”

“Must be great to get the chance to catch up then,” Mickayla mused, suddenly introspective about how much she had changed in only the past few months compared to a decade ago. Trying to break her train of thought, she raised her glass at the Betazoid. “Thanks for organising tonight.”


T'Less' New Hair:[Show/Hide]
T'Less' Outfit:[Show/Hide]
Mickayla's Outfit:[Show/Hide]

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #42
[ Lt. JG Tessa May Lance, callsign "GoldenEye", Ensign Lauren Pierce, Lt. Alana Pierce | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | ATTN: @Swift @Griffinsummoner [Show/Hide]

Alana and Lauren continued to catch up in the more secluded section of the bar. Both women were distraught from the recent revelations brought on by each other. The history and the unfortunate circumstances that led to their being present in this particular moment left them bewildered. Deciding to take their conversation somewhere more private, Lauren put up a finger to hold Alana in place. Clearly not wanting her to run off but wanting to connect with her friends again.

She glanced about before finding Tessa waltzing over with Kate and Scruffy following closely behind towards the dance floor. "Wow! This conversation is heavy! I'll fill you guys in later with what I can disclose since you heard some of it. Basically she's only even at this party because she had to. Thankfully she did or I couldn't help her escape. So..." She looked down and her eyes wandered with her glance towards her feet.

"Soooo....what?" Tessa remarked excitedly.

"So, anyways, we're going back to her quarters to talk more in private. Apparently there's a lot more than I expected that had happened. You guys have fun and don't wait up! I'll hopefully catch you all at a gathering soon! Tonight is so bizarre!" Her face crinkled as she smiled too giddy to hold it in. Before she looked back at Alana to return she glanced at Scruffy. "You look great tonight by the way. Just thought I should tell you!" She giggled and ran back towards Alana. Both women walked together as Lauren appeared super excited to have this opportunity while Alana looked startled and pale. The two women continued until they reached the doors of the holodeck and were gone from sight.

Tessa turned back towards Kate and Scruffy. "Well. That was interesting." She remarked about the Pierce's. She heard some of her favorite oldies of classic rock playing in the background and motioned for them to head over to the dance floor. The energy in the room kept her upbeat even more than usual. But then again, it could be the synthehol speaking to her. The vibes of the situation pushed her to continue rocking her hips as she pulled Kate and Scruffy closer. Kate who unexpectedly had placed her index finger down the opening of her dress, touched her cleavage, allowing the feeling to hit her in all the right places. Tessa followed Kate's movements clearly teasing Scruffy...and each other. Now she planned to have some fun.

The music was very loud but the emotions of the moments carried her away with them. It was like flying her Valkyrie in a firefight only, there wasn't the risk of death at the end. Just pure fun. "What do you guys want to do?" Tessa yelled above the music.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #43
[ Lt (jg) Sarresh Morali | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 |  USS Theurgy ] Attn: @redshift316 @Ellen Fitz 

When he'd kicked off from the bar with a drink in hand, Sarresh had housed every intention of wandering among the gathered junior officers and the holograpic music enthusiasts and just see what might happen. While he did just that, he certainly hadn't expected to be almost immediately pulled into a conversation by Lt. Madsen before he'd barely managed a dozen paces. Frankly, he wasn't sure if he were impressed or displeased, but he did his best to plaster a smile on his scruffy face. It came to him easier than he'd expected, and he had to wonder if the alcohol (he'd had enough on this ship to tell the difference between synthehol and the real stuff) was the culprit, or if he, gods above and below forbid, he was actually enjoying himself.

Dismissing that outright unfathomable notion, he ambled over, allowing his eyes to dart from one woman to the other. Swirling pools of iridescent cerulean and emerald took them in, noting that they too had chosen some rather interesting attire, that was, if he remember, mostly correct for the time period. Fishnet stockings and black skirts seemed to be popular with both of them, and if some liberties had been taken in the name of style, Sarresh could hardly complain. He appreciated the effort, in any event, even if the fashions weren't quite all align with the time periods for music. Then again, these artists were being presented in their prime while singing songs that, for some, spanned quite some time between their various creations.

In any event, Madsen - Enyd, he reminded himself, remembering that rank was checked at the door - he remembered as a reasonably component diplomat that wasn't averse to getting her hands dirty. She'd come out of the Great Hall alive, after all, facing down an infested Klingon councilor. Not an easy task. The other woman was passingly familiar. A trio of scars worked their way down her face, and that, he felt, was the kind of trait one did not forget once they'd seen it.He was certain he had seen her in the course of his duties, but damned if he could recall her name.


