Earth Spacedock
From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki
Earth Spacedock, also known as Starbase Orunal, Spacedock, and Earth Stardock, was a Federation Orunal-class space station in service with Starfleet in the 24 th century. It has the first Orunal-class station built.
Approval for the construction of Earth Spacedock was given 2263 and construction was finished in 2274.
In 2385, the station became known for the successful hijacking of the recently decommissioned USS Enterprise, that was later scuttled to prevent seizure by the Klingons.
In 2386, the Spacedock and all of the ships within was temporarily but entirely disabled by an unknown alien probe before regaining power with the probe’s departure.
In 2377, Romulan defector Crewman 1st class Lillee i-Fennheii t'Jellaieu was assigned to Earth Spacedock as a flight technician. She served in this capacity before leaving Spacedock in 2378 to enter the Starfleet Command Aide Training Program.