Morgan Song (KIA)

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Personnel FileY-e6.png
Name:Morgan Li Jie Song
Rank:Petty Officer 1st Class
Orientation:  Bisexual
Birthplace:Tycho City, Luna, Sol System
Height:6'4" (1.9m)
Weight:88 kg
Eye color:Brown
Played by:Godfrey Gao
NCO Starfleet training
Service Record
2371-2372, assigned to USS Profundity
2375-2379, assigned to USS Hypatia
2379-present, assigned to USS Theurgy
None at this time

Morgan Li Jie Song was an Engineering Specialist aboard the USS Theurgy. Early in his Starfleet career he had been captured by the Klingons and spent several years as a prisoner of war. After his release, he was eventually assigned to the USS Theurgy, where he assisted in the opposition against the parasites that had compromised Starfleet Command.


Early Life

Morgan was born in 2350 in Tycho City, Luna, to Imogen Song and Li Huang. The youngest of three siblings, Morgan was primarily raised by his sisters due to his parents’ busy work schedules: his father worked long shifts as an engineer on a deuterium harvesting rig, and his mother was a lieutenant in the United Federation of Planets Starfleet.

Despite his parents’ absence, Morgan was very close with his family. He discovered his aptitude for electronics and mechanical systems by joining his father at work, and he always had a mellow and tight-knit relationship with his sisters Theresa and Kitty. The family would often make trips down to Xiamen, Earth, to visit Huang’s extended family, and some of Morgan’s fondest memories were of the time he spent there.

The only exception to this closeness was Imogen, who returned to Luna very rarely, and as a result Morgan saw very little of her during his life. Nevertheless, Morgan was proud of his mother’s work and eager to follow in her footsteps. At 17, he enlisted in Starfleet as a non-commissioned officer and enrolled in several years of training.

First Assignment

When Morgan completed his training, he was assigned to the USS Profundity, one of the earliest Sovereign-class starships. The ship’s voyages mostly consisted of diplomatic missions, satisfying Morgan’s desire to travel and explore. However, the peace was shattered when the Klingon chancellor Gowron moved to take the Archanis Sector by force.

Returning home from a diplomatic mission to the Shamin, the USS Profundity was rerouted to Ajilon VII to respond to a Starfleet distress signal. But the signal was a trap, and the ship was soon surrounded by multiple Vor’cha-class attack cruisers. The Profundity sustained heavy damage during the ensuing battle, and Klingon boarders captured a number of the crew, including Morgan. The Profundity attempted a retreat, but its fate was unknown. Much of its crew was considered missing in action.

Rura Penthe

Morgan and the other captured crew members were incarcerated on Rura Penthe as prisoners of war, and although the conflict between the Federation and the Klingon Empire officially came to an end a few months later, bureaucracy and corruption extended Morgan’s sentence for nearly three years.

During this time, Morgan survived with the help and protection of Nuran Ora, a fellow prisoner and El-Aurian. In exchange for this protection, Nuran manipulated Morgan to have him use his mechanical skills to build a transponder with scraps stolen, bartered, or salvaged from around the prison, hoping to contact her people and arrange her release. Over time, Morgan fell in love with Nuran, and although it was never quite reciprocated they did find some comfort in each other.

In mid-2374, as Morgan neared his third year of imprisonment, he fell gravely ill. The harsh conditions had finally taken their toll, and as his condition worsened it became clear he was unlikely to survive much longer. Barely conscious and rarely lucid, the next thing Morgan was aware of was awaking on a Starfleet vessel headed to Earth. Nuran had used the newly-completed transponder to contact the Federation, and saved Morgan’s life at the cost of her own freedom.


Re-integrating into society was difficult for Morgan. He initially spent his recovery in Tycho City on Luna with his family, but chose to relocate to San Fransisco, Earth, after only a few weeks. Here he was physically rehabilitated after his illness and years of malnutrition in a harsh climate, as well as going through extensive therapy. After several months, Morgan was once again cleared for active duty and assigned to the USS Hypatia.

Morgan served on the Hypatia for four years. The assignment was uneventful, largely consisting of supply runs and patrols, but Morgan distinguished himself for his work ethic and resilience and eventually rose to the rank of second-class petty officer. He was dedicated but reserved, and did not much form lasting attachments with his crew. So when he was offered the opportunity to transfer to the newly-commissioned USS Theurgy on his commanding officer’s recommendation, he gladly accepted.

The first two years of Morgan’s time on the Theurgy passed much the same as his time on the Hypatia, but it was not to last. When the ship intercepted a series of transmissions exposing the horrifying revelation that members of Starfleet Command had been replaced by impersonators, the Theurgy was forced to flee Earth pursued by Starfleet. Although they managed to escape, when they stopped to resupply on Niga they inadvertently infected members of the crew with a parasitic virus, and Morgan was injured in the ensuing chaos. He was put into stasis to preserve his life, and woken several months later following surgery.

Personality Profile


Morgan often displayed a very level-headed and sometimes subdued personality. Most of his reactions were kept internal and he had much practice at maintaining an adept "poker face". In many respects, he exuded a calculating, observing, and measured presence. Admittedly, much of this he learned from Nuran Ora during his incarceration on Rura Penthe, which became necessary to survive there. While he did have the ability to keep a level head in a crisis, it was possible for him to become slightly overbearing as he struggled to maintain his facade. Morgan often used various tea practices as part of a personal ritual which he used to practice his poise, often practiced in the arboretum or within his quarters. In addition to this, he had also taken up kal-toh, as an exercise in such a practice. While he might have had kept an extensive collection of model ships, tea, and various devices, he viewed his re-emergence from stasis as another chance to start fresh, if possible.

While Morgan could appear distant or contemplative, he could and did open up to people once they got to know him a bit better, and could at times be quite amiable once that occured. Perhaps one of the biggest holdovers from before Morgan's incarceration was his interest in the rumor mill. While he would never admit it outright, he quite enjoyed hearing about gossip and rumors regarding people around him, though he didn't wish to be a part of one himself. Morgan was unsure what to chalk this habit up to, though he prefeeed to think that it's simply an insatiable sense of curiosity made manifest. He also could be found tinkering with various devices and bits of machinery in his quarters, sometimes rigging his model ships to be able to fly. Additionally, Morgan was an avid purveyor of romantic novels and similar works, even favoring older authors such as Daniel Irons.

Physical Profile

Being from Luna, Morgan had had significant exposure to both low-g and artificial gravity environments, putting him at a towering 6'4". He possessed a lean build, not necessarily overly sculpted, but with definitively visible arm, abdominal, and pectoral muscles. In addition, his weekly exercise regimens had given him developed leg muscles, giving him a generally well-developed physique overall. Morgan tended to keep his hair relatively short, though his facial hair tended to vary in length depending on whether or not he actually bothered to shave it back recently. He tended to carry himself with a relaxed but balanced posture, often betraying very little of his internal emotions beneath a maintained facade. Due to a phaser beam that struck his chest cavity during the Niga Incident, Morgan suffered neurological damage and internal burns to his lungs and heart, mandating a biosynthetic heart and an implanted rebreather replacing his trachea.