"Madsen," Sarresh replied, raising his own glass in acknowledgement, his free hand tucked into the pocket of his leather jacket for the moment. He pursed his lips, and gave a small shrug. "Best to call me Sarresh off duty. 'Morali' makes' it sound like I've pissed off someone whom thinks themselves self important." He tried the smile again, not sure if it worked or not, before summoning up a bit of courage and pushing on into the perilous wilds of 'social interaction.'

"It is good to see you up and about. As I recall when we last parted ways you'd gone a few rounds with the enemy and I wasn't exactly in any state to hold a conversation." An understatement. He'd seized up and collapsed, nearly giving the Klingon Intelligence officer he'd been with a heart attack in the process. Hardly his fault that some hell-spawn temporal phantom had managed to break the barriers between timelines to insert himself into the events of the present time stream right as Sarresh had triggered the device to render the infested Klingon relatively inert.

Behind him, he could hear a new band take the stage. He'd been distracted by the two women, and missed the MC's outrageous remarks, but he perked up at the first few cords of the new song. He had the vague impression that this song meant something to him, and it caught him off guard for a moment. That was happening more and more. Snippets and encounters that teased the memory of a memory, without giving him the actual details. Coming to this concert was playing a merry havoc with his ability to stay grounded. But for all that he wouldn't leave and miss the music.

Glancing briefly over his shoulders, he turned his gaze back to Enyd's companion, and dipped his head slightly, the eyes seeming to reflect some of the ambient light of the concert halls.

"I don't think you and I have been formally introduced. To Enyd's point, I wasn't exactly coming over here, but I wasn't not coming over either."Botched that one right up, Morali, good job."Which is to say I'm fairly certain I've seen you before, but I don't know your name." He tapped his chest with the thumb of the hand holding his glass, and managed not to spill any of the alien whiskey in the process. "Sarresh Morali. Temporal refugee at your service."

Clever. Much better than introducing yourself as Frankenstein's Monster. You're getting better at this, or so he told himself. 

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #44
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @RyeTanker @Scavenger01

Now Rhys felt doubly uncomfortable. He had waved at Asra and had started to talk to her, now she was talking back. He tried to keep his face as impassive as possible, but his smile was turning more and more into a rictus. She then asked him a question. His brain stared working over drive fireworks display if poorly digested ideas and thoughts buzzed and flashed behind his eyes. So in panic was he that for a moment he forgot why he had ventured out. “… Music.” He blurted out almost like an expletive after stubbing his toe. “I mean, I like this kind of music…. Anything with guitars to be honest. I like guitars, I play one … I mean not well or anything but…” At that moment he found his drink taken out of his hand and another once placed on the bar next to him.

His right hand opened and shut a few times so that he resembled a confused crab. In many ways the strange, garbled mess of a Scottish accent, came as blessed relief, he could now stop talking for a moment. It was truly a terrible Scottish accent, it sounded like someone who had only heard the accent described and never heard one themselves. His heart lamented for his Celtic brethren.

It was Zark. He was mildly surprised she wanted to interact with him in anyway. Sometimes people who had been his patients wanted to avoid that for various understandable reasons. He laughed a little when Asra made comment on Zark’s lack of impersonation skills. Then he found attention back on himself.

“Oh me?” He said needlessly almost looking around to see if there was a more interesting person stood behind him. “Oh, I am Assistant Chief Counsellor.” He said feeling very ridiculous. How could someone so unsociable be a counsellor, he could see that idea forming in most people’s heads when he spoke to them. He grabbed the new glass gratefully, good old Gin would see him through this. "Yourself?" He said feeling a need to ask the question back.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #45
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

@Juzzie @Scavenger01

Zark let out a whoop of delight as she put her glass down and clapped her hands together in front of her face as her eyes lit up. That was very well done!  You've certainly got a lot of talents you're holding close to the chest.  Must keep an eye on this when she helps dig us out of trouble. Rhys' response on the other hand was well, very Rhys.  The combat medico turned to face the counsellor and a her features softened to one of exasperated fondness as she linked her arms into his. "Ne sois pas si timide, ma chérie."  the Andorian spouted in an accent that wouldn't have been out of place in central France before switching back.  "I'd say you should stop using words like there was a premium on them, but then you wouldn't be you."

