USS Southern Cross

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The USS Southern Cross
Image by Doc M.

The USS Southern Cross (NCC-71810) was an Avenger-class Federation heavy frigate operated by Starfleet in the late 24th century.

Keval ch'Rayya spent his cadet cruise aboard the Southern Cross in 2372. Cadet Keval was assigned to the tactical department aboard the heavy frigate patrolling the Archanis Sector just prior to the start brief event known formally as the "Federation-Klingon War of 2372-2373" but was more commonly known as the "Two Year War" by most armchair historians. That year, the Southern Cross found itself under attack by suddenly hostile Klingon forces when three birds of prey decloaked and launched a surprise attack on the ship.

Keval ch'Rayya was the only member of his department able to reach the bridge to man the tactical station and repel the attack, which was made much more difficult when a boarding party managed to beam onto the ship which in the end lead to Keval gaining the signature right eyebrow scar from a Klingon blade. During the fight the Southern Cross’ chief tactical and assistant chief tactical officers had been killed.