USS Proxima

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The USS Proxima was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet.

Sinead O'Riley’s first assignment in Starfleet was in 2370 aboard the Proxima as a crewman third class in the Engineering Department. She only served aboard the Proxima for a few months before transferring to the USS Odyssey the same year.

In the year 2373, the Proxima was on a exploration mission in the Gamma Quadrant when she disappeared. Involvement of the Dominion was suspected. (DS9 episode: "In Purgatory's Shadow"; Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual)

(It is not been revealed what class of starship the USS Proxima was, but the Beta website lists it as a Nebula class with the registry number of NCC-61952.)