Sighing, Zark turned back to Asra.  "I do apologize for jumping in like this, but it's not often I see Rhys going to social events, so this was very unexpected.  Don't let this retiring demeanour fool you, he's one of the best at what he does and he did a much better job of helping me put things in perspective than he's probably be willing to admit.   The blue alien looked back and smiled at the human before turning back to the new Trill.  "Though he's not usually this tongue tied."   Shrugging for emphasis on her confusion.

"I'm also very curious about the new people who are coming aboard and how you got here.  Also considering how quickly you recovered and with that wonderful quick wit, we're lucky to have you!  You have tritanium in your spine, and we need that now more than ever!" The medico was pretty sure the drinks were starting to take effect as she motor mouthed away. "And to bring us back on track before I so rudely interrupted, the good counsellor did have a very pertinent question, what position are you taking on?  If you don't mind me asking, are you joined?"

Ne sois pas si timide, ma chérie = Don't be so shy, dear.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #46
[ Lt. Asra Tek | Next to the bar | Holodeck 02 | Vector 2 Deck 08| USS Theurgy ]attn: @RyeTanker @Juzzie

Asra smiled kindly at Rhys as he stumbled over her question giving him time to get his answer in order. Once he said it she immediately stamped down on the surprise that some one ranking lieutenant or below would hold such a senior position, though she supposed wars did make for rapid promotions, in rank and responsibilities. Before she could even contemplate putting a response together to answer Rhys, Asra's attention was diverted once again to their energetic Andorian friend.

Quirking her head to one side Asra examined Zark once again, it had been a long time since she last worked with languages but the signature lilts of terran french was not hard to pick out. Only a few of the words managed to pull up Tobiar's memories but immediately Asra's eyes darted between Ryhs and Zark trying to examine their body language with each other. Fortunately her silence went completely unnoticed as the andorian immediately filled the space with an avalanche of words.

While her experience wouldn't let Asra take a step back she still leaned back slightly, taking a big sip of her drink to create a small barrier between her and Zark as the avalanche morphed into questions. She still, however, couldn't hold back a tired smile at Zark's question about joining, she had already braced herself for hearing all forms of that question from interested crewmates over the next few days. " I've come to assist the science department with anything they might need, especially with some of the more exotic technology that has come aboard recently" she addressed them both before focusing on Zark " I don't mind you asking at all, yes I am joined, I've been with the Tek symbiont for near on....... five years now " Quickly weighing up her options Asra decided to not inundate Rhys with questions right now and kept her focus on Zark " What about you XamotZark what's your role onboard, are you a councillor as well?" Asra spoke calmly and with a smile but a slight challenge ran underneath Zark's name. She may not be drinking but Asra could already feel her troublesome side coming to the surface as she got more used to the environment.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #47
[Lt (JG) XamotZark zh’Ptrell (Lt. Zark) | Next to the bar | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

@Scavenger01 @Juzzie

Zark nearly sighed at hearing 'XamotZark' again, and would have asked the science officer to relax, except she thought Zark was a counsellor.  The Andorian let out a hearty laugh that lasted for a good 10 or so seconds, accompanied by tears coming out of her eyes, as she disentangled from Ryhs to grab her sides.   "Hoooooeeeeeeeeee!" Zark ended before wiping the tears from her eyes with a thumb.   "By Lor'vela, that's a good one!" Zark croaked out, yep booze definitely at work. Zark's smile was now plastered on her face as she waved to Asra in a placating manner.  "Sorry, Sorry, weeeee! It's not you. It's totally me!  I don't think Rhys could stand to have me in with the other counsellors.  He's a great listener for all the head doctor type stuff, but not me, no way. I'm the ship's seeker of mayhem and saviour of lives under fire, also known as the sole combat medic."  Zark decided to leave it at that for the time being as she completely bulldozered Rhys in the conversation.  Her new conversation companion was just too interesting.

Zark's head tilted from side to side for a moment as the implications of Asra's knowledge filtered their way through the Andorian's mind.  Her smile disappeared as if turned off by a switch and was replaced by a very intense look in an instant and her hands akimbo'd onto her hips right afterwards, though she just barely managed from invading Asra's personal space.  "Hoooold on a minute.  Professional hazard for a cross breed of Security and Medical, but exotic technology?  What exotic technology? And is it dangerous to the crew?"

Zark knew she was taking the safety of the crew quite possibly overboard, but Zark took her professional responsibilities very seriously, especially after recent events.  There was also a niggling in her instincts about Asra that indicated some sort of trouble was brewing, but at this point she didn't know why and now she wanted to know.

