Starbase 237

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Starbase 237 was a Federation starbase operated by Starfleet during the 24th century. This base was located in the Delta Vega sector.

In 2359, Lin Kae was born to a Bajoran ambassador and a Starfleet lieutenant working aboard Starbase 237. As a child, Kae suffered from extreme immunodeficiency, forcing him to live the early part of his life within a sterile environment. His father, an engineer aboard the station, configured the safe room with holo-emmiters and programmed various programs to aid with Kae's schooling and social interactions. By the age of eight, Kae had learned to reprogram, using it to advance his education with more challenging tutoring and reconfiguring the teacher hologram to provide an even more adequate teaching experience.

By 2373 the fourteen year old Kae's immunities had grown strong enough to let him integrate into society, though he still chose to spend the majority of his time in holodecks. By this time, he had reached the educational level of a student three years his senior, and chose to apply to Starfleet Academy and it's engineering program. After graduating in 2377 he returned to Starbase 237, where he served under his father for a year before transferring to a Sovereign class starship in 2378.