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #48
[Lt. Regiene “Reggie” Suder  | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Stegro88‍  @Swift‍  @Ellen Fitz‍  @RyeTanker‍  @Juzzie‍  @Scavenger01@Griffinsummoner‍  @Pierce‍  @redshift316‍ 

T’Less’s confession that she almost did not attend hit Reggie square in the chest, and for a moment there was physical pain.  Had she been too hard on the woman the other night?  Deep down, Reggie knew the truth of T’Less’s words.  They both had changed quite a bit over the past decade…everyone had…anyone would.  Especially after this past decade.  What’s more, the Betazoid thought she sensed something from the Vulcan…the briefest flash of emotion only to disappear just as a fast…a strobe light on the horizon sending out one ping and then fading to darkness.  Had that come from T’Less?  Or had it come from somewhere else and her mind just willed it to come from her?  Given the activity of the night, she suspected the latter was more likely.

The Chief drew her attention, offering thanks for putting the night together. 

“Happy to do it Chief,” she replied raising her own bottle in return before taking the last pull the container had to offer.  “I may be new to the ship, but it was obvious the crew needed an opportunity to kick back and let off some steam.  The added opportunity for me to meet shipmates was just a bonus…”

Her voice trailed off as she met T’Less’s eyes.  Maybe it was Reggie’s perception of the Vulcan or maybe it was reality, but she appeared uncertain and withdrawn.  Reggie felt not need to further expand on what T’Less had said about their past history.

“Unfortunately, we haven’t had a chance to catch up properly yet, Chief.  Timing’s been kinda bad.”

The deflection had the merit of also being the truth.  Trying to catch up on a decade and untangle the web of emotions she was feeling while sitting in a hot tub was probably the worst possible timing there could be.

I want to apologize, T’Less, if was was too harsh the other day.  There was more hurt that needed to get out than I realized.  If you’re willing, I think we should talk and try to catch up properly.  I’ve missed you.

Reggie pushed the thought to T’Less telepathically and let the Vulcan do with it as she would.

“Well,” she said after what might have been too long a silence between the three of them, “I seem to have nothing to drink.  I should rectify that, I think.  I’ll be back.”

She gave Mickayla and T’Less a polite salute with her empty bottle and made her way to the bar, her head a swirl of confusion as yet again the conflicting emotions took her head for a spin.  She was angry, hurt.  But she missed her.  Was glad she was back.  Eager to pick up where they left off, afraid to do the same.  Afraid she would be rejected… afraid she wouldn’t.  What the hell did it all mean?  What was the answer?  Where was the right course?

Reggie sighed as she stepped up to order. 

“Give me a Manhattan.  Make it a double and don’t you dare water it down.”

Re: Day 03 [1930 hrs.] I Wanna Rock-n-Roll All Nite...

Reply #49
[ Lt. Asra Tek | Next to the bar | Holodeck 02 | Vector 2 Deck 08| USS Theurgy ]attn: @RyeTanker  @Juzzie

Asra leaned back slightly, almost taking a step, as her new conversation partner burst into peals of laughter at her question, it was a very odd reaction to a simple question. Asra was about to file it away to look at later when Zark recovered from her mirth and quickly gave an explanation for the odd reaction. The explanation however did explain a number of things about the andorian, the easy outgoing confidence and forward stance both being common hallmarks for members of Starfleet security who in Tek's history often tended to lean towards gregarious to cope with their work. The note that she was the sole combat medic was very interesting however and implied a not insignificant loss of the ship's security complement.

Though Asra had successfully avoided taking a step back at the laughter, the sudden change to serious and intense did have the science officer moving to put just that little more space between her and the clearly combat capable security officer. " Ummmmm.. Asra made a non commital noise as she rapidly tried to wrack her brains as to the classified nature of her new work. She couldn't remember being told that it was specifically classified but just in case she decided to only give a small amount of information " There are several systems though the most prevalent one is a new drive system that Theurgy picked up recently. I don't think there's much danger to the crew from what I've learnt so far the technology seems to have had extensive tests by other parties." Deciding that there was probably enough information out there now to either answer Zark’s query if she knew, or make it obvious that if she didn’t know she wasn't meant to, Asra decided to move the conversation away from that slightly grey area.

From your questions both of you seem like you’ve been onboard for a while” Asra turned between the two of her conversation partners, trying to engage both “ How long have you been part of this? If you don’t mind me asking” Asra tried to move the focus back off herself and depending on the response she might even be able to get Zark talking about the rest of the crew which would be nice to match people to files.

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